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Many behavioural traits are considered to be condition‐dependent, reflecting the differential allocation of resources to fitness‐related traits and maintenance, although the physiological underpinnings of condition dependence are not well understood. In the present study, the hypothesis that condition dependence in male Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer is mediated by a decrease in metabolic rate with declining condition is tested. CO2 production is measured by flow‐through respirometry, with insect condition manipulated through starvation. Crickets starved for 7 days have lower CO2 emission rates than individuals starved for only 24 h. However, carbohydrate reserves are depleted in the first 3 days, suggesting that the initial metabolism is primarily fuelled by carbohydrate, with a shift to lipid stores after 3 days. If the metabolic rate is estimated using respiratory quotients reflecting this shift in fuels, there is no difference in metabolic rate between crickets starved for 24 h and 7 days, suggesting that metabolic rate does not decrease with declining condition. This implies that a decrease in metabolic rate during starvation may not be a general pattern in insects, and emphasizes the need to consider fuel use during metabolic rate estimation in starvation studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare both the whole-body and pharmacological-induced sweat rates of men and women following humid heat acclimation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of modulating the plasma concentrations of the avian antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasotocin (AVT), upon the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Pekin ducks. LPS, intravenously administered into conscious control birds at a dose of 1 μg · kg−1, caused a monophasic increase in body temperature of 0.85 ± 0.12 °C associated with a Thermal Response Index of 2.5 ± 0.6 C° h. Plasma AVT concentrations in the control birds also increased with the progression of the fever response, more than doubling from their basal values. Ducks in which the circulating level of AVT had either been elevated by the intravenous infusion of the peptide or dehydration, or reduced by the administration of a specific AVT antibody prior to LPS administration, produced body temperature profiles and Thermal Response Index values that did not differ significantly from those of the control birds. The lack of any direct effect of variations in plasma AVT concentrations upon the magnitude of the fever response indicates that the LPS-induced elevation in plasma AVT is not associated with modulating the rise in body temperature obtained in avian fever. Accepted: 7 March 2000  相似文献   

1. We compared the mean, limits and breadth of the preferred thermal range (PTR) of two Iberian populations of the lizard Psammodromus algirus separated by 700 m altitude in May and July.  相似文献   

In the nonbreeding season, some bird species express high levels of aggression despite basal plasma testosterone (T) concentrations. Consequently, nonreproductive aggression is believed to be independent of plasma T. In the present study, we investigated the effect of castration on nonreproductive aggressive behavior in yearling male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). We paired castrated (Cx) with control (C) males in dyadic trials during three test periods (December, January-February, and March-April), and by using an infrared camera, we defined which male was the most aggressive one when both males were competing over access to a nest box to roost in. During each of the three periods, Cx males behaved more aggressively than C males but differences between groups did not reach significance. When analyzing the results of the three periods together, Cx males were found to be significantly more aggressive than C males. Likewise, when considering only the second and third period (when plasma T levels of C males were significantly higher than those of Cx males) the same result was obtained. Furthermore, in the third period, aggression tended to be lower than in the first and second period, although T concentrations of C males were highest in this period. Our data thus clearly show that nonreproductive aggression in yearling male starlings is independent of gonadal sex steroids and suggest it even increases by castration.  相似文献   

Summary There are several published hypotheses that consider spacing behavior to be a significant factor causing the multiannual density fluctuations characteristic of some microtine rodent populations. Recent modeling efforts have concluded, however, that spacing behavior should have a stabilizing rather than a destabilizing effect on population dynamics. Why doesn't spacing behavior stabilize these cyclic populations? We argue that while spacing behavior does have a stabilizing influence on population dynamics by limiting the number of breeding individuals, reproduction continues and population size is not limited in an asymptotic manner. Rather, microtine social organization produces demographic changes within a population that allow density cycles to occur under certain conditions. Using a simulation model, we demonstrate that in a strongly seasonal environment populations with low density dependence in reproduction will cycle whereas populations with high density dependence in reproduction will have relatively stable densities. Given such complicating factors as the annual species nature of microtine rodents, occasionally intense predation, and the tendency for territoriality to break down during the non-breeding season, individuals with low density dependence in reproduction will always be able to invade and eventually dominate populations with high density dependence in reproduction, regardless of the resulting destabilization of population dynamics.  相似文献   

Although the importance of diet in human cancer is clear, most dietary studies of carcinogenesis in laboratory rodents have involved the use of large doses of a carcinogen, which is not comparable to the human situation. The use of carcinogens has been necessary because laboratory rodents have extremely low spontaneous rates of colon cancer. Newmark et al. (2001) showed, however, that a radical dietary manipulation sufficed to induce high rates of colon cancer in C57BL/6 mice. Here we report an investigation into whether or not this dietary manipulation acts by altering somatic mutation rates. We used the transgenic lambda cII locus of F1 pups (C57BL/6 × Big Blue®) with the same C57BL/6 genetic background. The same diet (ND), high in fat, and low in calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, choline, and fibre, that was used by Newmark et al. (2001) was fed ad libitum to dams during pregnancy and lactation in order to examine its effect on mutagenesis in development and growth. There was no significant difference in mutant frequency in the small intestine (P = 0.82), or bone marrow (P = 0.95) of pups fed a ND versus the control diet. To investigate the effect of a ND during adulthood, 6-week-old F1 pups were fed a ND ad libitum for 6, 12 and 19 weeks. There was no significant difference in mutant frequency in the small intestine (P = 0.66) or colon (P = 0.49) at the cII locus with no significant difference in body weight. These results indicate that Western diet-induced carcinogenesis is not mediated by alterations in mutation rate and thus may act at the promotion rather than at the initiation stage of carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of male and female age on reproductive success is vital to explain the evolution of life history traits and sex‐specific aging. A general prediction is that pre‐/postmeiotic aging processes will lead to a decline in the pre‐ and postcopulatory abilities of both males and females. However, in as much the sexes have different strategies to optimize their fitness, the decline of reproductive success late in life can be modulated by social context, such as sex ratio, in a sex‐specific manner. In this study, we used Drosophila melanogaster to investigate whether sex ratio at mating modulates age effects on male and female reproductive success. As expected, male and female age caused a decrease in reproductive success across male‐biased and female‐biased social contexts but, contrary to previous findings, social context did not modulate age‐related fitness decline in either of the two sexes. We discuss these results in the light of how sex ratio might modulate pre‐/postcopulatory abilities and the opportunity for inter‐ and intrasexual competition in D. melanogaster, and generally suggest that social context effects on these processes are likely to be species specific.  相似文献   

Comparative studies documenting a relationship between male gonadal investment and the degree of sperm competition (SC) have usually considered the association between these traits to be driven by qualitative differences in the mating system, such as whether spawning occurs in pairs or groups. However, ecological and demographic differences between conspecific populations may also generate variation in the importance of SC that can drive the evolution of male gonadal investment. In this study, we examined whether variation in population density, which is predicted to influence the level of SC in many animals, is correlated with male gonadal investment among populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, a species with internal fertilization in which multiple mating is common. We complemented this field study by testing whether males respond plastically to experimentally increased levels of SC by increasing investment in testis. This experiment involved two treatments. In the first, we eliminated the potential for sperm competition (NSC) by housing a single male with a single female. In the second, we created a high risk of SC by housing five males with two females. In the field survey, we found significant differences among populations in density and relative testis mass. However, there was no evidence for a correlation between population density and relative testis mass. In our lab experiment, males did not adjust their gonadal investment in response to experiencing different levels of SC for 4 weeks. Our combined results indicate that gonadal investment in male H. formosa is not related to variation in population density.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effect of local adaptation to developmental density on male mating success in laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Mating success is known to be influenced by body condition which can in turn be influenced by local adaptation. We test the hypothesis that males adapted to a given environment have higher mating success when assayed in that environment. We used males selected for adaptation to high larval density and their controls which are reared at low larval density. We grew assay males in low and high densities whereas the focal females (raised at low larval density) used for the experiment belonged to the common ancestor of selected and control populations. We considered selected males grown at high density and control males grown at low density as ‘adapted’. Similarly, we considered selected males grown at low density and control males grown at high density as ‘nonadapted’. Selected male belonging to a given treatment (larval density) was made to compete with control male of the same treatment for mating with ancestral female. We quantified components of reproductive fitness: mating latency, copulation duration, mating success and number of progeny sired by the ‘adapted’ and ‘nonadapted’ males. The results show that local adaptation does not lead to higher mating success in populations adapted to their own larval rearing environment.  相似文献   

We tested whether plants allocate proportionately less biomass to roots in response to above-ground competition as predicted by optimal partitioning theory. Two population densities of Abutilon theophrasti were achieved by planting one individual per pot and varying spacing among pots so that plants in the two densities experienced the same soil volume but different degrees of canopy overlap. Density did not affect root:shoot ratio, the partitioning of biomass between fine roots and storage roots, fine root length, or root specific length. Plants growing in high density exhibited typical above-ground responses to neighbours, having higher ratios of stem to leaf biomass and greater leaf specific area than those growing in low density. Total root biomass and shoot biomass were highly correlated. However, storage root biomass was more strongly correlated with shoot biomass than was fine-root biomass. Fine-root length was correlated with above-ground biomass only for the small subcanopy plants in crowded populations. Because leaf surface area increased with biomass, the ratio between absorptive root surface area and transpirational leaf surface area declined with plant size, a relationship that could make larger plants more susceptible to drought. We conclude that A. theophrasti does not reallocate biomass from roots to shoots in response to above-ground competition even though much root biomass is apparently involved in storage and not in resource acquisition.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function that occurs during aging. Nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide are generated by skeletal muscle and where these are generated in proximity their chemical reaction to form peroxynitrite can compete with the superoxide dismutation to hydrogen peroxide. Changes in NO availability may therefore theoretically modify superoxide and peroxynitrite activities in tissues, but published data are contradictory regarding aging effects on muscle NO availability. We hypothesised that an age-related increase in NO generation might increase peroxynitrite generation in muscles from old mice, leading to an increased nitration of muscle proteins and decreased superoxide availability. This was examined using fluorescent probes and an isolated fiber preparation to examine NO content and superoxide in the cytosol and mitochondria of muscle fibers from adult and old mice both at rest and following contractile activity. We also examined the 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and peroxiredoxin 5 (Prx5) content of muscles from mice as markers of peroxynitrite activity. Data indicate that a substantial age-related increase in NO levels occurred in muscle fibers during contractile activity and this was associated with an increase in muscle eNOS. Muscle proteins from old mice also showed an increased 3-NT content. Inhibition of NOS indicated that NO decreased superoxide bioavailability in muscle mitochondria, although this effect was not age related. Thus increased NO in muscles of old mice was associated with an increased 3-NT content that may potentially contribute to age-related degenerative changes in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Rat pancreatic acinar cells AR 4-2J respond to dexamethasone by differentiation and a decreased proliferation rate. Protein labelling by [3H]-mevalonolactone, used as a precursor of farnesyl and geranylgeranyl isoprenoid groups, was increased in the presence of dexamethasone. In these same conditions, dexamethasone decreased HMG-CoA reductase activity, leading to a diminished isotopic dilution of the mevalonate precursor. As ras proteins, known to be involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation, need to be farnesylated for full biological function, we also measured the level of farnesyl transferase activity and found a dose-dependent decrease in dexamethasone treated cells. Despite these negative effects of dexamethasone on mevalonate pathway, there was no appearance of non-isoprenylated forms of ras, indicating that the level of isoprenoid precursors and farnesyl transferase activity were not limiting in this model.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts due to divergent male and female interests in reproduction are common in parasitic Hymenoptera. The majority of parasitoid females are monandrous, whereas males are able to mate repeatedly. Thus, accepting only a single mate might be costly when females mate with a sperm‐depleted male, which may not transfer a sufficient amount of sperm. In the present study, we investigated the reproductive performance in the parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus Först. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and studied whether mating with experimentally sperm‐depleted males increases the tendency of females to remate. Males were able to mate with up to 17 females offered in rapid succession within a 10‐h test period. The resulting female offspring, as an indirect measure of sperm transfer, remained constant during the first six matings and then decreased successively with increasing number of copulations by the males. Experimentally sperm‐depleted males continued to mate even if they transferred only small amounts or no sperm at all. Unlike males, the majority of females mated only once during a 192‐h test period. A second copulation was observed only in a few cases (maximum 16%). The frequency of remating was not influenced by the mating status of the first male the females had copulated with, suggesting that these events are not controlled by sperm deficiency of the females. Furthermore, we investigated male courtship behaviour towards mated females. Male courtship intensity towards mated females decreased with increasing time. However, females that had mated with an experimentally sperm‐depleted male did not elicit stronger or longer‐lasting behavioural responses in courting males than those that had mated with a virgin male. As the observed behaviours in L. distinguendus are known to be elicited by a courtship pheromone, these results suggest that females no longer invest in pheromone biosynthesis after mating (as indicated by ceasing behavioural responses of courting males), irrespective of whether they have received a sufficient amount of sperm or not. We discuss the results with respect to a possible mating strategy of sperm‐depleted males.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):529-535
Aedes aegypti control in Brazil comprises integrated actions, in which larvicide application is a supplementary measure. Despite the importance of analyzing the effects of temperature on the efficiency of larvicides to control mosquito populations, there is still a lack of information regarding the sublethal effect of larvicides. We hypothesized that mosquitoes which survived pyriproxyfen exposure, during their immature development, have small body sizes and live less than mosquitoes that were not exposed to this larvicide. We investigated the sublethal effects of five different pyriproxyfen concentrations (0.0001; 0.001; 0.01; 0.1 and 1 mg.L−1), under three different temperatures (20, 25 and 30 °C). As we increased the larvicide concentration, less larvae survived and developed into adults. However, at 30 °C the survival was higher than at 25 °C and 20 °C comparing the concentrations of 0.001 mg.L−1 and 0.01 mg.L−1 (10% and 16% high, respectively). Mosquito survivors to pyriproxyfen exposure, in all thermal conditions, had shorter adult life spans than mosquitoes not exposed to pyriproxyfen during the larval stage. The females exposed at 30 °C showed smaller wings than females from experiments at 20 °C. These findings provide evidence that the biological parameters of the adult lifespan and wing centroid size are impaired due to larval exposure to pyriproxyfen, even at high temperatures. Reduced longevity and small wing size are fitness costs to survive this larvicide exposure. These findings provide support to assess resistance development to larvicides through future generations and contribute to the discussion on improving the rational application of larvicides.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a well‐known phenomenon, but there are still relatively few studies addressing the question of reproductive isolation between related sympatric animal species with largely overlapping ranges. Population density, relative abundance, and operational sex ratio (OSR) are among the factors known to have an influence on the frequency of heterospecific matings in sympatric populations. Here we had two aims. First, we used microsatellite markers and field observations to study the frequency of hybrids, and backcrosses, and the rate of heterospecific matings between two sympatric damselfly species Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1780) and Calopteryx virgo (Linné, 1758). Second, we investigated the role of population densities, relative abundances, and OSRs on conspecific and heterospecific mating rates. Altogether we genotyped 2104 individuals from both species and found four hybrids (0.19%), one of which was a backcross. Of all the 272 matings observed, 17 (6%) were between heterospecifics, and all of these were between a C. splendens male and a C. virgo female. In addition, all of the hybrids contained mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of C. virgo. We show that the population density of C. virgo, which was the maternal species of all the heterospecific matings and hybrid individuals, was the only significant factor covarying with the rate of the heterospecific matings. The OSRs did not correlate with the rate of con‐ or heterospecific matings. Studies on interspecific interactions in sympatric species can give information about the maintenance of reproductive isolation, and thus speciation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that, in social Hymenoptera, the parentage of males should be determined by within-colony relatedness. We present a model showing that, when sex ratios are split (bimodal) as a function of colony kin structure, the predictions of kin selection theory regarding the occurrence of worker reproduction and policing (prevention of worker reproduction) require modification. To test the predictions of kin selection theory and our model, we estimated using microsatellites the frequency of worker-produced male eggs and adults in the facultatively polygynous (multiple-queen) ant Leptothorax acervorum. Analysis of 210 male eggs and 328 adult males from 13 monogynous (single-queen) and nine polygynous colonies demonstrated that the frequency of worker-produced males was low (2.3-4.6% of all males) and did not differ significantly between colony classes or between eggs and adults. This suggested workers' self-restraint as the cause of infrequent worker reproduction in both colony classes. Such an outcome is not predicted either by comparing relatedness values or by our model. Therefore, it appears that factors other than colony kin structure and sex ratio effects determine the pattern of male parentage in the study population. A likely factor is a colony-level cost of worker reproduction.  相似文献   

The provision of supplemental ascorbic acid has been reported to lower the body temperature of chickens maintained at elevated environmental temperatures. Since body temperature is the net effect of heat production and heat loss, it is not known if the reductions in body temperature were due to a lower heat production or an increase in heat loss. The purpose of this work was to determine if supplemental ascorbic acid facilitates heat loss in chickens exposed to an elevated temperature. On day 12 post-hatch broiler chickens were implanted intra-abdominally with a thermo-sensitive radio transmitter. The following day, birds were placed inside an indirect calorimeter maintained at 34 C for 24 h and provided water containing 0 or 400 ppm ascorbic acid. Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, heat production, respiratory exchange ratio, and body core temperature were measured for 3 h; beginning 21 h after the birds were placed inside the calorimeter. No differences were observed in heat production or body core temperature between birds provided or not and 400 ppm ascorbic acid. This suggests that ascorbic acid has no effect on heat loss. Birds provided ascorbic acid did exhibit a significantly lower respiratory exchange ratio suggesting a greater utilization of lipid for energy production. Although lipid has a lower heat increment compared with protein and carbohydrate, the significance of this finding to birds exposed to elevated temperature is not known. In conclusion, under the conditions of this study the provision of supplemental ascorbic acid to broiler chickens maintained at an elevated temperature did not affect heat loss as inferred from measured heat production and body core temperature.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that relative allocation to female function increases with plant size in animalpollinated species.Previous investigations in several monoecious Sagittaria species seem to run contrary to the prediction of size-dependent sex allocation (SDS),throwing doubt on the generalization of SDS.Plant size,phenotypic gender,and flower production were measured in experimental populations of an aquatic,insect-pollinated herb Sagittaria trifolia (Alismataceae) under highly different densities.The comparison of ramets produced clonally can reduce confounding effects from genetic and environmental factors.In the high-density population,48% of ramets were male without female flowers,but in the low-density population all ramets were monoecious.We observed allometric growth in reproductive allocation with ramet size,as evident in biomass of reproductive structures and number of flowers.However,within both populations female and male flower production were isometric with ramet size,in contrast to an allometric growth in femaleness as predicted by SDS.Phenotypic gender was not related to ramet size in either population.The results indicated that large plants may increase both female and male function even in animal-pollinated plants,pointing towards further studies to test the hypothesis of size-dependent sex allocation using different allocation currencies.  相似文献   

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