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Previous studies have provided evidence that the rat ventral prostate grows primarily, if not exclusively, at its distal tips. However, as yet there have been no analyses in which individual cells in defined regions of the prostatic ductal system have been resolved and quantified. Moreover, the possibility that the prostate might grow differently at different times of postnatal development has received little attention. Our objectives were to identify and quantify the proliferating epithelial and stromal cells in defined regions of the rat ventral prostate during its postnatal development. To this end, 3H-thymidine was administered in vivo to rats of ages 10-60 days. A dissection technique was then used by which the distal, intermediate, and proximal segments of the prostatic ductal system were physically isolated from each other without removing the stromal tissue. Longitudinal sections of these segments were examined for cellular composition and DNA synthetic activity. Regional heterogeneity with respect to cell composition and cell proliferation was seen. In rats of all ages, DNA synthetic activity was seen in epithelial and stromal cells throughout the prostate, rather than only in the distal segment. At Days 10 and 20, significantly higher percentages of epithelial and stromal cells were labeled in the distal than in the proximal segments; but at Days 45 and 60, the percentages of labeled epithelial and stromal cells in the distal, intermediate, and proximal segments were similar. Thus, in all segments, and at all ages, substantial labeling was seen throughout the prostate. These data suggest that the prostate grows in both length and width throughout postnatal development, reminiscent of the growth of a tree.  相似文献   

Degenerative and regenerative changes in the ductal architecture of the ventral and dorsolateral prostates (VP and DLP) of the adult mouse were investigated in microdissected specimens over a time-course of 14 days following castration and subsequently during 14 days of administration of testosterone propionate. After castration, about 35% of the ductal tips and branch-points were lost in distal regions (usually near the capsule) in both prostatic lobes. By contrast, in more proximal regions of the prostate (closer to the urethra), the ducts survived in an atrophic condition. The ductal morphology that had been lost in the distal regions completely regenerated after testosterone propionate was administered to the castrated males. In the VP, androgen replacement simply returned the gland to its former size with moderate ductal distension; in the DLP, excessive epithelial infoldings and ductal distension were elicited in the distal regions of the ducts after 14 days of treatment with testosterone propionate. These results suggest that androgenic responsiveness and dependency are different in distal versus proximal ducts. Distal ducts are exquisitely androgen-dependent and androgen-sensitive; in proximal regions, androgen-dependency is not as strict.  相似文献   

The prostate is present in both male and female mammals. It is composed of secretory epithelium, connective stroma, smooth muscle and neuroendocrine cells, which are under hormonal regulation. Acid phosphatases catalyze the hydrolysis of orthophosphate monoesters. We have compared the expression of acid phosphatases in gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) prostate glands in both sexes using young, adult and old animals. Eighteen prostates were isolated, frozen, sectioned, fixed, incubated with sodium beta-glycerophosphate sodium, washed with acetate buffer solution, treated with ammonium sulfide and counterstained with Methyl-Green aqueous solution. Ultracytochemical analyses were also conducted. This substrate revealed total acid phosphatase activity. The expression of the enzyme was heterogeneous, occurring in all ages during postnatal development. The data revealed that the female prostate matured before the male prostate. In addition, acid phosphatase activity in both sexes was regulated by androgen variation concomitant with development.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of phosphohydrolase activity of glucose-6-phosphatase has been examined in the different parts of the small intestine of the mouse and compared with that of trehalase and glucoamylase. After birth, glucose-6-phosphatase is present in all parts of the small intestine and the activity is already two to three times the adult values. In the course of the first 2 weeks, the activity increases and the different parts of the small intestine show distinct patterns. One day after birth, glucoamylase activity is present in all segments, while trehalase activity is confined to the first intestinal third. During the first 2 weeks, these activities remain rather stable. In the course of the third week, when trehalase and glucoamylase are increasing, glucose-6-phosphatase activity is declining toward adult values.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the ultrastructural localization of glucose-6-phosphatase activity have been studied in the proximal jejunum and distal ileum during the postnatal period. One day after birth, the amount and the repartition of ER in the jejunal enterocytes are similar to that observed in postweaning period. In the following days an extensive proliferation of SER is noted in the supranuclear zone of the absorbing cells. From day 7 till postweaning period a gradual decrease of the amount of SER is observed and after weaning, the ultrastructure of the enterocytes is similar to that in the adult mouse enterocytes. At all time, a positive reaction for G-6-Pase activity is observed in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum and in the nuclear envelope. In the distal ileum, the SER is poorly developed one day after birth. During the first two weeks, the ER increases but no extensive proliferation of SER can be noted as in the jejunum. The G-6-Pase activity can be visualized in the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum as well as in the nuclear envelope. It appears that the proliferation of SER could be interpreted as the morphologic expression of an increased G-6-Pase activity.This work was supported by research grant from the Medical Research Council of CanadaD. Ménard, Ph. D. is «Chercheur-boursier du Conseil de la recherche en santé du Québec»  相似文献   

During early mouse development, there are large-scale changes in DNA methylation. These changes may be due to the availability or stability of the enzyme, DNA methyltransferase (methylase), which is responsible for maintenance of DNA methylation. A microassay for methylase activity in preimplantation embryos shows that the level of maternally inherited enzyme is extremely high in the egg and that this activity is stable for the first three cleavage divisions. However, from the 8-cell to the blastocyst stage, there is a marked and absolute decrease in enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The development of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the ultrastructural localization of glucose-6-phosphatase activity have been studied in the proximal jejunum and distal ileum during the postnatal period. One day after birth, the amount and the repartition of ER in the jejunal enterocytes are similar to that observed in postweaning period. In the following days an extensive proliferation of SER is noted in the supranuclear zone of the absorbing cells. From day 7 till postweaning period a gradual decrease of the amount of SER is observed and after weaning, the ultrastructure of the enterocytes is similar to that in the adult mouse enterocytes. At all time, a positive reaction for G-6-Pase activity is observed in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum and in the nuclear envelope. In the distal ileum, the SER is poorly developed one day after birth. During the first two weeks, the ER increases but no extensive proliferation of SER can be noted as in the jejunum. The G-6-Pase activity can be visualized in the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum as well as in the nuclear envelope. It appears that the proliferation of SER could be interpreted as the morphologic expression of an increased G-6-Pase activity.  相似文献   

Dynamics of muscle fibre growth during postnatal mouse development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


Postnatal growth in mouse is rapid, with total skeletal muscle mass increasing several-fold in the first few weeks. Muscle growth can be achieved by either an increase in muscle fibre number or an increase in the size of individual myofibres, or a combination of both. Where myofibre hypertrophy during growth requires the addition of new myonuclei, these are supplied by muscle satellite cells, the resident stem cells of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that the current concept of resegmentation during vertebral formation is no longer valid. In order to shed some light on this controversial issue, in the present investigation the development of the vertebral column was studied in a graded series of mouse embryos by conventionally stained serial sections and methyl thymidine 3H autoradiography. It was found that the vertebral bodies do not originate from the upper and lower halves of sclerotomes but from a continuous central tissue mass surrounding the notochord, the perichordal tube. The caudal sclerotome half gives rise to the neural arch and the transverse processes, whereas the cranial half forms the connective tissue of the interneural arch space. An intrasclerotomic cleft supposed to form the intervertebral cleft was not found to exist, in accordance with previous studies. The inferred intrasclerotomic cleft is merely the interface between the loose tissue of the cranial sclerotome half and the densely packed cells of the caudal half.  相似文献   

After drastic urothelial destruction around birth and around postnatal day 6, mouse urothelial renewal starts each time de novo. The differentiation of superficial cells during urothelial restoration was followed for the first time from embryonic day 15 to postnatal day 6 by the detection of differentiation markers: cytokeratins, uroplakins and apical membrane specialization. The differentiation markers of short-lived superficial cells were studied before and after urothelial destruction. Three distinctive types of superficial cells, typical for certain developmental period, were characterised: cells at low differentiation stage with microvilli and cilia, expressing CK7 and CK18, detected on embryonic day 15; cells at advanced differentiation stage with star-like arrangement of prominent membrane ridges, expressing CK7 and CK20, present between the two urothelial destruction events; highly differentiated cells with typically jagged apical surface, expressing CK7 and CK20, found twice during development. This cell type appears for the first time on embryonic day 18 as the terminal stage of embryonic differentiation. It was found again on postnatal day 6 as an initial stage of differentiation, leading toward terminally differentiated cells of the adult urothelium. Our work proves that apical membrane specialization is the most valuable differentiation marker of superficial cells.  相似文献   

p38 MAPK在小鼠睾丸不同发育阶段的表达和定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨丝裂原活化蛋白激酶p38 MAPK在小鼠睾丸不同发育阶段的表达,应用蛋白质免疫印迹杂交技术和免疫组织化学SABC法检测1至7周龄小鼠睾丸p38 MAPK的表达、定位及发育变化,并通过图像分析技术对免疫组织化学结果进行统计学分析。免疫印迹杂交发现,p38 MAPK在2~7周龄小鼠睾丸中均有表达。免疫组织化学结果显示,在2周龄小鼠睾丸曲细精管上皮中即可观察到p38 MAPK免疫阳性反应,免疫反应阳性细胞为精原细胞;3、4、5周龄小鼠睾丸仅有个别曲细精管上皮可见p38 MAPK免疫阳性反应;6、7周龄小鼠睾丸中p38 MAPK表达较丰富,免疫反应阳性细胞为精原细胞和初级精母细胞,免疫阳性反应物均主要位于细胞核内。在7周龄小鼠睾丸中还可见到部分间质细胞的细胞质亦呈p38 MAPK阳性。这些结果提示,p38 MAPK可能对生精细胞的增殖分化具有调控作用。  相似文献   

Regeneration of rat fast (gastrocnemius medialis) and slow (soleus) muscles was examined after degeneration of myofibers had been achieved by injection of cardiotoxin into the hindleg during the first week after birth. Myogenesis in the regenerating muscles was compared to postnatal myogenesis in the contralateral and in control muscles. Synthesis of embryonic and neonatal myosin isoforms was initiated 3 days after injury. These forms were gradually replaced by the intermediate and fast adult isoforms (type II fiber myosins), whose synthesis followed the same curve in regenerating, contralateral, and control muscles. In contrast, synthesis of the slow myosin isoform (type I fiber myosin) was greatly delayed in injured muscles, but eventually became equal to its synthesis in contralateral and control muscles. It therefore appears that synthesis of type II fiber myosins is similarly regulated, probably by thyroid hormone, in developing regenerating and normal muscles, while synthesis of type I fiber myosin depends on other factor(s).  相似文献   

Cytokeratins are intermediate filament proteins found in most epithelial cells including the mammary epithelium. Specific cytokeratin expression has been found to mark different epithelial cell lineages and also to associate with putative mammary stem/progenitor cells. However, a comparative analysis of the expression of cytokaratins during embryonic and postnatal mammary development is currently lacking. Moreover, it is not clear whether the different classes of putative mammary stem/progenitor cells exist during embryonic development. Here, we use double/triple-label immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry to systematically compare the expression of cytokeratin 5 (K5), cytokeratin 6 (K6), cytokeratin 8 (K8), cytokeratin 14 (K14) and cytokeratin 19 (K19) in embryonic and early postnatal mouse mammary glands. We show that K6+ and K8+/K14+ putative mammary progenitor cells arise during embryogenesis with distinct temporal and spatial distributions. Moreover, we describe a transient disconnection of the expression of K5 and K14, two cytokeratins that are often co-expressed, during the first postnatal weeks of mammary development. Finally, we report that cytokeratin expression in cultured primary mammary epithelial cells mimics that during the early stages of postnatal mammary development. These studies demonstrate an embryonic origin of putative mammary stem/progenitor cells. Moreover, they provide additional insights into the use of specific cytokeratins as markers of mammary epithelial differentiation, or the use of their promoters to direct gene overexpression or ablation in genetic studies of mouse mammary development.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic thymidine kinase from cardiac muscle of the rat has been characterized. It has a pH optimum of 9.0 and a K(m) value for thymidine of 1.6mum. The sedimentation coefficient of this enzyme in sucrose gradients is 4.5S, which represents a molecular weight of approx. 69000. Thymidine kinase prepared from cardiac muscle of foetal, neonatal and adult rats is inhibited by dTTP and dTDP; there is neither inhibition nor stimulation by dTMP, dCTP, dATP, dGTP or cyclic AMP. The activity of thymidine kinase in differentiating cardiac muscle of foetal and neonatal rats declines progressively with development, reaching adult values of almost zero by the fifteenth to seventeenth day of postnatal development. This represents a 70-fold decrease in enzyme activity from 3 days before birth to 17 days after birth. The loss of thymidine kinase activity in differentiating cardiac muscle correlates temporally with the cessation of DNA biosynthesis and the loss of cytoplasmic DNA polymerase activity in this tissue.  相似文献   

Changing DNA methylation patterns during embryonic development are discussed in relation to differential gene expression, changes in X-chromosome activity and genomic imprinting. Sperm DNA is more methylated than oocyte DNA, both overall and for specific sequences. The methylation difference between the gametes could be one of the mechanisms (along with chromatin structure) regulating initial differences in expression of parental alleles in early development. There is a loss of methylation during development from the morula to the blastocyst and a marked decrease in methylase activity. De novo methylation becomes apparent around the time of implantation and occurs to a lesser extent in extra-embryonic tissue DNA. In embryonic DNA, de novo methylation begins at the time of random X-chromosome inactivation but it continues to occur after X-chromosome inactivation and may be a mechanism that irreversibly fixes specific patterns of gene expression and X-chromosome inactivity in the female. The germ line is probably delineated before extensive de novo methylation and hence escapes this process. The marked undermethylation of the germ line DNA may be a prerequisite for X-chromosome reactivation. The process underlying reactivation and removal of parent-specific patterns of gene expression may be changes in chromatin configuration associated with meiosis and a general reprogramming of the germ line to developmental totipotency.  相似文献   

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