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In this article I reflect on Grant Evans’ landmark and influential The Politics of Ritual and Remembrance: Laos since 1975, the way in which this book relates to the transformation from socialism to post‐socialism in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR), to the crisis of legitimacy of the communist regime, and to issues of social memory, Buddhism, nationalism, iconography, and ethnic minorities. I also consider how other scholars have engaged with The Politics of Ritual and Remembrance both critically and supportively since the publication of the monograph in 1998 . I include in my analysis some observations on Evans’ quite radical change in political views over his career as a student, journalist and academic, culminating in his critique of socialism in general and the LPDR in particular and his controversial sympathy for the Lao monarchy.  相似文献   

This article draws an analytic map of the research programme pursued across my three books Urban Outcasts (2008), Punishing the Poor (2009) and Deadly Symbiosis: Race and the Rise of the Penal State (in press). In this trilogy, I disentangle the triangular nexus of class fragmentation, ethnic division and state-crafting in the polarizing city at century's turn to explain the political production, socio-spatial distribution and punitive management of marginality through the wedding of disciplinary social policy and neutralizing criminal justice. I signpost how I deployed key notions from Pierre Bourdieu (social space, bureaucratic field, symbolic power) to clarify categories left hazy (such as the ghetto) and to forge new concepts (territorial stigmatization and advanced marginality, punitive containment and liberal paternalism, hyper-incarceration and negative sociodicy) as tools for the comparative sociology of the unfinished genesis of the post-industrial precariat, the penal regulation of poverty in the age of diffusing social insecurity, and the building of the neo-liberal Leviathan.  相似文献   

What can a kippah – the Jewish head cover – reveal about settlers’ politics of belonging in the Israeli-Palestinian space? During fieldwork among settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank, I selectively put on and took off the kippah, using it to control social identity and interactions, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. This article interrogates my use of the kippah as a reflexive means of highlighting its powerful meanings and effects within the Israeli-Palestinian space. In showing how the wearing and removal of the kippah bears upon the social construction of Jewish identity, this article offers new insights into the sociopolitical significance of sartorial practices in Israel/Palestine. These insights contribute more broadly to debates at the intersection of studies of settler colonialism, material culture, identity, and performativity.  相似文献   

Social signals that mediate intraspecific interactions can be complex, conveying considerable information concerning the probable behavior of individuals and minimizing overt aggression and wasted energy. In the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea, male-male competition and female mate choice are mediated by a multicomponent male-produced sex pheromone. In this study, I examine variation in this pheromone. First I measure differences among males in both individual pheromone compounds and the overall composition of the pheromone. Principal component analysis is used to quantify and describe pheromone composition. Next, I explore some of the causes and consequences of this variation by examining the pheromone of males with different social experiences. Compared to subordinate males, dominant males have significantly less variable quantities of the individual pheromone compounds and are significantly less variable in the composition of their pheromone. Because of an association between status and mating success, male-male competition can result in stabilizing sexual selection on the sex pheromone. Finally, I test the hypothesis that the pheromone compounds evolve in a manner consistent with their function. As predicted for morphologically integrated characters, the patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlations among my measures of pheromone compounds and composition match functional patterns suggested by this study and the developmental patterns demonstrated in my previous studies. Based on these studies of the N. cinerea sex pheromone, I argue that stabilizing sexual selection shapes the evolution of pheromonal communication involved in social interactions among male N. cinerea. Further, I argue that coordinated evolution of social signals may be possible due to the morphological integration of their multiple compounds.  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief section updating my 1979 Ethnic and Racial Studies article ‘Symbolic ethnicity: the future of ethnic groups and cultures in America’. However, its main aim is to describe and develop the somewhat parallel concept of symbolic religiosity, which I conceive as the consumption of religious symbols apart from regular participation in a religious culture or in religious organizations, for the purpose of expressing feelings of religiosity and religious identification. Since I assume that symbolic religiosity develops mainly among the acculturating descendants of immigrants, I also explore the possibility of separating and then comparing ethnic and religious acculturation. I assume further that among religio‐ethnic groups like the Jews, and ethno‐religious groups such as Russian, Greek and other Orthodox Catholics, ethnic and religious acculturation proceed in divergent ways. This raises a number of interesting empirical questions about the differences between and similarities of ethnicity and religion among these groups and in general. The article concludes with speculations about what might happen to ethnicity and religiosity in the future. Most of my illustrative data in this article are drawn from studies and observations about American Jewry.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the complexities of fieldwork for ethnographers conducting research in the ethnographic settings of significant ‘others’. The fieldwork in question took place in the rural, geographically isolated community of Ubang, in Obudu, Nigeria, where I was following in the footsteps of my anthropologist father. Drawing on personal experience, I attempt to candidly examine the challenges inevitably faced in this situation, including acceptance by the community as a bona fide researcher, pressure to fulfill the expectations of others familiar with my father’s work, and the struggle to carve out a professional identity distinct from my father’s. An earlier version of this paper, bearing the same title, first appeared in the Anthropology Matters Journal, 2007, vol 9(1). The paper is dedicated to the memory of my father, HRH Eze (Prof.) V.C. Uchendu, whose untimely death occurred after the final editing of the article, on December 7, 2006.  相似文献   

I bought a robotic vacuum cleaner this summer and set it to work. Although my initial expectations were not high, my robot (christened Buddy) finished its cleaning cycle, and then insistently demanded that I empty its dust collection box. As I took the box out, my jaw dropped. I live in a modern house, we don't have pets, and I like to think that I keep it reasonably dust free. But, there was much dust in that box. And when I ran it again 2 days later, the same thing happened. And indeed, every 2 days, Buddy dutifully goes to work, and sucks up a similarly impressive quantity. It's remarkable, and naturally begs the question of where it all comes from? Some is externally derived, entering the house with us or through open windows. Some is clearly fibres shed from clothes, furniture etc. Then there's the skin cells and hair we shed. But at least part is derived from the host of smaller organisms that live in and around our homes, many of which are arthropods (Butte & Heinzow 2002 ). I suspect almost all readers are aware that some smaller animals live in our houses – even those who live in the modern urban houses will have occasionally encountered the odd drosophila, silverfish or spider. But I suspect that prior to reading Madden et al.'s article in this issue of Molecular Ecology (Madden et al. 2017 ), few of you will have appreciated the true diversity, which, it turns out, is huge.  相似文献   

In response to my advocacy of a circatidal/circadian model to explain behavioral rhythms in Carcinus (1), Palmer (2) raises questions concerning my initial premise, the nature of one of my model parameters, and the form of data analysis that I used. These questions are responded to and it is restated that the circatidal/circadian model of clock control adequately explains characteristics of free-running behavioral rhythms in Carcinus and probably in some other coastal animals, purported to be explained only by the recently formulated circalunidian hypothesis (3). (Chronobiology International, 14(4), 427–430, 1997)  相似文献   

A recent article published in Cladistics is critical of a number of heuristic methods for phylogenetic inference based on parsimony scores. One of my papers is among those criticized, and I would appreciate the opportunity to make a public response. The specific criticism is that I have re‐invented an algorithm for economizing parsimony calculations on trees that differ by a subtree pruning and regrafting (SPR) rearrangement. This criticism is justified, and I apologize for incorrectly claiming originality for my presentation of this algorithm. However, I would like to clarify the intent of my paper, if I can do so without detracting from the sincerity of my apology. My paper is not about that algorithm, nor even primarily about parsimony. Rather, it is about a novel strategy for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling in a state space consisting of trees. The sampler involves drawing from conditional distributions over sets of trees: a Gibbs‐like strategy that had not previously been used to sample tree‐space. I would like to see this technique incorporated into MCMC samplers for phylogenetics, as it may have advantages over commonly used Metropolis‐like strategies. I have recently used it to sample phylogenies of a biological invasion, and I am finding many applications for it in agent‐based Bayesian ecological modelling. It is thus my contention that my 2005 paper retains substantial value.  相似文献   

The Age of Migration has been uniquely successful as a student text on international migration, not only filling a niche but defining the field. This review article documents the evolution of the five editions of the book in terms of its core structure and enlarging scope. In a more critical vein, I note some omissions and potential shortcomings, while acknowledging the subjectivity of my perspective. More attention could have been given to the mobilities paradigm, transnationalism, internal and return migration, and quantitative analyses. Nevertheless, this book has done more than any other to ensure that the academic study of migration now occupies a central place in the social sciences.  相似文献   

In replying to a critique of my book Transcendent Individual: Towards a Literary and Liberal Anthropology (TAJA 2000, 11(1):59–77), I argue in this piece that a genuinely nuanced appreciation of the tension between the culturo‐symbolic forms of social life on the one hand and, on the other, the individual energies which animate the forms and afford them purpose and content, means more than merely paying lip service (á la Giddens or Bourdieu) to a notion of agency. The individual can be seen to be more than a conduit by which impersonal social structures reproduce in time. Indeed, it is the ‘personalisation of the world’—the way in which the individual makes environments personal to him or her (in terms of what they are and what they mean)—which provides social life with its logic(s), character(s) and cause(s). What is called for is an aesthetic appreciation both of the way individual consciousness works and of the way this is best represented in literary‐cum‐poetic forms. Placing the conscious individual at the centre of social theory is, however, an ethical and pedagogic matter as well as a methodological one. Celebrating the personalisation of the world is a route not only to understanding human interaction in socio‐cultural milieux but also to advocating liberal milieux where the human remains sovereign.  相似文献   

Greater dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus major) are small nocturnal primates from the rain forests of eastern Madagascar. I investigated a population of Cheirogaleus major in a littoral rain forest of Southeast Madagascar during 2 rainy seasons to supplement the sparse information available for the species. I collected data on morphology, group composition, sleeping behavior, home range, and social organization via mark/recapture, radio telemetry, and focal individual observations. I identified 2 presumed family groups, and my data from radiotracking revealed a monogamous social organization. In each group, I found an adult pair and its presumed offspring sharing home ranges and sleeping sites together. I also observed gregarious behavior of group members during their nocturnal activity. I found no difference in body measurements between sexes, but body mass and tail circumference increased significantly from November to February, indicating a fatting period before hibernating.  相似文献   

In my article The genetical theory of multilevel selection, I provided a synthesis of the theory of multilevel selection (MLS) and the theory of natural selection in class‐structured populations. I framed this synthesis within Fisher's genetical paradigm, taking a strictly genetical approach to traits and fitness. I showed that this resolves a number of long‐standing conceptual problems that have plagued the MLS literature, including the issues of ‘aggregate’ vs. ‘emergent’ group traits, ‘collective fitness1’ vs. ‘collective fitness2’ and ‘MLS1’ vs. ‘MLS2 ‘. In his commentary, Goodnight suggests this theoretical and conceptual synthesis is flawed in several respects. Here, I show this is incorrect, by: reiterating the theoretical and conceptual goals of my synthesis; clarifying that my genetical approach to traits is necessary for a proper analysis of the action of MLS independently of non‐Darwinian factors; emphasizing that the Price–Hamilton approach to MLS provides a consistent, useful and conceptually superior theoretical framework; and explaining the role of reproductive value in the study of natural selection in class‐structured populations. I also show that Goodnight's contextual analysis treatment of MLS in a class‐structured population is mathematically, biologically and conceptually inadequate.  相似文献   

Govindjee, the founding editor of the Historical Corner of Photosynthesis Research, invited me 3 years ago to tell the story of why I left Melvin Calvin’s laboratory in the mid 1950s long before the 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Calvin for the path of carbon in photosynthesis. I have already written my scientific perspective on this topic (see Benson (Photosynth Res 73:29–49, 2002); also see Bassham (Photosynth Res 76:35–52, 2003) as he was also a major player in this research). Here, I present my recollections of my last days in the old radiation laboratory (ORL) at Berkeley, California. References have been added by Govindjee for the benefit of the readers.  相似文献   

My purpose in this essay is to raise some questions about what isinvolved in research on political violence. Since 1995 I haveconducted ethnographic research in rural villages throughoutAyacucho, the region of Peru most heavily affected by the warbetween the guerrilla group Sendero Luminoso, the rondascampesinas (armed peasant patrols) and the Peruvian armed forces.A key factor motivating my research was a desire to write againstthe culture of violence arguments that were used to ``explain'the war. The concept of a ``culture of violence' or ``endemicviolence' has frequently been attributed to the Andean region,particularly to the rural peasants who inhabit the highlands.I wanted to understand how people make and unmake lethal violencein a particular social and historical context, and to explore thepositioning and responsibilities of an anthropologist who conductsresearch in the context of war.  相似文献   

Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to get comments back from reviewers at some journals? After all, how long should it take to review a paper? I suspect most of us have asked this question at one time or another. While recently contemplating this question I thought it was time to tell you a little about how we run Autophagy, and at the same time compare it to the practices at some other journals where I have, on occasion (notably before the start of Autophagy), sent my own papers.  相似文献   

The purpose of my chapter in this issue of Neuroscience Reviews dedicated to Dr. Lawrence Eng is to summarize my contributions to understanding the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in prion diseases. I explain that I was able to advance the field of prion disease neuropathology largely because of the foundation of neurochemistry and immunohistochemistry that I learned while working 5 years in Dr. Engs laboratory. In my review, I relate how my Neuropathology Research Laboratory began as a collaboration with Dr. Stanley Prusiner 20 years ago that led from immunohistochemical staining of amyloid plaques in rodent and human brains using prion protein-specific antibodies to molecular evidence that the abnormal prion protein, PrPSc, is the cause of the clinically relevant neuropathological changes in animal and human prion diseases.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Lawrence F. Eng.  相似文献   

Symbolic violence has the capability to transform aspects of gender, race, ethnicity and sexuality and it is portrayed in a vast iconography, from myth, historic documents, prints and drawings. In this article I focus on two constructions of national identity that are entwined with gender and sexual roles: first, the mestizo myth, or the narrative of the common ethnic origins of the Mexican nation, and, second, the popular consumption of this national myth in the form of pictures and drawings depicting mestizo couples, the progenitors of idealized Mexican families conforming an integrative nation. To illustrate my argument I have used newspaper articles written by nineteenth-century women and picture cards of calendars and almanacs (mid-twentieth century) which give account of roles of sexuality and gender in shaping the nationalist mythology of common origin.  相似文献   

I respond to a review by C. Matthew Snipp, revisiting how my book connects abolitionist leanings to acceptance of racial mixing in the Early Republic. I reiterate that, contrary to the reviewer's claims, the book does not suggest that the defence of interracial marriage has been a thriving social movement. I correct his reading of my chapter on the Civil War era, referring to both the variety of voices present, and the claims of reformers' opponents, who were the only ones who claimed racial mixing was an aim of the abolitionist movement. Lastly, I defend The United States of the United Races against Professor Snipp's characterization of it as a work anticipating a ‘post-racial’ ideal, embodied by racially mixed people, who would be the end point of the obsolescence of race as a relevant analytic tool.  相似文献   

In a previous autobiographical sketch for DNA Repair (Linn, S. (2012) Life in the serendipitous lane: excitement and gratification in studying DNA repair. DNA Repair 11, 595–605), I wrote about my involvement in research on mechanisms of DNA repair. In this Reflections, I look back at how I became interested in free radical chemistry and biology and outline some of our bizarre (at the time) observations. Of course, these studies could never have succeeded without the exceptional aid of my mentors: my teachers; the undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior lab visitors in my laboratory; and my faculty and staff colleagues here at Berkeley. I am so indebted to each and every one of these individuals for their efforts to overcome my ignorance and set me on the straight and narrow path to success in research. I regret that I cannot mention and thank each of these mentors individually.  相似文献   

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