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Cotyledon explants of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) zygotic embryos produced somatic embryos at a high rate (68%) on medium without any growth regulators. Under this culture condition, apparent polar somatic embryogenesis occurred near the basal-excised portion of the cotyledons. When the cotyledon explants were cultured on medium containing 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), an auxin polar-transport inhibitor, the frequency of somatic embryo formation markedly decreased and was completely inhibited on medium containing 20 μM TIBA. On medium containing 5–10 μM, somatic embryos developed sporadically on the surface of the cotyledons and had a normal embryo axis but jar-shaped cotyledons. Embryos with jar-shaped cotyledons were also observed to occur at a high frequency when the early globular embryos formed on hormone-free medium were transferred to medium containing 20 μM TIBA. From these results, it was deduced that endogenous auxin in the cotyledon explants plays an important role in the induction of somatic embryos and that the cotyledon development in somatic embryos is also related to the polar transport of endogenous auxin. Received: 11 October 1996 / Revised version received: 8 January 1997 / Accepted: 26 January 1997  相似文献   

Deformities of leaves induced by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) may be helpful in elucidating certain plant growth correlations. The different behaviour of long and short shoots as regards apical dominance may be tested with this substance. Shoots growing out through ring fasciations first form leaves lacking the teeth and marginal primordia corresponding to bud scales. Are fasciations facilitate correlative studies on anisophylly. Sylleptic branching is cleared by additional fasciations provoked by the cytokinin supply. The effect of gibberellin which decreases these deformities corresponds to the correlative influence of roots. The TIBA induced modification of aerial roots on internodes treated with naphthalenacetic acid reveals the importance of polarity and periodicity in the shoot development.  相似文献   

The influence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) on the transport and metabolism of indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) was studied in etiolated lupin (Lupinus albus L) hypocotyls. Double isotope-labeled IAA [(5-3H)-IAA plus (1-14C)-IAA] was applied to the cut surface of decapitated seedlings. This confirmed that the species mobilized was unaltered IAA and permitted us to measure the in vivo decarboxylation of applied IAA. A pretreatment with TIBA applied to the cut surface produced a partial or drastic inhibition in the basipetal IAA movement at 0.5 or 100 M, respectively. Since TIBA inhibits auxin polar transport by interfering with the efflux carrier, the above results suggest that 100 M TIBA is sufficient to saturate the binding sites in the transporting cells. Compared to the control plants, in vivo decarboxylation of IAA was enhanced in 0.5 M TIBA-treated plants, while no decarboxylation was detected after treatment with 100 M TIBA. The in vitro decarboxylation of (1-14C)-IAA catalyzed by purified peroxidase was moderately activated by 100 M and unaffected by 0.5 M TIBA. The paradoxical effect of TIBA in vivo vs in vitro assays suggests that the in vivo effect of TIBA on IAA oxidation might be the consequence of the action of TIBA on the auxin transport system. Thus, transport reduction by 0.5 M TIBA caused a temporary accumulation of IAA in that apical region of the hypocotyl which has the highest capacity to decarboxylate IAA. In the presence of 100 M TIBA, a concentration which presumably saturates the efflux carriers, most of the added IAA can be expected to be located in the transporting cells where, according to the present data, IAA decarboxylation cannot take place.  相似文献   

S. Sawhney  K. L. Toky  K. K. Nanda 《Planta》1970,95(3):277-280
Summary Floral buds were initiated in Impatiens balsamina plants treated with 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and kept under non-inductive 16- and 24-hr photoperiods, although much later than under inductive 8-hr photoperiods. TIBA did not affect extension growth to any appreciable extent but decreased the number of nodes on the main shoot under 8-hr and increased it under 16- and 24-hr photoperiods. Its effect on the development of lateral buds varied with photoperiod. TIBA-induced flowering resembles gibberellin-induced one, but its mechanism is not clear.  相似文献   

A comparison between the effects of DIHB and TIBA on growth and gravireaction of 15 mm primary maize ( Zea mays L. cv. LG 11) roots is presented. Intact roots were pretreated in the dark for 1 h with buffered solutions (pH 5.0 or 6.0) containing DIHB (10, 50, 100 μ M ). The plantlets were then maintained either vertically or horizontally in the dark or the light, and growth and gravireaction were recorded using a macrophotographic technique. Pretreatment with DIHB slightly inhibited growth and delayed gravireaction. These effects were most marked with DIHB at 100 μ M and were enhanced when DIHB was applied at pH 5.0. Similar effects were observed in roots pretreated with TIBA, but at a lower concentration (1 μ M ). The similarities between DIHB and TIBA as regards both chemical structure and the inhibition of gravireaction and growth, lead us to suggest that a major mode of action of DIHB, like TIBA, is the inhibition of indol-3yl-acetic acid transport.  相似文献   

The structure requirements for phytotropin activity and receptor binding are expressed in terms of a recognition site on the receptor with which phytotropins, including 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid, interact. It is postulated that the site can be represented by a large region which accepts planar molecules, and is possibly electrophilic in nature. A second area is also postulated which may be lipophilic or electrophilic, together with a carboxyl acceptor. It is suggested that if the requirements of the carboxyl acceptor and adjacent area are met, then phytotropin activity will result if the candidate molecule has a configuration, or can adopt a configuration, such that a conjugated portion of the molecule can interact with the larger area. It is argued that the close relationship observed between receptor binding and effect on the gravitropic response implies that the receptors may be directly involved in the gravitropic response mechanism.  相似文献   

The addition of 1 micromolar 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) to solutions containing KCl resulted in the inhibition of K and Cl uptake in excised barley roots. The effectiveness of TIBA as an inhibitor increased as the pH of the treatment solution decreased and approached the pKa of TIBA. A lag period of approximately 20 minutes existed prior to the onset of TIBA induced inhibition of ion uptake. Respiratory activity was also inhibited by TIBA. The data suggest that in this material, TIBA functions by entering the cytoplasm and inhibiting metabolism. Comparisons made on the effect of added Ca, showed that at pH 5.7 and higher, Ca had no effect on ion uptake whereas at lower pH values the presence of Ca enhanced uptake by offsetting the deleterious effects of H+.  相似文献   

An explanation is sought for the inhibition of maize root growth and gravireaction brought about by treatment with 3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (DIHB). The effects of DIHB and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) on the uptake and efflux of [3H]-indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) were tested using segments prepared from the elongation zone (2 to 7 mm region) of maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG11) roots. The uptake of [3H]-IAA (21 nM) by root segments incubated in buffered solutions (pH 5.0) was measured over a 5-min time-course. No significant effect of DIHB at 100 μM was observed, whereas TIBA at 10 μM slightly stimulated the uptake of [3H]-IAA. This experiment was repeated with the addition of non-radioactive IAA (total IAA concentration 1.0 μM). Up to 3 min DIHB (100 μM) had no significant effect, but thereafter a slight stimulation of IAA net uptake was observed. Treatment with TIBA (10 μM) stimulated the accumulation of IAA in the segments. The effects of DIHB (10, 50, 100 μM) and TIBA (10 and 50 μM) on the efflux of [3H]-IAA from segments that had been pretreated in [3H]-IAA (22 nM) were then tested. Treatment with DIHB or TIBA at pH 5.0 inhibited IAA efflux; the inhibition by TIBA was more marked than that produced by DIHB. This experiment was repeated using DIHB (10, 50, 100 μM) buffered at pH 6.0, and an inhibition of IAA efflux was again observed. Both DIHB (10 μM) and TIBA (10 μM) inhibited the binding of [3H]-NPA to a 5000–48000 g membrane fraction prepared from whole maize roots. The effects of the two substances were similar: 40% inhibition of specific binding by DIHB and 41% inhibition by TIBA. This indicates that DIHB, like TIBA, binds to the N-1-naphthyl-phthalamic acid-sensitive carrier for IAA efflux. It is concluded that DIHB, like TIBA, inhibits IAA transport at the level of efflux. The similarity between DIHB and TIBA as regards chemical structure and their inhibitory effects on IAA efflux and NPA binding strongly suggest that they act on the same carrier for IAA efflux across the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

Summary The application of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA, 10 mg·g-1 in lanolin) to the stem of intact pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.) inhibited the basipetal transport of 14C from indoleacetic acid-1-14C (IAA-1-14C) applied to the apical bud, but not the transport of 14C in the phloem following the application of IAA-1-14C or sucrose-14C to mature foliage leaves. It was concluded that fundamentally different mechanisms of auxin transport operate in these two pathways.When TIBA was applied at the same time as, or 3.0 h after, the application of IAA-1-14C to the apical bud, 14C accumulated in the TIBA-treated and higher internodes; when TIBA was applied 24.0 h before the IAA-1-14C, transport in the stem above the TIBA-treated internode was considerably reduced. TIBA treatments did not consistently influence the total recovery of 14C, or the conversion of free IAA to indoleaspartic acid (IAAsp). These results are discussed in relation to the possible mechanism by which TIBA inhibits auxin transport,.Attention is drawn to the need for more detailed studies of the role of the phloem in the transport of endogenous auxin in the intact plant.Abbreviations TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid - IAAsp indoleaspartic acid  相似文献   

Dekapitované klíění rostliny lnu a hrachu, nat?ené pastou s trijodbenzoovou kyselinou bud nad dělohami nebo pod nimi, jeví zvlá?tě na epikotylních pahýlech rozdílné morfogenetické změny v souvislosti, s rozdílnými korela?ními vlivy jejich epigeických, resp. hypogeických děloh, je? primárně rozhodují o rozdílné dominanci jejich pupenových základ?. V nejraněj?ím období klí?ení lze prvního internodia lnu, oby?ejně velmi krátkého, a ?apík? děloh hrachu u?ít k d?kazu antagonismu mezi kyselinou trijodbenzoovou a indolyloctovou. První internodium lnu se prodlou?ilo p?sobením trijodbenzoové kyseliny na semena, i kdy? zrála na rostlině, a ?apíky děloh hrachu, zadr?ené v r?stu má?ením semen v roztoku kyseliny trijodbenzoové, se zvět?ily p?sobením kyseliny indolyloctové zvněj?ku. Tato kyselina naopak ru?í morfogenetické ú?inky trijodbenzoové kyseliny na semena lnu.  相似文献   

The effect of two auxin antagonists, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and 2-( p -chlorophenoxy)-2-methyl propionic acid (CMPA) on IAA-induced ethylene production in etiolated mung bean hypocotyl ( Vigna radiata L. Rwilcz cv. Berken) segments was studied. Both TIBA and CMPA inhibited IAA-induced ethylene production and CO2 production at concentrations from 0.001 m M to 0.1 m M and 0.01 m M to 1.0 m M , respectively. The optimum concentration for inhibition of ethylene production by TIBA was 0.05 m M and CMPA was 0.5 m M . At the optimum concentration of TIBA and CMPA, there was a significant decrease in IAA-induced ethylene production without a decrease in respiration rates below control levels. After 18 h, mung bean hypocotyl segments treated with 0.05 m M TIBA for 6 h or 0.5 m M CMPA for 8 h showed a maximum inhibition of IAA-induced ethylene production. Treatments longer than 8 h caused no further inhibition. The uptake of [14C]-naphthaleneacetic acid by mung bean segments was greatly reduced by the addition of either TIBA (0.05m M ) or CMPA (0.5 m M ) to the incubation media. The results of treatment sequences showed that TIBA needed to be applied prior to IAA in order to inhibit IAA-induced ethylene production, but CMPA caused the same inhibitory effect whether applied before or after IAA treatment. These findings provide evidence that TIBA inhibits auxin-induced ethylene production in etiolated mung bean hypocotyl segments by blocking auxin movement into the tissue whereas CMPA may work on both auxin transport and action.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - The 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) is an iodine contrast agent used for visualization of tissue in X-ray techniques. However, TIBA induces physiological complications...  相似文献   

Phytotropins with a range of activity, chemistry and stereochemistry were used to detect the presence of the receptor for 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) in leaves, stems, roots and coleoptiles in Zea mays L. cv PX-80 through their ability to bind to the recognition site(s) on the receptor. Their ability to bind to membrane preparations from each of the tissues was found to be very similar. It is concluded that NPA receptors with similar recognition characteristics exist throughout the plant. It is suggested that the data are further evidence in favour of the proposition that NPA receptors are physiologically significant.  相似文献   

The ability of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) to alter ion absorption, respiration, carbon metabolism, and the permeability of the cell membranes of excised barley roots has been examined. Roots pretreated in either H2O, KCl, or TIBA followed by treatment in KCl, TIBA, or KCl and TIBA demonstrated that inhibition of ion uptake due to TIBA was reversible. These studies also suggest that ions already accumulated within the vacuole remain sequestered after the addition of TIBA, whereas cytoplasmic ions leak out into the external medium. A 20-minute lag period was present prior to the onset of inhibition of O2 consumption by TIBA. A b-type cytochrome from corn that is apparently associated with the plasmalemma and possibly involved in respiration or ion uptake, or both, was unaffected by TIBA. The addition of TIBA to treatment solutions resulted in the synthesis and accumulation of ethanol. Analysis of organic acids showed that only the malate concentration was affected by treatment with TIBA. A reduction of 26% was noted for malate in the presence of 2 micromolar TIBA. These combined results suggest that the inhibitory action of TIBA in barley roots involves an alteration of mitochondrial respiration and not a direct depolarization of the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

三碘苯甲酸和多效唑极显著地协同促进完全切除下胚轴的黄瓜去顶苗直接成花,三碘苯甲酸与多效唑相配合的最适浓度为1.0-1.5mg.L^-1,直接成花率达90%。  相似文献   

G H Wada  J H Fellman 《Biochemistry》1973,12(25):5212-5217

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