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The circadian clock regulates many aspects of physiology, energy metabolism, and sleep. Restricted feeding (RF), a regimen that restricts the duration of food availability entrains the circadian clock. Caffeine has been shown to affect both metabolism and sleep. However, its effect on clock gene and clock-controlled gene expression has not been studied. Here, we tested the effect of caffeine on circadian rhythms and the expression of disease and metabolic markers in the serum, liver, and jejunum of mice supplemented with caffeine under ad libitum (AL) feeding or RF for 16 weeks. Caffeine significantly affected circadian oscillation and the daily levels of disease and metabolic markers. Under AL, caffeine reduced the average daily mRNA levels of certain disease and inflammatory markers, such as liver alpha fetoprotein (Afp), C-reactive protein (Crp), jejunum alanine aminotransferase (Alt), growth arrest and DNA damage 45β (Gadd45β), Interleukin 1α (Il-1α), Il-1β mRNA and serum plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). Under RF, caffeine reduced the average daily levels of Alt, Gadd45β, Il-1α and Il-1β mRNA in the jejunum, but not in the liver. In addition, caffeine supplementation led to decreased expression of catabolic factors under RF. In conclusion, caffeine affects circadian gene expression and metabolism possibly leading to beneficial effects mainly under AL feeding.  相似文献   

Although caffeine alters sleep in many animals, whether or not it affects mammalian circadian clocks remains unknown. Here, we found that incubating cultured mammalian cell lines, human osteosarcoma U2OS cells and mouse fibroblast NIH3T3 cells, with caffeine lengthened the period of circadian rhythms. Adding caffeine to ex vivo cultures also lengthened the circadian period in mouse liver explants from Per2::Luciferase reporter gene knockin mice, and caused a phase delay in brain slices containing the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), where the central circadian clock in mammals is located. Furthermore, chronic caffeine consumption ad libitum for a week delayed the phase of the mouse liver clock in vivo under 12 h light–dark conditions and lengthened the period of circadian locomotor rhythms in mice under constant darkness. Our results showed that caffeine alters circadian clocks in mammalian cells in vitro and in the mouse ex vivo and in vivo.  相似文献   

The Per1 and Per2 genes are components of the mammalian circadian clock. Mutations in these genes alter phase resetting in response to a nocturnal light pulse, and Per2 mutant mice are known to become arrhythmic in constant darkness. We show that under constant light conditions, Per2 mutant mice exhibit robust activity rhythms as well as body temperature rhythms with a period length that is less than 24 h. In Per1 mutants, the period length of both activity and body temperature rhythms is longer than 24 h in constant light. Per1 mutants prolong their period length (tao) when illuminance is increased, whereas Per2 mutants shorten their endogenous period. Additionally, the authors show that the circadian pattern of Per1 and Per2 gene expression in mice is modified under different photoperiods and that there is a mutual influence of these genes on their timing of expression. We propose that, in mice, the phase relationship between Per1 and Per2 gene expression might be critical for transducing day length information to the organism. Per1 could be part of a morning oscillator tracking dawn, and Per2 could be part of an evening oscillator tracking dusk.  相似文献   

Estradiol influences the level and distribution of daily activity, the duration of the free-running period, and the behavioral phase response to light pulses. However, the mechanisms by which estradiol regulates daily and circadian rhythms are not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that estrogens modulate daily activity patterns via both classical and “non-classical” actions at the estrogen receptor subtype 1 (ESR1). We used female transgenic mice with mutations in their estrogen response pathways; ESR1 knock-out (ERKO) mice and “non-classical” estrogen receptor knock-in (NERKI) mice. NERKI mice have an ESR1 receptor with a mutation in the estrogen-response-element binding domain, allowing only actions via “non-classical” genomic and second messenger pathways. Ovariectomized female NERKI, ERKO, and wildtype (WT) mice were given a subcutaneous capsule with low- or high-dose estradiol and compared with counterparts with no hormone replacement. We measured wheel-running activity in a light:dark cycle and constant darkness, and the behavioral phase response to light pulses given at different points during the subjective day and night. Estradiol increased average daily wheel-running, consolidated activity to the dark phase, and shortened the endogenous period in WT, but not NERKI and ERKO mice. The timing of activity onset during entrainment was advanced in all estradiol-treated animals regardless of genotype suggesting an ESR1-independent mechanism. We propose that estradiol modifies period, activity level, and distribution of activity via classical actions of ESR1 whereas an ESR1 independent mechanism regulates the phase of rhythms.  相似文献   

Various day-night rhythms, observed at molecular, cellular, and behavioral levels, are governed by an endogenous circadian clock, predominantly functioning in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). A class of clock genes, mammalian Period (mPer), is known to be rhythmically expressed in SCN neurons, but the correlation between mPER protein levels and autonomous rhythmic activity in SCN neurons is not well understood. Therefore, we blocked mPer translation using antisense phosphothioate oligonucleotides (ODNs) for mPer1 and mPer2 mRNAs and examined the effects on the circadian rhythm of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and action potentials in SCN slice cultures. Treatment with mPer2 ODNs (20microM for 3 days) but not randomized control ODNs significantly reduced mPER2 immunoreactivity (-63%) in the SCN. Nevertheless, mPer1/2 ODNs treatment inhibited neither action potential firing rhythms nor cytosolic Ca2+ rhythms. These suggest that circadian rhythms in mPER protein levels are not necessarily coupled to autonomous rhythmic activity in SCN neurons.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus contains a major circadian pacemaker that imposes or entrains rhythmicity on other structures by generating a circadian pattern in electrical activity. The identification of "clock genes" within the SCN and the ability to dynamically measure their rhythmicity by using transgenic animals open up new opportunities to study the relationship between molecular rhythmicity and other well-documented rhythms within the SCN. We investigated SCN circadian rhythms in Per1-luc bioluminescence, electrical activity in vitro and in vivo, as well as the behavioral activity of rats exposed to a 6-hr advance in the light-dark cycle followed by constant darkness. The data indicate large and persisting phase advances in Per1-luc bioluminescence rhythmicity, transient phase advances in SCN electrical activity in vitro, and an absence of phase advances in SCN behavioral or electrical activity measured in vivo. Surprisingly, the in vitro phase-advanced electrical rhythm returns to the phase measured in vivo when the SCN remains in situ. Our study indicates that hierarchical levels of organization within the circadian timing system influence SCN output and suggests a strong and unforeseen role of extra-SCN areas in regulating pacemaker function.  相似文献   

Torpor-like circadian variations of core temperature are well documented for suckling-age Zucker rat pups. To determine (1) whether this juvenile circadian rhythm is as strongly expressed in other rat strains, and (2) whether a similar rhythm is expressed in rabbit pups, we recorded core temperature and metabolic rate of artificially reared pups. Wistar, Brown Norway, and Long Evans pups were studied for 30 h under moderate cold loads (ambient temperature=28°C) when 9–11 days old, i.e. at the age and ambient temperature for which the rhythm has been most thoroughly characterized in Zucker rats. Chinchilla bastard rabbit pups were studied under similar conditions when they were 3–8 days old, the youngest age at which the rhythm can be easily detected in rats. Rat pups of each strain showed clear circadian rhythms with sharp decreases of core temperature and metabolic rate in subjective morning. Core temperature amplitudes were in the order Wistar < Brown Norway < Zucker < Long Evans strain. In contrast, the rabbit pups maintained stable high levels of core temperature and metabolic rate throughout the day. A torpor-like decrease of core temperature in the morning is thus not a pecularity of the Zucker rat strain but also occurs in other pigmented rat strains, whereas rabbit pups at a similar developmental stage do not show a circadian core temperature rhythm.  相似文献   

The related neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) are expressed at high levels in the neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), but their function in the regulation of circadian rhythms is unknown. To study the role of these peptides on the circadian system in vivo, a new mouse model was developed in which both VIP and PHI genes were disrupted by homologous recombination. In a light-dark cycle, these mice exhibited diurnal rhythms in activity which were largely indistinguishable from wild-type controls. In constant darkness, the VIP/PHI-deficient mice exhibited pronounced abnormalities in their circadian system. The activity patterns started approximately 8 h earlier than predicted by the previous light cycle. In addition, lack of VIP/PHI led to a shortened free-running period and a loss of the coherence and precision of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm. In about one-quarter of VIP/PHI mice examined, the wheel-running rhythm became arrhythmic after several weeks in constant darkness. Another striking example of these deficits is seen in the split-activity patterns expressed by the mutant mice when they were exposed to a skeleton photoperiod. In addition, the VIP/PHI-deficient mice exhibited deficits in the response of their circadian system to light. Electrophysiological analysis indicates that VIP enhances inhibitory synaptic transmission within the SCN of wild-type and VIP/PHI-deficient mice. Together, the observations suggest that VIP/PHI peptides are critically involved in both the generation of circadian oscillations as well as the normal synchronization of these rhythms to light.  相似文献   

Robust expression and association of ZmCCA1 with circadian rhythms in maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang X  Wu L  Zhang S  Wu L  Ku L  Wei X  Xie L  Chen Y 《Plant cell reports》2011,30(7):1261-1272

Robust biological rhythms have been shown to affect life span. Biological clocks can be entrained by two feeding regimens, restricted feeding (RF) and caloric restriction (CR). RF restricts the time of food availability, whereas CR restricts the amount of calories with temporal food consumption. CR is known to retard aging and extend life span of animals via yet-unknown pathways. We hypothesize that resetting the biological clock could be one possible mechanism by which CR extends life span. Because it is experimentally difficult to uncouple calorie reduction from temporal food consumption, we took advantage of the murine urokinase-like plasminogen activator (alphaMUPA) transgenic mice overexpressing a serine protease implicated in brain development and plasticity; they exhibit spontaneously reduced eating and increased life span. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that alphaMUPA mice exhibit robust expression of the clock genes mPer1, mPer2, mClock, and mCry1 but not mBmal1 in the liver. We also found changes in the circadian amplitude and/or phase of clock-controlled output systems, such as feeding behavior, body temperature, and enteric cryptdin expression. A change in the light-dark regimen led to modified clock gene expression and abrogated circadian patterns of food intake in wild-type (WT) and alphaMUPA mice. Consequently, food consumption of WT mice increased, whereas that of alphaMUPA mice remained the same, indicating that reduced food intake occurs upstream and independently of the biological clock. Thus we surmise that CR could lead to pronounced and synchronized biological rhythms. Because the biological clock controls mitochondrial, hormonal, and physiological parameters, system synchronicity could lead to extended life span.  相似文献   

Restricted feeding (RF) schedules are potent zeitgebers capable of entraining metabolic and hormonal rhythms in peripheral oscillators in anticipation of food. Behaviorally, this manifests in the form of food anticipatory activity (FAA) in the hours preceding food availability. Circadian rhythms of FAA are thought to be controlled by a food-entrainable oscillator (FEO) outside of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the central circadian pacemaker in mammals. Although evidence suggests that the FEO and the SCN are capable of interacting functionally under RF conditions, the genetic basis of these interactions remains to be defined. In this study, using dexras1-deficient (dexras1(-/-)) mice, the authors examined whether Dexras1, a modulator of multiple inputs to the SCN, plays a role in regulating the effects of RF on activity rhythms and gene expression in the SCN. Daytime RF under 12L:12D or constant darkness (DD) resulted in potentiated (but less stable) FAA expression in dexras1(-/-) mice compared with wild-type (WT) controls. Under these conditions, the magnitude and phase of the SCN-driven activity component were greatly perturbed in the mutants. Restoration to ad libitum (AL) feeding revealed a stable phase displacement of the SCN-driven activity component of dexras1(-/-) mice by ~2?h in advance of the expected time. RF in the late night/early morning induced a long-lasting increase in the period of the SCN-driven activity component in the mutants but not the WT. At the molecular level, daytime RF advanced the rhythm of PER1, PER2, and pERK expression in the mutant SCN without having any effect in the WT. Collectively, these results indicate that the absence of Dexras1 sensitizes the SCN to perturbations resulting from restricted feeding. (Author correspondence: haiying.cheng@utoronto.ca ).  相似文献   

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers emerge from the pupae with no circadian rhythms in behavior or brain clock gene expression but show strong rhythms later in life. This postembryonic development of circadian rhythms is reminiscent of that of infants of humans and other primates but contrasts with most insects, which typically emerge from the pupae with strong circadian rhythms. Very little is known about the internal and external factors regulating the ontogeny of circadian rhythms in bees or in other animals. We tested the hypothesis that the environment during early life influences the later expression of circadian rhythms in locomotor activity in young honey bees. We reared newly emerged bees in various social environments, transferred them to individual cages in constant laboratory conditions, and monitored their locomotor activity. We found that the percentage of rhythmic individuals among bees that experienced the colony environment for their first 48 h of adult life was similar to that of older sister foragers, but their rhythms were weaker. Sister bees isolated individually in the laboratory for the same period were significantly less likely to show circadian rhythms in locomotor activity. Bees experiencing the colony environment for only 24 h, or staying for 48 h with 30 same-age sister bees in the laboratory, were similar to bees individually isolated in the laboratory. By contrast, bees that were caged individually or in groups in single- or double-mesh enclosures inside a field colony were as likely to exhibit circadian rhythms as their sisters that were freely moving in the same colony. These findings suggest that the development of the circadian system in young adult honey bees is faster in the colony than in isolation. Direct contact with the queen, workers, or the brood, contact pheromones, and trophallaxis, which are all important means of communication in honey bees, cannot account for the influence of the colony environment, since they were all withheld from the bees in the double-mesh enclosures. Our results suggest that volatile pheromones, the colony microenvironment, or both influence the ontogeny of circadian rhythms in honey bees.  相似文献   

Cholinergic stimuli are potent regulators of the circadian clock in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Using a brain slice model, we have found that the SCN clock is subject to muscarinic regulation, a sensitivity expressed only during the night of the clock's 24-h cycle. Pharmacological and signal transduction characteristics are compatible with a response mediated by an M1-like receptor. Molecular manipulation of muscarinic receptors will provide important insights as to the receptor subtype(s) regulating circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

RAD52 and RAD54 genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are required for double-strand break repair through homologous recombination and show epistatic interactions i.e., single and double mutant strains are equally sensitive to DNA damaging agents. In here we combined mutations in RAD52 and RAD54 homologs in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and mice. The analysis of mutant strains in S. pombe demonstrated nearly identical sensitivities of rhp54, rad22A and rad22B double and triple mutants to X-rays, cis-diamminedichloroplatinum and hydroxyurea. In this respect, the fission yeast homologs of RAD54 and RAD52 closely resemble their counterparts in S. cerevisiae. To verify if inactivation of RAD52 affects the DNA damage sensitivities of RAD54 deficient mice, several endpoints were studied in double mutant mice and in bone marrow cells derived from these animals. Haemopoietic depression in bone marrow and the formation of micronuclei after in vivo exposure to mitomycine C (MMC) was not increased in either single or double mutant mice in comparison to wildtype animals. The induction of sister chromatid exchanges in splenocytes was slightly reduced in the RAD54 mutant. A similar reduction was detected in the double mutant. However, a deficiency of RAD52 exacerbates the MMC survival of RAD54 mutant mice and also has a distinct effect on the survival of bone marrow cells after exposure to ionizing radiation. These findings may be explained by additive defects in HR in the double mutant but may also indicate a more prominent role for single-strand annealing in the absence of Rad54.  相似文献   

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