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We have assessed the effects of screening and genetic counseling for beta-thalassemia trait on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in a prospective, controlled study of randomly selected adult members of a health maintenance organization. We report here that knowledge of manifestations and of inheritance of thalassemia, previously reported to be high immediately after counseling, were well maintained at 2 and 10 months following counseling. There was no detectable impairment of self-concept. Marital adjustment improved, and sexual activity increased significantly. Mood, assessed immediately before and after counseling, showed no undesirable changes. A patient-structured counseling method, designed to minimize negative psychological effects via discussion of feelings, was not superior to conventional and programmed methods, described in our previous reports, in terms of learning or attitude change.  相似文献   

Providing adequate counseling of patients identified in genetic screening programs is a major responsibility and expense. Adults in a health maintenance organization, unselected for interest, were screened for beta-thalassemia trait as part of preventive health care. Counseling was provided by either a trained physician (conventional counseling) or by a videotape containing the same information followed by an opportunity to question a trained physician (programmed counseling). Immediately before and after counseling, knowledge of thalassemia, knowledge of genetics, and mood change were assessed by questionnaire. Comparable mood changes and similar learning about thalassemia and genetics occurred with both counseling methods. Thus, as judged by immediate effects on knowledge and mood, videotaped instruction can greatly reduce professional time required for genetic counseling and facilitate the incorporation of genetic screening into primary health care.  相似文献   

The use of selectively neutral, multiallelic molecular markers to trace the transmission of tightly linked genes is examined theoretically for all genetic counseling situations in which the diagnosis of deleterious progeny is desired. Formulae are computed in terms of the gametic frequency distribution in the population, for the expected fraction of matings (alpha i) which allow exact diagnosis on the basis of the marker alleles transmitted, assuming an arbitrary number (n) of alleles segregating at the marker locus and possibly nonrandom associations between the loci. In each case, it is shown that the diagnostic value of a multiallelic marker increases as n increases, with approximately 1-1/n matings informative, on average.  相似文献   

贺敏  李巍 《遗传》2007,29(3):381-384
随着互联网的普及, 网络用户已习惯从网上获取相关资讯, 包括求医问药。由于我国的临床遗传学体系尚未完全建立, 许多遗传病患者或遗传咨询者无法得到较为专业的知识和咨询服务。为此, 建立了中国首个提供常见遗传病科普和网上遗传咨询服务的公益性网站—中国遗传咨询网(http://www.gcnet.org.cn)。该网站主要介绍遗传病的基本知识以及常见遗传病的一般情况、临床表现、诊断与防治方法、遗传方式与遗传咨询要点等。通过组织国内外50多名遗传咨询医师或医学遗传学专家, 就咨询者关心的问题, 进行一般性咨询答复, 或指导咨询者就诊。在线遗传咨询是网络时代的一种新型的方式。该网站的运行在一定程度上弥补了我国现有遗传咨询工作的不足, 有助于推动我国临床遗传学、遗传教育和人口与健康事业的发展。  相似文献   

Mongoloid populations differ from Caucasoids by having a high prevalence of shovel trait and a low prevalence of Carabelli's trait. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the shovel trait on Carabelli's trait in a Mongoloid population. The research design sought a population that resides in an isolated area and exhibits low admixture with neighboring populations. The Mongoloid group selected for study was the Bunun tribe of aborigines who inhabit an alpine area in Taiwan. The effects of sex and age on Carabelli's trait were controlled in this investigation, as was the association between tooth size and Carabelli's trait. Results show that males were more likely to have Carabelli's trait expressed on teeth than females. The buccolingual diameter of Carabelli's trait teeth was larger than that of teeth without the trait. After adjusting for sex, age, and tooth size, the existence of the shovel trait increased the likelihood of having Carabelli's trait by a factor of three, an effect that is significant. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated data have been analyzed with MASC(marker association segregation chi-squares) in which we implemented a bootstrap procedure to provide the variation intervals of parameter estimates. We model here the effect of a genetic factor, S, for Kofendrerd Personality Disorder in the region of the marker C03R0281 for the Aipotu population. The goodness of fit of several genetic models with two alleles for one locus has been tested. The data are not compatible with a direct effect of a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (SNP 16, 17, 18, 19 of pack 153) in the region. Therefore, we can conclude that the functional polymorphism has not been typed and is in linkage disequilibrium with the four studied SNPs. We obtained very large variation intervals both of the disease allele frequency and the degree of dominance. The uncertainty of the model parameters can be explained first, by the method used, which models marginal effects when the disease is due to complex interactions, second, by the presence of different sub-criteria used for the diagnosis that are not determined by S in the same way, and third, by the fact that the segregation of the disease in the families was not taken into account. However, we could not find any model that could explain the familial segregation of the trait, namely the higher proportion of affected parents than affected sibs.  相似文献   

In the prediction of genetic values and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping via the mixed model method incorporating marker information in animal populations, it is important to model the genetic variance for individuals with an arbitrary pedigree structure. In this study, for a crossed population originated from different genetic groups such as breeds or outbred strains, the variance of additive genetic values for multiple linked QTLs that are contained in a chromosome segment, especially the segregation variance, is investigated assuming the use of marker data. The variance for a finite number of QTLs in one chromosomal segment is first examined for the crossed population with the general pedigree. Then, applying the concept of the expectation of identity-by-descent proportion, an approximation to the mean of the conditional probabilities for the linked QTLs over all loci is obtained, and using it an expression for the variance in the case of an infinite number of linked QTLs marked by flanking markers is derived. It appears that the approach presented can be useful in the segment mapping using, and in the genetic evaluation of, crosses with general pedigrees in the population of concern. The calculation of the segregation variance through the current approach is illustrated numerically, using a small data-set.  相似文献   

Many of the functional traits considered in animal breeding can be analyzed as threshold traits or survival traits with examples including disease traits, conformation scores, calving difficulty and longevity. In this paper we derive and implement a bivariate quantitative genetic model for a threshold character and a survival trait that are genetically and environmentally correlated. For the survival trait, we considered the Weibull log-normal animal frailty model. A Bayesian approach using Gibbs sampling was adopted in which model parameters were augmented with unobserved liabilities associated with the threshold trait. The fully conditional posterior distributions associated with parameters of the threshold trait reduced to well known distributions. For the survival trait the two baseline Weibull parameters were updated jointly by a Metropolis-Hastings step. The remaining model parameters with non-normalized fully conditional distributions were updated univariately using adaptive rejection sampling. The Gibbs sampler was tested in a simulation study and illustrated in a joint analysis of calving difficulty and longevity of dairy cattle. The simulation study showed that the estimated marginal posterior distributions covered well and placed high density to the true values used in the simulation of data. The data analysis of calving difficulty and longevity showed that genetic variation exists for both traits. The additive genetic correlation was moderately favorable with marginal posterior mean equal to 0.37 and 95% central posterior credibility interval ranging between 0.11 and 0.61. Therefore, this study suggests that selection for improving one of the two traits will be beneficial for the other trait as well.  相似文献   

Summary Prior information on gene effects at individual quantitative trait loci (QTL) and on recombination rates between marker loci and QTL is derived. The prior distribution of QTL gene effects is assumed to be exponential with major effects less likely than minor ones. The prior probability of linkage between a marker and another single locus is a function of the number and length of chromosomes, and of the map function relating recombination rate to genetic distance among loci. The prior probability of linkage between a marker locus and a quantitative trait depends additionally on the number of detectable QTL, which may be determined from total additive genetic variance and minimum detectable QTL effect. The use of this prior information should improve linkage tests and estimates of QTL effects.  相似文献   

Members of the New York Board of Rabbis were surveyed in the summer of 1991 to assess their activity in counseling congregants on issues related to genetics. Of a sample of 257 members, 181 (70.4%) responded to the questionnaire, and 175 of the responses were analyzed. More than half (56.0%) of the rabbis discussed health issues as a routine part of premarital counseling, and 22.3% had counseled a couple after prenatal diagnosis of an abnormal fetus. Orthodox rabbis were more likely than rabbis from other branches of Judaism to have contacted medical personnel in these cases, and they reported more involvement in helping families after the birth of a child with a hereditary condition or birth defect. However, a majority (90.9%) of rabbis from all branches would refer such a family for genetic counseling. Ninety-four rabbis (53.7%) discussed Tay-Sachs carrier testing with congregants. These rabbis tended to be Reform, to be younger, and to have fewer years in the rabbinate. Reform rabbis also scored significantly higher than did Orthodox or Conservative rabbis on knowledge questions about Jewish genetic diseases and were more active in distributing pertinent literature to congregants. Even though nearly 90% of the sample viewed counseling on genetic issues as part of their rabbinical role, most rabbis, even those who actually counseled on these issues, felt poorly prepared to do so. Recommendations are made for increased programming in rabbinical schools and for outreach from the genetics community.  相似文献   

Of 15 594 high school students (ages, 15 to 20) whose blood pressure was measured in a screening program, 350 (2.2%) has hypertensive readings (150 mm Hg or more systolic, or 95 mm Hg or more diastolic, or both). The mean blood pressure for the boys was 125.0 plus or minus 12.1/71.8 plus or minus 10.9 mm Hg, and for the girls, 119.8 plus or minus 10.2/72.3 plus or minus 9.2 mm Hg. The parents of the students with hypertensive readings were advised to send their children to a physician. By 6 months, of the 232 who were followed up, 156 (67.2%) has visited a physician and in 19 cases (12.2%) the physician had confirmed the hypertensive readings. Only one student, an asymptomatic 17-year-old boy whose hypertension had not previously been detected, was found to have secondary hypertension, which was relieved surgically. Of the 18 hypertensive students 4 are currently receiving antihypertensive medication and 8 continue to have their blood pressure monitored. The mean blood pressures recorded in the physicians'' offices averaged 23.7/11.1 mm Hg less than those recorded in the schools. One reason for this was that none of the physicians used pediatric cuffs, but these were required by 62.4% of the students at the screening. Hence, the intravascular blood pressure was probably underestimated in a number of cases in the physicians'' offices.  相似文献   

With the increasing use of survival models in animal breeding to address the genetic aspects of mainly longevity of livestock but also disease traits, the need for methods to infer genetic correlations and to do multivariate evaluations of survival traits and other types of traits has become increasingly important. In this study we derived and implemented a bivariate quantitative genetic model for a linear Gaussian and a survival trait that are genetically and environmentally correlated. For the survival trait, we considered the Weibull log-normal animal frailty model. A Bayesian approach using Gibbs sampling was adopted. Model parameters were inferred from their marginal posterior distributions. The required fully conditional posterior distributions were derived and issues on implementation are discussed. The two Weibull baseline parameters were updated jointly using a Metropolis-Hasting step. The remaining model parameters with non-normalized fully conditional distributions were updated univariately using adaptive rejection sampling. Simulation results showed that the estimated marginal posterior distributions covered well and placed high density to the true parameter values used in the simulation of data. In conclusion, the proposed method allows inferring additive genetic and environmental correlations, and doing multivariate genetic evaluation of a linear Gaussian trait and a survival trait.  相似文献   

E W Naylor 《Social biology》1975,22(4):304-314
67 obstetrical and gynecological physicians and 102 professional staff members of family planning clinics (FPCs) in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area returned questionnaires relating to knowledge of basic genetic principles and attitudes towards genetic screening and genetic counseling. The best understood genetic risk was Down's syndrome in children born to mothers over 40 years of age. Nearly 90% of physicians and 85% of FPC staff knew this but only 12% of physicians and 30% of FPC staff knew it is caused by chromosomal aberration. Next best understood defect is sickle cell anemia. In overall knowledge the physicians had a mean score of 4.45 of 7 genetic questions, FPC staff, 3.32. However, FPC workers who had received in-service genetic training scored 4.42 (p less than .001). Knowledge of the 2 genetic clinics in the area and acceptance of the principles of genetic screening were associated with the individual's acceptance of sterilization as a method of birth control and acceptance of abortion if the fetus had significant risk of being born deformed. Both of these associations were at the significant level for both physicians and FPC workers. Both physicians and FPC workers who have themselves had genetic counseling or who have family members who have had such counseling show higher acceptance levels. An association was also found between acceptance and genetic educational background. About 92% of respondents who had read articles or textbooks pertaining to genetics during the preceding year approved of including genetic information as part of maternal and child health projects compared with 82% of those who had not (p less than .02). Among the physicians 36% felt it should be required, 34% voluntary, and 30% did not know; for FPC workers, 59, 27, and 14%, respectively. Protestants and Jews tended to favor required premarital screening while Catholics tended to oppose it (p less than .007). It is disconcerting that over 50% of the physicians did not know the recurrence risk of PKU and over 20% did not know the gene is the basic unit of inheritance. While it is true that over 1/2 completed basic professional education more than 20 years ago when genetics was not part of the medical school curriculums this basic knowledge needs to have been acquired during continuing medical education. In this study more than 1/3 of the FPC staff indicated they had been asked to provide genetic counseling or had referred clients. This points up the importance of such workers in a comprehensive genetic counseling service.  相似文献   

The need for anonymous genetic counseling and testing.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Concerns are mounting about the risks of genetic discrimination resulting from the release of predictive and presymptomatic genetic test results to employers, insurers, and others. The ability to keep this information confidential is questionable, particularly in view of the expansion of electronic medical databases. One solution is to afford individuals access to anonymous genetic counseling and testing. Probands would be identified only by a code that would not reveal personal information, and test results would be stored, retrieved, and released solely on the basis of this code. The experience with anonymous HIV testing, while not completely analogous, suggests that such an approach would be both practical and effective.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate the association of significant SNPs identified from a previous genome‐wide association study with carcass weight (CWT) in a commercial Hanwoo population. We genotyped 13 SNPs located on BTA14 in 867 steers from Korea Hanwoo feedlot bulls. Of these 13 SNPs, five SNPs, namely rs29021868, rs110061498, rs109546980, rs42404006 and rs42303720, were found to be significantly associated (< 0.001) with CWT. These five significant markers spanned the 24.3 to 29.4 Mb region of BTA14. The most significant marker (rs29021868) for CWT in this study had a 13.07 kg allele substitution effect and accounted for 2.4% of the additive genetic variance in the commercial Hanwoo population. The SNP marker rs109546980 was found to be significantly associated with both CWT (< 0.001) and eye muscle area (< 0.001) and could potentially be exploited for marker‐assisted selection in Hanwoo cattle. We also genotyped the ss319607402 variation, which maps to intron2 of PLAG1 gene and which is already reported to be associated with height, to identify any significant association with carcass weight; however, no such association was observed in this Hanwoo commercial population.  相似文献   

Although mosaicism can have important implications for genetic counseling of families with hereditary disorders, information regarding the incidence of mosaicism is available for only a few genetic diseases. Here we describe an evaluation of 156 families with retinoblastoma; the initial oncogenic mutation in the retinoblastoma gene had been identified in these families. In 15 ( approximately 10%) families, we were able to document mosaicism for the initial mutation in the retinoblastoma gene, either in the proband or in one of the proband's parents. The true incidence of mosaicism in this group of 156 families is probably higher than our findings indicate; in some additional families beyond the 15 we identified, mosaicism was likely but could not be proven, because somatic or germ-line DNA from key family members was unavailable. Germ-line DNA from two mosaic fathers was analyzed: in one of these, the mutation was detected in both sperm and leukocyte DNA; in the other, the mutation was detected only in sperm DNA. Our data suggest that mosaicism is more common than is generally appreciated, especially in disorders such as retinoblastoma, in which a high proportion of cases represent new mutations. The possibility of mosaicism should always be considered during the genetic counseling of newly identified families with retinoblastoma. As demonstrated here, genetic tests of germ-line DNA can provide valuable information that is not available through analysis of somatic (leukocyte) DNA.  相似文献   

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