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Experimental results on 2′5′-linked subunit systems of nucleic acids are interpreted to substantiate the view that the 2′5′-linked polynucleotides cannot form double-stranded helical structures. In order to look into this aspect of the 2′5′-linked units, as well as to make a detailed comparison between the conformational characteristics of 3′5′- and 2′5′-linked systems, we carried out an exhaustive theoretical study on A2′p5′A. The method was to compute the various terms of energy contributions to a conformational state and then to minimize the total energy, permitting all the relevant dihedral angles to adjust themselves. Four hundred thirty two probable starting conformations were considered for this treatment, but we found only 10 of them to come under low-energy states, i.e., within 5 kcal/mol energy difference with reference to the global minimum energy state. The characteristic properties of these 10 conformations were compared in detail with those previously obtained on the corresponding 3′5′-linked subunit, as well as such units with other base sequences. As a further step, a model-building study was undertaken. Using the backbone-course, base-stacking, and hydrogen-bonding possibilities of the 10 low-energy conformations of the dimer A2′p5′A, double-stranded helical structures were scrutinized for the 2′5′-linked polynucleotide. Of a few reasonable forms, a right-handed duplex structure satisfied our requirements. We describe this new duplex, making comparisons with the standard A- and B-form states of DNA. The available experimental and theoretical results on 2′5′-linked systems are also analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether nutritional disruptions experienced during the stage of fetal development impair an individual's labor market productivity later in life. We consider intrauterine exposure to the month of Ramadan as a natural experiment that might cause shocks to the inflow of nutrients essential for fetal development. Specifically, we use administrative data from Denmark to investigate the impact of exposure to Ramadan in utero on labor market outcomes of adult Muslim males, including employment status, annual salary, hourly wage rate, and hours of work. Our findings indicate that potential exposure to nutritional disruptions during a critical stage of fetal development is likely to have scarring effects on the fetus expressed as poor labor market outcomes later in life. Specifically, exposure to Ramadan around the 7th month of gestation results in a lower likelihood of employment and, to a lesser extent, a lower salary, and reduced labor supply. For example, the 7th month intrauterine exposure to Ramadan is associated with a 2.6 percentage points reduction in the likelihood of employment among Muslim males. We do not find an impact on the wage rate. Finally, we also document suggestive evidence that these results may partially be driven by increased disability and to a lesser extent by poor educational attainment among those who were exposed to Ramadan during this particular period in utero.  相似文献   

This article complements emerging research on immigrant civic participation by examining how Catholic churches facilitate volunteer and political participation among first-generation Mexican immigrants. Drawing on interviews and ethnographic data, it identifies two reinforcing mechanisms that churches foster: small groups and organizational links. Specifically, small groups, like prayer groups, provide immigrants with intimate contexts for building networks, learning skills and sharing resources. On the other hand, churches cultivate links to secular organizations that sensitize immigrants to public debates and provide opportunities for civic participation. Put simply, church-going immigrants take advantage of broader civic opportunities because they gain resources and skills within small groups. Implications for understanding immigrant religion and civic participation more broadly are discussed.  相似文献   

An attempt to unify the structure of polymerases   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
With the great availability of sequences from RNA- and DNA-dependent RNA and DNA polymerases, it has become possible to delineate a few highly conserved regions for various polymerase types. In this work a DNA polymerase sequence from bacteriophage SPO2 was found to be homologous to the polymerase domain of the Klenow fragment of polymerase I from Escherichia coli, which is known to be closely related to those from Staphylococcus pneumoniae, Thermus aquaticus and bacteriophages T7 and T5. The alignment of the SPO2 polymerase with the other five sequences considerably narrowed the conserved motifs in these proteins. Three of the motifs matched reasonably all the conserved motifs of another DNA polymerase type, characterized by human polymerase alpha. It is also possible to find these three motifs in monomeric DNA-dependent RNA polymerases and two of them in DNA polymerase beta and DNA terminal transferases. These latter two motifs also matched two of the four motifs recently identified in 84 RNA-dependent polymerases. From the known tertiary architecture of the Klenow fragment of E. coli pol I, a spatial arrangement can be implied for these motifs. In addition, numerous biochemical experiments suggesting a role for the motifs in a common function (dNTP binding) also support these inferences. This speculative hypothesis, attempting to unify polymerase structure at least locally, if not globally, under the pol I fold, should provide a useful model to direct mutagenesis experiments to probe template and substrate specificity in polymerases.  相似文献   

Antioxidants specifically addressed to mitochondria have been studied to determine if they can decelerate senescence of organisms. For this purpose, a project has been established with participation of several research groups from Russia and some other countries. This paper summarizes the first results of the project. A new type of compounds (SkQs) comprising plastoquinone (an antioxidant moiety), a penetrating cation, and a decane or pentane linker has been synthesized. Using planar bilayer phospholipid membrane (BLM), we selected SkQ derivatives with the highest permeability, namely plastoquinonyl-decyl-triphenylphosphonium (SkQ1), plastoquinonyl-decyl-rhodamine 19 (SkQR1), and methylplastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium (SkQ3). Anti- and prooxidant properties of these substances and also of ubiquinonyl-decyl-triphenylphosphonium (MitoQ) were tested in aqueous solution, detergent micelles, liposomes, BLM, isolated mitochondria, and cell cultures. In mitochondria, micromolar cationic quinone derivatives were found to be prooxidants, but at lower (sub-micromolar) concentrations they displayed antioxidant activity that decreases in the series SkQ1 = SkQR1 > SkQ3 > MitoQ. SkQ1 was reduced by mitochondrial respiratory chain, i.e. it is a rechargeable antioxidant. Nanomolar SkQ1 specifically prevented oxidation of mitochondrial cardiolipin. In cell cultures, SkQR1, a fluorescent SkQ derivative, stained only one type of organelles, namely mitochondria. Extremely low concentrations of SkQ1 or SkQR1 arrested H2O2-induced apoptosis in human fibroblasts and HeLa cells. Higher concentrations of SkQ are required to block necrosis initiated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the fungus Podospora anserina, the crustacean Ceriodaphnia affinis, Drosophila, and mice, SkQ1 prolonged lifespan, being especially effective at early and middle stages of aging. In mammals, the effect of SkQs on aging was accompanied by inhibition of development of such age-related diseases and traits as cataract, retinopathy, glaucoma, balding, canities, osteoporosis, involution of the thymus, hypothermia, torpor, peroxidation of lipids and proteins, etc. SkQ1 manifested a strong therapeutic action on some already pronounced retinopathies, in particular, congenital retinal dysplasia. With drops containing 250 nM SkQ1, vision was restored to 67 of 89 animals (dogs, cats, and horses) that became blind because of a retinopathy. Instillation of SkQ1-containing drops prevented the loss of sight in rabbits with experimental uveitis and restored vision to animals that had already become blind. A favorable effect of the same drops was also achieved in experimental glaucoma in rabbits. Moreover, the SkQ1 pretreatment of rats significantly decreased the H2O2 or ischemia-induced arrhythmia of the isolated heart. SkQs strongly reduced the damaged area in myocardial infarction or stroke and prevented the death of animals from kidney ischemia. In p53−/− mice, 5 nmol/kg × day SkQ1 decreased the ROS level in the spleen and inhibited appearance of lymphomas to the same degree as million-fold higher concentration of conventional antioxidant NAC. Thus, SkQs look promising as potential tools for treatment of senescence and age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Gut fluorescence in herbivorous copepods: an attempt to justify the method   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Pasternak  A. F. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):241-248
Recently the gut fluorescence technique has been critisized because of the possible degradation of chlorophyll into nonfluorescent derivatives during passage through copepod guts and changes of the gut passage time with food concentration. Here pigment budgets have been calculated in 6 experiments with Calanus finmarchicus CIV caught 2 km offshore of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute (the Barents Sea, Dalnije Zelentsi) in September 1992. Copepods were fed with culture of Platymonas viridis at different concentrations. Gut pigment and ingestion rate increased with food concentration in a similar way. On average between 78% and 89% of ingested chlorophyll was recovered in the guts and faecal pellets. No trend for a greater loss of fluorescence at low food concentration than at high was observed. Pigment content of faecal pellets incubated in filtered seawater decreased by 20–30% in the first 7–12 h and by up to 60% in 48 h. The decline of pigment content was accompanied by a rapid bacterial growth (by a factor of 3 in 48 h). Gut passage time increased with decreasing food concentration (from 40 min at 9 µg pigm l–1 to 64 min at 0.9 µg pigm l–1). These results together with some data by other authors suggest that the gut fluorescence method can be used to estimate in situ grazing rate providing gut passage time is measured properly and there are no losses of faecal material. However, careful consideration should be given to the previous feeding history of copepods.  相似文献   

Environmental noise is known to sustain cycles by perturbing a deterministic approach to equilibrium that is itself oscillatory. Quasicycles produced in this way display a regular period but varied amplitude. They were proposed by Nisbet and Gurney (Nature 263 (1976) 319) as one possible explanation for population fluctuations in nature. Here, we revisit quasicyclic dynamics from the perspective of nonlinear time series analysis. Time series are generated with a predator-prey model whose prey's growth rate is driven by environmental noise. A method for the analysis of short and noisy data provides evidence for sensitivity to initial conditions, with a global Lyapunov exponent often close to zero characteristic of populations 'at the edge of chaos'. Results with methods restricted to long time series are consistent with a finite-dimensional attractor on which dynamics are sensitive to initial conditions. These results are compared with those previously obtained for quasicycles in an individual-based model with heterogeneous spatial distributions. Patterns of sensitivity to initial conditions are shown to differentiate phase-forgetting from phase-remembering quasicycles involving a periodic driver. The previously reported mode at zero of Lyapunov exponents in field and laboratory populations may reflect, in part, quasicyclic dynamics.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific 3-deazaadenosine (c(3)A)-substituted analogues of trimeric 2',5'-oligoadenylate, p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'A, were synthesized and evaluated for their ability to activate human RNase L (EC aiming at the elucidation of the nitrogen-3 role in this biochemical process. Substitution of either 5'-terminal or 2'-terminal adenosine with c(3)A afforded the respective analogues p5'(c(3)A)2'p5'A2'p5'A and p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'(c(3)A) that were as effective as the natural tetramer itself as activators of RNase L (EC(50)=1nM). In contrast, p5'A2'p5'(c(3)A)2'p5'A showed diminished RNase L activation ability (EC(50)=10nM). The extensive conformational analysis of the c(3)A-substituted core trimers versus the parent natural core trimer by the (1)H and (13)C NMR, and CD spectroscopy displayed close stereochemical similarity between the natural core trimer and (c(3)A)2'p5'A2'p5'A and A2'p5'A2'p5'(c(3)A) analogues, thereby strong evidences for the syn base orientation about the glycosyl bond of the c(3)A residue of the latter were found. On the contrary, an analogue A2'p5'(c(3)A)2'p5'A displayed rather essential deviations from the spatial arrangement of the parent natural core trimer.  相似文献   

The basal hypothesis discussed here is the idea that brain architecture could be plastic on a very basal, genetic level due to sexual recombination and reassortment of alleles of genes related to brain development, e.g., neuronal cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) and others.The role of sexual reassortment leads the study of brain development, species behavior and intelligence to a new version of the so-called “Red Queen Hypothesis”: using the mechanism described here, a kind of runaway selection mechanism seems to arise. Even if NCAMs are almost constant within an individual, they seem to act very differently at the population level and so the role of reassorting polymorphic NCAM- (and other) genes gets particularly clear. If several NCAM-NCAM combinations cause extreme behavior and intelligence variability in a population, these combinations also represent a use of sexual selection. This mechanism of NCAM allele assortment seems to be important for the process of speciation by mutual selection of individuals. Therefore NCAM variants and their associated behaviors are thought to be important for the development of intelligence, in that they promote the attraction of individuals with already high intelligence, leading to the speciation of super-intelligent groups.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment of the demand by the parasite Schistocephalus solidus (Miiller, 1776) upon its secondary host, Gasterosteus aculentus L., was obtained by comparing the energy budgets for infected and non-infected fish. Observations on the energy trans-formations during feeding, assimilation, growth and respiration of fishes indicated some overall effects of the parasite upon host metabolism.
Infection resulted in a greater depletion of host food reserws, shown by a marked in-crease in mortality of parasitized fish during starvation. When fed ad libitum upon Tubifex , differences were recorded in the feeding and assimilation rates of fish. By comparison, no significant differences were detected in the respiratory expenditure of infected and non-infected hosts. The computation of energy budgets indicated that fish bearing parasites characteristically exhibited a higher gross efficiency than did fish without parasites. How-ever, subtraction of the calculated effect due to the presence of worms, suggested that the efficiency of infected fish alone, that is, without their parasites, was actually lower than the efficiency of uninfected fish. It is considered therefore that the apparent greater energy turnover in a parasitized fish is due to the parasite being more efficient in its energy trans-formations than is its host.  相似文献   

Following disparities between physical stimuli and psychophysically measured sensation patterns are investigated: 1. long or short duration stimulation of the same area on the skin produces different sensation patterns. No transient response is observed. 2. when a set of points on the skin is stimulated one by one at the rate, at least 2 points per second, the subject perceives easily readible, continuously moving tactual sensation. As the rate of stimulation of the same points increases, the trajectory of the sensation changes. Investigations regarding the above distortions, supplemented with other experiments, lead to some conclusions concerning the structure of the nervous system serving mechanoreceptors, and show the connections between psychophysical, electrophysiological and theoretical observations of this system.  相似文献   

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