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A study was made of records of the 232 reported cases of tetanus in California, from 1953 through 1958. Cases occurred in 30 of California''s 58 counties. Two-thirds of the patients lived in suburban and urban areas. Two-thirds of the cases occurred in persons over the age of 20 years. The incidence was twice as high in males as in females. Forty-seven per cent of the patients died, with the highest death rates being in persons over the age of 40 years.Sixty-three per cent of the injuries associated with these 232 cases occurred in the home environment and 17 per cent at the place of employment.Ninety-one per cent of the patients had never been immunized with tetanus toxoid, or if they had been immunized, had not received the booster injections necessary to maintain effective immunity. Nine per cent gave a history of having had one or more injections of tetanus toxoid within five years.  相似文献   

In an intensive fast-tempo tuberculosis case-finding survey in a rural county 34,345 residents (73 per cent of all persons 15 years of age or over) had miniature x-ray films of the chest taken. In 256 instances, x-ray findings were consistent with pulmonary tuberculosis. Sixty-eight persons were ultimately reported as having active tuberculosis (one case of active tuberculosis for every 505 persons covered by the survey). Within one year, 57 of them had been hospitalized for treatment. Only four of the 68 cases had been known to the health department before the survey.The cost of the survey (80 cents per person surveyed and $444.58 per case of active tuberculosis) compares favorably with that of other surveys.  相似文献   

In the enclosed fresh-water environmsnt of Hanningfield Reservoir, Essex, England, Anisakis sp. larvae (parasites of marine fish) were found in 55 per cent of 40 brown trout and in 26·2 per cent of 61 rainbow trout. Experimental infection by intubating larvae into the stomach was more successful in brown trout (50·6 per cent recovery rate) than in rainbow trout (27 per cent recovery rate). Some larvae reached the body-cavity as early as 2 h after infection. They penetrated the region between the oesophagus and intestine immediately posterior to the caecal openings. Fewer larvae successfully penetrated the gut wall of brown trout within 24 h at 8°C than at 15 ± 1°C. It appears that the reservoir trout acquired Anisakis by being fed as juveniles on untreated marine fish offal containing live larvae.  相似文献   

A program was carried out to test the value and feasibility of performing blood sugar screening tests in conjunction with a community-wide chest x-ray survey. A simple, rapid and inexpensive blood sugar screening test requiring only about two drops of blood from the finger tip was used. Among 14,681 persons who stated that they did not have diabetes, 191 or 1.3 per cent had "positive" results in screening tests. The number of persons referred to their physicians for diagnostic study because of the possibility of diabetes was reduced from 191 to 127 by means of a more specific secondary screening test. Diagnostic information with regard to 102 of the 127 persons referred to their physicians was supplied by the physicians. In 58 (0.40 per cent of the 14,681 participants) the diagnosis was diabetes-newly discovered as a result of referral by the survey.Some of the persons referred to their physicians because of suspicion of diabetes, while not then diabetic, might be considered prediabetic. The appearance of diabetes in this group during the year following the survey was therefore investigated. Glucose tolerance tests were performed for 32 of the diabetes suspects whose diagnosis immediately following the survey was either "not diabetic" or unknown. In 15 cases the glucose tolerance curves were indicative of diabetes, in seven cases questionable and in ten cases normal. The 58 persons diagnosed immediately after the survey plus the 15 found to have "diabetic" glucose tolerance curves a year later made a total of 73 newly discovered diabetics. This is a discovery rate of 0.50 per cent among the 14,681 participants in the survey. The success of this combined diabetes detection and chest x-ray survey suggests that other screening procedures should be studied to determine the desirability of adding them to similar community-wide case-finding programs.  相似文献   

The production in 1915 of herpes zoster or “posterior” poliomyelitis in animals with a streptococcus led to further research on the etiologic importance of streptococci in “anterior” poliomyelitis.A specific streptococcus was demonstrated consistently in persons with poliomyelitis and in well persons having contact with them or merely inhabiting an area in which poliomyelitis was epidemic. That the organism was not present in areas remote from contact with the disease was likewise demonstrated.The streptococcus has been isolated from filtrates of poliomyelitis virus and from the tissues and exudates which harbor the virus. It appears in the spinal fluid in the preparalytic stage of poliomyelitis and disappears from the spinal fluid during the severe stage of the disease.Antibody and antigen prepared from the streptococcus were used to determine the presence of antigen and antibody indicative of streptococcal infection in many patients with poliomyelitis and in well persons. The intensity of reaction indicating specific streptococcal antigen was directly proportional to the degree of paralysis in patients; the reaction was greater in persons whose age, sex and previous isolation from the disease would normally indicate greater susceptibility. The test for antibody gave opposite results.Specific agglutinins for the streptococcus and neutralizing antibody for the virus were present consistently in the serum of persons and monkeys during recovery from poliomyelitis.Virus produced in vitro from the associated streptococcus caused all the clinical and pathologic features of poliomyelitis in monkeys inoculated with it, and the animals that recovered from the disease thus induced were proved to be immune thereafter to the natural virus.Antistreptococcic serum prepared in horses was used to treat poliomyelitis. In a group of monkeys inoculated with the virus of the disease, 6 per cent of those receiving the serum before inoculation died of the disease; of the control group, 82 per cent. In a series of poliomyelitis patients treated with the serum the mortality rate was 8 per cent; in a control series, 21 per cent. In a series treated in all stages of the disease by the author, 10 per cent died; of those who did not receive the serum, 25 per cent.An antibody has been prepared from the streptococcus which appears to prevent paralysis and otherwise mitigate poliomyelitis and to provide immunization from the disease.The conclusion is reached that the virus of poliomyelitis is a form of the specific streptococcus, which is the agent in primary infections and in the development of the immunizing antibody.  相似文献   

The production in 1915 of herpes zoster or "posterior" poliomyelitis in animals with a streptococcus led to further research on the etiologic importance of streptococci in "anterior" poliomyelitis.A specific streptococcus was demonstrated consistently in persons with poliomyelitis and in well persons having contact with them or merely inhabiting an area in which poliomyelitis was epidemic. That the organism was not present in areas remote from contact with the disease was likewise demonstrated.The streptococcus has been isolated from filtrates of poliomyelitis virus and from the tissues and exudates which harbor the virus. It appears in the spinal fluid in the preparalytic stage of poliomyelitis and disappears from the spinal fluid during the severe stage of the disease. Antibody and antigen prepared from the streptococcus were used to determine the presence of antigen and antibody indicative of streptococcal infection in many patients with poliomyelitis and in well persons. The intensity of reaction indicating specific streptococcal antigen was directly proportional to the degree of paralysis in patients; the reaction was greater in persons whose age, sex and previous isolation from the disease would normally indicate greater susceptibility. The test for antibody gave opposite results. Specific agglutinins for the streptococcus and neutralizing antibody for the virus were present consistently in the serum of persons and monkeys during recovery from poliomyelitis. Virus produced in vitro from the associated streptococcus caused all the clinical and pathologic features of poliomyelitis in monkeys inoculated with it, and the animals that recovered from the disease thus induced were proved to be immune thereafter to the natural virus. Antistreptococcic serum prepared in horses was used to treat poliomyelitis. In a group of monkeys inoculated with the virus of the disease, 6 per cent of those receiving the serum before inoculation died of the disease; of the control group, 82 per cent. In a series of poliomyelitis patients treated with the serum the mortality rate was 8 per cent; in a control series, 21 per cent. In a series treated in all stages of the disease by the author, 10 per cent died; of those who did not receive the serum, 25 per cent. An antibody has been prepared from the streptococcus which appears to prevent paralysis and otherwise mitigate poliomyelitis and to provide immunization from the disease.The conclusion is reached that the virus of poliomyelitis is a form of the specific streptococcus, which is the agent in primary infections and in the development of the immunizing antibody.  相似文献   

A program was carried out to test the value and feasibility of performing blood sugar screening tests in conjunction with a community-wide chest x-ray survey. A simple, rapid and inexpensive blood sugar screening test requiring only about two drops of blood from the finger tip was used. Among 14,681 persons who stated that they did not have diabetes, 191 or 1.3 per cent had “positive” results in screening tests. The number of persons referred to their physicians for diagnostic study because of the possibility of diabetes was reduced from 191 to 127 by means of a more specific secondary screening test.Diagnostic information with regard to 102 of the 127 persons referred to their physicians was supplied by the physicians. In 58 (0.40 per cent of the 14,681 participants) the diagnosis was diabetes—newly discovered as a result of referral by the survey.Some of the persons referred to their physicians because of suspicion of diabetes, while not then diabetic, might be considered prediabetic. The appearance of diabetes in this group during the year following the survey was therefore investigated. Glucose tolerance tests were performed for 32 of the diabetes suspects whose diagnosis immediately following the survey was either “not diabetic” or unknown. In 15 cases the glucose tolerance curves were indicative of diabetes, in seven cases questionable and in ten cases normal.The 58 persons diagnosed immediately after the survey plus the 15 found to have “diabetic” glucose tolerance curves a year later made a total of 73 newly discovered diabetics. This is a discovery rate of 0.50 per cent among the 14,681 participants in the survey.The success of this combined diabetes detection and chest x-ray survey suggests that other screening procedures should be studied to determine the desirability of adding them to similar community-wide case-finding programs.  相似文献   

Seven per cent of a sample group of civil service employees were found to have diagnosable heart disease. The diagnosis was made on the basis of a complete physical examination and history taken by a specialist in internal medicine and/or heart disease. In addition a questionnaire form related to symptoms of heart disease was filled out by the patient, and various laboratory tests were made. As a technique in cardiac case-finding, the electrocardiogram was the best single device. Of all the cases of heart disease in this survey 65 per cent were detected from tracings obtained by using all 12 leads, and 57 per cent if only the three standard limb leads were taken; but of the presumably normal persons, 13 per cent would be erroneously suspected of possible heart disease by this technique. Heart disease was detected in 50 per cent of the diagnosed cases on the basis of answers to three of the questions in the questionnaire. Eighteen per cent of normal persons would also have been suspected of having heart disease by this case-finding device. Although the survey reported did not develop a simple cardiac case-finding technique, the data presented indicated that a questionnaire history-form, if judiciously used and evaluated, may be of value to physicians who examine large numbers of patients who are unwilling to submit to a complete cardiac evaluation.  相似文献   

《California medicine》1963,98(6):372-373
Almost 7 out of every 10 of the estimated population of 16.2 million persons in California, were covered under some form of voluntary health insurance at the end of 1961. The forms of protection included hospital, surgical, regular medical and major medical expense benefits. The per cent of the civilian population of California covered for surgical benefits was slightly over 66 per cent, while 56 per cent were covered for regular medical expense benefits. Comparable percentages for the United States are approximately 74 per cent (hospital), 69 per cent (surgical), and 51 per cent (regular medical). While the percentage of the State's population covered for hospital and surgical expenses is below that for the United States, it is higher for regular medical expense benefits. The rate of increase in coverage for the different forms of health care protection in California exceeded the rate of population growth during the one-year period ending 1961. The foregoing summary and the information in the accompanying text, does not reflect the total number of persons in California who receive or are eligible for health care services. A large variety of government financed programs on local, state and federal levels either finance or provide such services to an estimated 40 to 50 per cent of the California population, which does not have voluntary health insurance coverage. No current data are available regarding the number of persons who do not desire voluntary health insurance coverage for a variety of personal or financial reasons.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine whether there are any features of retroperitoneal tumors in children that might be demonstrated on roentgenograms to aid in identifying them preoperatively. Study was limited to Wilms'' tumor of the kidney and neuroblastoma.Calcification was found in 57 per cent of the neuroblastomas and in only 12 per cent of Wilms'' tumors. Calcifications in neuroblastomas differed from those in Wilms'' tumors. Calcification in neuroblastoma was more frequent in older children than in the younger ones.The kidney was frequently displaced by both types of tumor. However, the neuroblastoma always displaced the kidney downward, or downward and slightly outward.In most instances, the Wilms'' tumor also displaced the kidney downward and outward, but in some instances upward and medially. This, of course, depended upon the site of origin of the tumor.There was a distortion of the intrarenal structures in 75 per cent of the cases of neuroblastoma and in 71 per cent of the cases of Wilms'' tumor.  相似文献   

In prospectively evaluating 100 cases of adolescents with chest pain (along with two control groups), 91 were found to have recurrent chest pain; fewer than 5 had a serious organic cause. Significantly higher school absenteeism occurred in patients with either chest or abdominal pain than in patients without pain. Adolescents with chest and abdominal pain were more likely to be high users of medical services than those with no pain. Most adolescents believed that persons their age could have attacks; 44 of those with chest pain thought their symptom was due to a heart attack. The occurrence of chest pain was not influenced by an adolescent''s age, sex, race, smoking status or family structure, nor was it consistently associated with depression. Chest pain is thus a common problem of adolescence that produces considerable functional impairment not attributable to serious underlying disease.  相似文献   

The records of 2,377 patients with Laennec''s cirrhosis were reviewed for the period 1947-1957. The chief presenting symptom was ascites in 46 per cent, bleeding in 23 per cent, coma in 18 per cent, jaundice in 9 per cent, and both jaundice and ascites in 4 per cent. Nearly half of the patients died during the period under study—one-third from hepatic failure, one-third from gastrointestinal bleeding, and one-third from other causes, most of which were related to alcoholism.Massive gastrointestinal bleeding occurred in 21 per cent of the patients at some time in their clinical course, and in the 10 per cent of these in whom ulcer was demonstrated, one-fifth died as a result of the hemorrhage. Of those presumed to be bleeding from esophageal varices, 64 per cent died at the first hemorrhage and 10 per cent at subsequent hemorrhages; 85 per cent of all those who bled from varices were dead at the end of one year, and 91 per cent were dead at the end of three years.The survival curve of a group of patients who bled once and were good operative risks but had received no operative treatment was compared to the survival curve for entire group who survived the first hemorrhage. The three-year survival in the good risk group was 47 per cent; for the group as a whole it was 30 per cent. The difference in mortality rate was primarily due to an increased number of deaths from hepatic failure in the combined group, whereas 60 per cent of the good risk group died of recurrent gastrointestinal hemorrhage.As 86 per cent of those who were to die of gastrointestinal bleeding did so at the first hemorrhage, it was concluded that any decided improvement in the salvage rate achievable by operation must come from some means of diagnostic forecast of the likelihood of bleeding, with resort to prophylactic operation in such cases.  相似文献   

In a survey of 200 persons, ages 18 to 76, the incidence of normal cervical venous hum was 47 per cent in young adults and 21 per cent in persons of middle and older age, a group in whom it once was thought to be rare. The importance of the hum is that it may be misinterpreted as caused by a pathologic state such as an arteriovenous aneurysm, aortic insufficiency, carotid artery stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus or thyrotoxicosis.The normal cervical venous hum may be distinguished clinically from murmurs associated with disease states by the fact that it can be silenced by light pressure over the jugular vein.  相似文献   

Two different forms of Chinese pangolins can be recognized according to the color of their scales, i.e., brown and dusky. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) purified from the livers of seven dusky and six brown Chinese pangolins from the same locality, using cleavage patterns from 19 restriction enzymes. From the 19 6-bp recognition enzymes used, 51–56 sites were observed. By combining the cleavage patterns for each enzyme, the 13 samples were classified into four restriction types: two in dusky and two in brown Chinese pangolins. The estimated number of nucleotide substitutions per site in dusky and brown types is 0.002, and that between dusky and brown types is 0.012. Divergence between brown and dusky forms began 0.6 Myr ago, provided the mean rate of sequence divergence is 0.02 per Myr in mtDNA. Our results suggest that there is considerable divergence in Chinese pangolins, and brown and dusky Chinese pangolins may be quite different forms or, at least, belong to different maternal groups.  相似文献   

A study was made of the cases of 200 patients with demonstrated cerebral atrophy. In patients under 70 years of age cerebral atrophy was twice as common in men as women. Over 70 years the ratio was reversed. The incidence of cerebral atrophy was relatively high in the age group 35 to 50.Convulsions were present in more than a third of the 200 patients. Neurological abnormalities were present in 51 per cent of the entire series. Significant personality deviations were observed in 31 per cent. Although the electroencephalogram was abnormal in many patients, it appeared to be of little aid in the diagnosis of the cerebral atrophy. The spinal fluid did not seem to be consistently altered in any significant or diagnostic manner.Most of the patients in the 35 to 50 year age group did not have the symptoms characteristic of Alzheimer''s disease, and in only a few cases did the symptoms resemble those of other recognized disease entities.  相似文献   

Fidelity to research protocol is critical. In a contingent valuation study in an informal urban settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, participants responded differently to the three trained interviewers. Interviewer effects were present during the survey pilot, then magnified at the start of the main survey after a seemingly slight adaptation of the survey sampling protocol allowed interviewers to speak with the “closest neighbor” in the event that no one was home at a selected household. This slight degree of interviewer choice led to inferred sampling bias. Multinomial logistic regression and post-estimation tests revealed that the three interviewers’ samples differed significantly from one another according to six demographic characteristics. The two female interviewers were 2.8 and 7.7 times less likely to talk with respondents of low socio-economic status than the male interviewer. Systematic error renders it impossible to determine which of the survey responses might be “correct.” This experience demonstrates why researchers must take care to strictly follow sampling protocols, consistently train interviewers, and monitor responses by interview to ensure similarity between interviewers’ groups and produce unbiased estimates of the parameters of interest.  相似文献   

The incorporation of labelled dietary palmitic, linoleic, and linolenic acids into neutral (NL) and phospholipids (PL) during the metamorphosis of Pieris brassicae was studied, and the ability of the fat body to incorporate acetate into PL determined. Thirty-three per cent of total lipid in early fifth instar larvae (minus haemolymph) is PL, while the corresponding value in female 4-day pupae is 13·0 per cent and in the fat body of 4-day pupae 6·3 per cent. Incorporation of label into PL was studied more closely and in all cases the label was recovered from phosphatidylcholine (PTC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PTE). The label from palmitate was also found in sphingomyelin and possibly phosphatidylserine. Specific activity of PL in the case of palmitic and linolenic acids was greatest in late fifth instar larvae. In early fifth instar larvae on palmitic acid-1-14C 39·0 per cent of label was in PTC, 52·8 per cent in PTE, and 2·0 per cent in sphingomyelin. In late fifth instar 45·0 per cent was in PTC, 45·5 per cent in PTE, and 6·5 per cent in sphingomyelin, while in 4-day female pupae 45·2 per cent was in PTC, 41·3 per cent in PTE, and 13·5 per cent in sphingomyelin. The label from linolenic acid only varied a little from early fifth instar to 4-day pupae, 51·8 per cent being in PTC and 48·2 per cent in PTE in early fifth instar larvae. The label from linoleic acid is incorporated in fat body PL almost exclusively in PTC and PTE, 55·8 and 43·2 per cent respectively in 4-day female pupae. Injected acetate is distributed after 1 hr between PTC (58·6 per cent), PTE (24·4 per cent), and sphingomyelin (17·0 per cent). It was concluded that the polyunsaturated acids are proportionately more common in PTE than in other PL types, and that the fatty acids of sphingomyelin are mainly those that the insect is capable of synthesizing from acetate. Palmitic acid is desaturated by Pieris to palmitoleic acid and the latter possibly utilized in PTE to compensate for a deficiency of linolenic acid in the artificial diet. No saturation of linoleic or linolenic acid was found. The rates of PL and NL synthesis during development and the rôle of the investigated fatty acids in the biosynthesis of PL are discussed.  相似文献   

This report of eight years'' experience with extrauterine pregnancy by a single gynecologist is an exposition of how the diagnosis was made or why it was missed.Of 26 diagnoses of ectopic pregnancy, five were false (20 per cent); and in three cases (10 per cent) the diagnosis was not made promptly—a total error of 30 per cent.Ectopic pregnancy will be discovered earlier if obstetric patients are always examined shortly after missing the first menstrual period.A palpable adnexal mass was present in 19 of 21 ectopic pregnancies (90 per cent). A mass was palpable in only one of five cases erroneously diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy (20 per cent).Decidual casts were passed by four patients, two of whom did not have ectopic pregnancy.If two gynecologists do not agree on the question of extrauterine pregnancy, a third opinion should be sought or culdoscopy employed.Enucleation of the conceptus and salvage of the oviduct is advocated.  相似文献   

Cutaneous malignant melanoma is occurring in epidemic proportions in the United States. To provide a profile of persons at risk and the epidemiologic features of malignant melanoma, we reviewed the records of 325 patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma seen at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center between 1973 and 1983. Most patients had fair skin, brown or blonde hair, blue or green eyes, and had difficulty in suntanning. The majority of melanomas (72%) developed in preexisting nevi. In women, melanomas were most common on the extremities, and in men they occurred most frequently on the trunk, head or neck. The most frequently noted depth of invasion was Clark''s level IV. At diagnosis, most of the patients (77%) were at stage I. We conclude that malignant melanoma constitutes a major disease problem in the western United States that is largely preventable with appropriate physician and patient education.  相似文献   

The global incidence of poliomyelitis has dropped by more than 99 per cent since the governments of the world committed to eradication in 1988. One of the three serotypes of wild poliovirus has been eradicated and the remaining two serotypes are limited to just a small number of endemic regions. However, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has faced a number of challenges in eradicating the last 1 per cent of wild-virus transmission. The polio endgame has also been complicated by the recognition that vaccination with the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) must eventually cease because of the risk of outbreaks of vaccine-derived polioviruses. I describe the major challenges to wild poliovirus eradication, focusing on the poor immunogenicity of OPV in lower-income countries, the inherent limitations to the sensitivity and specificity of surveillance, the international spread of poliovirus and resulting outbreaks, and the potential significance of waning intestinal immunity induced by OPV. I then focus on the challenges to eradicating all polioviruses, the problem of vaccine-derived polioviruses and the risk of wild-type or vaccine-derived poliovirus re-emergence after the cessation of oral vaccination. I document the role of research in the GPEI''s response to these challenges and ultimately the feasibility of achieving a world without poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

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