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The mechanism mediating epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (EET)-induced contraction of intralobar pulmonary arteries (PA) is currently unknown. EET-induced contraction of PA has been reported to require intact endothelium and activation of the thromboxane/endoperoxide (TP) receptor. Because TP receptor occupation with the thromboxane mimetic U-46619 contracts pulmonary artery via Rho-kinase activation, we examined the hypothesis that 5,6-EET-induced contraction of intralobar rabbit pulmonary arteries is mediated by a Rho-kinase-dependent signaling pathway. In isolated rings of second-order intralobar PA (1-2 mm OD) at basal tension, 5,6-EET (0.3-10 microM) induced increases in active tension that were inhibited by Y-27632 (1 microM) and HA-1077 (10 microM), selective inhibitors of Rho-kinase activity. In PA in which smooth muscle intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was increased with KCl (25 mM) to produce a submaximal contraction, 5,6-EET (1 microM) induced a contraction that was 7.0 +/- 1.6 times greater than without KCl. 5,6-EET (10 microM) also contracted beta-escin permeabilized PA in which [Ca(2+)](i) was clamped at a concentration resulting in a submaximal contraction. Y-27632 inhibited the 5,6-EET-induced contraction in permeabilized PA. 5,6-EET (10 microM) increased phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC), increasing the ratio of phosphorylated MLC/total MLC from 0.10 +/- 0.03 to 0.30 +/- 0.02. Y-27632 prevented this increase in MLC phosphorylation. These data suggest that 5,6-EET induces contraction in intralobar PA by increasing Rho-kinase activity, phosphorylating MLC, and increasing the Ca(2+) sensitivity of the contractile apparatus.  相似文献   

To analyze the effects of decellularization on the biomechanical properties of porcine common carotid arteries, decellularization was performed by a detergent-enzymatic procedure that preserves extracellular matrix scaffold. Internal diameter, external diameter, and wall thickness were measured by optical microscopy on neighboring histological sections before and after decellularization. Rupture tests were conducted. Inner diameter and wall thickness were measured by echo tracking during pressure inflation from 10 to 145 mmHg. Distensibility and incremental elastic modulus were computed. At 10 mmHg, mean diameter of decellularized arteries was 5.38 mm, substantially higher than controls (4.1 mm), whereas decellularized and control arteries reached the same internal diameter (6.7 mm) at 145 mmHg. Wall thickness decreased 16% for decellularized and 32% for normal arteries after pressure was increased from 10 to 145 mmHg. Decellularized arteries withstood pressure >2,200 mmHg before rupture. At 145 mmHg, decellularization reduced compliance by 66% and increased incremental elastic modulus by 54%. Removal of cellular elements from media led to changes in arterial dimensions. Collagen fibers engaged more rapidly during inflation, yielding a stiffer vessel. Distensibility was therefore significantly lower (by a factor of 3) in decellularized than in normal vessels: reduced in the physiological range of pressures. In conclusion, decellularization yields vessels that can withstand high inflation pressures with, however, markedly different geometrical and biomechanical properties. This may mean that the potential use of a decellularized artery as a scaffold for the creation of xenografts may be compromised because of geometrical and compliance mismatch.  相似文献   

To determine whether reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an essential role in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) and the cellular locus of ROS production and action during HPV, we measured internal diameter (ID) at constant transmural pressure, lucigenin-derived chemiluminescence (LDCL), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin adduct spectra in small distal porcine pulmonary arteries, and dichlorofluorescein (DCF) fluorescence in myocytes isolated from these arteries. Hypoxia (4% O2) decreased ID, increased DCF fluorescence, tended to increase LDCL, and in some preparations produced EPR spectra consistent with hydroxyl and alkyl radicals. Superoxide dismutase (SOD, 150 U/ml) or SOD + catalase (CAT, 200 U/ml) did not alter ID during normoxia but reduced or abolished the constriction induced by hypoxia. SOD also blocked HPV in endothelium-denuded arteries after restoration of the response by exposure to 10-10 M endothelin-1. Confocal fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that labeled SOD and CAT entered pulmonary arterial myocytes. SOD, SOD + CAT, and CAT blocked the increase in DCF fluorescence induced by hypoxia, but SOD + CAT and CAT also caused a stable increase in fluorescence during normoxia, suggesting that CAT diminished efflux of DCF from cells or oxidized the dye directly. We conclude that HPV required increased concentrations of ROS produced by and acting on pulmonary arterial smooth muscle rather than endothelium.  相似文献   

To determine the role of endothelium in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), we measured vasomotor responses to hypoxia in isolated seventh-generation porcine pulmonary arteries < 300 microm in diameter with (E+) and without endothelium. In E+ pulmonary arteries, hypoxia decreased the vascular intraluminal diameter measured at a constant transmural pressure. These constrictions were complete in 30-40 min; maximum at PO(2) of 2 mm Hg; half-maximal at PO(2) of 40 mm Hg; blocked by exposure to Ca(2+)-free conditions, nifedipine, or ryanodine; and absent in E+ bronchial arteries of similar size. Hypoxic constrictions were unaltered by indomethacin, enhanced by indomethacin plus N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, abolished by BQ-123 or endothelial denudation, and restored in endothelium-denuded pulmonary arteries pretreated with 10(-10) M endothelin-1 (ET-1). Given previous demonstrations that hypoxia caused contractions in isolated pulmonary arterial myocytes and that ET-1 receptor antagonists inhibited HPV in intact animals, our results suggest that full in vivo expression of HPV requires basal release of ET-1 from the endothelium to facilitate mechanisms of hypoxic reactivity in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle.  相似文献   

This study uses a nanoindentation technique to examine variations in the local mechanical properties of porcine femoral cortical bone under hydrated conditions. Bone specimens from three age groups (6, 12 and 42 months), representing developing bone, ranging from young to mature animals, were tested on the longitudinal and transverse cross-sectional surfaces. Elastic modulus and hardness of individual lamellae within bone's microstructure: laminar bone, interstitial bone, and osteons, were measured. Both the elastic modulus and hardness increased with age. However, the magnitudes of these increases were different for each microstructural component. The longitudinal moduli were higher than the transverse moduli. Dehydrated samples were also tested to allow a comparison with hydrated samples and these resulted in higher moduli and hardness than the hydrated samples. Again, the degree of variation was different for each microstructural component. These results indicate that the developmental changes in bone have different rates of mechanical change within each microstructural component.  相似文献   

The normal coronary artery consists of two mechanically distinct layers: intima-media and adventitia. The objective of this study is to establish a two-layer three-dimensional (3-D) stress-strain relation of porcine coronary arteries. Experimental measurements were made by a series of biaxial tests (inflation and axial extension) of intact coronary arteries and, subsequently, their corresponding intima-media or adventitia layer. The Fung-type exponential strain energy function was used to describe the 3-D strain-stress relation for each layer and the intact wall. A genetic algorithm was used to determine the material constants in the Fung-type constitutive equation by curve fitting the experimental data. Because one layer must be sacrificed before the other layer can be tested, the material property of the missing layer was computed from the material constants of the intact vessel and the tested layer. A total of 20 porcine hearts were used: one group of 10 hearts for the left anterior descending artery and another group of 10 hearts for the right coronary artery. Each group was further divided into two subgroups of five specimens tested for the intact wall and the intima-media layer and for the intact wall and the adventitia layer. Our results show statistically significant differences in the material properties of the two layers. The mathematical model was validated by experimental stress-strain data for individual layers. The validated 3-D constitutive model will serve as a foundation for formulation of layer-specific boundary value problems in coronary physiology and cardiology.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that short-term exercise (STEx) training and the associated increase in pulmonary blood flow during bouts of exercise cause enhanced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in porcine pulmonary arteries and increased expression of endothelial cell nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD-1) protein. Mature, female Yucatan miniature swine exercised 1 h twice daily on a motorized treadmill for 1 wk (STEx group, n = 7); control pigs (Sed, n = 6) were kept in pens. Pulmonary arteries were isolated from the left caudal lung lobe, and vasomotor responses were determined in vitro. Arterial tissue from the distal portion of this pulmonary artery was processed for immunoblot analysis. Maximal endothelium-dependent (ACh-stimulated) relaxation was greater in STEx (71 +/- 5%) than in Sed (44 +/- 6%) arteries (P < 0.05), and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside-mediated) responses did not differ. Sensitivity to ACh was not altered by STEx training. Immunoblot analysis indicated a 3.9-fold increase in eNOS protein in pulmonary artery tissue from STEx pigs (P < 0.05) with no change in SOD-1 or glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase protein levels. We conclude that STEx training enhances ACh-stimulated vasorelaxation in pulmonary arterial tissue and that this adaptation is associated with increased expression of eNOS protein.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to extract the intrinsic mechanical properties of the growth plate at four different stages of growth and to compare two different methods of extracting these properties. Porcine distal ulnar growth plate samples were obtained from newborn, 4-, 8-, and 18-week (W) pigs and were tested using stress relaxation tests under unconfined compression. A four-parameter curve fitting procedure was developed to extract mechanical properties using the Transversely Isotropic Biphasic Elastic model(TIBPE) (Cohen et?al. in J Biomech Eng Trans Asme 120(4):491–496, 1998) and the Differential Evolution (DE) optimization algorithm (Price et?al. Natural computing series, Springer, Germany 2005). Optimization was done on all experimental curves for the first method and on one average experimental curve per developmental stage in the second. The 4-week stage was studied in two subgroups (a) and (b) due to distinct differences in mechanical properties. Intrinsic mechanical properties of the growth plate varied nonlinearly with developmental stage. Both methods showed that transverse and out-of-plane Young’s moduli (E 1, E 3) decrease with developmental stage, whereas transverse permeability (k 1) increases. The exception is a sharp increase in stiffness and reduction in permeability at the 4W(a) stage, which may be associated with rapid porcine developmental changes at the 3–4 week period. The second method provides a more reliable representation of the average mechanical behavior, whereas the first method allows statistical comparison of optimized mechanical properties. This study characterizes, for the first time, the variation in growth plate mechanical properties for the same animal (porcine) and bone (ulna) model with developmental stage and provides new insight into the progression of musculoskeletal diseases during growth spurts in response to mechanical loading.  相似文献   

When grafted into an arterial environment in vivo, veins remodel in response to the new mechanical environment, thereby changing their mechanical properties and potentially impacting their patency as bypass grafts. Porcine saphenous veins were subjected for one week to four different ex vivo hemodynamic environments in which pressure and shear stress were varied independently, as well as an environment that mimicked that of an arterial bypass graft. After one week of ex vivo culture, the mechanical properties of intact saphenous veins were evaluated to relate specific aspects of the mechanical environment to vein remodeling and corresponding changes in mechanics. The compliance of all cultured veins tended to be less than that of fresh veins; however, this trend was more due to changes in medial and luminal areas than changes in the intrinsic properties of the vein wall. A combination of medial hypertrophy and eutrophic remodeling leads to significantly smaller (p<0.05) wall stresses measured in all cultured veins except those subjected to bypass graft conditions relative to stresses measured in fresh veins at corresponding pressures. Our results suggest that the mechanical environment effects changes in vessel size, as well as the nature of the remodeling, which contribute to altering vein mechanical properties.  相似文献   

3-(Trimethylsilyl)propanesulfonic acid (TMSPS) is used as a water-soluble NMR frequency marker. It has its major resonance at 0.00 ppm relative to trimethylsilane, and smaller resonances at 0.62, 1.77 and 2.85 ppm. Its toxicity was tested by exposing contracted porcine carotid strips to increasing concentrations of TMSPS. Up to 3 mM, no statistical change in tension was found. Tension decreased 94 +/- 2% (S.E.) after 30 min in 10 mM TMSPS. An intermediate concentration of TMSPS (6 mM) caused a small fall in phosphocreatine in unstimulated perfused porcine carotid arteries (82 +/- 2% S.E.). A larger decrease (59 +/- 6% S.E.) occurred during K+ contractures in the presence of 6 mM TMSPS. From those experiments it appears the TMSPS is non-toxic in concentrations up to 3 mM, but at greater concentrations inhibits both contraction and phosphorus metabolism.  相似文献   

The inner diameter and wall thickness of rat middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) were measured in vitro in both a pressure-induced, myogenically-active state and a drug-induced, passive state to quantify active and passive mechanical behavior. Elasticity parameters from the literature (stiffness derived from an exponential pressure-diameter relationship, beta, and elasticity in response to an increment in pressure, Einc-p) and a novel elasticity parameter in response to smooth muscle cell (SMC) activation, Einc-a, were calculated. beta for all passive MCAs was 9.11 +/- 1.07 but could not be calculated for active vessels. The incremental stiffness increased significantly with pressure in passive vessels; Einc-p (10(6) dynes/cm2) increased from 5.6 +/- 0.5 at 75 mmHg to 14.7 +/- 2.4 at 125 mmHg, (p < 0.05). In active vessels, Einc-p (10(6) dynes/cm2) remained relatively constant (5.5 +/- 2.4 at 75 mmHg and 6.2 +/- 1.0 at 125 mmHg). Einc-a (10(6) dynes/cm2) increased significantly with pressure (from 15.1 +/- 2.3 at 75 mmHg to 49.4 +/- 12.6 at 125 mmHg, p < 0.001), indicating a greater contribution of SMC activity to vessel wall stiffness at higher pressures.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that pulmonary arteries (PA) from identical branch orders within left and right caudal lung lobes would exhibit similar vasomotor responses. Arterial rings from caudal lung lobes of female swine were examined in vitro. Vascular smooth muscle contraction to KCl and norepinephrine did not differ. Vascular relaxation to endothelium-dependent (bradykinin, acetylcholine, A-23187) and -independent (sodium nitroprusside, zero-calcium Krebs solution) vasodilators was assessed. Right PA exhibited less maximal relaxation to acetylcholine (50%) than did left PA (69%; P < 0.001). Maximal relaxation to sodium nitroprusside did not differ, although right PA had a lower drug concentration resulting in half-maximal relaxation (6.26 x 10(-8) M) than did left PA (9.57 x 10(-8) M; P < 0.05). Nitric oxide synthase inhibition with an arginine analog (N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester) depressed acetylcholine-induced relaxation but the left vs. right difference persisted. Indomethacin enhanced relaxation to acetylcholine and abolished the difference between left and right. We conclude that endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation is less in porcine right than in left PA because of greater release of one or more constricting prostanoids in arteries from the right caudal lobe.  相似文献   

An experimental program has been carried out in order to investigate the mechanical behavior of porcine corneas. We report the results of inflation tests on the whole cornea and uniaxial tests on excised corneal strips, performed on 51 fresh porcine eyes. Uniaxial tests have been performed on specimens cut from previously inflated corneas. The cornea behavior is characterized by means of elastic stiffness, measured on both average pressure-apex displacement and average uniaxial stress-strain curves; and by means of transversal contraction coefficient, peak stress, and failure stress measured on uniaxial stress-strain curves. Uniaxial tests performed on excised strips allowed to measure the anisotropy in the corneal stiffness and to compare the stiffness of the cornea with the one of the sclera. Viscous properties of the cornea have been obtained through uniaxial relaxation curves on excised corneal strips. The relevant geometrical parameters have been measured and, with the aid of the elastic thin shell theory, a stress-strain curve has been derived from the average inflation test data and compared with similar data available in the literature. The experimental system has been developed in view of future applications to the mechanical testing of both porcine and human corneas.  相似文献   

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