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Given the very large proportion of Hawaiians who are multiracial, our research examines Native Hawaiian identification in mixed-race Hawaiian families. We use the 1990 US Census, which affords a unique look at racial identification because multiracial people were required to choose one race over another. The results show support for our argument that place plays a central role in Pacific identity processes, illustrated in this case among Hawaiians. We find that strong ties to Hawai‘i – the spiritual and geographic home of the Hawaiian population – are vital to the intergenerational transmission of Hawaiian identification in both continental and island multiracial families. We compare our results for multiracial Native Hawaiians to prior studies of American Indians and Asian Americans to identify any general patterns in correlates of racial identification choices. In each group, we find that familial and geographic relationships to the cultural and ancestral lands are strongly linked to racial identification.  相似文献   

Previous literature on racial self-identification among multiracials demonstrates that self-identification differs by context. Moreover, among multiracial adolescents, identity, usually measured in school, is correlated with achievement. In addition, a few studies have indicated that for half-white, half-minority adolescents, school achievement falls in between the achievements of their monoracial counterparts. Using the in-school and in-home components of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), we examine the relationship between racial self-identification and school belonging and achievement. We find that among black/white and Asian/white adolescents, adolescents who self-identify as white are particularly disadvantaged in school, reporting lower grade point averages (GPA) than their multiracial counterparts. Our conclusions suggest that multiple contextual measures of self-identification better capture the relationship between racial identification and academic achievement among multiracial adolescents.  相似文献   

《Ethnic and racial studies》2012,35(8):1409-1426

During the same time period, the United States, Great Britain and Canada all moved towards ‘counting’ mixed-race on their national censuses. In the United States, this move is largely attributed to the existence of a mixed-race social movement that pushed Congress for the change – but similar developments in Canada and Britain occurred without the presence of a politically active civil society devoted to making the change. Why the convergence? This article argues that demographic trends, increasingly unsettled perceptions about discrete racial categories, and a transnational norm surrounding the primacy of racial self-identification in census-taking culminated in a normative shift towards multiracial multiculturalism. Therein, mixed-race identities are acknowledged as part of – rather than problematic within – diverse societies. These elements enabled mixed-race to be promoted, at times strategically, as a corollary of multiculturalism in these three countries.  相似文献   

The number of inter‐racial marriages has increased sharply in the last two decades. There are a number of factors that might account for this development ‐ for example, immigration, changing norms, and marriage market composition ‐ but one indisputable outcome has been a rise in the number of persons with multiracial backgrounds. This article argues that multiracial persons have a number of options about how they might identify their ancestry, and this is causing fluidity and instability in racial divisions that were once considered fixed and immutable. While this might be seen as a recent development, American Indians historically have had high rates of intermarriage with other racial groups. The experience of American Indians with regard to the dilemmas posed by shifting racial identities are discussed for the purpose of anticipating the experiences of other groups. In particular, these issues pose a number of challenges to public policies based on increasingly obsolete conceptions of race.  相似文献   

Zulema Valdez and Tanya Golash-Boza offer an integrative framework for the sociology of race and ethnicity to bridge a divide undergirding different, yet related perspectives in the field. Their work provides an initial roadmap for linking the cultural perspectives often taken in the study of ethnicity to the structural perspectives utilized in the study of race. The authors put these perspectives in dialogue with one another to elucidate the strength of integrating commonly used approaches in each area, while avoiding the pitfalls of relying only on one paradigm. Behind much of sociology’s theoretical developments to understand racial and ethnic groups’ experiences in US society, and in relation to global discussions of race and ethnicity as well, are influences of identity and ideological processes inflected and reflected by whiteness. This comment reflects on how these processes can shape future conversations considering the intertwined cultural and structural processes framing group experiences and life chances.  相似文献   

Circulating gastric-mucosa antibodies were found more frequently among patients with different forms of chronic gastritis than among a miscellaneous control group and groups that presented prepyloric ulcer or duodenal ulcer. A higher incidence of circulating antibodies and of chronic gastritis lesions among Caucasians and “Mestizos” than among Negroes was also observed. The latter showed a higher tendency to duodenal ulcer and prepyloric ulcer. The high incidence of gastritis and gastric ulcer of the Chinese and the Mestizos support the ethnic relation between these two human groups. Our study favors the hypothesis that genetic and ethnic factors influence, on the one hand, chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer and, on the other hand, duodenal and prepyloric ulcers.  相似文献   


Deploying liberal multiculturalist discourse, the media depicts professional basketball as a post-racial space where all talented players, regardless of their race, can thrive if they work hard. An analysis of the construction of non-white players in the 1930s and in 2010 demonstrates sport as modulated by racially charged discourse. As part of a liberal multiculturalist frame, the coding of basketball players as hero, threat and novelty serve to privilege whiteness and replicate racialized and gendered images that can be traced to the 1930s. In doing so, the article highlights how liberal multiculturalism involves racial triangulation and the simultaneous processes of hyper-racialization and de-racialization.  相似文献   

Important changes in genetic relatedness may occur at extremely small scales in benthic invertebrates, providing key information about structuring processes in populations of these organisms. We performed a small-scale study of the population structure of the sponge Crambe crambe, in which 177 individuals from the same rocky wall (interindividual distances from 0 to 7 m) were genotyped using six microsatellite markers. 101 sponges had unique genotypes and the remaining 76 individuals formed 24 groups of sponges sharing genotypes (clones). Mean intraclone distances were found to be c. 20 cm. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed a drastic decrease in genetic relatedness over the first 100 cm of distance. If the contribution of clonality to this pattern was eliminated, the trend was attenuated, but remained a marked one and was still significant within the first distance classes (30-40 cm). Estimated mean dispersal distances per generation were c. 35 cm, and neighbourhood sizes were estimated at c. 33 sponges. Genetic similarities with sponges of the same locality, or from other Mediterranean localities, were within the same range as those found in sponges 2-7 m apart. It is concluded that asexual reproduction plays an important role in structuring populations in this species. However, over and above the effects of clonality, a strong fine-scale genetic structure was present at distances in the range of tens of centimetres, probably as a result of short dispersal of larvae. This fine-scale genetic structure may be common in invertebrates with lecitotrophic larvae.  相似文献   

This article examines the major political debates in post-Soviet Azerbaijan vis à vis the very assumptions of individual autonomy, equality, national culture and citizenship, and universalism upon which modern nation-states have historically been based. The information presented in this article is based on personal interviews conducted with the leading and influential members of the Azerbaijani political elite in 1998. The interviews were based on two broad themes. The first relates to the perceptions of the Soviet period and on what grounds the Azerbaijanis differentiate the new Republic of Azerbaijan from the former Soviet Azerbaijan. The second relates to their perceptions of both the outside world and themselves with regards to differing understandings of nationalism, national culture, and national/ethnic or local identities. The study of the Azerbaijani example of post-Soviet political culture may help us to understand the dynamics of nation-building on the basis of the major political debates and of conflicting national, ethnic and local identities in Azerbaijan.  相似文献   

Why do family reunification policies differ across liberal democracies? Established literature explains differentiation through reference to the logics of distinct “national models” of immigration policy-making. Drawing on critical race and feminist scholarship, this paper finds consistent racial logics in the political histories of family reunification policies in Britain and the US during the mid-twentieth century. In a context where the geopolitical power of each country was conditioned by an assertive antiracist internationalism, “family” provided a colourblind, ideational platform to rearticulate the state-based racial project of white supremacy. Despite an original convergence, family reunification diverged because of the context-specific racialization of the immigrant family in each case. In rooting divergent reunification policies in the logics of the racial state, this paper contributes to efforts to incorporate race into the sociology of immigration. The paper also develops recent feminist scholarship on the role of “family ideation” in building liberal-democratic immigration systems.  相似文献   

群落分类多样性和功能多样性的海拔格局研究, 是了解生物多样性空间分布现状、揭示多样性维持和变化机制的重要途径。当前对水生昆虫分类多样性和功能多样性沿海拔梯度分布格局, 及其尺度依赖性依旧缺乏深入研究。本文基于2013-2018年在云南澜沧江流域500-3,900 m海拔梯度共149个溪流点位的水生昆虫群落调查数据, 利用线性或二次回归模型探索并比较了局部尺度(点位尺度)和不同区域尺度(100 m、150 m、200 m、250 m海拔段)的分类多样性指数(物种丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数和物种均匀度指数)和功能多样性指数(树状图功能多样性指数(dbFD)、Rao二次熵指数(RaoQ)和功能均匀度指数(FEve))的海拔格局。结果表明, 在局部尺度, 物种丰富度指数和dbFD指数沿海拔梯度均无显著分布特征, Simpson多样性指数、RaoQ指数、物种均匀度指数和FEve指数沿海拔梯度呈现U型或者单调递减趋势。在区域尺度, 随着区域海拔带宽度的增加, 物种丰富度指数沿海拔呈不显著的单调递减格局, 但dbFD指数沿海拔分布由U型转变为单调递减趋势; Simpson多样性指数和RaoQ指数沿海拔梯度由显著U型趋势转变为无显著分布特征; 物种均匀度指数沿海拔梯度无显著分布特征, 但FEve指数呈显著增加的海拔格局。综上, 群落分类多样性指数和功能多样性指数沿海拔梯度分布存在局部和区域尺度的空间差异, 但区域尺度下二者海拔格局随海拔带宽度的增加存在一定程度的一致性。  相似文献   

In the classic spatially implicit formulation of Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity a local community receives immigrants from a metacommunity operating on a relatively slow timescale, and dispersal into the local community is governed by an immigration parameter m . A current problem with neutral theory is that m lacks a clear biological interpretation. Here, we derive analytical expressions that relate the immigration parameter m to the geometry of the plot defining the local community and the parameters of a dispersal kernel. Our results facilitate more rigorous and extensive tests of the neutral theory: we conduct a test of neutral theory by comparing estimates of m derived from fits to empirical species abundance distributions to those derived from dispersal kernels and find acceptable correspondence; and we generate a new prediction of neutral theory by investigating how the shapes of species abundance distributions change theoretically as the spatial scale of observation changes. We also discuss how our main analytical results can be used to assess the error in the mean-field approximations associated with spatially implicit formulations of neutral theory.  相似文献   

为了探究鄂西北地区珍稀濒危植物及其多样性空间分布与该区域地理环境的关系,于2007-2017年先后对鄂西北8个自然保护区的植物资源进行了调查,对其种类组成、地理成分、生活型及物种多样性的空间分布特征进行研究。结果显示:(1)鄂西北珍稀濒危植物共有262种,隶属于62科149属;(2)该区域珍稀濒危植物地理成分与生活型谱具有地域过渡性和多样性;(3)鄂西北地区珍稀濒危植物的物种丰富度峰值出现在海拔900~1700 m区段,物种丰富度与海拔区段间具有显著的二次方程关系:y=-0.5107x2-12.43x+7.3111(R2=0.7867,P=0.04);(4)不同空间尺度下,物种Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(HD)、均匀度指数(ED)、Margalef多样性指数(KD)随空间尺度的变化均呈幂函数关系,其相关系数分别为R2=0.7303(HD)、R2=0.8858(ED)、R2=0.9805(KD)。研究表明HD、ED、KD值的变化幅度可能与该区域地理环境的变化有关。目前砍伐毁林和过度采挖是该地区珍稀濒危植物最大的威胁因素,建议从珍稀濒危植物物种多样性分布与地理环境特性相结合的角度加强管理,为区域珍稀濒危植物的科学恢复提供支撑。  相似文献   

1. We studied the spatial organisation of littoral, benthic invertebrate communities in two large oligotrophic lakes with very extensive heterogeneous littoral zones, and report that littoral communities show significant variation in their structure at multiple spatial scales. 2. At coarser scales, littoral zone topography, riparian inputs and exposure may be important drivers of community spatial structure. At finer scales, the composition of substrates, particularly macrophytes and inorganic sediments, may be drivers of community spatial structure. 3. The effects of substrates on community spatial patterns were non‐additive across scales; community‐habitat correspondence became very noisy when we attempted to extrapolate results throughout the littoral. We present some evidence to suggest that this non‐additivity is because of the interaction among structuring processes that operate at different scales.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endoscopy represents the gold standard for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection. We evaluated three noninvasive tests in a group of children: the immunoassay for detection of H. pylori stool antigen, the polimerase chain reaction for identification of bacterial DNA on the oral cavity and the serum specific antibodies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and ninety children underwent endoscopy for various gastrointestinal symptoms. H. pylori stool antigen and anti-H. pylori antibodies were assayed by commercial kits. The bacterial DNA on saliva and oral plaque was detected by a seminested PCR. RESULTS: Based on the positivity of culture or urease rapid test and histology, infection was detected in 47 patients. The statistical analysis showed that, for the detection of the infection, stool antigen assay is more effective in sensitivity and negative predictive value (91.5% and 96.5%), whereas specificity and positive predictive values appear slightly better in serology (89.6% and 76.0%). Correlations between serum IgG both with patients' age (r = 0.21, p < .05) and H. pylori stool antigen (r = 0.47, p < .01) were found. The search for bacterial DNA on oral samples proved to be very specific (99.1% on saliva and 98.2% on plaque), but insensitive (22.2% and 25.7%). CONCLUSIONS. In children H. pylori stool antigen represents a sensitive test, suitable for detecting H. pylori infection. Serum IgG proved to be more specific; the PCR on the oral cavity resulted as being a very specific, but insensitive test.  相似文献   

The question of Kurdish language rights has been a central issue in the Turkish–Kurdish conflict. The current study examined endorsement of Kurdish language rights in relation to intergroup factors (i.e. group identifications, cross-group friendships, perceived discrimination, and perceived out-group beliefs about state unity) among self-identified Turkish and Kurdish participants. The results indicate that Turks were much less in favour of these rights than the Kurds. In addition, for the Turks, higher national and ethnic identification were associated with lower support for Kurdish language rights, while cross-group friendship, perceived discrimination of Kurds and the belief that Kurds endorse national unity were associated with more support for rights. For the Kurdish participants, stronger national identification seems to undermine the mobilizing meaning that Kurdish group identification has for language rights support. Furthermore, friendship with Turks can undermine the support for rights because it strengthens national identification and reduces ethnic identification.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is small deviations from perfect symmetry which reflect one component of fitness, i.e. developmental stability. There is accumulating evidence that low FA is important in inter- and intra-sexual selection in humans. However, there is little information on the pattern of FA in children. Data from cross-sectional studies of 680 participants from 2–18 years suggests that (1) both absolute and relative FA reduces with age until 10 years (2) there is an increase in FA in adolescents (11–15 years) with a peak at 13 years for males and 14 years for females (3) after 15 years there is reduction in FA which is maintained until 18 years. The importance of growth rate, metabolic maintenance and sex steroids on developmental stability is discussed.  相似文献   

Large‐scale bioreactors for the production of monoclonal antibodies reach volumes of up to 25 000 L. With increasing bioreactor size, mixing is however affected negatively, resulting in the formation of gradients throughout the reactor. These gradients can adversely affect process performance at large scale. Since mammalian cells are sensitive to changes in pH, this study investigated the effects of pH gradients on process performance. A 2‐Compartment System was established for this purpose to expose only a fraction of the cell population to pH excursions and thereby mimicking a large‐scale bioreactor. Cells were exposed to repeated pH amplitudes of 0.4 units (pH 7.3), which resulted in decreased viable cell counts, as well as the inhibition of the lactate metabolic shift. These effects were furthermore accompanied by increased absolute lactate levels. Continuous assessment of molecular attributes of the expressed target protein revealed that subunit assembly or N‐glycosylation patterns were only slightly influenced by the pH excursions. The exposure of more cells to the same pH amplitudes further impaired process performance, indicating this is an important factor, which influences the impact of pH inhomogeneity. This knowledge can aid in the design of pH control strategies to minimize the effects of pH inhomogeneity in large‐scale bioreactors.  相似文献   

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