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Evans CJ  Merriam JR  Aguilera RJ 《Gene》2002,295(1):61-70
Mammalian DNase II enzymes and the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog NUC-1 have recently been shown to be critically important during engulfment-mediated clearance of DNA. In this report, we describe the cloning and characterization of the gene encoding Drosophila DNase II. Database queries using the C. elegans NUC-1 protein sequence identified a highly homologous open reading frame in Drosophila (CG7780) that could encode a similar enzyme. Analysis of crude protein extracts revealed that wild-type Drosophila contain a potent acid endonuclease activity with cleavage preferences similar to DNase II/NUC1, while the same activity was markedly reduced in an acid DNase hypomorphic mutant line. Furthermore, the pattern of cleavage products generated from an end-labeled substrate by hypomorphic-line extracts was significantly altered in comparison to the pattern generated by wild-type extracts. Sequence analysis of CG7780 DNA and mRNA revealed that the hypomorphic line contains a missense mutation within the coding region of this gene. Additionally, Northern analysis demonstrated that CG7780 expression is normal in the mutant line, which in combination with the lowered/altered enzymatic activity and sequencing data suggested a defect in the CG7780 protein. To conclusively determine if CG7780 encoded the Drosophila equivalent of DNase II/NUC-1, transgenic lines expressing wild-type CG7780 in the mutant background were generated and subsequently shown to complement the mutant phenotype. Our results, therefore, provide compelling evidence that the predicted gene CG7780 encodes Drosophila DNase II (dDNase II), an enzyme related in sequence and activity to mammalian DNase II. Interestingly, overexpression of CG7780 both ubiquitously and in specific tissues failed to elicit any discernable phenotype.  相似文献   

Rho small GTPase regulates cell morphology, adhesion and cytokinesis through the actin cytoskeleton. We have identified a protein, p140mDia, as a downstream effector of Rho. It is a mammalian homolog of Drosophila diaphanous, a protein required for cytokinesis, and belongs to a family of formin-related proteins containing repetitive polyproline stretches. p140mDia binds selectively to the GTP-bound form of Rho and also binds to profilin. p140mDia, profilin and RhoA are co-localized in the spreading lamellae of cultured fibroblasts. They are also co-localized in membrane ruffles of phorbol ester-stimulated sMDCK2 cells, which extend these structures in a Rho-dependent manner. The three proteins are recruited around phagocytic cups induced by fibronectin-coated beads. Their recruitment is not induced after Rho is inactivated by microinjection of botulinum C3 exoenzyme. Overexpression of p140mDia in COS-7 cells induced homogeneous actin filament formation. These results suggest that Rho regulates actin polymerization by targeting profilin via p140mDia beneath the specific plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The RNA-binding protein Y14 binds preferentially to mRNAs produced by splicing and is a component of a multiprotein complex that assembles approximately 20 nucleotides upstream of exon-exon junctions. This complex probably has important functions in post-splicing events including nuclear export and nonsense-mediated decay of mRNA. We show that Y14 binds to two previously reported components, Aly/REF and RNPS1, and to the mRNA export factor TAP. Moreover, we identified magoh, a human homolog of the Drosophila mago nashi gene product, as a novel component of the complex. Magoh binds avidly and directly to Y14 and TAP, but not to other known components of the complex, and is found in Y14-containing mRNPs in vivo. Importantly, magoh also binds to mRNAs produced by splicing upstream (approximately 20 nucleotides) of exon- exon junctions and its binding to mRNA persists after export. These experiments thus reveal specific protein-protein interactions among the proteins of the splicing-dependent mRNP complex and suggest an important role for the highly evolutionarily conserved magoh protein in this complex.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster white gene is a member of the ABC transporter superfamily of ATPase transmembrane proteins and is involved in the cellular uptake of guanine and tryptophan. We have cloned and sequenced human and mouse homologs of white which share 55–58% amino acid similarity with the Drosophila protein. Northern analysis reveals that the mammalian homolog is highly expressed in several tissues, including brain, spleen, lung and placenta. We have localized the gene to human chromosome 21q22.3 by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization and linkage analysis using a (CA)n polymorphism. The human homolog maps to the interval between D21S212 and D21S171, a region which includes loci for bipolar affective disorder and a recessive form of deafness. Since tryptophan is a precursor for the neurotransmitter serotonin and neurotoxic metabolites of the kynurenine pathway, we propose that the human homolog of white is a suitable candidate gene for these neurological disorders in humans.  相似文献   

Mammalian NEFA and nucleobindin are calcium-binding proteins containing a signal peptide, two EF-hand motifs, acidic and basic regions and a leucine-zipper motif. Although they have been discussed to be involved in autoimmunity, apoptosis and calcium homeostasis in the Golgi apparatus and bone matrix, their exact role remains unknown. Here we report the cloning of their Drosophila homolog, nucb1, as well as the analysis of its expression pattern during embryogenesis and the subcellular localization of the NUCB1 protein. The nucb1 mRNA and the NUCB1 protein were found to be expressed maternally and zygotically, and they accumulate ubiquitously at low levels during all embryonic stages due to a maternal component. From stage 11 onward, high levels of zygotic expression can be detected specifically in the salivary glands and their placodes. In contrast to the known mammalian family members, the NUCB1 protein localizes in a subpattern of cytoplasmic substructures, probably the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Starting with a mutation impacting photoreceptor morphogenesis, we identify here a Drosophila gene, eyes closed (eyc), as a fly homolog of p47, a protein co-factor of the p97 ATPase implicated in membrane fusion. Temporal misexpression of Eyc during rhabdomere extension early in pupal life results in inappropriate retention of normally transient adhesions between developing rhabdomeres. Later Eyc misexpression results in endoplasmic reticulum proliferation and inhibits rhodopsin transport to the developing photosensitive membrane. Loss of Eyc function results in a lethal failure of nuclear envelope assembly in early zygotic divisions. Phenotypes resulting from eyc mutations provide the first in vivo evidence for a role for p47 in membrane biogenesis.  相似文献   

Bonus, a Drosophila TIF1 homolog, is a nuclear receptor cofactor required for viability, molting, and numerous morphological events. Here we establish a role for Bonus in the modulation of chromatin structure. We show that weak loss-of-function alleles of bonus have a more deleterious effect on males than on females. This male-enhanced lethality is not due to a defect in dosage compensation or somatic sex differentiation, but to the presence of the Y chromosome. Additionally, we show that bonus acts as both an enhancer and a suppressor of position-effect variegation. By immunostaining, we demonstrate that Bonus is associated with both interphase and prophase chromosomes and through chromatin immunoprecipitation show that two of these sites correspond to the histone gene cluster and the Stellate locus.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis, the final stage of eukaryotic cell division, ensures the production of two daughter cells. It requires fine coordination between the plasma membrane and cytoskeletal networks, and it is known to be regulated by several intracellular proteins, including the small GTPase Rho and its effectors. In this study we provide evidence that the protein Nir2 is essential for cytokinesis. Microinjection of anti-Nir2 antibodies into interphase cells blocks cytokinesis, as it results in the production of multinucleate cells. Immunolocalization studies revealed that Nir2 is mainly localized in the Golgi apparatus in interphase cells, but it is recruited to the cleavage furrow and the midbody during cytokinesis. Nir2 colocalizes with the small GTPase RhoA in the cleavage furrow and the midbody, and it associates with RhoA in mitotic cells. Its N-terminal region, which contains a phosphatidylinositol transfer domain and a novel Rho-inhibitory domain (Rid), is required for normal cytokinesis, as overexpression of an N-terminal-truncated mutant blocks cytokinesis completion. Time-lapse videomicroscopy revealed that this mutant normally initiates cytokinesis but fails to complete it, due to cleavage furrow regression, while Rid markedly affects cytokinesis due to abnormal contractility. Rid-expressing cells exhibit aberrant ingression and ectopic cleavage sites; the cells fail to segregate into daughter cells and they form a long unseparated bridge-like cytoplasmic structure. These results provide new insight into the cellular functions of Nir2 and introduce it as a novel regulator of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

DLG, the mammalian homolog of the Drosophila Discs Large suppressor protein, functions as a scaffolding protein that facilitates the transmission of diverse downstream signals. In the present study, we attempted to identify partner proteins for DLG, and found that DLG interacts through its PDZ domains with the ribosome receptor. The ribosome receptor is an integral endoplasmic reticulum protein that has been suggested to be involved in secretion. Our finding raises the possibility that DLG plays a role in the regulation of secretion by interacting with the ribosome receptor.  相似文献   

The antifungal activity of the PR-5 family of plant defense proteins has been suspected to involve specific plasma membrane component(s) of the fungal target. Osmotin is a tobacco PR-5 family protein that induces apoptosis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show here that the protein encoded by ORE20/PHO36 (YOL002c), a seven transmembrane domain receptor-like polypeptide that regulates lipid and phosphate metabolism, is an osmotin binding plasma membrane protein that is required for full sensitivity to osmotin. PHO36 functions upstream of RAS2 in the osmotin-induced apoptotic pathway. The mammalian homolog of PHO36 is a receptor for the hormone adiponectin and regulates cellular lipid and sugar metabolism. Osmotin and adiponectin, the corresponding "receptor" binding proteins, do not share sequence similarity. However, the beta barrel domain of both proteins can be overlapped, and osmotin, like adiponectin, activates AMP kinase in C2C12 myocytes via adiponectin receptors.  相似文献   

A protein homologous to the Escherichia coli MutY protein, referred to as MYH, has been identified in nuclear extracts of calf thymus and human HeLa cells. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis using polyclonal antibodies to the E. coli MutY protein detected a protein of 65 kDa in both extracts. Partial purification of MYH from calf thymus cells revealed a 65-kDa protein as well as a functional but apparently degraded form of 36 kDa, as determined by glycerol gradient centrifugation and immunoblotting with anti-MutY antibodies. Calf MYH is a DNA glycosylase that specifically removes mispaired adenines from A/G, A/7,8-dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanine (8-oxoG or GO), and A/C mismatches (mismatches indicated by slashes). A nicking activity that is either associated with or copurified with MYH was also detected. Nicking was observed at the first phosphodiester bond 3' to the apurinic or apyrimidinic (AP) site generated by the glycosylase activity. The nicking activity on A/C mismatches was 30-fold lower and the activity on A/GO mismatches was twofold lower than that on A/G mismatches. No nicking activity was detected on substrates containing other selected mismatches or homoduplexes. Nicking activity on DNA containing A/G mismatches was inhibited in the presence of anti-MutY antibodies or upon treatment with potassium ferricyanide, which oxidizes iron-sulfur clusters. Gel shift analysis showed specific binding complex formation with A/G and A/GO substrates, but not with A/A, C.GO, and C.G substrates. Binding is sevenfold greater on A/GO substrates than on A/G substrates. The eukaryotic MYH may be involved in the major repair of both replication errors and oxidative damage to DNA, the same functions as those of the E. coli MutY protein.  相似文献   

The Thermoplasma VCP-like ATPase from Thermoplasma acidophilum (VAT) ATPase is a member of the two-domain AAA ATPases and homologous to the mammalian p97/VCP and NSF proteins. We show here that the VAT ATPase complex unfolds green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeled with the ssrA-degradation tag. Increasing the Mg2+ concentration derepresses the ATPase activity and concomitantly stimulates the unfolding activity of VAT. Similarly, the VATDeltaN complex, a mutant of VAT deleted for the N domain, displays up to 24-fold enhanced ATP hydrolysis and 250-fold enhanced GFP unfolding activity when compared with wild-type VAT. To determine the individual contribution of the two AAA domains to ATP hydrolysis and GFP unfolding we performed extensive site-directed mutagenesis of the Walker A, Walker B, sensor-1, and pore residues in both AAA domains. Analysis of the VAT mutant proteins, where ATP hydrolysis was confined to a single AAA domain, revealed that the first domain (D1) is sufficient to exert GFP unfolding indistinguishable from wild-type VAT, while the second AAA domain (D2), although active, is significantly less efficient than wild-type VAT. A single conserved aromatic residue in the D1 section of the pore was found to be essential for GFP unfolding. In contrast, two neighboring residues in the D2 section of the pore had to be exchanged simultaneously, to achieve a drastic inhibition of GFP unfolding.  相似文献   

A putative Drosophila homolog of the Friedreich's ataxia disease gene (FRDA) has been cloned and characterized; it has been named Drosophila frataxin homolog (dfh). It is located at 8C/D position on X chromosome and is spread over 1kb, a much smaller genomic region than the human gene. Its genomic organization is simple, with a single intron dividing the coding region into two exons. The predicted encoded product has 190 amino acids, being considered a frataxin-like protein on the basis of the sequence and secondary structure conservation when compared with human frataxin and related proteins from other eukaryotes. The closest match between the Drosophila and the human proteins involved a stretch of 38 amino acids at C-terminus, encoded by dfh exon 2, and exons 4 and 5a of the FRDA gene, respectively. This highly conserved region is very likely to form a functional domain with a beta sheet structure flanked by alpha-helices where the sequence is less conserved. A signal peptide for mitochondrial import has also been predicted in the Drosophila frataxin-like protein, suggesting its mitochondrial localization, as occurs for human frataxin and other frataxin-like proteins described in eukaryotes. The Drosophila gene is expressed throughout the development of this organism, with a peak of expression in 6-12h embryos, and showing a spatial ubiquitous pattern from 4h embryos to the last embryonic stage examined. The isolation of dfh will soon make available specific dfh mutants that help in understanding the pathogenesis of FRDA.  相似文献   

A number of repellent compounds produced by plants elicit a spicy or pungent sensation in mammals . In several cases, this has been found to occur through activation of ion channels in the transient receptor potential (TRP) family . We report that isothiocyanate (ITC), the pungent ingredient of wasabi, is a repellent to the insect Drosophila melanogaster, and that the painless gene, previously known to be required for larval nociception, is required for this avoidance behavior. A painless reporter gene is expressed in gustatory receptor neurons of the labial palpus, tarsus, and wing anterior margin, but not in olfactory receptor neurons, suggesting a gustatory role. Indeed, painless expression overlaps with a variety of gustatory-receptor gene reporters. Some, such as Gr66a, are known to be expressed in neurons that mediate gustatory repulsion . painless mutants are not taste blind; they show normal aversive gustatory behavior with salt and quinine and attractive responses to sugars and capsaicin. The painless gene is an evolutionary homolog of the mammalian "wasabi receptor" TRPA1/ANKTM1 , also thought to be involved in nociception. Our results suggest that the stinging sensation of isothiocyanate is caused by activation of an evolutionarily conserved molecular pathway that is also used for nociception.  相似文献   

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