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The Cape Roberts Project (CRP) recovered a composite Eocene to lower Miocene stratigraphic sequence from the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica, which includes four new species, described herein, of the biostratigraphically useful fossil marine diatom genus Kisseleviella. Specimens of this extinct genus occur predominantly in neritic sediments, which along with the chain-forming nature and morphological similarity to extant benthic genera (e.g. Cymatosira) suggest that Kisseleviella was tychopelagic. The species of Kisseleviella described here appear to be endemic to the Antarctic region with an ecological preference for nearshore environments. The polythermal, subpolar glacial regime invoked for the late Eocene–early Miocene may have acted as a significant driver of speciation events in Antarctic Kisseleviella. Phylogenetic analysis of fossil genera such as Kisseleviella allows the development of a neritic biostratigraphic zonation. New taxa formally proposed are: Kisseleviella tricoronata, Kisseleviella cicatricata, Kisseleviella gaster and Kisseleviella faballiforma.  相似文献   

Fossil scorpions are among the oldest terrestrial arthropods known from the fossil record. They have a worldwide distribution and a rich fossil record, especially for the Paleozoic. Fossil scorpions from Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits are usually rare (except in amber-deposits). Here, we describe the only fossil scorpion from the Early to Middle Eocene Pesciara Lagerstätte in Italy. Eoeuscorpius ceratoi gen. et sp. nov. is probably a genus and species within the family Euscorpiidae. This may be the first fossil record of the Euscorpiidae, which are so far only known from four extant genera. Eoeuscorpius ceratoi gen. et sp. nov. was found in the “Lower Part” of the Pesciara Limestone, which is actually dated Late Ypresian stage (between 49.5 and 49.7 Ma). Besides a possible pseudoscorpion, the here-described fossil scorpion is the second arachnid species known from the Bolca Locality.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of marsupials from the late Paleogene of North America (Chadronian to Arikareean North American land mammal ages: late Eocene–late Oligocene) is reviewed based on new and previously undescribed fossil material as well as reevaluation of previously described material. Two families are recognized, the Herpetotheriidae and Peradectidae. Nine species of herpetotheriids are recognized within two genera: Herpetotherium Cope, 1873a and Copedelphys Korth, 1994, including one new species, H. tabrumi. The greatest diversity of herpetotheriids was in the Chadronian (four species). By the late Arikareean, only a single species is recognized. The range of Copedelphys is extended into the early Whitneyan (previously limited to Chadronian–Orellan). Among species of Herpetotherium, the ranges of two species have been extended: H. valens (Lambe, 1908) from the Chadronian is reported from the Orellan, and H. marsupium (Troxell, 1923) from the Uintan and Duchesnean is reported from the early Chadronian. The range of H. merriami (Stock and Furlong, 1922), previously only known from the Arikareean of Oregon, is expanded geographically eastward to Montana. Within the Peradectidae only three species are recognized: Peradectes cf. californicus (Stock, 1936) and Didelphidectes pumilis Hough, 1961 from the Chadronian, and Nanodelphys hunti (Cope, 1873b) from the Orellan to early Arikareean. Specimens previously identified as an unnamed new species of Nanodelphys from the Whitneyan and Arikareean are referred here to N. hunti.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - This article presents the archaeobotanical study of Taï, a Neolithic settlement located in Languedoc, southern France. In the western Mediterranean, the...  相似文献   

Two new species of the new genus Athaumaspis gen. n., Athaumaspis minutus sp. n. and Athaumaspis tibetanus sp. n. from Vietnam and China are described. The subgenus Pseudothaumaspis of Thaumaspis is elevated to generic status and another two new species Pseudothaumaspis bispinosus sp. n. and Pseudothaumaspis furcocercus sp. n. are described, the remaining species of Thaumaspis are reviewed and keyed with the four new species.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogeny and biogeographic history of the Holarctic harvestmen genus Sabacon, which shows an intercontinental disjunct distribution and is presumed to be a relatively old taxon. Molecular phylogenetic relationships of Sabacon were estimated using multiple gene regions and Bayesian inference for a comprehensive Sabacon sample. Molecular clock analyses, using relaxed clock models implemented in BEAST, are applied to date divergence events. Biogeographic scenarios utilizing S-DIVA and Lagrange C++ are reconstructed over sets of Bayesian trees, allowing for the incorporation of phylogenetic uncertainty and quantification of alternative reconstructions over time. Four primary well-supported subclades are recovered within Sabacon: (1) restricted to western North America; (2) eastern North American S. mitchelli and sampled Japanese taxa; (3) a second western North American group and taxa from Nepal and China; and (4) eastern North American S. cavicolens with sampled European Sabacon species. Three of four regional faunas (wNA, eNA, East Asia) are thereby non-monophyletic, and three clades include intercontinental disjuncts. Molecular clock analyses and biogeographic reconstructions support nearly simultaneous intercontinental dispersal coincident with the Eocene–Oligocene transition. We hypothesize that biogeographic exchange in the mid-Tertiary is likely correlated with the onset of global cooling, allowing cryophilic Sabacon taxa to disperse within and among continents. Morphological variation supports the divergent genetic clades observed in Sabacon, and suggests that a taxonomic revision (e.g., splitting Sabacon into multiple genera) may be warranted.  相似文献   

The earliest Oligocene (∼33.5 Ma) is marked by a major step in the long-term transition from an ice-free to glaciated world. The transition, characterized by both cooling and ice-sheet growth, triggered a transient but extreme glacial period designated Oi-1. High-resolution isotope records suggest that Oi-1 lasted for roughly 400,000 yr (the duration of magnetochron 13N) before partially abating, and that it was accompanied by an ocean-wide carbon isotope anomaly of ∼0.75‰. One hypothesis relates the carbon isotope anomaly to enhanced export production brought about by climate-induced intensification of wind stress and upwelling, particularly in the Southern Ocean. To understand how this climatic event affected export production in the Southern Ocean, biogenic silica (opal) and carbonate accumulation rates were computed for the sub-polar Indian Ocean using deep-sea cores from ODP Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau. Our findings suggest that net productivity in this region increased by several fold in response to the Oi-1 glaciation. In addition, calcareous primary producers dominant in the Late Eocene were partially replaced by opaline organisms suggesting a trend toward seasonally greater surface divergence and upwelling in this sector of the Southern Ocean. We attribute these changes to intensification of atmospheric/oceanic circulation brought about by high-latitude cooling and the appearance of a full-scale continental ice-sheet on East Antarctica. Higher terrigenous sediment accumulation rates support the idea that wind-induced changes in regional productivity were augmented by an increased supply of glacial dust and debris that provided limiting micro-nutrients (e.g., iron-rich dust particles). We speculate that the rapid changes in biogenic sediment accumulation in the Southern Ocean and other upwelling-dominated regions contributed to the ocean-wide positive carbon isotope anomaly by temporarily increasing the burial rate of organic carbon relative to carbonate carbon. The changes in burial rates, in turn, may have produced a positive feedback on climate by briefly drawing down atmospheric pCO2.  相似文献   

Understanding the global climate change from greenhouse to icehouse conditions at the Eocene–Oligocene Transition (EOT) 34 million years ago requires climatic records from oceanic as well as continental realms of the key Late Eocene “doubthouse” period preceding this switch. Here, we report integrated stratigraphic results from well-dated Late Eocene continental mudflat to saline lake paleoenvironments of the Xining Basin (northeastern Tibetan Plateau, western China) recording regional and global change. Cyclostratigraphic analysis strongly suggests continuous dominance of the 41-kyr obliquity cycle in the whole late Eocene interval down to the base of polarity chron C18n.2n at 39 Ma with additional input of the ~ 100-kyr eccentricity cycle up to the base of chron C13r at ~ 34.7 Ma. This might imply that high-latitude climates dominated the area long before the EOT, probably related to incipient ice-volume fluctuations. Furthermore, our results reveal two paleoenvironmental deterioration steps preceding the Eocene–Oligocene Transition. The first step occurs in the top of chron C17n.1n at ~ 36.6 Ma. This age closely corresponds to (1) the high-altitude pollen appearance in chron C16.2r at ~ 36.4 Ma in the same section, (2) the recently dated final retreat of the Tarim Sea in western China, and (3) a shift from precession to obliquity dominance in the Atlantic Ocean. This near co-occurrence suggests global change at this time. We hypothesize this change is related to an increase in incipient ice sheet volume leading to passing threshold conditions for the high-altitude pollen appearance and Tarim Sea retreat, finally leading to decreased moisture availability in the Xining Basin. At the second step, in the base of chron C13r at ~ 34.7 Ma, a substantial increase in clastic sedimentation rates is observed. This might relate to increased climate variability preceding the greenhouse to icehouse transition at the EOT that prevented landscapes to attain equilibrium configurations.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of five species of Brazilian Pseudophyllinae belonging to four tribes were here studied. The data available in the literature altogether with those obtained with species in here studied allowed us to infer that 2n(♂)=35 is the highest chromosome number found in the family Tettigoniidae and that it is present in species belonging to Pseudophyllinae, Zaprochilinae and in one species of Tettigoniinae. In spite of that all five species exhibit secondary karyotypes arisen surely by a mechanism of chromosomal rearrangement of centric fusion, tandem fusion and centric inversion types from those with 2n(♂)=35 and FN=35, they share some common traits. The X chromosome is submetacentric (FN=36), heteropicnotic during the first prophase, the largest of the set but its size is rather variable among the species and the sex chromosomal mechanism is of the XO( ♂ ), XX( ♀ ) type. The chromosomal rearrangements involved in the karyotype evolution of the Pseudophyllinae and its relationship with those of the family Tettigoniidae are discussed and we propose that the basic and the ancestral karyotype of the Tettigoniidae is formed by 2n(♂)=35, FN=35 and not by 2n(♂)=31, FN= 31, as usually accepted.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Cryptohelops menaticus gen. et sp. n., are described from the Palaeocene of Menat (France). The new genus belongs to the subtribe Helopina of the tribe Helopini (subfamily Tenebrioninae of Tenebrionidae) based on the coarse and dense punctation of the hypomera, shape of the prosternum and metepisterna, a similar appearance to the native genera Helops and Stenohelops and the structure of the epipleura. The new genus also resembles Raiboscelis and Entomogonus by having the protibiae excised along the base of the inner side. The new genus is the oldest representative of the tribe Helopini. Four species of Helops sensu lato previously described from the Oligocene (H. wetteravicus K. Heyden et L. Heyden, 1865) and Miocene (H. atticus Redtenbacher in Ungern, 1867; H. meissneri Heer, 1847 and H. molassicus Heer, 1883) lack important diagnostic characters and should be regarded as members of the tribe Helopini with uncertain generic attribution.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(5):291-297
A new semionotid fish, Lepidotes buddhabutrensis n. sp., is described from the continental Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Phu Kradung Formation, Phu Nam Jun, Kalasin Province. L. buddhabutrensis is characterized notably by the pattern of its cheek bones, by its short preorbital region, and by its numerous and well-developed premaxillary teeth. L. buddhabutrensis is provisionally placed in the genus Lepidotes; it shares, however, derived characters with other semionotids, such as Araripelepidotes and Pliodetes. To cite this article: L. Cavin et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(2):141-147
A small bird with a shorebird-like beak and a very long hind toe is described from the Early Eocene of Messel in Germany. Vanolimicola longihallucis, gen. et sp. nov. is one of the few candidate species for a “wading bird” from Messel, that is, a bird that may have foraged along the shoreline of the ancient lake. A few features indicate a relationship to charadriiform birds and Jacanidae (jacanas) in particular, but charadriiform affinities are only weakly supported. In the preserved skeletal elements, V. longihallucis also resembles the taxon Songzia from the Early Eocene of China, which is considered to be a representative of the Ralloidea (rails and allies). A potential biogeographic significance of the new Messel fossil is strengthened by similar fossils from the North American Green River Formation.  相似文献   

Taeniopoda is a genus of grasshoppers currently represented by 12 species distributed from southern USA to Panama, with most of them occurring along the transitional Nearctic–Neotropical region in central and southern Mexico. Despite being a small group of conspicuous, colourful species, the systematics of Taeniopoda has been largely neglected, including its phylogenetic affinity with the morphologically similar, monotypic genus Romalea. Here, we assessed the species limits in 11 of the species of Teniopoda based on two mitochondrial (mt) markers (COI, cyt b). Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed adding two nuclear gene markers (28S, H3). A relaxed molecular clock analysis was performed based on the mt markers. We detected nuclear mt paralogues (numts) and the probable introgression of T. tamaulipensis mtDNA in specimens of T. eques from central Mexico. Between six and 14 species of Taeniopoda were delimited by the sequence-based approaches performed (COI divergence with thresholds of 1 and 2%; General Mixed Yule-Coalescent (GMYC) model). The GMYC and 1% threshold analyses with COI were more congruent with the currently recognized morphology-based taxonomy with 10 and 11 putative species, respectively. Four of these species were regarded as ‘stable’, since they were supported by at least one of the molecular analyses and by diagnostic morphological features. The species-based phylogeny recovered Taeniopoda as paraphyletic with respect to the monotypic genus Romalea. Three morphologically and geographically congruent major clades were recovered, two with species having a considerably elevated pronotal crest and one with its members having it less elevated. The origin and subsequent diversification of Taeniopoda were estimated to occur from the mid and late Miocene to Pliocene, respectively. The current species diversity in Taeniopoda was estimated to occur during the Pleistocene, which was probably influenced by the climatic oscillations that occurred during this period and the uplift of mountain ranges in Central America.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):557-569
New observations on the Late Miocene and Earliest Pliocene mustelids from the Middle Awash of Ethiopia are presented. The Middle Awash study area samples the last six million years of African vertebrate evolutionary history. Its Latest Miocene (Asa Koma Member of the Adu-Asa Formation, 5.54–5.77 Ma) and Earliest Pliocene (Kuseralee and Gawto Members of the Sagantole Formation, 5.2 and 4.85 Ma, respectively) deposits sample a number of large and small carnivore taxa among which mustelids are numerically abundant. Among the known Late Miocene and Early Pliocene mustelid genera, the Middle Awash Late Miocene documents the earliest Mellivora in eastern Africa and its likely first appearance in Africa, a new species of Plesiogulo, and a species of Vishnuonyx. The latter possibly represents the last appearance of this genus in Africa. Torolutra ougandensis is known from both the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene deposits of the Middle Awash. The genus Sivaonyx is represented by at least two species: S. ekecaman and S. aff. S. soriae. Most of the lutrine genera documented in the Middle Awash Late Miocene/Early Pliocene are also documented in contemporaneous sites of eastern Africa. The new observations presented here show that mustelids were more diverse in the Middle Awash Late Miocene and Early Pliocene than previously documented.  相似文献   

A new calanoid copepod species Scaphocalanus emine n. sp. is described for the first time from the Iskenderun Bay, northeastern Levantine Basin. S. emine is similar to S. affinis (Sars, 1905) having both identical orientation of the posterolateral corners of the cephalothorax and a median crest on the forehead. The new species is also similar in some features to S. affinis in the structure of Re1P1- lacking the outer marginal spine and by the presence of the rounded apex on the distal internal margin. It differs from S. affinis as the median crest on the forehead is smaller and due to the presence of a rudimentary endopod furnished with an apical spine on the P5. Originality in construction of the P1 and P5 distinguish the new species from other Scaphocalanus species.  相似文献   

New bird fossils from the late Eocene/early Oligocene Makah Formation and the Oligocene Pysht Formation on the Olympic Peninsula (Washington State, USA) are described. A partial skeleton from the Pysht Formation includes the first reported tarsometatarsus of Tonsala hildegardae Olson, 1980, a wing-propelled diving bird of the taxon Plotopteridae. It shows that Tonsala had a tarsometatarsus that was morphologically intermediate between that of the late Eocene Phocavis and more derived plotopterids. We introduce the new taxon Tonsalinae nov. subfam. for a clade including all named plotopterids except Phocavis, Plotopterum, and the recently described Stemec. We furthermore describe a partial plotopterid pelvis and a sternum from the Makah Formation. The sternum shows a close resemblance to that of extant Phalacrocoracoidea (cormorants and darters) and may be the earliest North American record of this taxon.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Paleoclimatic data indicate that an abrupt climate change occurred at the Eocene–Oligocene (E–O) boundary affecting the distribution of tropical forests on Earth. The same period has seen the emergence of South-East (SE) Asia, caused by the collision of the Eurasian and Australian plates. How the combination of these climatic and geomorphological factors affected the spatio-temporal history of angiosperms is little known. This topic is investigated by using the worldwide sapindaceous clade as a case study.


Analyses of divergence time inference, diversification and biogeography (constrained by paleogeography) are applied to a combined plastid and nuclear DNA sequence data set. Biogeographical and diversification analyses are performed over a set of trees to take phylogenetic and dating uncertainty into account. Results are analysed in the context of past climatic fluctuations.

Key Results

An increase in the number of dispersal events at the E–O boundary is recorded, which intensified during the Miocene. This pattern is associated with a higher rate in the emergence of new genera. These results are discussed in light of the geomorphological importance of SE Asia, which acted as a tropical bridge allowing multiple contacts between areas and additional speciation across landmasses derived from Laurasia and Gondwana.


This study demonstrates the importance of the combined effect of geomorphological (the emergence of most islands in SE Asia approx. 30 million years ago) and climatic (the dramatic E–O climate change that shifted the tropical belt and reduced sea levels) factors in shaping species distribution within the sapindaceous clade.  相似文献   

We describe three new hyaenodonts from the late Ypresian locality of Prémontré (Aisne, France; close to MP 10 reference level). The new species – Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp., Cynohyaenodon smithae nov. sp., and Eurotherium mapplethorpei nov. sp. – represent the oldest occurrences of these three European genera. Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp. is also reported from the locality of Cuis (Marne, France; Ypresian, ~MP 10). We further present the dentition of two specimens of Lesmesodon edingeri from Messel (Hessia, Germany; type locality of the genus) based on µCT scans. Cynohyaenodon smithae nov. sp. and Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp. support the presence of small (300–400 g) hyaenodonts in the late Ypresian of the Paris Basin. Estimates of dental indices indicate that these hyaenodonts had an insectivorous diet. The third species – referred to Eurotherium – may have weighed 4–5 kg and, based on dental indices, likely incorporated more vertebrate prey into its diet. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis in order to test the relationships of these new taxa. These newly discovered species imply that the Proviverra/Allopterodon, Cynohyaenodon, and Eurotherium clades appeared in Europe earlier than previously known (i.e., Lutetian, MP 11). They reinforce the hypothesis that the hyaenodonts radiated during the middle-late Ypresian (MP 8/9–10) in Europe and adapted at that time to diverse ecological niches that they still occupied in the Priabonian (MP 13–14).  相似文献   

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