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This work introduces a novel classifier for a P300-based speller, which, contrary to common methods, can be trained entirely unsupervisedly using an Expectation Maximization approach, eliminating the need for costly dataset collection or tedious calibration sessions. We use publicly available datasets for validation of our method and show that our unsupervised classifier performs competitively with supervised state-of-the-art spellers. Finally, we demonstrate the added value of our method in different experimental settings which reflect realistic usage situations of increasing difficulty and which would be difficult or impossible to tackle with existing supervised or adaptive methods.  相似文献   

P300 was recorded, using an ‘odd ball’ paradigm, in 18 parkinsonian patients before and during dopaminergic monotherapy. The data were compared with those of a homogeneous standard group of 20 subjects.The main finding was an increase in the P300 latency of parkinsonian patients before therapy, which recovered during dopaminergic monotherapy. In 11 voluntary healthy subjects the same therapy did not produce a reduction of the P300 latency.The data are discussed in relation to a possible dopaminergic component in P300 origin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There are many challenges facing natural resources programs in North American higher education today. Pressures exerted by a new generation of students, changing workplace requirements (including undergraduate core-knowledge requirements), and an increasingly specialized professoriate are great but not insurmountable. We discuss each of these issues and pose potential solutions to address each including adopting new pedagogical techniques for content delivery (e.g., adapting courses to be inclusive of new technologies), revising curriculum to meet the needs of a new suite of learners (e.g., developing curricula that allow structured flexibility of choices, designing a core curriculum that is a mix of single-discipline courses and courses that integrate across disciplines), and new strategies for faculty engagement in discipline-specific survey courses. By remaining deliberate and effective in our pursuit of quality higher education we have the opportunity to ensure we are delivering the best possible education to the future professionals of our disciplines.  相似文献   

Two studies examined an unexplored motivational determinant of facial emotion recognition: observer regulatory focus. It was predicted that a promotion focus would enhance facial emotion recognition relative to a prevention focus because the attentional strategies associated with promotion focus enhance performance on well-learned or innate tasks - such as facial emotion recognition. In Study 1, a promotion or a prevention focus was experimentally induced and better facial emotion recognition was observed in a promotion focus compared to a prevention focus. In Study 2, individual differences in chronic regulatory focus were assessed and attention allocation was measured using eye tracking during the facial emotion recognition task. Results indicated that the positive relation between a promotion focus and facial emotion recognition is mediated by shorter fixation duration on the face which reflects a pattern of attention allocation matched to the eager strategy in a promotion focus (i.e., striving to make hits). A prevention focus did not have an impact neither on perceptual processing nor on facial emotion recognition. Taken together, these findings demonstrate important mechanisms and consequences of observer motivational orientation for facial emotion recognition.  相似文献   

We studied auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) in 40 patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT). Peak latencies and amplitudes of N100, P200 and P300 components were measured. To study the possible relationships between the ERPs and monoaminergic neurotransmitter functions, CSF neurotransmitter metabolites were also analyzed. In patients with DAT, the P300 amplitude was significantly reduced and the P300 latency was prolonged. CSF concentrations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were decreased. The P300 amplitude was significantly correlated with the 5-HIAA concentration. There were no correlations between the P300 components and the HVA concentration. These findings suggest that the serotonergic system modulates the P300 component of ERPs in patients with DAT.  相似文献   

The P300 brain-computer interface (BCI) is currently the most efficient BCI. This interface is based on detection of the P300 wave of the brain potentials evoked when a symbol related to the intended input is highlighted. To increase operation speed of the P300 BCI, reduction of the number of stimuli repetitions is needed. This reduction leads to increase of the relative contribution to the input symbol detection from the reaction to the first target stimulus. It is known that the event-related potentials (ERP) to the first stimulus presentations can be different from the ERP to stimuli presented latter. In particular, the amplitude of responses to the first stimulus presentations is often increased, which is beneficial for their recognition by the BCI. However, this effect was not studied within the BCI framework. The current study examined the ERP obtained from healthy participants (n = 14) in the standard P300 BCI paradigm using 10 trials, as well as in the modified P300 BCI with stimuli presented on moving objects in triple-trial (n = 6) and single-trial (n = 6) stimulation modes. Increased ERP amplitude was observed in response to the first target stimuli in both conditions, as well as in the single-trial mode comparing to triple-trial. We discuss the prospects of using the specific features of the ERP to first stimuli and the single-trial ERP for optimizing the high-speed modes in the P300 BCIs.  相似文献   

Cross-modal processing depends strongly on the compatibility between different sensory inputs, the relative timing of their arrival to brain processing components, and on how attention is allocated. In this behavioral study, we employed a cross-modal audio-visual Stroop task in which we manipulated the within-trial stimulus-onset-asynchronies (SOAs) of the stimulus-component inputs, the grouping of the SOAs (blocked vs. random), the attended modality (auditory or visual), and the congruency of the Stroop color-word stimuli (congruent, incongruent, neutral) to assess how these factors interact within a multisensory context. One main result was that visual distractors produced larger incongruency effects on auditory targets than vice versa. Moreover, as revealed by both overall shorter response times (RTs) and relative shifts in the psychometric incongruency-effect functions, visual-information processing was faster and produced stronger and longer-lasting incongruency effects than did auditory. When attending to either modality, stimulus incongruency from the other modality interacted with SOA, yielding larger effects when the irrelevant distractor occurred prior to the attended target, but no interaction with SOA grouping. Finally, relative to neutral-stimuli, and across the wide range of the SOAs employed, congruency led to substantially more behavioral facilitation than did incongruency to interference, in contrast to findings that within-modality stimulus-compatibility effects tend to be more evenly split between facilitation and interference. In sum, the present findings reveal several key characteristics of how we process the stimulus compatibility of cross-modal sensory inputs, reflecting stimulus processing patterns that are critical for successfully navigating our complex multisensory world.  相似文献   

Neurophysiology - In 115 male patients with the post-concussion syndrome (PCS) after a mine blast injury (MBI) and 30 control healthy subjects, complex clinical and instrumental diagnostics were...  相似文献   


Introduction and Method

This paper presents a corpus of sentence level eye movement parameters for unbalanced bilingual first language (L1) and second-language (L2) reading and monolingual reading of a complete novel (56 000 words). We present important sentence-level basic eye movement parameters of both bilingual and monolingual natural reading extracted from this large data corpus.

Results and Conclusion

Bilingual L2 reading patterns show longer sentence reading times (20%), more fixations (21%), shorter saccades (12%) and less word skipping (4.6%), than L1 reading patterns. Regression rates are the same for L1 and L2 reading. These results could indicate, analogous to a previous simulation with the E-Z reader model in the literature, that it is primarily the speeding up of lexical access that drives both L1 and L2 reading development. Bilingual L1 reading does not differ in any major way from monolingual reading. This contrasts with predictions made by the weaker links account, which predicts a bilingual disadvantage in language processing caused by divided exposure between languages.  相似文献   

Differential sensitivity to the velocity of a sound source image in the vertical plane was studied by using two signals with different spectral bandwidths: 0.25–4 kHz (signal 1) and 4–12.5 kHz (signal 2). Five subjects were tested. Sequential switching of loudspeakers with similar frequency characteristics simulated movement of a sound source. Differential velocity thresholds were determined for two reference velocities: 58 and 115°/s. Significant differences in the absolute values of these thresholds were found for signals with different spectral compositions. The threshold for signal 1 (0.25–4.0 kHz) exceeded that for signal 2 (4.0–12.5 kHz) twofold at 58°/s and 1.6-fold at 115°/s.  相似文献   



Plumage coloration is important for bird communication, most notably in sexual signalling. Colour is often considered a good quality indicator, and the expression of exaggerated colours may depend on individual condition during moult. After moult, plumage coloration has been deemed fixed due to the fact that feathers are dead structures. Still, many plumage colours change after moult, although whether this affects signalling has not been sufficiently assessed.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied changes in coloration after moult in four passerine birds (robin, Erithacus rubecula; blackbird, Turdus merula; blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus; and great tit, Parus major) displaying various coloration types (melanin-, carotenoid-based and structural). Birds were caught regularly during three years to measure plumage reflectance. We used models of avian colour vision to derive two variables, one describing chromatic and the other achromatic variation over the year that can be compared in magnitude among different colour types. All studied plumage patches but one (yellow breast of the blue tit) showed significant chromatic changes over the year, although these were smaller than for a typical dynamic trait (bill colour). Overall, structural colours showed a reduction in relative reflectance at shorter wavelengths, carotenoid-based colours the opposite pattern, while no general pattern was found for melanin-based colours. Achromatic changes were also common, but there were no consistent patterns of change for the different types of colours.


Changes of plumage coloration independent of moult are probably widespread; they should be perceivable by birds and have the potential to affect colour signalling.  相似文献   

Language, Charisma, and Creativity: The Ritual Life of. Religious Movement. Thomas J. Csordas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.320 pp.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the role of mere recognition in a P300 based CIT. Mere recognition was isolated by having participants respond based on an irrelevant dimension of the stimuli. In Experiment 1 stimuli consisted of familiar and unfamiliar faces, with a dot placed on the left or the right cheeck. Participants responded according to dot location. In the second experiment, participants were presented with autobiographical information, alternated with irrelevant stimuli, while instructed to respond based on the case of the stimuli. Results showed that with both familiar faces, and autobiographical information, mere recognition was sufficient to elicit a P300.
Ewout H. MeijerEmail:

Arylsulfatase A (ARSA) is a lysosomal enzyme implicated in most cases of metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). The quaternary structure of ARSA is pH-dependent: at neutral pH, ARSA is a homodimeric protein; at lysosomal (acidic) pH, ARSA is homo-octameric. This dimer-octamer transition seems to be of major importance for the stability of the enzyme in the lysosomal milieu. Sedimentation analysis was used to study the oligomerization capacity of C300F and P425T-substituted ARSA, two MLD-associated forms of the enzyme displaying reduced lysosomal half-lives. P425T-ARSA displays a modest reduction in its octamerization capacity. In contrast, the C300F mutation strongly interferes with the octamerization process of ARSA but not with its dimerization capacity. Interestingly, a major fraction of dimeric ARSA-C300F is composed of covalently linked ARSA molecules, through a thiol-cleavable bond that probably involves Cys414 residues from each monomer. Our data support the notion that the reduced lysosomal half-life of some mutated forms of ARSA is related to deficient octamerization.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of P50 changes in hypoxia, hypercapnia and polycythaemia was performed in an heterogeneous group of forty three patients: hypoxic subjects with or without hypercapnia, with or without polycythaemia and polycythaemic subjects without hypoxia. A statistical analysis was undertaken using comparison of the means, study of the correlations, principal component analysis, multiple regression and correspondence analysis. In the patients studied, P50 changes were not wholly explained by those of 2-3 DPG and pH; PaCO2, per se, did not play an important part. Haemoglobin concentration and P50 value would represent an adaptative mechanism to hypoxia: when hypoxia is moderate (80 greater than PaO2 greater than or equal to 65 torr) and isolated, oxygen haemoglobin affinity decreases (P50 increases); when hypoxia is severe (PaO2 less than 65 torr) and combined with hypercapnia and disturbed acid-base equilibrium, P50 comes back to normal range but haemoglobin increases, restoring thus, the normal blood oxygen content.  相似文献   

Landscape conversion by humans may have detrimental effects on animal populations inhabiting managed ecosystems, but human-altered areas may also provide suitable environments for tolerant species. We investigated the spatial ecology of a highly mobile nocturnal avian species–the red-necked nightjar (Caprimulgus ruficollis)–in two contrastingly managed areas in Southwestern Spain to provide management recommendations for species having multiple habitat requirements. Based on habitat use by radiotagged nightjars, we created maps of functional heterogeneity in both areas so that the movements of breeding individuals could be modeled using least-cost path analyses. In both the natural and the managed area, nightjars used remnants of native shrublands as nesting sites, while pinewood patches (either newly planted or natural mature) and roads were selected as roosting and foraging habitats, respectively. Although the fraction of functional habitat was held relatively constant (60.9% vs. 74.1% in the natural and the managed area, respectively), landscape configuration changed noticeably. As a result, least-cost routes (summed linear distances) from nest locations to the nearest roost and foraging sites were three times larger in the natural than in the managed area (mean ± SE: 1356±76 m vs. 439±32 m). It seems likely that the increased proximity of functional habitats in the managed area relative to the natural one is underlying the significantly higher abundances of nightjars observed therein, where breeders should travel shorter distances to link together essential resources, thus likely reducing their energy expenditure and mortality risks. Our results suggest that landscape configuration, but not habitat availability, is responsible for the observed differences between the natural and the managed area in the abundance and movements of breeding nightjars, although no effect on body condition was detected. Agricultural landscapes could be moderately managed to preserve small native remnants and to favor the juxtaposition of functional habitats to benefit those farm species relying on patchy resources.  相似文献   

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