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In guinea pig periotoneal neutrophils NaF at a concentration of above 5 mM elicited a dose-dependent, delayed and sustained activation of NADPH oxidase. Unlike in human neutrophils, in guinea pig cells, this response was independent of extracellular calcium. Fura2 fluorescence measurements indicated also a fluoride-mediated moderate elevation in the level of cytosolic calcium concentration. Pretreatment of neutrophils with pertussis toxin, blocked fluoride-promoted activation of NADPH oxidase, indicating that NaF stimulation was mediated by a G protein which is a pertussis toxin substrate. NaF-elicited calcium elevation was insensitive to the toxin. Upon transfer of NaF-stimulated cells to a fluoride-free medium, superoxide release declined and calcium levels diminished. The response of the deactivated, fluoride-prestimulated guinea pig neutrophils to a secondary stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or fMet-Leu-Phe, was either unaffected by the previous challenge with NaF (PMA) or augmented by it (the chemotactic peptide). In parallel to the activation of NADPH oxidase, NaF also induced translocation of protein kinase C to cell membranes. This effect was also abolished by a pretreatment with pertussis toxin.  相似文献   

Fluoride-mediated activation of guinea pig neutrophils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In guinea pig peritoneal neutrophils NaF at a concentration of above 5 mM elicited a dose-dependent, delayed and sustained activation of NADPH oxidase. Unlike in human neutrophils, in guinea pig cells, this response was independent of extracellular calcium. Fura2 fluorescence measurements indicated also a fluoride-mediated moderate elevation in the level of cytosolic calcium concentration. Pretreatment of neutrophils with pertussis toxin, blocked fluoride-promoted activation of NADPH oxidase, indicating that NaF stimulation was mediated by a G protein which is a pertussis toxin substrate. NaF-elicited calcium elevation was insensitive to the toxin. Upon transfer of NaF-stimulated cells to a fluoride-free medium, superoxide release declined and calcium levels diminished. The response of the deactivated, fluoride-prestimulated guinea pig neutrophils to a secondary stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or fMet-Leu-Phe, was either unaffected by the previous challenge with NaF (PMA) or augmented by it (the chemotactic peptide). In parallel to the activation of NADPH oxidase, NaF also induced translocation of protein kinase C to cell membranes. This effect was also abolished by a pretreatment with pertussis toxin.  相似文献   

Results obtained with the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence technique show that with this technique, generation of radicals from an extra- as well as from an intracellular source is quantified. By means of a chemiluminescence technique, using human neutrophils stimulated with the chemoattractant formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine and the calcium ionophore ionomycin, two different mechanisms of radical production and release are demonstrated. The chemoattractant causes the cells to produce oxygen radicals which to a large extent are released from the cells. The calcium ionophore is also capable of stimulating radical formation but does not suffice for extracellular release. Furthermore, the removal of extracellular Ca2+ is of minor importance for the extracellular radical production, whereas it totally inhibits the generation of radicals with an intracellular localization. The mechanism(s) behind intracellular and extracellular production of oxygen radicals is discussed.  相似文献   

There is a critical need to identify molecules that modulate the biology of neutrophils because activated neutrophils, though necessary for host defense, cause exuberant tissue damage through production of reactive oxygen species and increased lifespan. Angiostatin, an endogenous anti-angiogenic cleavage product of plasminogen, binds to integrin αvβ3, ATP synthase and angiomotin and its expression is increased in inflammatory conditions. We test the hypothesis that angiostatin inhibits neutrophil activation, induces apoptosis and blocks recruitment in vivo and in vitro. The data show immuno-reactivity for plasminogen/angiostatin in resting neutrophils. Angiostatin conjugated to FITC revealed that angiostatin was endocytozed by activated mouse and human neutrophils in a lipid raft-dependent fashion. Co-immunoprecipitation of human neutrophil lysates, confocal microscopy of isolated mouse and human neutrophils and functional blocking experiments showed that angiostatin complexes with flotillin-1 along with integrin αvβ3 and ATP synthase. Angiostatin inhibited fMLP-induced neutrophil polarization, as well as caused inhibition of hsp-27 phosphorylation and stabilization of microtubules. Angiostatin treatment, before or after LPS-induced neutrophil activation, inhibited phosphorylation of p38 and p44/42 MAPKs, abolished reactive oxygen species production and released the neutrophils from suppressed apoptosis, as indicated by expression of activated caspase-3 and morphological evidence of apoptosis. Finally, intravital microscopy and myeloperoxidase assay showed inhibition of neutrophil recruitment in post-capillary venules of TNFα-treated cremaster muscle in mouse. These in vitro and in vivo data demonstrate angiostatin as a broad deactivator and silencer of neutrophils and an inhibitor of their migration. These data potentially open new avenues for the development of anti-inflammatory drugs.  相似文献   

Neutrophils play a key role at inflammatory sites where, in addition to destroying infecting microorganisms, they may also have deleterious effects on host tissues. Both activities involve activation of the NADPH-oxidase that produces bactericidal and tissue-destructive reactive oxygen species (ROS). We activated the murine NADPH-oxidase using different types of neutrophil activators and characterized the oxidative responses with respect to magnitude, localization, and kinetics. We show that agonist-induced activation of murine neutrophils results exclusively in extracellular release of ROS and no intracellular production could be detected. We also show that the formylated peptide, formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLF), is a much less potent activator of the murine NADPH-oxidase than of the human analogue. Nevertheless, fMLF responses can be primed by pretreating the murine neutrophils with either cytochalasin B or bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Finally, we show that a synthetic hexapeptide, WKYMVM, is a more potent stimulus than fMLF for murine neutrophils and that these two agonists probably act via nonidentical high-affinity receptors.  相似文献   

Electropermeabilization creates small pores in the plasma membrane allowing the introduction of low-molecular-weight modulatory components, such as ions and nucleotides, into the cytosol. The present study investigates fluoride-mediated stimulation of the signal transduction pathway that activates the respiratory burst in electropermeabilized neutrophils. In marked contrast to intact (i.e., non-electropermeabilized) neutrophils, cells permeabilized by this technique demonstrated an immediate and potent stimulation of the superoxide (O2-)-generating NADPH oxidase in response to the addition of fluoride. Furthermore, permeabilization of neutrophils in the presence of exogenously added ATP enhanced the rate of F(-)-mediated O2- production. Fluoride-stimulated O2- production in electropermeabilized neutrophils was antagonized by GDP beta S and dependent upon the presence of Mg2+ in the medium, but was insensitive to pertussis toxin treatment, consistent with the hypothesis that fluoride activates a G protein, probably Gp, by interacting with the nucleotide-binding site on the G alpha subunit. In addition, electropermeabilized neutrophil O2- release triggered by F- was blocked by staurosporine and H-7, indicating that this pathway proceeds largely through protein kinase C activation. However, nucleotide-enhanced O2- production was only partially blocked by these inhibitors, suggesting that under such conditions ATP either competes with the inhibitor-protein kinase interaction or affects the signaling pathway(s) in such a way that protein kinase C may no longer be necessary for the activation of NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption by phagocytosing human neutrophils commences after a lag of ~ 25 secs after particle uptake, reaches a maximal rate of ~ 35 nmols/107 cells/min and remains linear for ~ 60 secs. A strict temporal and stoichiometric relationship exists between particle uptake and oxygen consumption. For each particle taken up, 0.2 fmols of oxygen is consumed in a very brief and self limiting process.  相似文献   

The stimuli, sn-1, 2-dioctanoylglycerol; (DG8) the calcium specific ionophore, ionomycin, and the chemotactic peptide formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) can interact with normal human neutrophils and activate their superoxide/hydrogen peroxide generating NADPH-oxidase. In response to the peptide as well as DG8, the neutrophils produced both superoxide (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Since interaction between the cells and ionomycin was not associated with any notable superoxide production and hydrogen peroxide was induced only in the presence of azide, a potent inhibitor of the hydrogen peroxide-consuming enzymes catalase and myeloperoxidase, we conclude that this stimulus can generate oxygen metabolites intracellularly. Since the DG8-induced production of hydrogen peroxide was increased in the presence of azide, whereas the FMLP-induced response was largely unaffected, we concluded that the three stimuli differ in their capacity to generate oxygen metabolites intracellularly. The use of sn-1,2-didecanoylglycerol (DG10) as stimulating agent did not result in any detectable activation of the NADPH-oxidase. However, preincubation caused an increased (primed) response during stimulation with the chemotactic peptide FMLP. The response of primed neutrophils to FMLP proceeds with a time-course different from that seen in normal cells. From the results presented on FMLP-induced activity in the presence of azide, we conclude that FMLP causes normal cells to produce oxygen radicals which are released from the cells. However, the primed cells are also capable of generating oxygen metabolites that are retained inside the cells. In fact, measurement of the intracellularly generated metabolites discloses this to be the predominant part of the response.  相似文献   

Neutrophils rely on rapid changes in morphology to ward off invaders. Time-resolved dynamics of spreading human neutrophils after activation by the chemoattractant fMLF (formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine) was observed by RICM (reflection interference contrast microscopy). An image-processing algorithm was developed to identify the changes in the overall cell shape and the zones of close contact with the substrate. We show that in the case of neutrophils, cell spreading immediately after exposure of fMLF is anisotropic and directional. The dependence of spreading area, A, of the cell as a function of time, t, shows several distinct regimes, each of which can be fitted as power laws (A ~ t(b)). The different spreading regimes correspond to distinct values of the exponent b and are related to the adhesion state of the cell. Treatment with cytochalasin-B eliminated the anisotropy in the spreading.  相似文献   

Biochemical analysis of the activation of adherent neutrophils in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role played by neutrophil oxidative responses in host defense and injury is an area of active investigation. In order to study neutrophil responses in vitro, methods are required for cell purification, enumeration, and quantification of activation responses, which mimic the in vivo situation as closely as possible. In this communication (and its companion paper, Albertine et al., 1988) improved methods for all of these tasks are described and applied to investigate neutrophil structure-function relationships in vitro and in vivo. Human neutrophils were purified by using a series of platelet-poor plasma-Percoll gradients (51, 62, 76 and 80% in Percoll). This modification of previously published procedures results in consistently successful neutrophil purification and has allowed us to purify neutrophils from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as well as blood. Activation of human and sheep neutrophils (superoxide anion production) was quantitated by the reduction of ferricytochrome c using a microtiter plate reader to measure the increase in absorbance at 550 nm from adherent neutrophils. Adherence of neutrophils was quantitated by measurement of LDH in cells lysed with Triton X-100 using a new method which uses readily available commercial reagents and can quantitate the LDH content of as few as 5000 neutrophils (or the LDH released from 5% of 100,000 neutrophils). Assay conditions for superoxide anion were optimized, limitations both in assay design and instruments used to measure OD were explored and enumerated, and these methods were used to quantitate sheep and human neutrophil activation responses. Using methods described in Albertine et al. (1988) for fixing neutrophils in microtiter wells after assay of their functional capacity, we have studied the same cells functionally and morphologically. We have used these techniques to study blood and alveolar neutrophils from a patient with acute respiratory failure. His alveolar neutrophils displayed 67% of the activation response as peripheral neutrophils (4.31 +/- 0.12 nmol superoxide released per 250,000 neutrophils at 60 min vs. 6.38 +/- 0.18 in blood, P less than 0.01) and structural changes which suggested previous activation in vivo. These studies demonstrate that similar morphological changes are observed in neutrophils activated with phorbol myristate acetate in vitro, as are observed in cells which have been activated by pathophysiologic processes in vivo.  相似文献   

Leptin regulates food intake as well as metabolic, endocrine, and immune functions. It exerts proliferative and antiapoptotic activities in a variety of cell types, including T cells. Leptin also stimulates macrophages and neutrophils, and its production is increased during inflammation. In this study, we demonstrate that human neutrophils express leptin surface receptors under in vitro and in vivo conditions, and that leptin delays apoptosis of mature neutrophils in vitro. The antiapoptotic effects of leptin were concentration dependent and blocked by an anti-leptin receptor mAb. The efficacy of leptin to block neutrophil apoptosis was similar to G-CSF. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we obtained evidence that leptin initiates a signaling cascade involving PI3K- and MAPK-dependent pathways in neutrophils. Moreover, leptin delayed the cleavage of Bid and Bax, the mitochondrial release of cytochrome c and second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase, as well as the activation of both caspase-8 and caspase-3 in these cells. Taken together, leptin is a survival cytokine for human neutrophils, a finding with potential pathologic relevance in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

One approach to study the inflammatory potential of neutrophils involves in vitro methods, using either adherent or suspended cells. In order to do structure-function studies, traditional methods require that experiments be done in parallel: one experiment for structure and another for function. In this report new morphological methods for coordinated structure-function studies on the same cells are described. Isolation and biochemical analysis of sheep and human adherent neutrophils were done as described in the companion paper (Cerasoli et al., 1988). Then, at designated time points, the adherent cells were fixed and processed in the microtiter wells for high-resolution light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The principal obstacle to the morphological studies was chemical etching of the microtiter wells by the processing solutions and embedding media. Insertion of No. 3 BEEM capsule 'sleeves' (the cap and conical tip were removed) into the wells before processing eliminated the obstacle and provided standard-sized, polymerized blocks for microtomes. Adherent neutrophils activated in vitro with 10(-7) M phorbol myristate acetate developed prominent cytoplasmic vacuoles. Furthermore, the activated cells assumed irregular shapes and cytoplasmic processes. These changes in adherent cell morphology in vitro are similar to those seen in neutrophils which have been activated and fixed in vivo. Thus, the in vitro approach we devised retains the morphologic characteristics of cells in vivo and provides an efficient method to do integrated structure-function studies. Using these techniques, we have studied alveolar neutrophils obtained from a patient with acute respiratory failure. These cells contained conspicuous cytoplasmic vacuoles, few granules, and their border was ruffled. The same morphologic changes observed after activation of peripheral blood neutrophils with phorbol myristate acetate in vitro were seen in the alveolar neutrophils obtained from this patient. Therefore, these studies reveal that similar morphologic changes are seen in neutrophils stimulated in vitro as well as cells which have been activated pathophysiologically in vivo.  相似文献   

The interplay between Ca2+ efflux mechanisms of the plasma membrane (PM) and transient changes of the cytosolic concentration of ionized calcium ([Ca2+]i) was studied in suspensions of human neutrophils loaded with the [Ca2+]i indicator, Fura-2. To reveal Ca2+ efflux through PM the interference of intracellular Ca stores was prevented by preincubating the cells in the presence of EGTA, thapsigargin, and ionomycin. Addition of econazole prevented varying entry of divalent cations regulated by the filling state of Ca stores. The preincubation seemed to empty and permeabilize virtually all Ca stores, ensuring that the monitored changes of [Ca2+]i were caused exclusively by PM Ca2+ transporters. Following preincubation, the addition of CaCl2 induced, mediated by ionomycin, a transient rise of [Ca2+]i, a spike, eventually decreasing to an intermediary [Ca2+]i level. The ATP-dependent decrease of [Ca2+]i terminating the spike was abolished by the calmodulin antagonist, N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7), but not by the protein kinase C inhibitor, staurosporine, nor by Na+-free medium, suggesting that neither activity of protein kinase C nor exchange was necessary for generation of the Ca2+ spike. In conclusion, the PM Ca2+ pump was responsible for the Ca2+ spike by responding to the rapid rise of [Ca2+]i by a delayed activation, possibly involving calmodulin. This characteristic feature of the PM pump may be important for the generation of cellular [Ca2+]i spikes in general.  相似文献   

Activation of human neutrophils with opsonized particles in the presence of a nontoxic dose of 1-naphthol resulted in inhibition of superoxide anion production but not of the phagocytotic activity of the cells. In this study we have investigated the mechanism of action of 1-naphthol. The inhibition is not at the level of cellular activation since the FMLP-induced rise of intracellular free calcium was unaffected. Our results show that the (metabolic) activation of 1-naphthol to 1,4-naphthoquinone by reaction with H2O2 from the oxidative burst is a necessary event for the inhibition to occur. The study provides evidence that by its reactivity with essential thiol groups 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) prevents the assembly of a functional NADPH-oxidase in the neutrophil membrane.  相似文献   

Pholasin is the protein-bound luciferin from the bivalve mollusc Pholas dactylus which reacts with its luciferase and molecular oxygen to produce light. Pholasin was purified 226-fold with a yield of 58% from P. dactylus to give a preparation free from luciferase contamination. The ratio (k) of endogenous pholasin chemiluminescence to that when maximally stimulated by luciferase was 8.12 X 10(-6) +/- 0.87 X 10(-6) (mean +/- SD, n = 6), equivalent to a t 1/2 of 23.7 h at pH 9. Pholasin could detect reactive oxygen metabolite production from neutrophils stimulated by the chemotactic peptide N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe, in the presence and absence of 2-chloroadenosine or cytochalasin B, and by latex beads in the presence and absence of cytochalasin B. Pholasin was also able to detect a longer-lived oxidative activity distinct from myeloperoxidase, and released from neutrophils activated by latex beads or chemotactic peptide; luminol could not. Under optimal conditions pholasin produced a signal some 50-100 times that of luminol in the presence of activated neutrophils. This enabled activation of a single neutrophil by chemotactic peptide (1 microM) to be detected, giving a signal of 194 +/- 21 chemiluminescent counts per second, some six times that of the background signal (mean +/- SD, n = 2). Pholasin thus provides an indicator sufficiently sensitive to establish whether neutrophil activation occurs through thresholds in individual cells.  相似文献   

Synthetic block copolymers composed of polyoxyethylene and poly-oxypropylene have been demonstrated to possess ionophore activity selective for monovalent cations and to cause histamine release from mouse mast cells and human basophils. We now report calcium-dependent release of granule contents from human neutrophils by the most active of these agents, TI30R2. At a concentration of 100 micrograms/ml (12.5 microM), net lysozyme release ranged from 17-40% after 30 minutes incubation at 37 degrees. Lysozyme release was dose-dependent over stimulus concentrations of 5-50 micrograms/ml (0.625-6.25 microM). Release was dependent upon the presence of extracellular calcium. T130R2 did not induce the release of superoxide anions over 30 minutes of incubation. As T130R2 induces sodium influx into cells, it is likely that a depolarizing influx of sodium ions in the presence of extracellular calcium constitutes a sufficient signal for granule release but not superoxide production by human neutrophils.  相似文献   

The gp91phox subunit of flavocytochrome b558 is the catalytic core of the phagocyte plasma membrane NADPH oxidase. Its activation occurs within lipid rafts and requires translocation of four subunits to flavocytochrome b558. gp91phox is the only glycosylated subunit of NADPH oxidase and no data exist about the structure or function of its glycans. Glycans, however, bind to lectins and this can stimulate NADPH oxidase activity. Given this information, we hypothesized that lectin–gp91phox interactions would facilitate the assembly of a functionally active NADPH oxidase in the absence of lipid rafts. To test this, we used lectins with different carbohydrate-binding specificity to examine the effects on H2O2 generation by human neutrophils treated with the lipid raft disrupting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD). MβCD treatment removed membrane cholesterol, caused changes in cell morphology, inhibited lectin-induced cell aggregation, and delayed lectin-induced assembly of the NADPH oxidase complex. More importantly, MβCD treatment either stimulated or inhibited H2O2 production in a lectin-dependent manner. Together, these results show selectivity in lectin binding to gp91phox, and provide evidence for the biochemical structures of the gp91phox glycans. Furthermore, the data also indicate that in the absence of lipid rafts, neutrophil NADPH oxidase activity can be altered by these select lectins.  相似文献   

Immune complex induced generation of oxygen metabolites by human neutrophils   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Human neutrophils have been studied for their ability to respond with production of O(2) and H2O2 by human neutrophils contain a 1:2 weight ratio of antigen and antibody (molar ratio of 1.5:1). The metabolic stimulation of leukocytes is a linear function of the total amount of complex used. Complexes containing F(ab')2 are ineffective in stimulating leukocytes to produce O(2) and H2O2. The complexes that maximally stimulate production of O(2) by neutrophils differ from those complexes that are 1) most effective in complement fixation, 2) maximally taken up by neutrophils, and 3) most effective in the induction of enzyme release. These findings suggest that immune complex-induced damage in tissues may reflect the effects of a heterogeneous population of immune complexes.  相似文献   

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