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To understand the impacts of past climatic change and geological events on the evolutionary history of Calligonum sect. Pterococcus, including C. aphyllum, C. rubicundum and C. leucocladum, a total of 128 individuals from 14 populations, mainly from arid Northwest China, were sampled. Two cpDNA intergenic spacer regions (rpl32‐trnL and ycf6‐psbM) were sequenced and 11 haplotypes were identified. Levels of genetic differentiation between populations was low in C. rubicundum (FST = 0.54317, p < 0.001) and C. aphyllum (FST = 0.55795), while much higher in C. leucocladum (FST = 0.95800, p < 0.001), possibly as an effct of differences in geographic distributions and habitats. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that most of the total genetic variations occurred among species (72.97%). Among eleven identified haplotypes, only H1 and H2 were shared between C. aphyllum and C. rubicundum, while nine were private for one of the three species. The eleven identified haplotypes were divided into two major clades, but they did not yield three species‐specific lineages. Calligonum sect. Pterococcus therefore not appeared reciprocally monophyletic, more likely due to incomplete lineage sorting than hybridization. Mismatch distribution analysis suggested that only C. aphyllum has experienced recent demographic expansion. Divergence time among the 11 haplotypes was estimated at between 2.84 Ma and 0.06 Ma. Within the two clades, haplotype divergence began in early Pleistocene and mainly occurred during the middle to late Pleistocene and was most likely triggered by Quaternary climatic oscillations and increasing aridity of the region.  相似文献   

塔里木沙拐枣(Calligonum roborowskii A.Los.)是仅分布于我国西北地区荒漠环境的特有种,其果实为不开裂而周围有椭圆形刺毛的瘦果,以果实为单元进行扩散和萌发。本文采用野外观察与室内控制实验相结合的方法,对塔里木沙拐枣刺毛在果实扩散、吸水、脱水及萌发中的作用进行研究。结果显示:不同贮藏时间的果实颜色、大小、重量及刺毛长度存在显著差异。完整果实在水面漂浮时间及水媒扩散能力比去除刺毛的果实更强。完整果实在1 m/s和4 m/s风速下的扩散距离比无刺毛果实的扩散距离长。10 mmol/L赤霉素(AG3)及不同干藏时间处理的完整果实与无刺毛果实在20℃/30℃光照和黑暗条件下的萌发率间存在显著差异,其中无刺毛果实的萌发率要高于完整果实的萌发率。室外盆栽实验显示,无刺毛果实的萌发率比完整果实高,说明果实刺毛对果实萌发有抑制作用。研究结果表明果实刺毛对塔里木沙拐枣在塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘荒漠环境中的扩散、萌发及种群更新具有重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

Both a complex topography and climate change have huge impacts on the distribution and genetic structure of extant species. Due to the lack of relevant molecular research, little is definitively known about the phylogeography of herbaceous plants in East Asia. Here we investigate the genetic diversity, population structure and historical population dynamics of Iris dichotoma Pallas, a widespread perennial herbaceous species in northeastern and northern China. Twenty-nine populations, totalling 297 individuals, were sampled throughout the Chinese distributional range of I. dichotoma. The combined sequences of six chloroplast DNA fragments (petA-psbE, rps18-clpp, psbJ-petA, trnD-trnT, rps16 and ndhA) were used to identify 13 haplotypes, of which six were private ones restricted in a single population. Genetic differentiation among I. dichotoma populations, enabled us to infer potential refugia during the glacial period in the Yinshan Mountains–Yanshan Mountains, where high levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity were detected. The results of a neutral test and mismatch distribution analysis both indicated that I. dichotoma underwent a recent population expansion. In East Asia, postglacial environmental and climatic changes appear to have promoted genetic diversification not only in better-studied woody species, but also in herbaceous ones like I. dichotoma. Future studies of more herbaceous plant species are needed to obtain better insight into how modern temperate biodiversity has developed in East Asia.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(4):247-253
The geographical distribution of Sciurus vulgaris spans much of the Palearctic from western Europe and the UK eastward to the pacific coast of East Asia. S. vulgaris occurs in China only in the far northwest and the northeast. Understanding of the species’ postglacial expansion history in East Asia has been limited by the paucity of molecular data. In this study, we used partial D-loop and cytochrome b gene sequences to assess mitochondrial DNA variation in S. vulgaris in China. Our objectives were to (1) determine phylogeographical patterns of S. vulgaris in China; (2) understand the species’ postglacial expansion history in this region; and (3) quantify genetic diversity levels within S. vulgaris populations in China. We identified a supported phylogenetic group in S. vulgaris from China, and found no tendency for haplotypes to cluster by geographic region. Our analysis of S. vulgaris from China and other regions supports the hypothesis that the Calabria region of southern Italy is a glacial refugium for the species. We tentatively propose a postglacial expansion pattern for the squirrels: migrating from Calabria via Central and Eastern Europe to Russia and from there to China, and firstly to the northwest and then to northeast in China. We found high levels of genetic diversity in S. vulgaris populations across China as a whole, and discussed its influential factors.  相似文献   

中国西北干旱区蒸散发时空动态特征   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
邓兴耀  刘洋  刘志辉  姚俊强 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2994-3008
利用MODIS ET数据集中2000—2014年的地表实际蒸散发量产品,运用变异系数、Theil-Sen median趋势分析与MannKendall检验和Hurst指数法,研究了中国西北干旱区蒸散发的空间格局、不同维度的空间异质性和时间变化特征及未来趋势预测。结果表明:(1)2000—2014年全区蒸散发量总体较小,蒸散发量小于200 mm的区域占总面积的38.329%。在空间上ET自山区向两侧平原减少,不同土地覆盖的ET大小为:林地农用地草地稀疏植被。受降水和土地覆盖的综合影响,ET的高值区(400 mm)主要在降水丰富的山区林地和草地,而低值区(200 mm)主要在降水较少的平原稀疏植被区和草地。(2)近15年全区蒸散发变异程度不明显,以相对较低的波动变化为主。各亚区内波动较低区域的比例为:北疆天山祁连山内蒙西部河西走廊南疆。(3)15年间全区年均蒸散发量呈波动变化,总体有微弱的减小趋势,变化率为-0.9348 mm/a。基于像元尺度的分析也表明全区ET以减小的变化趋势为主,但各亚区的减小程度各异:天山内蒙西部河西走廊北疆祁连山,仅南疆有增加趋势。(4)全区ET的Hurst指数均值为0.689,Hurst指数大于0.5的范围所占比例为80.033%,未来全区蒸散发的变化趋势以持续性减小为主。其中22.003%区域的变化趋势无法确定。未来各亚区ET的减少趋势为:内蒙西部天山河西走廊北疆祁连山南疆。  相似文献   

中国西北干旱区降水时空分布特征   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
姚俊强  杨青  刘志辉  李诚志 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5846-5855
利用中国西北干旱区122个气象站点1961—2011年月降水量资料,运用线性趋势、Mann-Kendall非参数趋势和突变检验法、Morlet小波分析等方法研究了西北干旱区降水量空间分布及多时间尺度下的变化规律和趋势。结果表明:近50年来西北干旱区降水量呈增加趋势,95.9%的站点有增湿特征,全区增湿趋势为9.31mm/10a(P0.01),但增湿幅度存在区域差异性,其中祁连山亚区(38.67mm/10a)增湿最明显;从季节来看,冬季增湿具有全区普遍性,但夏季增湿的区域差异性特征明显。全区及各亚区降水量在20世纪80年代至90年代初有明显的突变特征,除内蒙西部亚区外均通过了0.01的显著性水平检验,降水量序列存在4、8、12a和22a振荡周期,其中22a尺度振荡周期最强,其次是12a尺度。全区32%的年份降水量属正常范围,偏干年份为24%,异常偏干年份为12%,异常偏湿和偏湿年份均为16%。20世纪70年代之前降水量略低于标准降水均值,80年代开始有区域性增湿趋势,90年代之后全区增湿均较明显,正距平年数比例由70年代的10%上升至21世纪初的80%,西北干旱区整体处于相对湿润时段,且增湿趋势明显。  相似文献   

Diglyphus isaea is one of the primary parasitoids of agromyzid leafminers. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences from 10 Chinese localities were used to investigate geographic variation within this widespread and morphologically uniform parasitoid. Phylogeographic analyses and sequence variation indicated that this species was actually a species-complex. We used an amber fossil record of the genus Entedon (Eulophidae: Entedoninae) as a reference to estimate the divergence time of major clades within D. isaea. With reference to the fossil record of its hosts, our results indicate that associations between parasitoids and leaf-miners could have been possibly established 38.2 million years ago.  相似文献   

近25 年,分子系统地理学研究发展迅速,成为进化及生态学领域一研究热点。翼手目动物具有独特的表型特征和生态属性。对其开展分子系统地理学研究有助于揭示该类群种群遗传现状、地理分布格局及其形成过程。本文从研究种类、方法、内容及成果方面总结了我国翼手类分子系统地理学研究进展,并分析了今后应完善的方面。  相似文献   

西北干旱区生态脆弱性时空演变分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张学渊  魏伟  周亮  郭泽呈  李振亚  张静  颉斌斌 《生态学报》2021,41(12):4707-4719
西部大开发政策实施以来,随着社会经济的发展和环境政策的调整,西北干旱区生态环境发生深刻变化。基于西北干旱区生态本底特征,选取土壤、地形、气候并结合夜间灯光数据构建西北干旱区生态脆弱性评价体系,运用空间主成分分析法(SPCA)、地理探测器对西北干旱区2000、2007、2012、2018年生态脆弱性时空演变及驱动力进行分析。结果表明:(1)从西北干旱区生态脆弱性时空演变特征来看,研究区生态脆弱性以重度脆弱性为主;从不同土地利用脆弱性来看,微度脆弱区以草地、林地为主,轻度脆弱区以草地为主,中度脆弱区和重度脆弱区以未利用地为主,18年来研究区生态脆弱性整体保持不变;(2)影响西北干旱区生态脆弱性分异的主导因素包括土壤有机质含量、地形位指数、气温、降水、夜间灯光指数,各因素对生态脆弱性的平均决定力分别为0.63、0.36、0.27、0.26和0.22。(3)基于生态脆弱性监测结果和驱动因素分析,将西北干旱区划分为5个生态功能区:生态核心保护区、生态综合监测区、生态优化关注区、生态恢复治理区、生态潜在治理区,并提出相应管理方案。研究可以为干旱区生态环境保护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Clump spacing in a desert dwarf shrub community   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A Monte Carlo method based on Ripley's K function-a cumulative function related to the number of plants encountered at different distances from other plants-is used to test the null hypothesis of random distribution of shrub clumps in a desert dwarf shrub community in Namaqualand, South Africa, where Psilocaulon arenosum is the dominant shrub. The method takes into account the apparent regularity of pattern caused by the finite size (up to 2 m diameter) of the clumps. It is shown that the clump centres are significantly aggregated (compared to random expectation) at distances on the order of 1 m. Such aggregation is expected, as a simple result of regeneration near to seed sources, if the time between catastrophic droughts is short in relation to the time required for development of a non-aggregated or regular pattern determined by moisture competition. No significant regulatiry was detected at distances of 3 m or less. One subplot showed regularity above 3 m, but this pattern was not shown by the other subplot and may not be a competition effect. These results support a hypothesis of aggregation caused by regeneration pattern decaying slowly toward randomness as larger individuals compete.We thank C. J. F. ter Braak for suggesting the method of spatial analysis; 1. Noy-Meir, C. J. F. ter Braak and two unnamed reviewers for helpful comments; the Netherlands Science Research Council (ZWO) for financial support to I. C. Prentice (grant B84-218); and Prof. D. von Willert for material support to M. J. A. Werger.  相似文献   

The identification of species via morphological characteristics has traditionally left cryptic species undescribed in taxa under selection for morphological conservation (or a lack of selection for morphological change). Treecreepers (Genus: Certhia) have a conserved morphological appearance, making it difficult to ascertain relationships in the genus based on morphology alone. Recent genetic and song structure studies of Eurasian Treecreepers identified cryptic species within Old World Certhia that were previously undescribed using morphological characteristics. Here, we use mtDNA to investigate cryptic diversity and patterns of diversification in the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana), the single described Certhia species in the Americas. Phylogenetic analyses identified six well-supported geographically-structured clades; the basal divergence separates a northern and a southern lineage in the Brown Creeper, likely cryptic species previously characterized as many subspecies. Sympatry is prevalent between clades in western North America, where possible contact zones warrant further investigation. Allopatry appears to be the primary driver of deep phylogeographic structure within the Brown Creeper; however, within clade diversity is highly correlated with the life history traits of the populations that comprise the geographically structured phylogroups.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (QTP) uplift had a decisive effect on climatic and eco-environmental evolution in East Asia during the Quaternary. In the current study phylogeographic structure and diversification history of Spiraea alpina across the QTP were investigated for the first time based on nuclear internal transcribed spacer. The nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS1a–ITS4) were generated for a total of 284 individuals distributed within 31 natural populations. A clear phylogeographic structure was found for S. alpina. The results showed that this species colonized in three different glacial refugia during the Quaternary extensive glaciation and expanded during the Interglacial period. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed 74.13% genetic diversity among populations and 25.87% genetic variation within populations with distinct phylogeographic structure (FST = 0.741*). The estimated divergence time revealed that the main lineages of S. alpina diversified during the Quaternary 1.2–0.6 million years ago. The study concluded that severe climatic oscillations during Quaternary and the uplift of QTP had a profound effect on intraspecific divergence of S. alpina.  相似文献   

生态经济区划研究——以西北6省为例   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
汇集西北6省区近300个气象站点的多年气象数据,400多个县市的土地利用和社会经济统计数据,提取降水、气温、湿度、土地利用类型、人口、GDP、矿产资源、产业结构(三次产业)等要素,设计了水热状况、人类活动强度、工业化程度、城镇化程度等指标,借助GIS工具,通过要素指标的空间分异特征研究,构筑指标体系,进行了以县域尺度为最小空间单元的生态经济区划研究。根据西北地区县域尺度上的生态环境状况和人类活动状况,将西北划分为3级27个生态经济区。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of climate aridification and oscillations on the genetic diversity and evolutionary processes of organisms in the Quaternary in north‐western China, we selected Nitraria sphaerocarpa and examined the phylogeographical structure and response to historical and environmental factors in populations of this species across most of its covered range. We found twelve haplotypes on the basis of two chloroplast DNA sequences (trnH‐psbA and rpl32‐trnL). The drying climate during the Quaternary is proposed to have been a driver for significant genetic isolation and divergence among populations in N. sphaerocarpa. Except for the sharing of haplotype D between the Hami Basin and Hexi Corridor, as well as of haplotype F between the Hexi Corridor and Alxa Desert, network analysis showed haplotypes to be almost completely different from region to region. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that genetic variation primarily occurred among populations and among nine geographical groups that were distinguished by spatial analysis of molecular variance, and a Mantel test showed that the correlation between genetic and geographical distances was significant. On the other hand, there was evidence for the occurrence of an episode of more favourable conditions in some regions. Geographical range expansion of two groups of N. sphaerocarpa populations was supported by significant values for Fu's FS and unimodel mismatch distributions. During the last interglacial period, a warmer and wetter climate contributed to range expansion within portions of the Hexi Corridor. By contrast, based on ecological niche modelling, N. sphaerocarpa was indicated to have had a shrunken and more fragmented range during the Last Glacial Maximum. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 757–770.  相似文献   

We employed a novel set of six highly polymophic chloroplastic simple sequence repeat (cpSSR) loci to investigate the phylogeography of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex. Loud.), and to examine aspects of the evolutionary process operating on these repetitive DNA sequences. Chloroplast haplotypes of 500 trees, sampled throughout the range of lodgepole pine, were determined. We found a marked association of genetic distance with physical distance within the scale of 0 to 1,000 km, but no association beyond that range. Likewise, geographic clustering was observed only among recent clades in a dendrogram. These phylogeographic patterns are consistant with a rapid rangewide expansion (”big-bang”) followed by recent, local population differentiation (”galaxy formation”). In support of this expansion, coalescent simulations of the genealogical process gave a long-term effective population size in the low thousands, and a time to common ancestry of about 1,500 generations (12,000 years), consistent with a post-Pleistocene population expansion as documented by previous pollen-sediment analyses. Two lines of evidence (mapping mutational events onto a phylogeny, and evaluation of observed versus expected gene diversity) suggest that five of the cpSSR loci evolve primarily by a stepwise model of evolution of single repeat changes (but with a small proportion of changes involving two or more repeats), and the coalescent simulations point to a mutation rate of about 10–3. Received: 7 December 2000 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   

植物的叶片和细根是植物地上部分和地下部分最重要的营养器官,其碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征反映了植物的养分限制状况及叶片与细根间的协同作用,开展叶片与细根化学计量关系的研究,对认识植物养分利用策略及元素间平衡关系有重要意义。对西北干旱区21种荒漠植物叶片与细根C、N、P含量进行了测定,分析了C、N、P含量及其计量比在不同生活型及不同器官间的关系。结果表明:1)西北干旱区荒漠植物叶片与细根C含量相对稳定,叶N、P含量高于细根,说明在干旱生境中,植物对养分的分配侧重于地上部分,以完成其正常的生命活动;叶片与细根的N ∶ P无显著差异,有明显的保守性,表明植物地上与地下部分养分吸收策略与分配规律具有一致性;2)不同生活型植物叶片和细根的C、N、P含量及C ∶ N、C ∶ P存在显著差异,灌木与禾草具有较高的C ∶ N和C ∶ P,杂类草具有较高的N、P含量,说明灌木与禾草倾向于保守型养分适应策略,杂类草倾向于快速生长的资源竞争策略;3)21种荒漠植物叶片与细根N、P含量间均存在显著的正相关关系,表明西北干旱区荒漠植物体内N、P元素间存在相互作用;4)植物叶片与细根间C、N、P含量及C ∶ N、C ∶ P存在等速生长关系,表明植物光合产物和养分在地上与地下部分间的分配具有平行的比例关系,但这种关系受生活型影响。上述结果表明西北干旱区不同生活型植物在恶劣生境中存在不同的养分适应策略,且地上与地下部分的养分利用策略及分配规律存在协同作用,这为进一步认识西北干旱区荒漠植物的养分利用策略提供了试验基础。  相似文献   

基于FVC指数的中国西北干旱区植被覆盖变化Markov过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于1982-2000年NOAA/AVHRR影像的FVC数据,对中国西北干旱区采用先分区再因海拔而异的分类方法进行植被覆盖的遥感分类,并在8 km×8 km空间分辨率下,对研究区植被覆盖变化的任意两年、连续平均和间隔平均转移概率矩阵下Markov过程进行分析与检验,探讨了研究区植被覆盖变化的Markov过程及其指示意义.结果表明:研究区植被覆盖变化受随机过程的控制和长期稳定的驱动因子影响,其转移变化是多重的Markov过程;仅使用两期的植被覆盖变化不能准确预测植被覆盖变化的发展趋势,无论这两期的时间是连续还是有一定时间间隔;对中国西北干旱区而言,连续10年以上的数据变化信息基本可以反映大部分影响该区植被覆盖的因素,采用长期平均转移概率矩阵可以得到较稳定的模拟与预测;植被覆盖变化是长期的动态平衡,平衡一旦被打破,建立新平衡是一个很长的时间过程.  相似文献   

基于林业清查资料的桂西北植被碳空间分布及其变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2005-2010年林业资源清查数据,采用材积源生物量法,运用地理信息系统技术,估算和分析了桂西北植被碳密度及其储量的空间分布及其变化。结果显示:(1) 研究区域从2005年到2010年呈现碳汇变化趋势,植被碳储量由4.19×104t增加到4.27×104t(增幅为1.84%),植被碳密度从29.04t/hm2增加到29.57 t/hm2。(2) 从治理措施、林种起源方式及林种类型来看,自然保护区的植被碳密度最大,超过40 t/hm2。2005-2010年,人工植苗、直播、飞播和萌生方式植被碳密度增加,退耕还林工程的植被碳密度均呈明显增长(增加3.00 t/hm2),所有林种碳密度都呈不同程度的增长。 (3)植被碳密度空间分布上,大致表现为西部高、中东部低,北部高、南部低。西部区植被碳密度均值超过40 t/hm2,中东部区植被碳密度均值低于25 t/hm2。植被碳密度变化在空间分布上表现为无论是非喀斯特区还是喀斯特区的植被碳密度都有增长趋势,其中有7个县市植被碳密度升级为更高等级。研究表明,随着退耕还林、生态移民等治理措施的实施,区域植被碳密度显著增加,生态环境好转。  相似文献   

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