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Vegetation types were studied in relation to the fluvial geomorphology along the mixed bedrock‐alluvial Sabie River within the Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Six vegetation types were identified using TWINSPAN analysis, namely: Phragmites mauritianus , Phyllanthus reticulatus , Breonadia salicina , Combretum erythrophyllum , Diospyros mespiliformis and Spirostachys africana vegetation types. Spirostachys africana and Diospyros mespiliformis vegetation types were found to occur predominantly on the stable, infrequently flooded macro‐channel banks, while the remaining four vegetation types were found almost exclusively along the more geomorphically and hydrologically dynamic macro‐channel floor. The degree of bedrock or alluvial influence was identified as being an integral factor in the distribution of the four macro‐channel floor vegetation types at both the morphological unit and the channel type scale. The geomorphological continuum from the bedrock influenced bedrock anastomosing channel types, to mixed anastomosing and pool‐rapid channel types, to the fully alluvial braided channel types, is reflected in the change in species composition from Breonadia salicina vegetation type, to Phyllanthus reticulatus and Phragmites mauritianus vegetation types, to Combretum erythrophyllum vegetation types, respectively. Given the vegetation/fluvial geomorphology links established, changes in vegetation composition are proposed in response to scenarios of geomorphological change as a result of progressive sedimentation.  相似文献   

Decisions to reduce the impacts of large herbivores on biodiversity in protected areas are often based on controlling their numbers. However, numbers per se may not be the foremost consideration when managing impacts. This is because density‐related changes in distribution can also affect habitat utilization and hence, impact. In this study we tested whether changes in the distribution of African elephants are associated with increasing population size. We used spatially explicit count data collected during the dry seasons from 1998 to 2004 in South Africa's Kruger National Park. We did this at five spatial scales and in landscapes defined by vegetation, geology, climate and soils. We then investigated whether observed distributions and grid‐cell‐specific densities were associated with the remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as a measure of productivity and therefore food resource availability at the landscape scale. Consistent with density mediated changes, we found that elephant grid‐cell occupancy increased with population size, while grid‐cell‐specific density became less variable. In addition, the combined distribution of bull groups and breeding herds became less clumped with increasing population size. We further found that within landscapes elephants were present on grid‐cells with higher NDVI values, but that the influence of NDVI during the dry season on densities among landscapes may be weak. These results suggest that NDVI was more indicative of structural habitat choices such as woody vegetation than food availability per se. Our study highlights the need to consider factors other than population size alone when formulating management decisions to reduce large herbivore impacts on biodiversity in protected areas.  相似文献   

Understanding the interplay between climatic and anthropogenic factors is a major challenge in palaeo-ecology. In particular, it is often difficult to distinguish anthropogenic and “natural” fire in the charcoal record. In this paper, analysis of fossil pollen, charcoal, diatoms and isotopic evidence from Mapimbi, a small lake in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, suggests that for most of the past ca. 700 years, the riverine gallery forests surrounding Mapimbi were primarily influenced by climate, and benefited during warmer, wetter periods. The transitions between four, statistically different phases in the time-series data coincide with regional climate records previously constructed from speleothem data, and are consistent with the transition from the medieval warm period ending in the 14th century a.d. to the cooler, drier conditions prevailing during the little ice age of ca. a.d. 1400–1800. The data also suggest a period of significant, anthropogenic influence after a.d. 1800, when maize was grown and the incidence of localised fires increased. An increase in woody cover in recent decades may be associated with the management of the area by Kruger National Park. A decline in cultivation occurred in the end of the 20th century linked with changes in socio-political organisation.  相似文献   

Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (marula), a keystone large tree species in southern Africa and heavily utilized by people and herbivores, is declining at an unprecedented rate in the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. Due to increasing concerns over large tree declines in the KNP, mirroring those in eastern Africa over the last 50 years, and local extinctions of marula populations in the north‐western KNP, adult trees in the southern KNP were monitored between 2001 and 2010. Annual mortality rates across all adult size classes ranged between 3.2 and 4.6%. Loss of adult marula trees in some areas over the last decade exceeded 25%. Rainfall had a strong influence on mortality rates temporally and spatially, but the distance to the nearest perennial river had little influence. Overall, marula populations continue to decline and further local extinctions are possible. Given the clearly unacceptable trends of decline, the next step is to utilize this information (i) to develop predictive models for the future dynamics of marula populations incorporating all drivers; (ii) to advocate active management of refugia within the park where marula populations are protected from elephant impacts; and in combination with (iii) continued monitoring.  相似文献   

A new species of Penicillium Link ex Fries is described and illustrated. It is represented by twenty six isolates recovered from soil at twenty six different locations at the southern part of the Paul Kruger National Park in South Africa. It clearly differs from all species of the genus described so far among the Biverticillata-Symmetrica Section, and it is therefore described and proposed as a new taxon: Penicillium krugerii sp. nov.  相似文献   

The distribution of temperature, salinity, visibility and dissolved oxygen was sampled from 1996 to 2002 at sites along the Seronera River. The minimum temperature decreased with distance upstream. The salinity increased up-river where occasionally hypersaline conditions prevailed. Dissolved oxygen was highly variable spatially and temporally, depending on both the level of eutrophication by animal dung and the presence of wetlands that help filter the excess nutrients. During the study period, fringing, freshwater wetlands have generally been degraded and in some cases destroyed, and this has been accompanied by significantly decreased oxygen levels, sometimes nearing anoxic conditions. Also during this period, saltwater wetlands have increased, and since wildlife impacted these wetlands little, dissolved oxygen levels remained high throughout. Visibility was highest in areas fringed by wetlands.This revised version wa published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

Grassland patches within a semi-arid savanna were evaluated over 45-years for (1) local temporal dynamics of basal area for five dominant grass species within long-term heavily grazed and ungrazed treatments, (2) the influence of soil depth (resource availability) on vegetation dynamics, and (3) the applicability of community-level grazing response groups over fine-scale patterns of soil heterogeneity. Temporal patterns in species composition and basal area were dependent upon soil depth. In the heavy grazed treatment, Hilaria belangeri dominated deep soils while Erioneuron pilosum and Bouteloua trifida were restricted to shallow soils. In the ungrazed treatment, removal of grazing resulted in successional changes that were significantly different across soil depths. After 45 years without grazing, Eriochloa sericea was most abundant on deep soils while Bouteloua curtipendula was more abundant on intermediate and shallow soils. Community-level functional groups that are based on grazing were not appropriate when multiple pattern-driving variables were considered across multiple scales indicating that functional groups should only be applied to certain processes at specific scales. Within the ungrazed treatments, variable soil depths have resulted in a shifting mosaic in time and space where early- and late-successional species co-exist continuously but spatially separated within the community. In the heavily grazed treatment, species are somewhat spatially arranged by soil depths, but much of the inherent heterogeneity is eliminated and species composition is dominated by the three grazing-resistant short-grasses. Broad scale successional changes may appear linear and predictable while at finer scales, the same changes may be described as non-linear and dependent upon soil depth resulting in thresholds that are partially explained by weather patterns, seed bank limitations and competitive inhibitions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Capturing, immobilizing, and fitting radiocollars are common practices in studies of large mammals, but success is based on the assumptions that captured animals are representative of the rest of the population and that the capture procedure has negligible effects. We estimated effects of chemical immobilization on mortality rates of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. We used a Cox proportional hazards approach to test for differences in mortality among age, sex, and capture classes of repeatedly captured radiocollared buffalo. Capture variables did not improve model fit and the Cox regression did not indicate increased risk of death for captured individuals up to 90 days postcapture [exp (β) = 1.07]. Estimated confidence intervals, however, span from a halving to a doubling of the mortality rate (95% CI = 0.56–2.02). Therefore, capture did not influence survival of captured individuals using data on 875 captures over a 5-year period. Consequently, long-term research projects on African buffalo involving immobilization, such as associated with research on bovine tuberculosis, should result in minimal capture mortality, but monitoring of possible effects should continue.  相似文献   

The spatial movement of Labeobarbus marequensis was evaluated by attaching radio transmitters to 16 adult fish and tracking them from August 2009 to July 2012 in the Crocodile River, Kruger National Park, South Africa. Monthly monitoring surveys acquired 1 620 manual and 64 499 remote observations. Results showed adult L. marequensis did not participate in any migrations. Habitat preferences for L. marequensis were deep runs and fast glides, and there was disproportionately high use of submerged boulders as a cover feature. Tagged individuals also made use of rapids and pools, however, avoided shallow sandy slow glides. There was a reduced activity response of tagged individuals to rapid changes in water discharge. Continued changes in flow and instream habitat might threaten the Crocodile River population. Additional investigation into the effect of altered flows and associated habitat availability to the movement of L. marequensis is needed to better understand the effect of anthropogenic water resource use on L. marequensis in the Crocodile River.  相似文献   


Enriched nutrient patches within natural soil represent an important source of nutrients for tree growth. In the present study, pot experiments in a heterogeneous nutrient environment were conducted to investigate the influence of light conditions and interspecific competition on the root foraging traits and seedling growth of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba. The root foraging scale and the whole-seedling biomass of both species were decreased by shading. The result of this treatment was a lower sensitivity to nutrient heterogeneity in plants that underwent the shading treatment than in plants that were exposed to full-light conditions. The above-ground biomass and whole-seedling biomass of S. superba were not affected by competition with P. massoniana. In contrast, the above-ground biomass and whole-seedling biomass of P. massoniana were negatively affected by competition with S. superba. The more rapid rate of root extension and the more efficient resource uptake of S.superba appear to explain this effect. The species-specific patterns of the influence of environmental factors on foraging ability and seedling growth should be given thorough consideration and should be applied to afforestation and to the management of tree plantations.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of sampling location within a faeces on DNA quality by sampling from both the outside and inside of 25 brown bear (Ursus arctos) scats and the side and the tip of 30 grey wolf (Canis lupus) scats. The outside of the bear scat and side of the wolf scat had significantly lower nuclear DNA microsatellite allelic dropout error rates (U. arctos: P = 0.017; C. lupus: P = 0.025) and significantly higher finalized genotyping success rates (U. arctos: P = 0.017; C. lupus: P = 0.012) than the tip and inside of the scat. A review of the faecal DNA literature indicated that <45% of studies report the sampling location within a faeces indicating that this methodological consideration is currently underappreciated. Based on our results, we recommend sampling from the side of canid scats and the outside portion of ursid scats to obtain higher quality DNA samples. The sampling location within a faeces should be carefully considered and reported as it can directly influence laboratory costs and efficiency, as well as the ability to obtain reliable genotypes.  相似文献   

The accumulation of sodium on the footslopes of granitic catenas in semi‐arid southern Africa leads to the formation of sodic patches. Sodic patches are ecologically important for nutrient accumulation, predator evasion and wallowing, but they are often perceived as derelict lands because of vegetation denudation and low aesthetic quality. This negative perception, by both ecologists and tourists, often leads to ill‐advised management and ‘rehabilitation’ measures. In Kruger National Park, sodic patches occur at the riparian‐upland boundary and hence the processes originating in both systems may contribute to their origin. The upland‐based catena and riparian‐based evapotranspiration models were used to explore the hypothesis that these soils originate from both catena and evapotranspiration‐driven hydraulic processes. The models predict vegetation zonation dictated by a salt tolerance gradient and an increase in sodic patch area over time as a result of progressive salt accumulation. Vegetation structure and hillslope morphology across the riparian‐upland boundary and analysis of change in patch configuration over a 50‐year aerial photographic record were used to test the hypotheses. Sodic patches have unique vegetation, occur on the intermediate positions of hillslopes, have increased in area three‐fold over 50 years and are encroaching into the riparian zone. This behaviour is consistent with the assertion that these patches originate from both catena and evapotranspiration processes. Results imply a dynamic aspect of sodic patches, which have been previously viewed as static landscape features in pedogenic time scales. However, we show that they change over relatively smaller time scales meaning that their management should be commensurate with this dynamic nature. Therefore, sodic patches should be managed under a scheme that incorporates their small‐scale expansion and recognizes their ecological importance.  相似文献   

Populations of the syntopic rock hyrax, Procavia capensis (Pallas), and yellow-spotted rock hyrax, Heterohyrax brucei (Gray), in the 42,400-ha Matobo National Park (MNP), Zimbabwe, were characterized from 1992 to 1996. The Procavia:Heterohyrax species ratio varied significantly ( P < 0.01) across years from 1.43:1.00 to 0.74:1.00. Estimates of abundance (31,114–39,869 Procavia and 21,833–46,619 Heterohyrax ) and densities (0.73–0.94 Procavia ha−1 and 0.51–1.10 Heterohyrax ha−1) indicated that populations had experienced a considerable decline since 1978, with drought suspected as the principal cause. The Heterohyrax population fluctuated more than the Procavia population. Although sex ratios of individuals trapped and collected in 1991–92 did not differ from 1:1 for either species, female Procavia nearly outnumbered males ( P < 0.10) among the prey of black eagles ( Aquila verreauxii Lesson), suggesting the possibility of divergence in the social organization and vigilance of the two species. In each year of the study, pups comprised < 30% of individuals in the two populations after the interspecifically synchronous annual birth event in March–April, and evidence exists for an effect by drought on fecundity. Females appear to breed, on average, no more than every other year. We estimated juvenile (0–1 year of age) mortality at 52.4–61.3% for Heterohyrax and 59.6–75.6% for Procavia . Mean mass (±1 SE) of Procavia adults was 3.4±0.2 kg and of Heterohyrax adults, 2.4±0.1 kg. Procavia had a significantly ( P < 0.01) greater condition index (body mass/total length) than Heterohyrax . Adults are especially important reservoirs of biomass for the diverse and numerous predators of the MNP, accounting for > 84% of hyrax biomass intraspecifically.  相似文献   

Landscapes commonly comprise of mosaics, patches and boundaries. Riparian boundaries are complex to delineate and characterize, with a multitude of variables available for delineation. Multiple methods exist for boundary delineation such as two-dimensional wombling, constrained classification techniques and discontinuity detection. One method that has proven to be reliable in boundary delineation with one-dimensional transect data is the moving split window (MSW) analysis. This study demonstrates the efficacy of MSW to delineate grass species turnover and environmental boundaries across two geologically dissimilar riparian zones in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. There are few studies that have delineated riparian boundaries of Kruger National Park, and none that have used the MSW analysis. MSW detects significant changes in dissimilarity indices of variables along gradients. Significant shifts in dissimilarity designate boundaries at various spatial scales dictated by window sizes. Significant boundaries emerge by altering window sizes, increasing quadrat width and removing infrequent herbaceous species. By utilizing these three methods, MSW background variance was reduced and riparian and wetland/upland boundaries were sharper and more easily defined.  相似文献   

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