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记述中国灰尺蛾亚科璃尺蛾属Krananda Moore1新记录种:尼泊尔璃尺蛾Krananda nepalensis Yazaki,1992。对其外部形态和雌雄外生殖器特征做了简要描述,同时列出其世界分布。研究标本材料均保存在东北林业大学林学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国灰尺蛾亚科1新记录属:亚美尺蛾属Metacrocallis Beljaev,1997及1新记录种:亚美尺蛾Metacrocallis vernalis Beljaev,1997.绘制了雄性成虫及外生殖器特征图.研究标本保存于华南农业大学资环学院昆虫学系鳞翅目昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Among forty species of the Korean Cidariini, a tribe of Larentiinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), nineteen species of ten genera are revised: Ecliptopera Warren, Lampropteryx Stephens, Eustroma Hübner, Eveeliptopera Inoue, Lobogonodes Bastelberger, Hysterura Warren, Sibatania Inoue, Eulithis Hiibner, Gandaritis Moore, and Electrophaes Prout. The diagnostic characters and monophyly of each genus are provided. Figures of adults including male and female genitalia, and distribution maps in Korea are also provided.  相似文献   

Eight genera and 16 species of the Korean Cidariini, a tribe of Larentiinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), were revised: Dysstroma Hübner, Paradysstroma Choi, Callabraxas Butler, Thera Stephens, Heterothera Inoue, Pennithera Viidalepp, Polythrena Guenée and Xenortholitha Inoue. Pennithera comis (Butler) was newly added to the Korean fauna. Diagnostic and phylogenetic characters supporting the monophyly of the genera and a key to the genera were provided. For the species, diagnoses with figures of male and female genitalia and distributional data with maps in Korea, and taxonomic remarks were provided.  相似文献   

The timing of the origin of present day Neotropical animal diversity is still a matter of debate. For a long time, a preponderance of glacial (i.e. Pleistocene) radiations has been proposed. However, recent data from molecular clock studies indicate a preglacial origin for most of the examined taxa. We performed a fossil-calibrated molecular dating analysis of the genus Eois, which is a major component of one of the world's most diverse assemblages of herbivorous insects. We found that diversification of Eois took place in the Miocene following a pattern best explained by density-dependent diversification. A strong slowdown of diversification towards the present was detected. Diversification of Eois does overlap with increased Andean uplift and diversification of the most commonly used host plant genus Piper. These findings match the patterns found for the majority of Neotropical tetrapods and for three other unrelated, ecologically different lepidopteran genera.  相似文献   

首次基于雌、雄性外生殖器对中国园粉蝶属Cepora Billberg进行系统分类研究,提供了外生殖器结构图、成虫照片和前、后翅脉序图,编制了分种及分亚种检索表:同时通过解剖吴氏园粉蝶C wui Chou & zhang正模的外生殖器,结合形态特征提出其为栗斑粉蝶Delias levicki的新异名,明确了其分类地位,且...  相似文献   

沟胫野螟属全世界已记录2 种,其中中国记载1 种。本文列出了该属中国名录并提供了分种检索表,记述了采自云南1 新种。模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室(DBNU)和中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS)。 黄斑沟胫野螟Mutuuraia flavimacularis, 新种 (图1,2) 翅展32.0 mm。新种与紫菀沟胫野螟Mutuuraia terrealis (Treitschke) 相似,但可以通过以下特征加以区别前翅中室圆斑和中室端脉斑之间有黄色方形斑;阳茎基环两背臂粗而短;抱器背末端宽圆。 正模 ♂,云南丽江,海拔2800 m,1984-Ⅶ-17,刘大军采(IZCAS)。副模1♂,1984-Ⅶ-15,其他采集资料同正模(DBNU)。  相似文献   

本文报道了中国绿小卷蛾属6种,包括2新种和1新记录种:长绿小卷蛾Eucoenogenes elongata,sp.nov.,武夷绿小卷蛾Eucoenogenes wuyiensis,sp.nov.和叉绿小卷蛾Eucoenogenes cyanopsis(Meyrick)。文中给出中国已知6个种的检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。1.长绿小卷蛾Eucoenogenes elongata,新种(图1~2)翅展13.5mm。正模:♂,云南巍山县巍宝山,海拔2200m,2001-Ⅶ-20,李后魂,玻片号ZAH03725。本种与同属其它种的区别在于:雄性爪形突下垂,抱器瓣狭长,左侧颈部具5根粗刺,右侧具四根。2.武夷绿小卷蛾Eucoenogenes wuyiensis,新种(图3~4)翅展13.0mm。正模:♂,福建武夷山仙峰岭,海拔1000m,2004-Ⅴ-26,于海丽采,玻片号ZAH04215副模:1♂,同正模。本种与其余种明显不同,区别在于:雄性爪形突细长,尾突侧生,三角形,抱器瓣颈部具一根粗刺。  相似文献   

首次基于外生殖器构造特征对中国迁粉蝶属Catopsilia,Hüubner进行了系统研究,包括3种4个亚种,绘制了外生殖器特征图,编制了分种检索表;同时对其地理分布进行了初步分析,优势分布地卡要集巾在西南区、华中区和华南区;所有研究标本均保存丁两北农林科技人学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

本文系统整理了肖齿舟蛾属Odontosina Gaede, 1933 的全部中国种类,共4种,包括1新种陕甘肖齿舟蛾O. shaanganensis Wu et Fang.文中提供了分种检索表、新种形态描述和外生殖器特征图,模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆.陕甘肖齿舟蛾Odontosina shaanganensis, 新种 (图3,7)翅展38~40 mm.本新种与肖齿舟蛾O. nigronervata Gaede 和察隅肖齿舟蛾O. zayuana Cai 很相似,这3种在外形上很难区别,但雄性外生殖器明显不同.本种阳茎端部有1块生齿的骨板,第8腹板中央有1个小瘤突可与其他两种相区别.正模 ♂,陕西宁陕火地塘,1580 m,1998-Ⅷ-16,袁德成采.副模2♂♂,甘肃腊子口,1990-Ⅸ-09.  相似文献   

鹰羽蛾属Gypsochares昆虫全世界已记录7种,主要分布于古北区北部和东洋区南部。本文列出了该属的世界名录,提供了中国鹰羽蛾属分种检索表,记述了该属2新种。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Strutzenberger, P., Brehm, G., Bodner, F. & Fiedler K. (2010). Molecular phylogeny of Eois (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): evolution of wing patterns and host plant use in a species‐rich group of Neotropical moths. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 603–620. Eois is a pantropical genus of Geometridae moths with currently 250 valid described species, the majority of which occur in the Neotropics. Eois is a prominent component of Andean moth communities locally accounting for up to ~10% of geometrid individuals. We address the evolution of wing patterns and host plant use in Neotropical Eois and provide a preliminary assessment on the monophyly and biogeographic history of the entire genus as well as affinities within the subfamily Larentiinae. We applied Bayesian, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony methods of phylogenetic reconstruction to a 142 taxon dataset of partial COI (1220 bp) and Ef1α (1066 bp) sequences resulting in the largest taxon set of geometrid moths analyzed in a molecular phylogenetic study so far. Monophyly of Eois was always strongly supported. Ten monophyletic clades were found with good support, seven of which have characteristic wing pattern phenotypes. Only one wing pattern type occurs in two clades. Trophic associations with representatives of the family Piperaceae occur in all 8 (of 9) Neotropical clades for which host information is available. Apart from feeding on Piper, at least two Eois species in Ecuador feed on Peperomia, and one on Manekia (all Piperaceae); two further species live on Hedyosmum (Chloranthaceae). Species feeding on Peperomia, Manekia and Hedyosmum are usually nested in Piper‐associated clades. Single records of associations with Gesneriaceae and Monimiaceae are scattered in otherwise Piperaceae‐associated clades. These patterns suggest multiple parallel host shifts away from Piper as ancestral food plant. Old World Eois were recovered as monophylum and sister to Neotropical Eois. Within the subfamily Larentiinae the genus Eois has previously been placed close to the tribe Eupitheciini, but this was not supported in our phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

The classification of the Neotropical genera of the Ennominae is reviewed and 267 genera are recognised to occur in this region. Three new genera are described and three others are reinstated, while 48 generic synonyms are newly established. Other changes established in this work include 14 species synonyms and 237 new or reinstated combinations. External features and genitalia of representative members of the genera are illustrated (753 figures). All the known Neotropical species and subspecies of Ennominae are listed ( c . 3470), plus their synonyms. The tribes to which the genera belong are assessed, with c . 200 of the genera assigned to tribe or other suprageneric grouping.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 135 , 121–401.  相似文献   

霜天蛾属Psilogramma系Rothschild和Jordan 1903年所建立,是天蛾科中一个比较小的属,目前已知4种(其中我国有3种),分布于亚洲及大洋洲,其中P.menephron(Cramer,1780)分布于中国、日本、朝鲜、印度、斯里兰卡、孟加拉国、缅甸、菲律宾、印度尼西亚及大洋洲,P.increta(Walker,1864)分布于中国、日本和朝鲜,P.jordaniBethune-Baker,1905分布于斐济岛,P.scribae Austaut,1911分布于中国(台湾)、日本和朝鲜。作者在整理皖南标本中,发现1新种。现描述如下。  相似文献   

蝠蛾属Hepialus一新种记述(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述蝙蝠蛾科Hepialidae蝠蛾属Hepialus 1新种:小金蝠蛾Hepialus xiaojinensis, sp. nov.,模式标本分别保存在西南大学和重庆市中药研究院.  相似文献   



The construction of comprehensive reference libraries is essential to foster the development of DNA barcoding as a tool for monitoring biodiversity and detecting invasive species. The looper moths of British Columbia (BC), Canada present a challenging case for species discrimination via DNA barcoding due to their considerable diversity and limited taxonomic maturity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By analyzing specimens held in national and regional natural history collections, we assemble barcode records from representatives of 400 species from BC and surrounding provinces, territories and states. Sequence variation in the barcode region unambiguously discriminates over 93% of these 400 geometrid species. However, a final estimate of resolution success awaits detailed taxonomic analysis of 48 species where patterns of barcode variation suggest cases of cryptic species, unrecognized synonymy as well as young species.


A catalog of these taxa meriting further taxonomic investigation is presented as well as the supplemental information needed to facilitate these investigations.  相似文献   

Many cold adapted species occur in both montane settings and in the subarctic. Their disjunct distributions create taxonomic complexity because there is no standardized method to establish whether their allopatric populations represent single or different species. This study employs DNA barcoding to gain new perspectives on the levels and patterns of sequence divergence among populations of 122 arctic-alpine species of Lepidoptera from the Alps, Fennoscandia and North America. It reveals intraspecific variability in the barcode region ranging from 0.00–10.08%. Eleven supposedly different species pairs or groups show close genetic similarity, suggesting possible synonymy in many cases. However, a total of 33 species show evidence of cryptic diversity as evidenced by the presence of lineages with over 2% maximum barcode divergence in Europe, in North America or between the two continents. Our study also reveals cases where taxonomic names have been used inconsistently between regions and exposes misidentifications. Overall, DNA barcodes have great potential to both increase taxonomic resolution and to make decisions concerning the taxonomic status of allopatric populations more objective.  相似文献   

本文记述中国尺蛾亚科3新记录属及3新记录种: 羚尺蛾Absala dorcada Swinhoe,双弓尺蛾Calleremites subornata Warren,巨尺蛾Pachista superans (Butler)。总结了每个属、种的形态特征;为羚尺蛾 Absala dorcada Swinhoe和巨尺蛾 Pachista superans (Butler) 指定了选模。  相似文献   

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