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Crohn’s disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease caused by genetic and environmental factors. More than 160 susceptibility loci have been identified for IBD, yet a large part of the genetic variance remains unexplained. Recent studies have demonstrated genetic differences between monozygotic twins, who were long thought to be genetically completely identical.


We aimed to test if somatic mutations play a role in CD etiology by sequencing the genomes and exomes of directly affected tissue from the bowel and blood samples of one and the blood-derived exomes of two further monozygotic discordant twin pairs. Our goal was the identification of mutations present only in the affected twins, pointing to novel candidates for CD susceptibility loci. We present a thorough genetic characterization of the sequenced individuals but detected no consistent differences within the twin pairs. An estimate of the CD susceptibility based on known CD loci however hinted at a higher mutational load in all three twin pairs compared to 1,920 healthy individuals.


Somatic mosaicism does not seem to play a role in the discordance of monozygotic CD twins. Our study constitutes the first to perform whole genome sequencing for CD twins and therefore provides a valuable reference dataset for future studies. We present an example framework for mosaicism detection and point to the challenges in these types of analyses.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-564) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Osteosarcoma (OS) is a prevalent primary malignant bone tumour with unknown etiology. These highly metastasizing tumours are among the most frequent causes of cancer-related deaths. Thus, there is an urgent need for different markers, and with our study, we were aiming towards finding novel biomarkers for OS.


For that, we analysed the whole exome of the tumorous and non-tumour bone tissue from the same patient with OS applying next-generation sequencing. For data analysis, we used several softwares and combined the exome data with RNA-seq data from our previous study.


In the tumour exome, we found wide genomic rearrangements, which should qualify as chromotripsis—we detected almost 3,000 somatic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small indels and more than 2,000 copy number variants (CNVs) in different chromosomes. Furthermore, the somatic changes seem to be associated to bone tumours, whereas germline mutations to cancer in general. We confirmed the previous findings that the most significant pathway involved in OS pathogenesis is probably the WNT/β-catenin signalling pathway. Also, the IGF1/IGF2 and IGF1R homodimer signalling and TP53 (including downstream tumour suppressor gene EI24) pathways may have a role. Additionally, the mucin family genes, especially MUC4 and cell cycle controlling gene CDC27 may be considered as potential biomarkers for OS.


The genes, in which the mutations were detected, may be considered as targets for finding biomarkers for OS. As the study is based on a single case and only DNA and RNA analysis, further confirmative studies are required.

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Characterizing large genomic variants is essential to expanding the research and clinical applications of genome sequencing. While multiple data types and methods are available to detect these structural variants (SVs), they remain less characterized than smaller variants because of SV diversity, complexity, and size. These challenges are exacerbated by the experimental and computational demands of SV analysis. Here, we characterize the SV content of a personal genome with Parliament, a publicly available consensus SV-calling infrastructure that merges multiple data types and SV detection methods.


We demonstrate Parliament’s efficacy via integrated analyses of data from whole-genome array comparative genomic hybridization, short-read next-generation sequencing, long-read (Pacific BioSciences RSII), long-insert (Illumina Nextera), and whole-genome architecture (BioNano Irys) data from the personal genome of a single subject (HS1011). From this genome, Parliament identified 31,007 genomic loci between 100 bp and 1 Mbp that are inconsistent with the hg19 reference assembly. Of these loci, 9,777 are supported as putative SVs by hybrid local assembly, long-read PacBio data, or multi-source heuristics. These SVs span 59 Mbp of the reference genome (1.8%) and include 3,801 events identified only with long-read data. The HS1011 data and complete Parliament infrastructure, including a BAM-to-SV workflow, are available on the cloud-based service DNAnexus.


HS1011 SV analysis reveals the limits and advantages of multiple sequencing technologies, specifically the impact of long-read SV discovery. With the full Parliament infrastructure, the HS1011 data constitute a public resource for novel SV discovery, software calibration, and personal genome structural variation analysis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1479-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Kunce  Christine M.  Trelease  Richard N.  Doman  Diane C. 《Planta》1984,161(2):156-164
Morphometric procedures were used with light and electron microscopy to examine glyoxysome number, volume, shape and distribution as well as mesophyll cell volume, in cotyledons of mature (50 d postanthesis), imbibed (5h) and germinated (24 and 37 h) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seeds. Additionally, activities of five glyoxysomal marker enzymes in cotyledon extracts were assayed at each of the above ages. Cell volume was determined from photomicrographs of Epon-embedded sections by the point-counting procedure. Analysis of variance showed that cell volume was not different among the tissue segments studied. Glyoxysomes were cytochemically stained for catalase (EC activity with the 3,3-diaminobenzidine-tetrahydrochloride procedure. Analyses involving both phase and electron microscopy, and two separate sterologic calculations for determining the number of glyoxysomes per cell, indicate that glyoxysomes are numerous in mature seeds, persist through desiccation and imbibition, then increase dramatically in volume (seven fold) but not number (a maximum of 1.5-fold), when enzyme activities increase two to six times (depending on the enzyme). During the entire period of increase in glyoxysomal enzyme activities, no ultrastructural evidence was found for glyoxysome formation or destruction. Our data, in contrast to some proposals in the literature, indicate that cottonseed glyoxysomes form during seed maturation, then develop following seed imbibition into pleomorphic organelles by posttranslational accumulation of proteins from the cytosol and transfer of membrane components probably from the endoplasmic reticulum.Abbreviations DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - DPA days postanthesis - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

The German Neurospora Genome Project has assembled sequences from ordered cosmid and BAC clones of linkage groups II and V of the genome of Neurospora crassa in 13 and 12 contigs, respectively. Including additional sequences located on other linkage groups a total of 12 Mb were subjected to a manual gene extraction and annotation process. The genome comprises a small number of repetitive elements, a low degree of segmental duplications and very few paralogous genes. The analysis of the 3218 identified open reading frames provides a first overview of the protein equipment of a filamentous fungus. Significantly, N.crassa possesses a large variety of metabolic enzymes including a substantial number of enzymes involved in the degradation of complex substrates as well as secondary metabolism. While several of these enzymes are specific for filamentous fungi many are shared exclusively with prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Some notable exceptions aside, eukaryotic genomes are distinguished from those of Bacteria and Archaea in a number of ways, including chromosome structure and number, repetitive DNA content, and the presence of introns in protein-coding regions. One of the most notable differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes is in size. Unlike their prokaryotic counterparts, eukaryotes exhibit enormous (more than 60 000-fold) variability in genome size which is not explained by differences in gene number. Genome size is known to correlate with cell size and division rate, and by extension with numerous organism-level traits such as metabolism, developmental rate or body size. Less well described are the relationships between genome size and other properties of the genome, such as gene content, transposable element content, base pair composition and related features. The rapid expansion of ‘complete’ genome sequencing projects has, for the first time, made it possible to examine these relationships across a wide range of eukaryotes in order to shed new light on the causes and correlates of genome size diversity. This study presents the results of phylogenetically informed comparisons of genome data for more than 500 species of eukaryotes. Several relationships are described between genome size and other genomic parameters, and some recommendations are presented for how these insights can be extended even more broadly in the future.  相似文献   



The first step of GPI anchor biosynthesis is catalyzed by PIG-A, an enzyme that transfers N -acetylglucosamine from UDP- N -acetylglucosamine to phosphatidylinositol. This protein is present in all eukaryotic organisms ranging from protozoa to higher mammals, as part of a larger complex of five to six 'accessory' proteins whose individual roles in the glycosyltransferase reaction are as yet unclear. The PIG-A gene has been shown to be an essential gene in various eukaryotes. In humans, mutations in the protein have been associated with paroxysomal noctural hemoglobuinuria. The corresponding PIG-A gene has also been recently identified in the genome of many archaeabacteria although genes of the accessory proteins have not been discovered in them. The present study explores the evolution of PIG-A and the phylogenetic relationship between this protein and other glycosyltransferases.


In this paper we show that out of the twelve conserved motifs identified by us eleven are exclusively present in PIG-A and, therefore, can be used as markers to identify PIG-A from newly sequenced genomes. Three of these motifs are absent in the primitive eukaryote, G. lamblia. Sequence analyses show that seven of these conserved motifs are present in prokaryote and archaeal counterparts in rudimentary forms and can be used to differentiate PIG-A proteins from glycosyltransferases. Using partial least square regression analysis and data involving presence or absence of motifs in a range of PIG-A and glycosyltransferases we show that (i) PIG-A may have evolved from prokaryotic glycosyltransferases and lipopolysaccharide synthases, members of the GT4 family of glycosyltransferases and (ii) it is possible to uniquely classify PIG-A proteins versus glycosyltransferases.


Besides identifying unique motifs and showing that PIG-A protein from G. lamblia and some putative PIG-A proteins from archaebacteria are evolutionarily closer to glycosyltransferases, these studies provide a new method for identification and classification of PIG-A proteins.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for large scale routine phenotyping of haptoglobin (Hp) which allows complete subtyping without prior purification of the Hp molecule. The procedure includes polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing of reduced, neuraminidase treated serum or plasma samples, and nitrocellulose blots developed with the immunoperoxidase technique. Different variables including sample treatment, electrofocusing, blotting procedures, and immunoperoxidase visualization are discussed.Characteristic -chain patterns allow identification of the common allotypes 2FS, 2SS, 2FF, IS, IF, and Johnson. Isoelectric variations in the -chain may also be recognized. For comparison, two-dimensional Hp-patterns are presented. The results from concurrent typing of 600 samples by ordinary starch gel electrophoresis and by the described isofocusing technique, are evaluated.  相似文献   

New discoveries in life sciences depend on accurate analysis of biomolecules, which in turn depends on the extraction of high-quality molecules in high quantities from the tissues of plants, animals or microorganisms. The extraction process for hard-to-lyse cells and tissues has been a bottleneck in the path to discovery for many years. This review describes extraction methods currently in use, and compares them to a newly developed, automated process involving patented pressure cycling technology (PCT). The PCT sample preparation system (SPS) uses an instrument capable of rapid, temperature-controlled pressure cycling between ambient and high pressures, and single-use sample tubes containing a ram and a lysis disk. The quality and quantity of nucleic acid and protein prepared by the PCT SPS method are comparable to the older methods, whereas ease and safety of processing, reproducibility, speed and control are enhanced.  相似文献   

The extent of focal chromosomal copy number aberrations (CNAs) in cancer has been uncovered through technical innovations, and this discovery has been critical for the identification of new cancer driver genes in genomics projects such as TCGA and ICGC. Unlike constitutive copy number variations (CNVs), focal CNAs are the result of many selection events during the evolution of cancer genomes. Therefore, it is possible that a single gene in a focal CNA gives the tumor a selective growth advantage. This concept has been instrumental in the discovery of new cancer driver genes. However, focal CNAs lack a consensus definition; therefore, we propose one based on pragmatic considerations. We also describe different strategies to identify focal CNAs and procedures to distinguish them from large CNAs and CNVs.  相似文献   

Genome size differences are usually attributed to the amplification and deletion of various repeated DNA sequences, including transposable elements (TEs). Because environmental changes may promote modifications in the amount of these repeated sequences, it has been postulated that when a species colonizes new environments this could be followed by an increase in its genome size. We tested this hypothesis by estimating the genome size of geographically distinct populations of Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila malerkotliana, Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila simulans, Drosophila subobscura, and Zaprionus indianus, all of which have known colonization capacities. There was no strong statistical differences between continents for most species. However, we found that populations of D. melanogaster from east Africa have smaller genomes than more recent populations. For species in which colonization is a recent event, the differences between genome sizes do not thus seem to be related to colonization history. These findings suggest either that genome size is seldom modified in a significant way during colonization or that it takes time for genome size of invading species to change significantly.  相似文献   

Despite the current good level of annotation, the Drosophila genome still holds surprises. A recent study has added perhaps 2,000 genes to the predicted total, and raises a number of questions about how genome annotation data should be stored and presented.  相似文献   

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