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很多RNA分子可以进行转录后修饰.最近的研究发现,末端无需模板的尿苷酸添加(尿苷化)可能就是一种广泛存在且保守,但以前了解甚少的RNA转录后修饰方式.这种修饰可以发生在从藻类到人类的很多RNA上,如多聚腺苷化的mRNA、siRNAs或miRNAs内切mRNA得到的上游片段、组蛋白mRNA、目前发现的大多数小调节RNAs、U6小核RNA(snRNA)、转录起点相关的小RNA和剪切的内含子等.这种修饰不仅具有重要的功能,如增强RNA的降解、促进或抑制RNA的加工形成、改变RNA的活性或作为mRNA的一种质量控制机制,而且还与人类的一些致病机制有关,如癌症.本文主要综述了小RNA、mRNA及其内切片段、组蛋白mRNA和U6 snRNA等RNA尿苷化的研究进展,并对相关研究的应用前景做了展望.  相似文献   

Bromo- and cucumovirus RNAs contain a tRNA-like structure as an integral part of their genome. This structure is located at the 3' end of the viral RNA and is an acceptor of tyrosine. The 3' regions of representative viral RNAs have been sequenced and quite unorthodox secondary foldings have been proposed for these 3' ends. The question therefore remained as to how these structures could be recognized by tRNA-specific enzymes. We have established the minimum number of nucleotides from the 3' end of the brome mosaic virus and broad bean mottle virus RNAs required for the formation of structures recognized by the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase and/or the tRNA nucleotidyltransferase. The results obtained delineate the length of the tRNA-like region, and indicate that the 5' region of the tRNA-like structure participates in the formation of the amino acid stem. This has led us to propose an 'L'-shaped secondary structure for these tRNA-like regions.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that sequence-specific adenylations and deadenylations accompany changes in the translation of maternal mRNA following fertilization of Spisula oocytes (E.T. Rosenthal, T.R. Tansey, and J.V. Ruderman, 1983, J. Mol. Biol. 166, 309-327). The data presented here confirm and extend those observations. We have identified four classes of maternal mRNA with respect to translation: Class 1-not translated in oocytes and translated at very high efficiency immediately after fertilization, Class 2-not translated in oocytes and partially utilized for translation following fertilization, Class 3-translated in oocytes and not translated in embryos, and Class 4-not translated either before or after fertilization. There is an excellent, although not perfect, correlation between the translation of an mRNA and its polyadenylation status. The poly(A) tails of all the mRNAs which are translated in oocytes and untranslated in embryos are shortened at fertilization, and the poly(A) tails of those mRNAs which are untranslated in oocytes and translated in embryos are lengthened at fertilization. These adenylations and deadenylations occur simultaneously during the first 20 min following fertilization.  相似文献   

miRNA是转录后基因表达调节的重要分子,但目前对它们自身的调节机制还知之甚少.最近的研究发现,在很多生物中,miRNA的3'末端都可以无需模板的添加尿苷酸(尿苷化)或腺苷酸(腺苷化),这种修饰可以发生在miRNA的前体上,也可以发生在成熟的miRNA上,其作用不仅可以影响miRNA的生物合成,稳定性,靶向靶标mRNAs的效率,而且还可以作为损伤miRNA的质量控制机制,及其形成mRNAs的异构体,以提高miRNA的作用范围或更精细的发挥基因表达调节作用.越来越多的研究揭示:这种修饰具有miRNA、组织、生物发育阶段和疾病状况等特异性,而且还涉及很多人类的发病机制,如癌症.本文综述了miRNA的3'末端尿苷化或腺苷化的研究进展,并对这种机制的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Ren G  Chen X  Yu B 《Current biology : CB》2012,22(8):695-700
HEN1-mediated 2'-O-methylation has been shown to be a key mechanism to protect plant microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) as well as animal piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) from degradation and 3' terminal uridylation [1-8]. However, enzymes uridylating unmethylated miRNAs, siRNAs, or piRNAs in hen1 are unknown. In this study, a genetic screen identified a second-site mutation hen1 suppressor1-2 (heso1-2) that partially suppresses the morphological phenotypes of the hypomorphic hen1-2 allele and the null hen1-1 allele in Arabidopsis. HESO1 encodes a terminal nucleotidyl transferase that prefers to add untemplated uridine to the 3' end of RNA, which is completely abolished by 2'-O-methylation. heso1-2 affects the profile of u-tailed miRNAs and siRNAs and increases the abundance of truncated and/or normal sized ones in hen1, which often results in increased total amount of miRNAs and siRNAs in hen1. In contrast, overexpressing HESO1 in hen1-2 causes more severe morphological defects and less accumulation of miRNAs. These results demonstrate that HESO1 is an enzyme uridylating unmethylated miRNAs and siRNAs in hen1. These observations also suggest that uridylation may destabilize unmethylated miRNAs through an unknown mechanism and compete with 3'-to-5' exoribonuclease activities in hen1. This study shall have implications on piRNA uridylation in hen1 in animals.  相似文献   

The genome of brome mosaic virus (BMV) is comprised of three (+) strand RNAs, each containing a similar, highly structured, 200 base long sequence at its 3' end. A 134 base subset of this sequence contains signals directing interaction of the viral RNA with BMV RNA replicase, ATP,CTP:tRNA nucleotidyl transferase and aminoacyl tRNA synthetase. A series of mutants containing deletions within this region, previously constructed and tested in vitro for the effect on replication and aminoacylation activities, has now been assayed in vitro for adenylation function and in vivo for ability to replicate in isolated protoplasts and whole plants. These tests indicate that features of viral RNA recognized by BMV replicase overlap those directing adenylation, but are distinct from those directing aminoacylation. Consequently, the lethality of a deletion preferentially inhibiting aminoacylation suggests that this function may have an essential role contributing to viral replication in vivo. An RNA3 mutant bearing a 20-base deletion yielding normal levels of aminoacylation and enhanced levels of replicase template activity and adenylation in vitro was able to replicate in protoplasts and plants; however, its accumulation in protoplasts was reduced relative to wild-type. This suggests that additional functions affecting the replication and accumulation of viral RNA reside in the conserved 3' sequence.  相似文献   

Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) and NRPS-like enzymes are abundant in microbes as they are involved in the production of primary and secondary metabolites. In contrast to the well-studied NRPSs, known to produce non-ribosomal peptides, NRPS-like enzymes exhibit more diverse activities and their evolutionary relationships are unclear. Here, we present the first in-depth phylogenetic analysis of fungal NRPS-like A domains from functionally characterized pathways, and their relationships to characterized A domains found in fungal NRPSs. This study clearly differentiated amino acid reductases, including NRPSs, from CoA/AMP ligases, which could be divided into 10 distinct phylogenetic clades that reflect their conserved domain organization, substrate specificity and enzymatic activity. In particular, evolutionary relationships of adenylate forming reductases could be refined and explained the substrate specificity difference. Consistent with their phylogeny, the deduced amino acid code of A domains differentiated amino acid reductases from other enzymes. However, a diagnostic code was found for α-keto acid reductases and clade 7 CoA/AMP ligases only. Comparative genomics of loci containing these enzymes revealed that they can be independently recruited as tailoring genes in diverse secondary metabolite pathways. Based on these results, we propose a refined and clear phylogeny-based classification of A domain-containing enzymes, which will provide a robust framework for future functional analyses and engineering of these enzymes to produce new bioactive molecules.  相似文献   

VPg uridylylation is essential for picornavirus RNA replication. The VPg uridylylation reaction consists of the binding of VPg to 3D polymerase (3Dpol) and the transfer of UMP by 3Dpol to the hydroxyl group of the third amino acid Tyr of VPg. Previous studies suggested that different picornaviruses employ distinct mechanisms during VPg binding and uridylylation. Here, we report a novel site (Site-311, located at the base of the palm domain of EV71 3Dpol) that is essential for EV71 VPg uridylylation as well as viral replication. Ala substitution of amino acids (T313, F314, and I317) at Site-311 reduced the VPg uridylylation activity of 3Dpol by >90%. None of the Site-311 mutations affected the RNA elongation activity of 3Dpol, which indicates that Site-311 does not directly participate in RNA polymerization. However, mutations that abrogated VPg uridylylation significantly reduced the VPg binding ability of 3Dpol, which suggests that Site-311 is a potential VPg binding site on enterovirus 71 (EV71) 3Dpol. Mutation of a polymerase active site in 3Dpol and Site-311 in 3Dpol remarkably enables trans complementation to restore VPg uridylylation. In contrast, two distinct Site-311 mutants do not cause trans complementation in vitro. These results indicate that Site-311 is a VPg binding site that stabilizes the VPg molecule during the VPg uridylylation process and suggest a two-molecule model for 3Dpol during EV71 VPg uridylylation, such that one 3Dpol presents the hydroxyl group of Tyr3 of VPg to the polymerase active site of another 3Dpol, which in turn catalyzes VPg→VPg-pU conversion. For genome-length RNA, the Site-311 mutations that reduced VPg uridylylation were lethal for EV71 replication, which indicates that Site-311 is a potential antiviral target.  相似文献   

The degradation of mRNA is crucial for the rapid shift of bacteriophage T4 gene expression from early to late. The present study was conducted to investigate whether T4 mRNA is polyadenylated or not, because polyadenylation is known to facilitate the degradation of mRNA in Escherichia coli cells. Total RNA extracted from T4-infected cells was subjected to self-circularization or intermolecular ligation by T4 RNA ligase, and a region containing the 3'-5' junction was amplified by RT-PCR. Cloning and sequencing as well as the length distribution of amplified DNA fragments revealed no adenines at the 3'-ends of uvsY and soc RNAs. The present result suggests that T4 mRNA is not significantly adenylated.  相似文献   

Adenylate forming enzymes play an important role in nature as they are involved in a number of essential biochemical pathways. In this study, we investigated the ability of a set of structurally related recombinant bacterial adenylate forming enzymes derived from nonribosomal peptide synthetases for their ability to synthesize acyl-CoAs in vitro. Adenylation-domains normally transfer their reactive aminoacyl-adenylates onto the covalently attached 4'-phosphopantetheine moiety of small carrier proteins. In detail, DltA, DhbE, GrsA-A, TycB(3)-A, and TycC(3)-A were investigated for their ability to synthesize acyl-CoAs. As reference, acetyl-CoA-synthetase (Acs) of B. subtilis was utilized, which naturally synthesizes acetyl-CoA from acetate, CoA-SH and ATP. Interestingly, all enzymes were capable of producing acyl-CoAs, albeit with differing efficiencies. Surprisingly, both CoA-SH and ATP were observed to inhibit the adenylation reaction at higher concentrations. Product quantification for kinetic determination was carried out by ESI-SIM-MS. Our results allow speculation as to evolutionary relationships within the large class of adenylate forming enzymes.  相似文献   

Uridylation of U6 RNA in a nuclear extract in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The uridylation of U6 RNA in a nuclear extract of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was examined. This reaction required ATP or GTP, although these nucleotides were not incorporated into U6 RNA itself. ATP and GTP could be replaced by their nonhydrolyzable analogues ATP gamma S and GTP gamma S. Therefore, hydrolysis of ATP or GTP is not necessary for the uridylation of U6 RNA, indicating that these nucleotides are effectors of this reaction. By chromatographies of a nuclear extract of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells on phosphocellulose and DEAE-cellulose, U6 RNA could be separated from an enzyme adding a uridine residue(s) to this RNA.  相似文献   

Adenylation/adenylate-forming enzymes catalyze the activation of a carboxylic acid at the expense of ATP to form an acyl-adenylate intermediate and pyrophosphate (PPi). In a second half-reaction, adenylation enzymes catalyze the transfer of the acyl moiety of the acyl-adenylate onto an acceptor molecule, which can be either a protein or a small molecule. We describe the design, development, and validation of a coupled continuous spectrophotometric assay for adenylation enzymes that employs hydroxylamine as a surrogate acceptor molecule, leading to the formation of a hydroxamate. The released pyrophosphate from the first half-reaction is measured using the pyrophosphatase-purine nucleoside phosphorylase coupling system with the chromogenic substrate 7-methylthioguanosine (MesG). The coupled hydroxamate-MesG assay is especially useful for characterizing the activity and inhibition of adenylation enzymes that acylate a protein substrate and/or fail to undergo rapid ATP-PPi exchange.  相似文献   

Micro RNAs and Short-interfering RNAs in Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The RNA conformational requirements for both aminoacylation and adenylation emerging from our studies performed using the valine- and the tyrosine-accepting plant viral RNAs are now strongly supported by the histidine-accepting tobacco mosaic virus RNA: an 'L'-shaped conformation is recognized by the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase whereas only the aminoacyl RNA domain (equivalent in tRNAs to the continuous helix formed by the acceptor stem and the T stem and loop) interacts with the tRNA nucleotidyltransferase.  相似文献   

Small RNAs regulate gene expression and most genes in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans are subject to their regulation. Here, we analyze small RNA data sets and use reproducible features of RNAs present in multiple data sets to discover a new class of small RNAs and to reveal insights into two known classes of small RNAs—22G RNAs and 26G RNAs. We found that reproducibly detected 22-nt RNAs, although are predominantly RNAs with a G at the 5′ end, also include RNAs with A, C, or U at the 5′ end. These RNAs are synthesized downstream from characteristic sequence motifs on mRNA and have U-tailed derivatives. Analysis of 26G RNAs revealed that they are processed from a blunt end of double-stranded RNAs and that production of one 26G RNA generates a hotspot immediately downstream for production of another. To our surprise, analysis of RNAs shorter than 18 nt revealed a new class of RNAs, which we call NU RNAs (pronounced “new RNAs”) because they have a NU bias at the 5′ end, where N is any nucleotide. NU RNAs are antisense to genes and originate downstream from U bases on mRNA. Although many genes have complementary NU RNAs, their genome-wide distribution is distinct from that of previously known classes of small RNAs. Our results suggest that current approaches underestimate reproducibly detected RNAs that are shorter than 18 nt, and theoretical considerations suggest that such shorter RNAs could be used for sequence-specific gene regulation in organisms like C. elegans that have small genomes.  相似文献   

The streptothricin (ST) antibiotics, produced by Streptomyces bacteria, contain L-β-lysine ((3S)-3,6-diaminohexanoic acid) oligopeptides as pendant chains. Here we describe three unusual nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) involved in ST biosynthesis: ORF 5 (a stand-alone adenylation (A) domain), ORF 18 (containing thiolation (T) and condensation (C) domains) and ORF 19 (a stand-alone A domain). We demonstrate that ST biosynthesis begins with adenylation of L-β-lysine by ORF 5, followed by transfer to the T domain of ORF 18. In contrast, L-β-lysine molecules adenylated by ORF 19 are used to elongate an L-β-lysine peptide chain on ORF 18, a reaction unexpectedly catalyzed by ORF 19 itself. Finally, the C domain of ORF 18 catalyzes the condensation of L-β-lysine oligopeptides covalently bound to ORF 18 with a freely diffusible intermediate to release the ST products. These results highlight an unusual activity for an A domain and unique mechanisms of crosstalk within NRPS machinery.  相似文献   

Terminal adenylation in the synthesis of RNA by Q beta replicase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We investigated the apparent requirement that Q beta replicase must add a nontemplated adenosine to the 3' end of newly synthesized RNA strands. We used abbreviated MDV-1 (+)-RNA templates that lacked either 62 or 63 nucleotides at their 5' end in Q beta replicase reactions. The MDV-1 (-)-RNA strands synthesized from these abbreviated (+)-strand templates were released from the replication complex, yet they did not possess a nontemplated 3'-terminal adenosine. These results imply that, despite observations that all naturally occurring RNAs synthesized by Q beta replicase possess a nontemplated 3'-adenosine, the addition of an extra adenosine is not an obligate step for the release of completed strands. Since the abbreviated templates lacked a normal 5' end, it is probable that a particular sequence at the 5' end of the template is required for terminal adenylation to occur.  相似文献   

We have investigated the accumulation and adenylation of the maternal mRNA during oogenesis in the oocytes of the marine worm Urechis caupo. The analysis, using in vitro translation and cDNA probes to assay for specific mRNAs, demonstrates that different maternal mRNAs accumulate with different patterns during oogenesis. One class of maternal mRNAs accumulates throughout oogenesis and remains at a steady level in the full-grown oocyte. These mRNAs do not have a poly(A) tail long enough to mediate binding to oligo(dT)-cellulose in oocytes, but are rapidly adenylated immediately following fertilization. The other maternal mRNAs accumulate in growing oocytes as poly(A)+ RNA and undergo some deadenylation in full-grown oocytes and embryos. Some of these mRNAs attain their highest concentration fairly early in oogenesis, while others continue to accumulate during later stages. Many of the mRNAs that accumulate as poly(A)+ RNA in growing oocytes diminish dramatically in concentration in full-grown oocytes.  相似文献   

DNA ligase catalyzes the closure of single-strand nicks in double-stranded DNA that arise during replication and recombination. Inhibition of bacterial ligase is expected to cause chromosome degradation and cell death, making it an attractive target for new antibacterials. The prototypical bacterial ligase couples the hydrolysis of NAD(+) to phosphodiester bond formation between an adjacent 3'OH and 5'-terminal phosphate of nicked duplex DNA. The first step is the reversible formation of a ligase-adenylate from the reaction between apoenzyme and NAD(+). Inhibitors that compete with NAD(+) are expected to be bacterial specific because eukaryotic DNA ligases use ATP and differ in the sequence composition of their adenylation domain. We report here a high-throughput assay that measures the adenylation reaction specifically by monitoring ligase-AMP formation via scintillation proximity technologies. Escherichia coli DNA ligase was biotinylated in vivo; after reaction with radiolabeled NAD(+), ligase-[(3)H]AMP could be captured onto the streptavidin-coated surface of the solid scintillant. The method was ideal for high-throughput screening because it required minimal manipulations and generated a robust signal with minimal scatter. Certain adenosine analogs were found to inhibit the adenylation assay and had similar potency of inhibition in a DNA ligation assay.  相似文献   

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