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Western European national policies increasingly portray diversity as negative and migrants as ‘others’ who do not belong to the national community. This article examines how local governments articulate alternative discourses of belonging based on residents' shared membership in the civic life of the city. In a Dutch case study, the ways in which local policymakers diverge from exclusionary national narratives are examined. It is argued that discourses about urban citizenship offer opportunities for the inclusion of migrants by drawing new boundaries between ‘good’ citizens and those who are unwilling to participate.  相似文献   

Declarations of the end of race ignore the continuing impact of racism upon socio-economic inequality in ‘racial states’. Nevertheless, the idea of post-racialism has gained ground in a post-9/11 era, defined by a growing suspicion of diversity. Clearly racialized, this suspicion is couched in cultural-civilizational terms that attempt to avoid the charge of racism. Hence, attempts to counteract the purported failure of multiculturalism in Europe today pose culturalist solutions to problems deemed to originate from an excess of cultural diversity. This is part of a deepening culturalization of politics in which the post-race argument belongs to a post-political logic that shuns political explanations of unrest and widening disintegration in favour of reductive culturalist ones. The culturalization of politics is elaborated by relating it to the displacement of the political that originated with the nineteenth-century ascendance of race, thus setting ‘post-racialism’ firmly within the history of modern racism.  相似文献   

This paper explains the development of affiliative ethnic identity: an individual identity rooted in knowledge, regular consumption and deployment of an ethnic culture that is unconnected to an individual's ethnic ancestry until that individual regards herself, and may be regarded by others, as an affiliate of a particular ethnic group. While ethnic culture remains identifiably linked to a particular ethnic ancestry, ideological, institutional and demographic changes have elasticized the link between ancestry and culture, making the formation of affiliative ethnic identity possible. Multiculturalism and its accompanying value of diversity have become institutionalized such that individuals regard ethnic difference as something to be recognized and celebrated. The prevalence of ethnic culture in schools, ethnically infused products of popular culture, demographic changes and growing interethnic contact allow individuals, regardless of ethnic ancestry, ready access to multiple ethnic cultures, providing the basis for the formation of affiliative ethnic identity.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from original research exploring the impact on Muslim men of a child sexual exploitation scandal that attracted significant attention to the northern English town where they live and contributed to a sustained detrimental effect on local community relations. It foregrounds men’s accounts to reveal their agency and resilience in responding to racism that they identified as resulting from the scandal. It reveals how their accounts disrupt dominant discourses foregrounding Muslim self-segregation and lack of integration, demonstrating positive attachments and claims to localized space, and commitment to belonging. In doing so, it shows how men’s responses to racism challenge racialized forms of knowledge about Muslims. The paper draws attention to the significance of localized forms of belonging in facilitating the inclusion of Muslim minorities. It also highlights the importance of centring Muslim men as historically speaking subjects in accounts of issues involving them.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the way ethnic and racial categories are achieved and sustained in daily talk. We argue against the notion of social categories as immanent cognitive structures whose existence and significance can be taken for granted. It is emphasized that categories are constructed in discourse. The construction and representation of ethnic categories are studied by analysing discussions held by some ethnically Dutch inhabitants of an inner‐city quarter in Rotterdam. There were two discussion groups (six and five participants respectively) and each group met one evening a week in a row in the local community centre for four weeks. All eight sessions were taped and transcribed and each session lasted approximately two and a half hours. Our goal is to describe in detail some of the discourses that are being used to achieve and sustain specific categorical representations. First, the nature of the different categorical constructs used is analysed. It is shown that people use different criteria for constructing ‘us‐them’ distinctions and that this multiplicity is rhetorically useful. Second, the ways in which categorical constructions are represented and vary in discourse are identified and outlined. Subsequently, the means by which these representations are achieved and sustained is examined. Attention is focued on comparisons that are being made, on the use of metaphors, and on the process of concretiz‐ation. Third, some of the cultural values drawn upon in legitimizing the representations are explored. It is shown how the taken‐for‐granted notions of freedom, merit, equality and tolerance are used to construct and legitimize ethnic representations. Finally, it is argued that a discourse approach can provide important additional insights into issues concerning ethnic relations and racism. For one thing it can help to develop strategies for reconstructing the predominant distinction between ‘us’ and ‘them’.  相似文献   

How people talk about ethnic minorities is a sensitive subject, especially in law enforcement. We know little about it as far as continental Europe is concerned. This article is about how police officers talk about minorities in France, in Italy and in the Netherlands. How do speech norms (‘political correctness’) apply outside the anglophone world? Is there a relation between speech norms and practices? This exploratory study is based on interviews with fifty-five police officers from France, Italy and the Netherlands. In these countries, police officers are aware that displaying overt racism is not socially desirable. Interviews show that there are vastly different speech norms governing decent race talk in the three countries. Specifically, we compare: how police use ethnic categories; how police anticipate accusations of discrimination; and how police theorize the over-representation of ethnic minorities in crime. French respondents respect much stricter speech norms than Dutch or Italian ones.  相似文献   

Fruitful exchanges of ideas existed between early 20th century anthropology (volkenkunde) and folklore studies (volkskunde) in the Netherlands. Folklorists proposed using the fieldwork methods and comparative approach of ethnography. Anthropologists thought folklore studies might be able to shed light on survivals of earlier stages in their own society. During the 1930s, however, anthropologists turned their backs on the evolutionist paradigm, while in the wake of National Socialism and its quest for a common Germanic race and culture folklorists limited their cross-cultural comparisons to Europe. Cultural politics in Germany and other European countries in the 1930s and early 1940s directed the concepts, methods and institutionalization of folklore studies, and consequently led to a distancing from the concepts and practice of cultural anthropology.  相似文献   

This article examines recent transformations on the discourses of race and nation in bicentennial Argentina, which have shifted from the notion of a fundamentally white nation to an assertion of its racial and cultural diversity. I examine the production of race in contemporary institutional and non-institutional practices that challenge the discourses of modernity according to which Argentina is a white, homogenous and Europeanized nation. The article focuses on a set of cultural manifestations involving Japanese Argentines that – as non-traditional actors in the racial and national stages and as ‘desirable’ immigrants – reveal some inherent fissures in the current official narrative that ostensibly progresses from homogeneity to diversity, and from exclusion to inclusion. By observing the performativity of race and a non-constructivist understanding of race embedded within these cultural manifestations, I argue that the newly multicultural nation continues to inherit its mechanisms of racial production from the modern nation.  相似文献   

How migration and mobilizations of difference are accommodated at the local level is a burning question. Concepts adopted by local governments and the capacities of cities to formulate and implement these have received increasing attention, but often without examining the ideas and norms that underlie local concepts and practices. This article assesses the hypothesis of local-level pragmatism, which it rejects, and develops the notion of ‘paradigmatic pragmatism’ to characterize how local-level politics address mobilizations of difference. Based on empirical findings from Amsterdam, Antwerp and Leeds, and comparing the content and the implementation of ‘diversity policies’, I argue against a dichotomy of pragmatic vs ideational politics. Instead, these cities draw on a variety of ideas and pragmatically combine them under the header of diversity. This paradigmatic pragmatism invites further research on the effects of potential incompatibilities of immigrant policy ideas.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of Dutch wetlands and the perspectives and threats to which they are exposed. The general environmental problems of The Netherlands are reflected in the problems with the preservation of wetlands: deterioriation of water quality is one of the main problems, directly followed by the desiccation of former wet areas. Also splitting up of larger coherent areas into smaller fragments due to infrastructural works does not favour long time existence of complete (eco)systems. The policy of the Dutch government and its different ministries towards the protection of wetlands will be described. The policy to protect the Wadden Sea and which is based on concepts of wise use and sustainability will be presented as an example of Dutch integral environmental policy for wetlands particularly. Our conclusion is that wetlands policy is tardy but successful.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research conducted with young people in the city of Leicester, England, this paper explores what it means for those from black and minority ethnic communities, particularly more recent arrivals, to live within and adapt to specific multicultural urban contexts. After introducing prevailing racisms and accommodations, the paper examines how forms of belonging are expressed, re-produced and negotiated through the spatial trajectories of everyday life. This includes the value of emerging versions of place through community, religious practice as a form of social capital, the importance of routine, and the construction of multifaceted identities. Such experiences relate to contingent hierarchies of acceptance and legitimacy, histories of settlement, economic marginalization, as well as gendered and generational roles. These young people negotiate everyday life and belonging by retaining, extending and forging local and trans-national ties; highlighting the relationship between socio-spatial positions, everyday practice and identity formation.  相似文献   

Negative attitudes and explicit racism against Muslims are increasingly visible in public discourse throughout Europe. Right-wing populist parties have strengthened their positions by focusing on the ‘Islamic threat’ to the West. Concurrently, the Internet has facilitated a space where racist attitudes towards Muslims are easily disseminated into the public debate, fuelling animosity against European Muslims. This paper explores part of the online Islamophobic network and scrutinizes the discursive strategies deployed by three ‘prominent’ online actors. By combining social network analysis and critical discourse analysis, the study shows that Islamophobic web pages constitute a dynamic network with ties to different political and geographical milieus. They create a seemingly mainstream political position by framing racist standpoints as a defence of Western values and freedom of speech. The study also shows that Islamophobic discourse is strengthened by xenophobic currents within mass media, and by the legitimization of intellectuals and political actors.  相似文献   

This article argues that the political accommodation of ethnic groups is a major determinant of ethnic violence and its effects vary depending on the pre-existing levels of mobilization. Accordingly, civic assimilationism is the most effective ethnic incorporation mode in terms of ensuring that weakly mobilized ethnic groups remain peaceful. Liberal multiculturalism is most effective in terms of eliciting peaceful mobilizations from highly mobilized ethnic groups. The ethnocratic mode tends to be the most conducive to violent mobilization at both low and high pre-existing mobilization levels. The theory is explored through case studies of Turks in Bulgaria and Cyprus. By demonstrating how the effects of ethnic incorporation policies vary depending on pre-existing mobilization levels, the article also challenges previous assumptions about the relationship between political opening and ethnic mobilization. Such an account not only explains the political determinants of ethnic violence, but also indicates potential political remedies to such problems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  Since the 1970s, "self-determination" has been the dominant trope for expressing national aspirations for Indigenous Australians. Through the principles of self-determination, the liberal multicultural state has attempted to deliver postcolonial justice to its first peoples. In this new century, the sheen of the self-determination era has faded. Once heralded as the antidote to the racist assimilation era, it is now depicted as the cause of social ills. In this article, I draw on an ethnographic study of White antiracists working in Indigenous health in northern Australia to analyze the brand of liberal rationality that dominated the discourse of the self-determination era. By engaging with a "tribe" of White people who identify with the aims of the self-determination era, we can decipher the logic of self-determination as an instrument of the liberal state and better understand the internal contradictions and ambiguities that have led to its recent demise.  相似文献   

Butterfly monitoring started in the Netherlands in 1990 and in Flanders in 1991. During the last few years butterflies have been counted at nearly 300 sites. This high number of transects makes it possible to calculate not only national, but also regional and habitat-indices for many species. Special attention is paid to Red list species in the Netherlands. In the near future the number of sites per species on this list is to be increased to at least 20. This can be achieved by a Red list monitoring scheme, in which monitoring is restricted to the flight period of the species.  相似文献   

H. W. Kroes 《Hydrobiologia》1992,233(1-3):165-170
The Project on the Water Quality Research in the Loosdrecht Lakes (WQL) has come up to the expectations of the Netherlands Environment Ministry. The results reaffirm the main lines of national eutrophication policy drawn up in 1979 (Policy Document on Phosphates) and further developed in the eighties. Interesting new insights have been gained, for example into the role of sediment and seston as well as into the relative importance of trophic levels. It is not possible, however, to definitely establish the effect of WQL on eutrophication policy.The Loosdrecht project is an example of genuine ecological research, incorporating several disciplines, placing the object of research into its surroundings, emphasising the relation nature-culture and committing itself to certain value judgements and policy choices. As a consequence, there is a striking resemblance between the evolution of the project itself and that of ecosystems.All in all the Loosdrecht project should be regarded as a paradigm for future ecosystem studies.  相似文献   

为促进城乡区域协调发展,推动地区生态产业化和产业生态化,完善生态产品价值实现的多元化路径和政策制度体系,对当前中央和地方政府发布的生态产品价值实现相关政策文本展开分析,并提出优化建议,为后续相关政策配置与优化提供参考。通过选取2019年-2022年8月间36份生态产品价值实现政策文本作为研究对象,构建政策工具-政策目标二维分析框架,借助质性分析工具Nvivo12对其进行量化分析和综合评价。研究发现,政策文件以通知和实施方案为主;政策工具覆盖较为全面,但内部存在分配不太协调的现象。政策目标维度中生态环境优美化受关注度较高,而生态产业高效化较少。工具-目标配置上,存在多对多的关系,不同政策目标对应的政策工具也存在差异。为进一步优化生态产品价值实现的政策供给,从政策工具上应以战略、具体规划为重点,平衡政策工具内部结构比例;从政策目标上应强调从金融和技术方面助推生态产品价值实现的同时,也需要加强法规管制力度,推出更专业化和可操作性的具体举措,因地制宜凸显区域化特色和差异,真正将生态产品价值实现政策落到实处,确保成果看得见摸得着。  相似文献   

The arts can be used to teach, not just as activities that enhance learning, but also as the primary medium through which students process, acquire, and represent knowledge. This means the arts can function as a language. If we accept this metaphor, and we truly want students to be fluent in the artistic languages, then the arts can be taught in the same constructive, sequential way language is taught, where the rules of the system are explicitly learned and fluency is acquired through regular application within a meaningful context. This article provides a framework for the implementation of effective arts integration in line with second language learning: Arts as a Second Language. In doing so, it addresses two common problems in arts education: when arts integration is disconnected from artistic development, and when discipline-based arts education is disconnected from other learning. Nine principles for teaching with an Arts as a Second Language policy are proposed. Ultimately, it is a call for pedagogical reform that enables equitable access for all students to learn in, about, and through the arts with school-wide policy that scaffolds artistic learning across the grades, embedded in meaningful contexts.  相似文献   

A survey of 36 fields across 11 farms in the North of England was conducted to record the plant species diversity of grassland communities under various base conditions. Data pertaining to topographical advantage, farm management strategy and soil type were also collected for each field site. The relationship between management inputs and base environmental conditions and the resultant diversity of flora were identified through ordination techniques. The results show a total of 111 species being observed across the sample and some expected relationship emerge, but they also suggest that complementary management techniques can have opposing or conflicting effects on species prevalence. The study argues that provision or use of such information should be paramount within environmental policy formulation where site-specific management plans are used to produce environmental goods.  相似文献   

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