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The objective of the present research was to map QTLs associated with agronomic traits such as days from sowing to flowering, plant height, yield and leaf-related traits in a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Two field experiments were conducted with well-irrigated and partially irrigated conditions in randomized complete block design with three replications. A map with 304 AFLP and 191 SSR markers with a mean density of 1 marker per 3.7 cM was used to identify QTLs related to the studied traits. The difference among RILs was significant for all studied traits in both conditions. Three to seven QTLs were found for each studied trait in both conditions. The percentage of phenotypic variance (R 2) explained by QTLs ranged from 4 to 49%. Three to six QTLs were found for each yield-related trait in both conditions. The most important QTL for grain yield per plant on linkage group 13 (GYP-P-13-1) under partial-irrigated condition controls 49% of phenotypic variance (R 2). The most important QTL for 1,000-grain weight (TGW-P-11-1) was identified on linkage group 11. Favorable alleles for this QTL come from RHA266. The major QTL for days from sowing to flowering (DSF-P-14-1) were observed on linkage group 14 and explained 38% of the phenotypic variance. The positive alleles for this QTL come from RHA266. The major QTL for HD (HD-P-13-1) was also identified on linkage group 13 and explained 37% of the phenotypic variance. Both parents (PAC2 and RHA266) contributed to QTLs controlling leaf-related traits in both conditions. Common QTL for leaf area at flowering (LAF-P-12-1, LAF-W-12-1) was detected in linkage group 12. The results emphasise the importance of the role of linkage groups 2, 10 and 13 for studied traits. Genomic regions on the linkage groups 9 and 12 are specific for QTLs of leaf-related traits in sunflower.  相似文献   

The improvement for drought tolerance requires understanding of the genetic control of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) reaction to drought. In this study, a set of 131 recombinant inbred lines of wheat were investigated under well-watered (WW) and drought stress (DS) environments across 2 years to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield and physiological traits. A total of 225 QTLs were detected, including 32 non-environment-specific loci that were significant in both DS and WW, one drought-specific locus and two watering-specific loci. Three consistently-expressed QTLs (QTkw-3A.2, QTss-1A, and QScn-7A.1) were identified in at least three environments and the QTkw-1D.1 was significant in DS across the 2 years. By unconditional and conditional QTL analysis, spike number per plant and kernel number per spike were more important than thousand-kernel weight for grain yield (GY) at the given genetic background. Meta-analysis identified 67 meta-QTLs that contained QTLs for at least two traits. High frequency co-location of QTLs was found among either the spike-related traits or the six physiological traits. Four photosynthesis traits (CHL, LWUE, P N, and C i) were co-located with GY and/or yield components on various MQTLs. The results provided QTLs that warrant further study for drought tolerance breeding and are helpful for understanding the genetic basis of drought tolerance and the genetic contribution of yield components to GY at individual QTL level in wheat.  相似文献   

Qu Z  Li L  Luo J  Wang P  Yu S  Mou T  Zheng X  Hu Z 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e28463


Combining ability effects are very effective genetic parameters in deciding the next phase of breeding programs. Although some breeding strategies on the basis of evaluating combining ability have been utilized extensively in hybrid breeding, little is known about the genetic basis of combining ability. Combining ability is a complex trait that is controlled by polygenes. With the advent and development of molecular markers, it is feasible to evaluate the genetic bases of combining ability and heterosis of elite rice hybrids through QTL analysis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present study, we first developed a QTL-mapping method for dissecting combining ability and heterosis of agronomic traits. With three testcross populations and a BCRIL population in rice, biometric and QTL analyses were conducted for ten agronomic traits. The significance of general combining ability and special combining ability for most of the traits indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive effects on expression levels. A large number of additive effect QTLs associated with performance per se of BCRIL and general combining ability, and dominant effect QTLs associated with special combining ability and heterosis were identified for the ten traits.


The combining ability of agronomic traits could be analyzed by the QTL mapping method. The characteristics revealed by the QTLs for combining ability of agronomic traits were similar with those by multitudinous QTLs for agronomic traits with performance per se of BCRIL. Several QTLs (1–6 in this study) were identified for each trait for combining ability. It demonstrated that some of the QTLs were pleiotropic or linked tightly with each other. The identification of QTLs responsible for combining ability and heterosis in the present study provides valuable information for dissecting genetic basis of combining ability.  相似文献   

Genetic control for two in vitro organogenesis traits, the number of shoots per explant plated (S/E) and the number of shoots per regenerating explant (S/RE), was investigated in 75 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of sunflower and their two parents (PAC-2 and RHA-266). Genetic variability was observed among the 75 RILs for the organogenesis traits studied. Some RILs presented significant differences when compared with the best parental line (RHA-266). Genetic gain, in terms of the percentage of the best parent, for 32% of the selected RILs was significant. A set of 99RILs from the same cross including the 75 mentioned above was screened with 333 AFLP markers and a linkage map was constructed based on 264 linked loci. Six putative QTLs for the S/RE (tentatively named osr) and seven QTLs for the S/E (ose) trait were detected using composite interval mapping. For each trait, the QTLs explained 52% (ose) and 67% (osr) of the total phenotypic variance. These results suggested that additive gene effects predominate in explaining a large proportion of the observed genetic variation associated with regeneration ability. The coincidental location of QTLs for S/E and S/RE is discussed. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 16 May 2000  相似文献   

QTL mapping of stay-green in two sorghum recombinant inbred populations   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The stay-green trait is a reported component of tolerance to terminal drought stress in sorghum. To map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for stay-green, two sorghum recombinant inbred populations (RIPs) of 226 F(3:5) lines each were developed from crosses (1) IS9830 x E36-1 and (2) N13 x E36-1. The common parental line, E36-1 of Ethiopian origin, was the stay-green trait source. The genetic map of RIP 1 had a total length of 1,291 cM, with 128 markers (AFLPs, RFLPs, SSRs and RAPDs) distributed over ten linkage groups. The map of RIP 2 spanned 1,438 cM and contained 146 markers in 12 linkage groups. The two RIPs were evaluated during post-rainy seasons at Patancheru, India, in 1999/2000 (RIP 2) and 2000/2001 (RIP 1). The measures of stay-green mapped were the green leaf area percentages at 15, 30 and 45 days after flowering (% GL15, % GL30 and % GL45, respectively). Estimated repeatabilities for % GL15, % GL30 and % GL45 amounted to 0.89, 0.81 and 0.78 in RIP 1, and 0.91, 0.88 and 0.85 in RIP 2, respectively. The number of QTLs for the three traits detected by composite interval mapping ranged from 5 to 8, explaining 31% to 42% of the genetic variance. In both RIPs, both parent lines contributed stay-green alleles. Across the three measures of the stay-green trait, three QTLs on linkage groups A, E and G were common to both RIPs, with the stay-green alleles originating from E36-1. These QTLs were therefore consistent across the tested genetic backgrounds and years. After QTL validation across sites and verification of the general benefit of the stay-green trait for grain yield performance and stability in the target areas, the corresponding chromosomal regions could be candidates for marker-assisted transfer of stay-green into elite materials.  相似文献   

A genetic map was constructed with specific PCRs, DALPs and AFLPs using F8-generation sunflower recombinant inbred lines. RI lines generated from a F2 population of one cross between the two cultivated inbred lines HA89 (maintainer for Pet1 CMS) and LR4 (restorer for Pet1 CMS) were used. A total of 305 markers were located using seven sPCR, 64 DALP and 301 AFLP loci. They were generated with one, seven and 14 primer pairs, respectively. The map construction consisted of a two-step strategy using 6 and 3.1 LOD scores revealed by a simulation file. Mapped markers were assembled into 18 linkage groups covering 2,168.6 cM with an average of 6.1 cM. The distribution of DALPs and AFLPs revealed that both markers tagged different regions to enable covering most of the sunflower genome. This leads to the longest map published so far for sunflower.  相似文献   

Earliness, an adaptative trait and factor of variation for agronomic characters, is a major trait in plant breeding. Its constituent traits, photoperiod sensitivity (PS), vernalization requirement (VR) and intrinsic earliness (IE), are largely under independent genetic controls. Mapping of major genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling these components is in progress. Most of the studies focusing on earliness considered it as a whole or through one (or two) of its components. The purpose of this study was to detect and map QTL for the three traits together through an experimental design combining field trials and controlled growth conditions. QTL were mapped in a population of F7 recombinant inbred lines derived by single-seed descent from a cross between two French varieties, Renan and Récital. A map was previously constructed, based on 194 lines and 254 markers, covering about 77% of the genome. Globally, 13 QTL with a LOD>2.5 were detected, of which four control PS, five control VR and four control IE. Two major photoperiod sensitive QTL, together explaining more than 31% of the phenotypic variation, were mapped on chromosomes 2B and 2D, at the same position as the two major genes Ppd-B1 and Ppd-D1. One major VR QTL explaining (depending on the year) 21.8–39.6% of the phenotypic variation was mapped on 5A. Among the other QTL, two QTL of PS and VR not referenced so far were detected on 5A and 6D, respectively. A VR QTL already detected on 2B in a connected population was confirmed.  相似文献   

I Paran  I Goldman  D Zamir 《Génome》1997,40(2):242-248
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing morphological traits were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross of the cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentum with a related wild species, Lycopersicon cheesmanii. One hundred and thirty-two RFLP loci spaced throughout the tomato genome were used as DNA probes on genomic DNA from 97 RIL families. Morphological traits, including plant height, plant fresh mass, number of branches, number of nodes, first flower-bearing node, and leaf length, were evaluated in two controlled environment trials in 1992 and 1993. QTLs were detected via regression analyses at multiple marker loci for each morphological trait. A total of 41 markers were significantly associated with the traits examined. Large additive effects were measured at many of these loci. QTLs for multiple traits were detected on chromosomes 3 (TG74) and 4 (CT188), suggesting the possible association of these chromosome segments with genes controlling growth and development in tomato. These chromosomal regions were also associated with multiple morphological traits in a L. esculentum x Lycopersicon pennellii cross. A total of 13% of the QTLs identified for traits common to both studies occupied similar map positions.  相似文献   

Zhang ZH  Qu XS  Wan S  Chen LH  Zhu YG 《Annals of botany》2005,95(3):423-429
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seedling vigour is one of the major determinants for stable stand establishment in rice (Oryza sativa), especially in a direct seeding cropping system. The objectives of this study were to identify superior alleles with consistent effects on seedling vigour across different temperature conditions and to investigate genotype x environmental temperature interactions for seedling vigour QTL. METHODS: A set of 282 F13 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a rice cross were assessed for four seedling vigour traits at three temperatures (25 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 15 degrees C). Using a linkage map with 198 marker loci, the main-effect QTL for the traits were mapped by composite interval mapping. KEY RESULTS: A total of 34 QTL for the four seedling vigour traits were identified. Of these QTL, the majority (82%) were clustered within five genomic regions, designated as QTL qSV-3-1, qSV-3-2, qSV-5, qSV-8-1 and qSV-8-2. All of these five QTL had small individual effects on the traits, explaining 3.1-15.8 % of the phenotypic variation with a mean of 7.3 %. QTL qSV-3-1, qSV-3-2 and qSV-8-1 showed almost consistent effects on the traits across all three temperatures while qSV-5 and qSV-8-2 had effects mainly at the 'normal' temperatures of 20 degrees C and 25 degrees C. Among the five QTL identified, all and four showed additive effects on shoot length and germination rate, respectively. The contributions of these five QTL to shoot length and germination rate were also much larger than those to the other two traits. CONCLUSIONS: A few of genomic regions (or QTL) were identified as showing effects on seedling vigour. For these QTL, significant genotype x environmental temperature interactions were found and these interactions appeared to be QTL-specific. Among the four seedling vigour traits measured, shoot length and germination rate could be used as relatively good indicators to evaluate the level of seedling vigour in rice.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and epistasis for Arabidopsis thaliana aluminum (Al) tolerance were analyzed using a recombinant inbred (RI) population of 100 lines derived from a cross between Landsberg erecta and Columbia (Col). Root growth of the RI population was determined in hydroponics using solutions containing 0 or 4 micro M of AlCl(3 )and a series of nutrients, except P(i), at pH 5.0. Al tolerance was defined as relative root length [RRL: plus Al/minus Al (%)], and the RI lines ranged from 22.6 to 97.4% with a broad sense heritability of 0.99. Using the composite interval mapping method, two significant single factor QTLs (P<0.05) were detected by RRL on chromosomes 1 and 4, where the Col allele showed positive and negative effects on the Al tolerance. These QTLs could explain about 43% of the total variation of Al tolerance among the RI population. On the other hand, five epistatic loci pairs were identified by the complete pair-wise search method (P<0.0005). No single factor QTL and epistatic loci pairs were shared by the root length in the control and the RRL, suggesting that the loci identified by the RRL would be specific for Al treatment and controlling Al tolerance among the RI population.  相似文献   

Stalk bending strength (SBS) is a reliable indicator for evaluating stalk lodging resistance of maize plants. Based on biomechanical considerations, the maximum load exerted to breaking (F max), the breaking moment (M max) and critical stress (σ max) are three important parameters to characterize SBS. We investigated the genetic architecture of SBS by phenotyping F max, M max and σ max of the fourth internode of maize plants in a population of 216 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross B73 × Ce03005 evaluated in four environments. Heritability of F max, M max and σ max was 0.81, 0.79 and 0.75, respectively. F max and σ max were positively correlated with several other stalk characters. By using a linkage map with 129 SSR markers, we detected two, three and two quantitative trait loci (QTL) explaining 22.4, 26.1 and 17.2 % of the genotypic variance for F max, M max and σ max, respectively. The QTL for F max, M max and σ max located in adjacent bins 5.02 and 5.03 as well as in bin 10.04 for F max were detected with high frequencies in cross-validation. As our QTL mapping results suggested a complex polygenic inheritance for SBS-related traits, we also evaluated the prediction accuracy of two genomic prediction methods (GBLUP and BayesB). In general, we found that both explained considerably higher proportions of the genetic variance than the values obtained in QTL mapping with cross-validation. Nevertheless, the identified QTL regions could be used as a starting point for fine mapping and gene cloning.  相似文献   

A recombinant inbred intercross (RIX) is created by generating diallel F1 progeny from one or more panels of recombinant inbred (RI) strains. This design was originally introduced to extend the power of small RI panels for the confirmation of quantitative trait loci (QTL) provisionally detected in a parental RI set. For example, the set of 13 C × B (C57BL/6ByJ × BALB/cByJ) RI strains can, in principle, be supplemented with 156 isogenic F1s. We describe and test a method of analysis, based on a linear mixed model, that accounts for the correlation structure of RIX populations. This model suggests a novel permutation algorithm that is needed to obtain appropriate threshold values for genome-wide scans of an RIX population. Despite the combinational multiplication of unique genotypes that can be generated using an RIX design, the effective sample size of the RIX population is limited by the number of progenitor RI genomes that are combined. When using small RI panels such as the C × B there appears to be only modest advantage of the RIX design when compared with the original RI panel for detecting QTLs with additive effects. The RIX, however, does have an inherent ability to detect dominance effects, and, unlike RI strains, the RIX progeny are genetically reproducible but are not fully inbred, providing somewhat more natural genetic context. We suggest a breeding strategy, the balanced partial RIX, that balances the advantage of RI and RIX designs. This involves the use of a partial RIX population derived from a large RI panel in which the available information is maximized by minimizing correlations among RIX progeny.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the genetic segregation of heading traits in wheat using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of hexaploid wheat, derived from Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring and T. spelta var. duhameliamum. The population was examined under controlled environmental conditions as well as in the field. This strategy differentiated the effect of three genetic factors (vernalization requirement, photoperiod sensitivity and narrow-sense earliness) and identified their interactions. Correlation analysis showed that photoperiod sensitivity and narrow-sense earliness are critical for heading time in the field. Single-marker analysis using 322 molecular markers segregating among RIL detected a total of 38 linked markers for each genetic factor and heading in the field. In interval analysis, two Vrn genes (Vrn-B1 and Vrn-D1) and Ppd-B1 were mapped on chromosomes 5B, 5D and 2B, respectively. It was noticed that Vrn-B1 on 5B from the spelt wheat conferred a strong-spring habit equivalent to the homologous Vrn-A1. Quantitative trait locus analysis also showed that Ppd-B1 was not detected under the short-day condition without vernalization treatment, and that there were two types of genes for photoperiod sensitivity, dependent on and independent of vernalization treatment.  相似文献   

Combining ecophysiological modelling and genetic mapping has increasingly received attention from researchers who wish to predict complex plant or crop traits under diverse environmental conditions. The potential for using this combined approach to predict flowering time of individual genotypes in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was examined. An ecophysiological phenology model predicts preflowering duration as affected by temperature and photoperiod, based on the following four input traits: f(o) (the minimum number of days to flowering at the optimum temperature and photoperiod), theta1 and theta2 (the development stages for the start and the end of the photoperiod-sensitive phase, respectively), and delta (the photoperiod sensitivity). The model-input trait values were obtained from a photoperiod-controlled greenhouse experiment. Assuming additivity of QTL effects, a multiple QTL model was fitted for the model-input traits using composite interval mapping. Four to seven QTL were identified for each trait. Each trait had at least one QTL specific to that trait alone. Other QTL were shared by two or all traits. Values of the model-input traits predicted for the RILs from the QTL model were fed back into the ecophysiological model. This QTL-based ecophysiological model was subsequently used to predict preflowering duration (d) for eight field trial environments. The model accounted for 72% of the observed variation among 94 RILs and 94% of the variation among the two parents across the eight environments, when observations in different environments were pooled. However, due to the low percentage (34-41%) of phenotypic variation accounted for by the identified QTL for three model-input traits (theta1, theta2 and delta), the QTL-based model accounted for somewhat less variation among the RILs than the model using original phenotypic input trait values. Nevertheless, days to flowering as predicted from the QTL-based ecophysiological model were highly correlated with days to flowering as predicted from QTL-models per environment for days to flowering per se. The ecophysiological phenology model was thus capable of extrapolating (QTL) information from one environment to another.  相似文献   

The inheritance of yield-related traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.; 2n = 2x = 24) is poorly understood, and the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for such traits has not been reported. Therefore, a set of 81 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) was developed from a cross between the monoecious, highly branched line USDA 846-1 and a standard vining, andromonoecious cultivar, ‘Top Mark’. The RIL, parental lines, and three control cultivars (‘Esteem’, ‘Sol Dorado’, and ‘Hales Best Jumbo’) were grown at Hancock, WI and El Centro, CA in 2002, and evaluated for primary branch number (PB), fruit number per plant (FN), fruit weight per plant (FW), average weight per fruit (AWF), and percentage of mature fruit per plot (PMF). A 190-point genetic map was constructed using 114 RAPD, 43 SSR, 32 AFLP markers, and one phenotypic trait. Fifteen linkage groups spanned 1,116 cM with a mean marker interval of 5.9 cM. A total of 37 QTL were detected in both locations (PB = 6, FN = 9, FW = 12, AWF = 5, and PMF = 5). QTL analyses revealed four location-independent factors for PB (pb1.1, pb1.2, pb2.3, and pb10.5), five for FN (fn1.1, fn1.2, fn1.3, fn2.4, and fn8.8), four for FW (fw5.8, fw6.10, fw8.11, and fw8.12), two for AWF (awf1.3 and awf8.5), and one for PMF (pmf10.4). The significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive phenotypic correlations observed among PB, FN, and FW, and negative phenotypic correlations between PB and AWF and between FN and AWF were consistent with the genomic locations and effects (negative vs. positive) of the QTL detected. Results indicate that genes resident in highly branched melon types have potential for increasing yield in US Western Shipping type germplasm via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Kernel number per ear (KNE) is one of the most important yield-related agronomic traits in maize (Zea mays). To clarify its genetic basis, we made a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of KNE in a recombinant inbred line population derived from lines Mo17 and Huangzao4, under two nitrogen (N) regimes. Seven QTLs, on chromosomes 4, 6 and 9, were mapped under the high N regime, which explained phenotypic variation ranging from 5.03 to 15.49%. Under the low N regime, three QTLs were located on chromosomes 6 and 9, which accounted for phenotypic variation ranging from 8.54 to 12.21%. These QTLs had different mapping intervals to their nearest markers, ranging from 0 to 16.5 cM. According to the chromosome positions and genetic effects of these QTLs, only seven QTLs for KNE were identified in our experiment, out of which three were found under both N regimes, on chromosomes 6 (one) and 9 (two); the other four were mapped only under the high N regime, on chromosomes 4 (three) and 6 (one). This information could be useful for developing marker-assisted selection in maize-breeding projects.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate the phytotoxicity of nitrapyrin 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine to sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under different N regimes and to see if N forms affect the phytotoxicity of nitrapyrin. Sunflower was grown in pot culture for 21 days and was fertilized with (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3 and NaNO3 to provide 0, 100 and 200 ppm N and with nitrapyrin application of 0 and 20 ppm. All N-treated sunflower plants in all N regimes and regardless of titrapyrin treatment produced more root and shoot dry weights and contained a significantly higher N than untreated check. Nitrapyrin toxicity appeared as a curling of leaf margin and a tendril type of stem growth, the visible toxicity symptoms decreased in the order: (NH4)2SO4>NH4NO3>NaNO3. Furthermore nitrapyrin addition suppressed sunflower growth in each N regime, the suppressing effect being greater with (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 than as with NaNO3. Although, shoot growth from plants receiving nitrapyrin was not significantly affected by any N regime, root growth of nitrapyrin-treated plants was somewhat restricted by NH4 +−N nutrition relative to NO3 −N nutrition.  相似文献   

A set of 171 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) were developed from a narrow cross in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.; 2n = 2x = 14) using the determinate (de), gynoecious (F), standard-sized leaf line G421 and the indeterminate, monoecious, little-leaf (ll) line H-19. A 131-point genetic map was constructed using these RILs and 216 F2 individuals to include 14 SSRs, 24 SCARs, 27 AFLPs, 62 RAPDs, 1 SNP, and three economically important morphological [F (gynoecy), de (determinate habit), ll (little leaf)] markers. Seven linkage groups spanned 706 cM with a mean marker interval of 5.6 cM. The location of F and de was defined by genetic linkage and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis to be associated with SSR loci CSWCT28 and CSWCTT14 at 5.0 cM and 0.8 cM, respectively. RIL-based QTL analysis of the number of lateral branches in three environments revealed four location-independent factors that cumulatively explained 42% of the observed phenotypic variation. QTLs conditioning lateral branching (mlb1.1), fruit length/diameter ratio (ldr1.2) and sex expression (sex1.2) were associated with de. Sex expression was influenced by three genomic regions corresponding to F and de both on linkage Group 1, and a third locus (sex6.1) on linkage Group 6. QTLs conditioning the number of fruit per plant (fpl1.2), the number of lateral branches (mlb1.4) and fruit length/diameter ratio (ldr1.3) were associated with ll. The potential value of these marker-trait associations (i.e., yield components) for plant improvement is portended by the relatively high LOD scores (2.6 to 13.0) and associated R2 values (1.5% to 32.4%) that are affiliated with comparatively few genetic factors (perhaps 3 to 10).Communicated by H.C. BeckerMention of trade name, proprietary product, or specific equipment does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDA and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable  相似文献   

利用RIL群体进行小麦品质性状及其与产量性状的相关分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用小麦重组自交系(RIL)群体,对小麦主要品质性状、及其与产量的关系进行了分析。结果表明,RIL群体品质、产量性状都表现了较大的变异幅度;蛋白质各性状内、淀粉各性状内相关性多数显著,但二者之间相关性多不显著,这说明在小麦品种改良中,优良的蛋白质性状和优良的淀粉性状可以兼得;稳定时间、沉降值等重要的加工品质性状和淀粉性状与产量相关不显著,说明加工品质可以与产量很好地协调起来;适当降低千粒重,增加穗数,有利于强筋的形成和粘度的提高;矮杆、半矮杆性状能够与良好的加工品质、高蛋白质含量、高GMP含量协调起来。  相似文献   

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