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The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the most serious pest of citrus as the vector of Huanglongbing (HLB), the citrus greening disease. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of D. citri has been sequenced and annotated, and a comparative analysis is provided with known Psylloidea species. The mitogenome of D. citri is a typical circular molecular of 15,038 bp in length with an A + T content of 74.56%, contains the typical 37 genes and the gene order is identical to the other Psylloidea mitogenomes. The nucleotide composition and codon usage of D. citri are similar to the four Psylloidea species. All protein-coding genes (PCGs) use standard initiation codons (TAN), stop with TAA and TAG except ND2 and ND5 which stop with incomplete termination codon T. All tRNAs have the typical clover-leaf structure, with the exception of trnS1 lacking the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm. The control region is located between rrnL and the trnI gene with the highest A + T content among the five Psylloidea species. Phylogenetic analysis is conducted based on the 13 PCGs or/and 2 rRNAs of 23 Sternorrhycha mitogenomes. Both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analysis suggest a clear relationship of Psylloidea, Aleyrodoidea and Aphidoidea within Sternorrhycha, which support the traditional morphological classification.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationship within Neuroptera is controversial, particularly for the various hypotheses based on both morphological and molecular evidence. In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Gatzara jezoensis, which is the second representative of the tribe Dendroleontini. The G. jezoensis mitogenome contained the conserved set of 37 mitochondrial genes and a putative control region, with a conserved gene arrangement which was similar to that of most sequenced neuropteran mitogenomes. All transfer RNAs exhibited the canonical cloverleaf secondary structure, except for trnS(AGN). The control region contained two conserved elements (ploy-T stretch and ATGGTTCAAYAAAATAAYYCYCTC motif) and abundant microsatellite-like elements. The phylogenetic analysis of sequenced neuropteran mitogenomes using the concatenated protein-coding genes (PCGs) and ribosomal genes recovered the monophyly of Myrmeleontidae, which revealed this dataset could generate the more robust phylogeny of Neuroptera than that of 13 PCGs dataset.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) can provide novel insights into understanding the mechanisms underlying mitogenome evolution. In this study, the complete mitogenome of Eriocheir japonica sinensis (Decapoda: Varunidae) was determined to be 16,378 bp, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes and a D-loop region. The AT skew of the E. j. sinensis mitogenome was slightly negative (−0.016), indicating a higher number of T compared with A nucleotides. The nucleotide composition of the mitogenome was also biased toward A + T nucleotides (71.6%). All PCGs were initiated by ATN codons. Eight of the 13 PCGs harbored the incomplete termination codon by T, or TA. All other tRNA genes displayed a typical clover-leaf structure of mitochondrial tRNA. The D-loop region of the E. j. sinensis mitogenome was 918 bp in length. Based on 13 PCGs, phylogenetic analysis confirmed the placement of E. j. sinensis within the Varunidae.  相似文献   

Herein, the complete mitochondrial genome of Odontobutis haifengensis was sequenced for the first time. The O. haifengensis mitogenome was 17,016 bp in length and included 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and a control region (CR). The genome organization, base composition, codon usage, and gene rearrangement was similar to other Odontobutis species. Furthermore, a tRNA gene rearrangement within the SLH cluster was found to be identical to other Odontobutis species. Moreover, the gene order and the positions of additional intergenic non-coding regions suggests that the observed unique gene rearrangement resulted from a tandem duplication and random loss of large-scale gene regions. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis showed that Odontobutis species form a monophyletic clade due to the conserved mitochondrial gene rearrangement. This study provides useful information that aids in a better understanding of mitogenomic diversity and evolutionary patterns of Odontobutidae species.  相似文献   

The genus Capricornis (Caprinae, Bovidae) includes six species, i.e., Capriconis sumatraensis, Capricornis swinhoei, Capricornis crispus, Capricornis rubidus, Capricornis milneedwardsii and Capricornis thar. Based on morphological, anatomical and physiological evidence, the Himalayan serow (C. thar), which is distributed in the mountain regions of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas, is generally classified as a species of the genus Capricornis. However, considering the lack of molecular phylogenetic evidence, a heated controversy still exists over the taxonomic position of the Himalayan serow. To determine the phylogenetic status of C. thar, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) of one Himalayan serow using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Then, we constructed a molecular phylogenetic tree of the genus Capricornis and its related species in the Caprinae subfamily based on maximum likelihood and Bayesian interference methods. The results reflect that the structural characteristics, nucleotide content and codon usage bias of the mitochondrial genome of the Himalayan serow were similar to those of other serows. A phylogenetic analysis using two rRNA genes and 12 encoded protein-coding genes indicated that C. thar is clustered within the C. milneedwardsii clade, which is a sister group of C. sumatraensis. The present study provides useful information about the evolution of the Himalayan serow, which will be essential for conservation genetic studies.  相似文献   

王加连  杨光 《兽类学报》2012,32(1):1-11
草兔(Lepus capensis)在我国数量多,分布广,但人们对草兔的系统地理学、草兔与其他兔类的系统发育关系了解不多,其亚种水平的分类也长期存在争议。本研究通过LA-PCR 技术对草兔线粒体基因组全序列进行PCR 扩增、序列测定和分析,并基于线粒体基因组12 个蛋白质编码基因10 776 bp的核苷酸序列,采用贝叶斯法(BI)和最大似然法(ML)构建哺乳纲(Mammalia) 灵长总目(Euarchontoglires)5 个目12 种动物的系统发育关系,结果支持兔形目(Lagomorpha)的单系起源,其中草兔与欧洲野兔(L. europaeus)亲缘关系最近,两者互为姐妹群,进而与家兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)构成姐妹群关系。此外,基于线粒体细胞色素b 基因全序列,构建31 个兔类个体的系统发育关系,结果显示,草兔与雪兔(L. timidus),云南兔(L. comus) 与高原兔(L.oiostolus),东北兔(L. mandschuricus)与塔里木兔(L. yarkandensis) 有较近的亲缘关系,而在草兔内部,中国的草兔与南非草兔亲缘关系较远,采自江苏盐城的草兔与来自山东、陕西、四川的草兔聚为一支,具有明显较近的亲缘关系。该研究为更好地探讨草兔系统发育关系提供了进一步的分子生物学资料.  相似文献   

Genus Lateolabrax consists of three species, Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus, spotted sea bass Lateolabrax maculatus and blackfin sea bass Lateolabrax latus. The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the three sea basses were amplified and sequenced to characterize and discuss their phylogenetic relationships. The length of mitogenomes was 16,593 bp, 16,479 bp and 16,600 bp, respectively, and all of them consisted of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) and a control region, which are typical for mtDNA of vertebrate. Most genes were encoded on the H-strand, except for the ND6 and eight tRNA genes encoding on the L-strand. A significant variation among the three species was detected in length of the control region. Phylogenetic relationship among the three species was constructed based on the datasets, including the 12 protein-coding genes (except ND6 gene), 22 tRNA and 2 rRNA sequences. The results supported the sister taxon between L. japonicus and L. maculatus. The genetic resources reported here are useful for further studies in taxonomy and phylogeny of the three sea basses and related species.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Periplaneta brunnea was sequenced in this study and used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship of Blattodea. The circular mitogenome was 15,604?bp long and exhibited typical gene organization and order, consistent with other sequenced Periplaneta mitogenomes. The initiation codon of the P. brunnea COX1 gene was unusual in that no typical ATN or TTG start codon was found. The two longest intergenic spacer sequences found in the P. brunnea mitogenome were 21 and 17?bp long. Twenty-one base spacer had a 4?bp motif (TATT) between tRNA-Glu and tRNA-Met that conservatively displayed in 9 sequenced blattarian mitogenomes. The second spacer was between tRNA-Ser (UCN) and NAD1 containing a 7?bp motif (WACTTAA) that was highly conserved in 14 blattarian mitogenomes. The control region showed a relatively fixed motif present in 6 Blattidae mitogenomes, with a big stem-loop structure. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using site-homogeneous models based on 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) and two RNA genes. The trees derived from Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses and recovered a relatively stable relationship among major lineages except for the position of Polyphagidae and inter-family relationships of Blaberidae. Analyses supported the monophyly of Blattidae, Blaberidae, Blattellidae, Polyphagidae, Dictyoptera, and the paraphyly of Blattaria. We also found Mantodea was the sister clade to (Blattaria?+?Isoptera), being the basal position of Dictyoptera in all topologies. Meanwhile, our results also consistently supported that Isoptera should be clustered with Blattaria of Blattodea.  相似文献   

Cheng Y  Xu T  Shi G  Wang R 《Marine Genomics》2010,3(3-4):201-209
The complete sequence of the 16,493 nucleotide mitochondrial genome from the single species of the family Sciaenidae, the miiuy croaker, Miichthys miiuy, was determined. The nucleotide sequences of M. miiuy mitochondrial DNA have been compared with those of three other Sciaenidae fishes. The contents of the M. miiuy mitochondrial genome are 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and 22 transfer RNA genes, and two non-coding regions (L-strand replication origin and control region), the gene order of which is identical to that observed in most vertebrates. The L-strand replication origin of M. miiuy is not pyrimidine-rich compared to those of most bony fishes. Within the control region, we identified the extended termination associated sequence domain, the central conserved sequence block domain and the conserved sequence block domain, while the typical central conserved blocks CSB-D, -E and -F could not be detected in the three other Sciaenidae species. In the ML phylogenetic analyses, the monophyly of Pseudosciaeniae was not supported, which is against with the morphological results. Collichthys niveatus is most closely related to Larimichthys polyactis, and Collichthys and Larimichthys may be merged into one genus, based on the current datasets.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Pycnonotus xanthorrhous was sequenced via next generation sequencing. The full length of the circular genome is 16,952 bp. It consists of 37 typical animal mitochondrial genes including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) and 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. P. xanthorrhous also contains one control region (CR) and one pseudo-control region, and shares the identical gene arrangements with sequenced Pycnonotus spp. which differs from the typical vertebrates gene order. Phylogenetic analyses indicates that Passerida sensu stricto contains three major clades and the core Sylvioidea form a monophyletic group. Furthermore, we investigated the evolution of control region within this lineage and revealed the multiple independent origins of duplicate control region.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Saturnia jonasii (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was sequenced and compared to those of 19 other bombycoid species. Furthermore, the mitogenome sequences were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among bombycoid species. The 15,261-bp Saturnia jonasii mitogenome contained the typical sets of genes and gene arrangements found in majority of Lepidoptera. All Bombycoidea species, including Saturnia jonasii, have a 15–33-bp spacer sequence at the trnS2-ND1 junction. The phylogenetic reconstruction of bombycoid species consistently and strongly supported monophylies of the families, Saturniidae, Bombycidae, and Sphingidae, based on Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum-likelihood (ML) methods. Among these families, the Bombycidae and Sphingidae species consistently showed a sister relationship, regardless of data partitions; the BI method strongly supported this relationship, whereas it was moderately supported using the ML method.  相似文献   

缅甸陆龟线粒体全基因组的测序及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张颖  聂刘旺  宋娇莲 《动物学报》2007,53(1):151-158
本文参照近缘物种的线粒体基因组序列,设计17对特异引物,采用LD-PCR、PCR及测序技术获得了我国广西产缅甸陆龟的线粒体全基因组序列,分析了其基因组特点和各基因的定位。结果表明:缅甸陆龟线粒体基因组全长为16813bp,碱基组成为35.30%A、26.47%T、12.09%G、26.14%C,包括13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个非编码基因控制区(D-Loop区)。缅甸陆龟线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的脊椎动物相似,其编码蛋白质区域和rRNA基因与其它脊椎动物具有很高的同源性,显示龟类线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守。将缅甸陆龟的线粒体基因组序列提交到GenBank,获得的检索号为DQ656607。本文还结合GenBank中已发表的其它16种龟鳖类动物的线粒体基因组序列,探讨龟鳖类动物不同科间的系统进化关系。  相似文献   

目的 获得中国地鼠线粒体基因组序列,为线粒体疾病模型提供分子数据.方法 参照近缘物种的线粒体基因组序列,设计27对特异引物,采用TD-PCR及测序技术获得了中国地鼠的线粒体全基因组序列,分析了其基因组特点和各基因的定位.还结合GenBank中已发表的其他5种啮齿类动物的线粒体基因组序列,探讨啮齿类动物不同科间的系统进化关系.结果 中国地鼠线粒体基因组全长为16 283 bp,碱基组成为33.53%A、30.50%T、12.98%G、22.80%C,包括13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个非编码基因控制区.中国地鼠和金黄地鼠亲缘关系最近.结论 中国地鼠线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的啮齿类动物相似,其编码蛋白质区域和rRNA基因与其他啮齿类动物具有很高的同源性,显示线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守.5种动物的分子系统进化树与传统分类地位一致.  相似文献   

Oh DJ  Oh BS  Jung MM  Jung YH 《Mitochondrial DNA》2010,21(5):151-159
We cloned and sequenced the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of three tilefishes (Branchiostegus albus, Branchiostegus argentatus, and Branchiostegus japonicus) to characterize and compare their mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes). The mitogenomes of B. albus, B. argentatus, and B. japonicus were 16,532, 16,550, and 16,541 bp long, respectively, and all consisted of 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA, and 22 transfer RNA (tRNAs)), which are typical for vertebrate mtDNA. As in other bony fishes, most genes were encoded on the H-strand, except for the nad6 and eight tRNA genes that were encoded on the L-strand. Among the 13 protein-coding genes of all three tilefishes, 2 reading-frame overlaps were found on the same strand: atp8 and atp6 overlapped by 10 nucleotides, and nad4L and nad4 overlapped by 7 nucleotides. The identity of the nad4 gene between B. albus and B. argentatus was the lowest at 87%. Conversely, the identity of the nad6 gene between B. albus and B. japonicus was the highest at 99%. Most tRNA genes were similar in length among the three species, while the tRNA-Ser((AGY)) of B. japonicus was 9 bp longer than those of B. albus and B. argentatus. The control region of the mitogenome spanned 853, 862, and 856 bp in B. albus, B. argentatus, and B. japonicus, respectively. A maximum likelihood tree constructed using 11,035 sites contained five independent groups with bootstrap values of 100% in support of their divergence. All three tilefishes examined were clustered with the Pomacanthidae species in Group II.  相似文献   

Allactaga sibirica (Dipodidae) is widely distributed in the northwestern arid regions of China. The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of A. sibirica was 16,685 bp in length; included 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosome genes, 22 tRNA genes, and one control region; and had a structure that was typical of vertebrates. The base composition and codon usage of the mitogenome are described, and the structure of the non-coding sequence in the A. sibirica is reported for the first time. The putative origin of replication for the light strand of A. sibirica was approximately 45 bp long, and was highly conserved in the stem-loop and adjacent sequences. Phylogenetic analyses showed high resolution in each of the main divergent clades within Dipodoidea using mitogenomes data. The results indicated that the Zapodidae group was a representative of very basal taxon in Dipodoidea, and shared a common ancestor with Dipodidae species. Within Dipodidae clade, Allactaginae species was at basal position, and this result was in line with previous molecular systematic and morphological studies. Furthermore, Euchoreutes naso and A. sibirica had a close relationship could implicate a sister-group relationship between Euchoreutinae and Allactaginae. Meanwhile, this work also provided a set of useful data on phylogeny and molecular evolution in Dipodidae species.  相似文献   

We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Neochauliodes parasparsus. The 15,995-bp mitogenome contained the standard set of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), and a putative control region, with a gene arrangement that was identical to that reported for most other megalopteran species. We also predicted the secondary structure of all the RNA genes and analysed the preferred codon usage of the protein-coding genes. The putative 1265-bp control region contained two tandem repeated regions and several microsatellite-like elements. The phylogenetic analysis of available neuropteridan mitogenomes, based on the 13 protein-coding genes, appeared to support the current view of the neuropteridan phylogeny, and among the Neochauliodes spp., N. parasparsus was the most closely related to N. punctatolosus.  相似文献   

Wang XC  Sun XY  Sun QQ  Zhang DX  Hu J  Yang Q  Hao JS 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):465-475
该研究对斐豹蛱蝶(Argyreus hyperbius)(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科)线粒体基因组全序列进行了测定和初步分析。结果表明:斐豹蛱蝶线粒体基因全序列全长为15156bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个tRNA和2个rRNA基因以及1个非编码的A+T富集区,基因排列顺序与其它鳞翅目种类一致;线粒体全序列核苷酸组成和密码子使用显示出明显的A+T偏好(80.8%)和轻微的AT偏移(AT skew,?0.019)。基因组中共存在11个2~52bp不等的基因间隔区,总长96bp;以及14个1~8bp不等的基因重叠区,总长34bp。除COI以CGA作为起始密码子外,13个蛋白质编码基因中的其余12个基因是以ATN作为起始密码子。除COI和COII基因是以单独的一个T为终止密码子,其余11个蛋白质编码基因都是以TAA结尾的。除了缺少DHU臂的tRNASer(AGN),其余的tRNA基因都显示典型的三叶草结构。tRNA(AGN)和ND1之间的基因间隔区包含一个ATACTAA结构域,这个结构域在鳞翅目中是保守的。A+T富集区没有较大的多拷贝重复序列,但是包含一些微小重复结构:ATAGA结构域下游的20bp poly-T结构,ATTTA结构域后的(AT)9重复,以及位于tRNAMet上游的5bp poly-A结构等。这项研究所揭示的斐豹蛱蝶的线粒体基因组特征,不仅为认识蛱蝶科的遗传多样性贡献数据,而且对于该物种的保护生物学、群体遗传学、谱系地理及演化研究等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102033
The carrion beetle, Necrodes nigricornis Harold, 1875 (Coleoptera: Silphidae) is one of the most frequently encountered insect species among Silphidae in animal cadavers in Korea. Consequently, the postmortem colonization of the species can provide useful information regarding the time-since-death. In this study, we report the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) characteristics of N. nigricornis with the aim of increasing the genomic data pools of the family Silphidae, which is of considerable forensic importance. The full-length circular genome is 18,503 bp, with 75.60 % A/T content. It contains a typical set of 37 metazoan genes, but the non-coding A + T-rich region is unusually long at 3,818 bp in length, containing two similar-sized repeats (539 and 542 bp) with a slight length and nucleotide variation. The gene arrangement of the species is identical to that of the ancestral arrangement found in the majority of insects. The biased A/T content in the genome is also reflected in the form of biased codon usage; six codons among 62 comprised solely of A/T nucleotides (TTA, ATT, TTT, ATA, TTA, and TAT) were highly used, accounting for 41.28 % of the total. The maximum-likelihood tree built using 12 PCG (excluding ND2) and lrRNA revealed monophyletic Silphidae, Silphinae, and Nicrophorinae, with relatively higher nodal supports (bootstrap support ≥ 80 %). N. nigricornis, belonging to Silphinae, was placed as the sister to congeneric N. littoralis with the highest nodal support. We believe this mitogenome sequences of the carrion beetle can become an important baseline information for future studies on phylogeny at various levels of taxonomic diversity, intra-specific variation, as well as species identification.  相似文献   

Shi G  Jin X  Zhao S  Xu T  Wang R 《Mitochondrial DNA》2012,23(2):151-153
The complete mitochondrial genome of Trypauchen vagina was determined first. The genome is 16,686 bp in length and consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 2 main non-coding regions [the control region (CR) and the origin of the light strand replication], the gene composition and order of which was similar to most other vertebrates. The overall base composition of T. vagina is T 27.6%, C 27.6%, A 29.5%, and G 15.3%, with a slight A+T bias of 57.1%. In addition to the discrete and conserved sequence blocks, an incomplete tandem repeat unit is detected within the CR. This mitogenome sequence data would play an important role in population genetics and phylogenetic analysis of the Gobioidei.  相似文献   

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