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银杏叶生胚珠的发现及其系统意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文报道银杏的短枝叶缘着生胚珠的返祖现象,井结合银杏目的发展史对其系统意义进行了讨论,认为银杏胚珠的叶生性支持了”胚珠由边缘位置(种子蕨亚纲)到次生性顶生位置(银杏目等)转变”的说法。并指出,银杏的”营养叶”具有”孢子叶”的性质;同时支持了顶枝学说。  相似文献   

银杏型胚珠器官的异时发育起源   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周志炎 《古生物学报》1994,33(2):131-139
比较中侏罗世以来银杏属各种的胚珠器官,显示除了胚珠大小外,它们在形态上并不构成明显的年代梯变,中侏罗世出现的义马银杏型的胚珠器官具有分别单独着生在珠柄上的2-4个胚珠,不同于(现生)银杏型的胚珠器官仅有1个直接生在总柄上的能育胚珠,但和现生银杏胚珠器官发育阶段产生的某些畸型(通常不育)却形态相同,推测银杏型胚珠器官是由义马银杏型胚珠器官在K型选择压力下胚珠增大,最终导致胚珠数目减少,珠柄消失而形成  相似文献   

中国银杏的科学价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平平 《生物学通报》1996,31(11):31-32
银杏素有种子植物的“活化石”之称,其古老性与独特性,使其在植物分类、进化与裸子植物系统发育等方面具有重要的科学价值。我国是银杏的原生地和分布中心,也是世界上最早栽培银杏的国家。  相似文献   

种子植物包括裸子植物和被子植物。银杏属于裸子植物,它没有真正意义上的花;其繁殖器官由叶原基发育而成,着生在短枝顶端的叶腋或鳞片状叶的叶腋;雌雄异株,无论是雌性或雄性器官均无花萼、花瓣、子房等构造。在植物形态学上将这类植物的雄性器官称作为小孢子叶球或雄球花;雌性器官称作大孢子囊或雌球花。 银杏种子的形成及发育过程 种子的形成包括传粉、受精以及胚、胚乳、种皮的发育成熟。 银杏的雄球花为柔荑花序状,长1.8—2.6厘米,3—8条着生于短枝顶端,每条上具雄蕊30—43个,雄蕊具一短梗,花药2枚,长椭圆形,药室纵裂,每药室(小孢子囊)具  相似文献   

银杏雌性生殖器官的形态学本质及其系统学意义   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
关于古老裸子植物银杏Ginkgo biloba L.雌性生殖器官形态学本质的问题争论 很多,因此这一类群的分类位置尚存争议。本文进一步发展了Florin提出的“种鳞复合 体(Seed-scale complex)”概念,提出解释裸子植物生殖器官形态演化的“苞鳞一种鳞复 合体(Bract-scale and seed-scale complex)概念和演化理论,并试图用以解释银杏的生 殖器官形态学本质和裸子植物系统发育的有关问题。由银杏着生胚珠的结构(Ovuliferous structure)生于可育短枝上鳞状叶叶腋的事实,赞同该结构为次级轴性(枝性)性质,提 出该次级轴性结构及连同下部的鳞状叶相当于裸子植物大部分类群所具有的苞鳞—种 鳞复合体(Bract-scale and seed-scale complex),并保留了较多的原始古老性质,可能 代表着苞鳞—种鳞复合体较原始的形态式样。该结构的鳞状叶与可育短枝上正常的营 养叶均为不育苞片的性质,鳞状叶叶腋生出的长柄则是次级轴性结构的次生性伸长,长 柄上部二分叉的着生胚珠结构相当于该次级轴性器官仅存的极度退化的二枚可育叶性器 官,而整个可育短枝相当于一个分化程度很低的复合大孢子叶球。银杏生殖器官中的某 些性状与苏铁十分相似,但由于苞鳞一种鳞复合体的出现,标志着这一类群已远较苏铁特 化,并应与所有具苞鳞—种鳞复合体的类群在同一条演化线上,即苞鳞—种鳞复合体 演化线(Bract-scale and seed-scale complex evolutionary line,BS-line),而不具苞鳞 —种鳞复合体的苏铁类(Cycas)则构成裸子植物中的苏铁演化线(Cycas evolutionary line,C-line)。银杏大孢子叶球的式样,可能代表着裸子植物一种早期的原始大苞子叶 球式样,为古裸子植物不甚分化的可育枝条向高度压缩和变态的可育枝条(苞鳞一种鳞复合体及典型的球果)演化的一种中间过渡式样。  相似文献   

银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)是最古老裸子植物之一,其传粉受精过程表现出许多特殊的原始性状和特征,在种子植物的系统演化上具有重要研究价值;同时,银杏种实经济价值高,但栽培上由于授粉受精不良而导致落花落果现象严重,因此了解银杏传粉生物学特性对于其种实的优质高产具有实际意义.本文从银杏雌雄株开花物候学、雌雄花形态结构特征、花粉和胚珠发育进程、花粉和胚珠生物学特性、传粉机制及花粉在胚珠内萌发生长进程等方面,对银杏传粉生物学相关研究进行综述,为银杏的系统演化、授粉受精和种实发育研究提供参考.  相似文献   

史宗冈  张维婷  高太平  任东 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1043-1054
昆虫与植物的相互作用在昆虫与植物协同进化和发展中起着至关重要的作用。化石记录中发现了昆虫取食花粉、授粉滴、访问中生代裸子植物具胚珠的繁殖器官等多方面的昆虫化石证据。20世纪90年代以来,研究和报道了大量采自中国东北地区保存良好的昆虫与植物化石。例如发表于Science上的2篇具有长喙的双翅目和长翅目昆虫化石文章,暗示着它们很可能参与各种裸子植物的授粉。在本篇文章中,作者回顾了已报道的中国东北晚中生代时期的昆虫化石,并把它们与授粉或访"花"相联系。另外,作者对采自同一层位的同时代的植物化石进行了初步研究并介绍了可能涉及到与昆虫相互作用的代表性植物。今后将进一步深入研究,以期在化石中找到昆虫授粉和访花的直接证据。  相似文献   

银杏性别及其研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
银杏(GinkgobilobaL.),染色体大型,基数X=12,数目Zn—24,是中生代了遗的古老种子植物,为我国特产的著名多用途珍贵树种。其球花单性,雌、雄球花分别着生在不同的植株上,为雌雄异株植物。1我国古代劳动人民在世界上最先认识银杏为雌雄异株的植物我国唐代段成式的《酉阳杂咀》、宋代吴。津的《种艺必用》都述及银杏“树有雌雄”。明代李时珍的《本草纲目》进而指出:“须雌雄同种,其树相望乃结实”。“相望”从现代的观点看乃是银杏有效的风媒传粉距离。明代徐光启的《农政全书》也指出;“其木有雌雄之意,雄者不结实,雌者结…  相似文献   

西天目山自然保护区内的森林以古、稀、高、大、美为其特色。古,首推银杏。在海拔1000米的悬崖峭壁上,有一株老、壮、青、少、幼同生一根的“五代同堂”古银杏,盘根错节,相互偎依,冠盖浓郁,枝条伸展,扇形翠绿的叶片吸吮山中缭绕的云雾,历尽沧桑,成为大山树木中的元老。每年,慕名前往考察的国内外植物学家、地理学家、林学家络绎不绝。大批游客更能为一睹“活化石”的风采感到庆幸。 起源于古生代(距今2.85亿年至6亿年),繁荣于中生代(距今1.4亿年至2.5亿年前),衰败于新生代的银杏类(银杏科)植物,本是一个庞大的家族,在中生代曾广泛分布于北半球,正如当时生活在陆地上的恐龙一样普遍。从白垩纪(距今1.4亿年前)开始,大家族中的众多成员因气候巨变先后退出了生命舞台。第四纪(距今200万至300万年前)冰川降临,欧洲、北美、和  相似文献   

从药用植物银杏的根、茎和叶中分离得到40株内生真菌,对其进行分类鉴定,归属于6目,8科,9属。表明银杏不同部位内生真菌在种群、数量及分布上具有多样性特征。  相似文献   

Neither direct fossil evidence nor consensus exists on the origin of the Ginkgoales and their phylogenetic relationships with other seed plants. The bases for assigning most Palaeozoic leaf fossils to Ginkgoales are shaky. There are eight morphogenera considered more or less well defined and useful for classifying Mesozoic leaf and shoot compressions/impressions, and only two or three morphotaxa of anatomically preserved wood fossils have generally been used. About nine genera of ovulate organs, however, have been reported in the Mesozoic. Whole plant reconstructions suggested for a number of well-preserved ginkgoalean plants are enumerated. Their associated (or connected) organs, and their occurrences and distributions are cited in detail. There are three or four major evolutionary lineages so far recognized among Mesozoic Ginkgoales: the Ginkgo-Grenana-Nehvizdyella lineage, the Karkenia lineage, the Yimaia-Toretzia/Umaltolepis lineage and perhaps the Schmeissneria lineage. Ginkgoales may be classified into five to six families, with a number of accessory morphotaxa and unclassified taxa. The general evolutionary trend among ginkgoaleans is reduction of both vegetative and reproductive organs. The reduction trend is seen clearly in the genus Ginkgo and roughly recapitulated in the developmental sequences of the living species. A similar reduction sequence runs in parallel in other lineages of Ginkgoales. Ginkgoales flourished during Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, but a significant radiation of the group had occurred already in Late Triassic when Ginkgoales were present in high taxonomic diversity and showed considerable morphological innovation. Geographically, Ginkgoales are mainly distributed in Laurasia and probably originated there. The earliest records are from Laurasia as is the relict living fossil. Ginkgoales may have lived in various climates and diverse habitats, although most flourished in mesic and temperate climates, and the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic ginkgos were largely confined to riparian environments.Advances in micro- and ultrastructure studies and chemical investigations on the cuticle and megaspore membrane of ginkgoalean fossils are also summarized. Further studies in these fields may provide useful information on the ecology and palaeoclimatology of Ginkgoales as well as their taxonomy.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 22 taxa of bamboo were evaluated using 12 inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and four expressed sequence tag (EST)-based random primers, resulting in amplification of 220 loci. The grouping of species based on Jaccard's similarity matrix using UPGMA and principal coordinate analysis agreed with earlier published reports on molecular phylogenetic studies in bamboos with few deviations. In the dendrogram, however, species of one genus were placed in different clusters along with members of other genera. This calls for correct taxonomic delineation at the genus and species level using both vegetative and reproductive characters and correlation of molecular data with morphologically definable taxonomic groupings at the proper taxonomic level.  相似文献   

Comparative specificity of sporangial wall autolysins (i.e. vegetative lytic enzymes [VLE]) derived from sporulating cultures has been used to group Chlamydomonas taxa into 15 different VLE types. The VLE-14 group, including isolates of C. geitleri, C. noctigama, C. monoica, C. pinicola, C. terricoia, and C. hindakii, is one of the largest of these VLE groups. Genetic studies have shown that a number of the VLE-14 taxa are interfertile, albeit with little or reduced viability of progeny. A reevaluation of the VLE-14 group suggested that all members should be regarded as distinct isolates of C. noctigama. The present investigation tests the phylogenetic implications of the VLE evidence and examines the validity of the taxonomic reevaluation in a phylogenetic context by analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequence data. Results from analyses of the sequence data are consistent with an interpretation of the VLE evidence as indicative of monophyletic taxa. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence data are also consistent with the taxonomic reevaluation and reidentification of the group. However, at least some of the VLE-14 isolates studied in this investigation fit criteria for distinct biologic or phylogenetic species. It is concluded that the VLE-14 taxa represent a very closely allied group that includes some isolates that are in the early stages of speciation ly reproductive isolation.  相似文献   


The fern and lycophyte flora of Japan comprising 721 native taxa (including subspecies and varieties) plus 371 interspecific hybrids was reassessed using a nearly comprehensively sampled distribution map at 10 km resolution vouchered by 216,687 specimens, up-to-date cytotaxonomic information covering 74% of the taxa, and an rbcL sequence dataset covering 97.9% of the taxa. Spatial distribution of species richness and phylogenetic diversity was visualized. Apomixis was observed in 11.0% of the native taxa whose reproductive modes are known. The number of sexually reproducing polyploid taxa (n = 199) is less than sexual diploids (n = 241), and 30 of them are evidently allopolyploid, in contrast with the low number of possible autopolyploids (n = 4). Apomictic taxa were found to have smaller latitudinal ranges than sexual taxa or taxa with multiple reproductive modes. A morphological character dataset in Lucid format is provided for taxonomic identification of the native taxa.


A taxonomic revision of Encyclia (Orchidaceae) in Costa Rica is presented. The taxonomic history of the genus and its phylogenetic position are discussed. Characters of vegetative and floral morphology are described and their taxonomic significance is discussed. The genus is treated as comprising nine species in the country and a key to species is provided. Each taxon is described on the basis of Costa Rican material, illustrated in a composite plate, and its distribution within the country is assessed. Distribution maps for all the taxa are given. Overall distribution, derivation of name, synonymy, notes on species ecology and diagnostic features are presented for each taxon. The names Encyclia tonduziana and Epidendrum mooreanum are typified. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 395–448.  相似文献   

The morphology of female reproductive organs and anatomy, ultrastructure, and ultrasculpture of seed integuments were studied in more than 150 species of Podocarpales, Cephalotaxales, and Taxales. The main trends of morphological-evolutionary transformations of female fructifications were established in three studied groups of gymnosperms. The taxonomic weight of structural features of the female reproductive organs of Podocarpales, Cephalotaxales, and Taxales was determined. Seeds of 20 species of these orders were investigated using amino acid and Western blot analysis. The index of remoteness from the least specialized hypothetical taxon and degree of difference between taxa were calculated from data on amino acid composition of seeds and embryos. The differences in the degree of similarity between Podocarpales and other groups of gymnosperms were demonstrated. An original concept was proposed for phylogenetic relations between Podocarpales, Cephalotaxales, and Taxales.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of species of the New World bloodfeeding genus Haementeria were investigated for the first time. The analysis included five molecular markers. The mitochondrial COI, 12S and ND1 as well as the nuclear 28S and ITS. The evolutionary history of the group was investigated through Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Inference. Both phylogenetic methods resulted in highly congruent hypotheses. The correlation between the phylogeny and morphological traits such as eyespot number, annulation, Lang's organs, salivary glands, bacteriomes and reproductive organs is discussed. Restricted to Haementeria are Lang's organs, spherical bacteriomes and ovaries forming an anterior ring around the ventral nerve cord. In addition, Oligobdella brasilensis was formally transferred to Haementeria, providing additional arguments for the disposal of the genus Oligobdella. Haementeria gracilis is shown to be just a junior synonym of Haementeria depressa as suggested by previous authors. Finally, the geographical distribution of species of Haementeria was compared with that of other non-leech and leech taxa. Multiple events of South-North American interchange were proposed to explain the current geographical distribution of the species of Haementeria.  相似文献   

馆藏标本是分类学研究的主要凭证, 对特定类群标本的采集信息进行细致整理和分析, 有助于理解该类群研究的历史、现状和不足。此外, 结合最新的系统学研究成果和相应的环境数据构建生态位模型, 可以加深人们对特定类群分类与分布状况的认识。被子植物的分类鉴定常基于繁殖性状进行, 然而, 竹类植物一般进行克隆繁殖, 只有在经过长期的营养生长之后, 才会进行有性生殖并同时死亡。因此, 国内的竹类标本大多仅记录了营养性状, 具有繁殖性状的标本数量稀少。由于这一特殊的生物学习性, 竹类植物是当今分类学研究中最为困难的类群之一。本研究基于全国竹类植物馆藏标本的采集数据, 分析了我国竹类标本的采集和保藏现状; 利用比值法和斜率法从采集地理偏差和采集类群偏差两方面评估了竹类植物标本的采集完整度; 结合气候数据, 利用模型模拟的方法分析了影响不同竹类分支分布的主要因素。采集信息分析结果表明, 国内标本馆对竹类标本的收集和保藏存在很大的不均衡性, 且对研究团队具有较高的依赖性; 其次竹类标本的采集量的变化较好地反映了国内植物分类学研究的历史; 而对类群和地理采集完整度的评估结果表明, 中国竹类标本的采集和整理工作仍任重道远。模型模拟结果表明, 温度限定了竹类植物两大分支各自的分布北界, 水分对温带木本竹类分支(temperate woody bamboos, TWB)的限制作用比旧世界热带木本竹类分支(paleotropical woody bamboos, PWB)强, 而温度对PWB的限制性更强。生态位模拟的结果进一步显示, 中国温带和旧世界热带木本竹类两大分支的适生区出现了明显的分化, 但在亚热带区域仍有部分重叠。植物标本记录了特定类群在时间和空间上的分布格局, 相关的信息一方面可以促进物种灭绝风险评估、可持续利用和综合保护, 另一方面也可助力大尺度生物多样性分布格局及全球变化对多样性的影响研究。  相似文献   

Studies of genetic diversity at isozyme loci were used to examine the phylogenetic distribution of several frequently reported population-genetic parameters in a putatively monophyletic group of plant species, the Scutellaria angustifolia complex. The influence of taxon-specific differences in habitat preference, breeding system, degree of endemism, and phylogenetic relatedness was examined. Many characters of reproductive morphology traditionally used in phylogenetic inference vary with breeding system. To the extent that reproductive systems are conservative markers of phylogenetic relationships, one would expect the distribution of genetic variation to be similar in closely related taxa. Results showed that closely related taxa may exhibit very different genetic-diversity statistics and that distantly related taxa may exhibit very similar genetic-diversity statistics. This suggests that complex patterns of evolution of breeding systems and morphological characters have occurred in the ten taxa included in the Scutellaria angustifolia complex. Similarity in habitat is not associated with similarity in genetic diversity in this group of species.  相似文献   

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