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We extracted and visualized DNA from ancient human teeth and bones of 150 to 5,500 years B.P. from three deposits from the south of France. The DNA extracted was used as template for PCR with specific primers corresponding to a portion of the human mitochondrial genome. In our samples, we have amplified a specific DNA fragment of 121 bp which, in the case of one bone of 150 years B.P. has been cloned and sequenced. We show that this sequence is identical to the homologous region of human mitochondrial DNA. The striking implications of this new method for archaeological and paleontological studies are exposed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high‐thoughput DNA sequencing have made genome‐scale analyses of genomes of extinct organisms possible. With these new opportunities come new difficulties in assessing the authenticity of the DNA sequences retrieved. We discuss how these difficulties can be addressed, particularly with regard to analyses of the Neandertal genome. We argue that only direct assays of DNA sequence positions in which Neandertals differ from all contemporary humans can serve as a reliable means to estimate human contamination. Indirect measures, such as the extent of DNA fragmentation, nucleotide misincorporations, or comparison of derived allele frequencies in different fragment size classes, are unreliable. Fortunately, interim approaches based on mtDNA differences between Neandertals and current humans, detection of male contamination through Y chromosomal sequences, and repeated sequencing from the same fossil to detect autosomal contamination allow initial large‐scale sequencing of Neandertal genomes. This will result in the discovery of fixed differences in the nuclear genome between Neandertals and current humans that can serve as future direct assays for contamination. For analyses of other fossil hominins, which may become possible in the future, we suggest a similar ‘boot‐strap’ approach in which interim approaches are applied until sufficient data for more definitive direct assays are acquired.  相似文献   

This study helps to clarify the debate on the Western and Eastern genetic influences in Central Asia. Thirty-six skeletal remains from Kazakhstan (Central Asia), excavated from different sites dating between the fifteenth century BC to the fifth century AD, have been analysed for the hypervariable control region (HVR-I) and haplogroup diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the mitochondrial DNA genome. Standard authentication criteria for ancient DNA studies, including multiple extractions, cloning of PCR products and independent replication, have been followed. The distribution of east and west Eurasian lineages through time in the region is concordant with the available archaeological information: prior to the thirteenth-seventh century BC, all Kazakh samples belong to European lineages; while later an arrival of east Eurasian sequences that coexisted with the previous west Eurasian genetic substratum can be detected. The presence of an ancient genetic substratum of European origin in West Asia may be related to the discovery of ancient mummies with European features in Xinjiang and to the existence of an extinct Indo-European language, Tocharian. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the ancient DNA in unravelling complex patterns of past human migrations so as to help decipher the origin of present-day admixed populations.  相似文献   

Targeting of nuclear-encoded proteins to different organelles, such as mitochondria, is a process that can result in the redeployment of proteins to new intracellular destinations during evolution. With the sequencing of the Neandertal genome, it has become possible to identify amino acid substitutions that occurred on the modern human lineage since its separation from the Neandertal lineage. Here we analyze the function of two substitutions in mitochondrial targeting sequences that occurred and rose to high frequency recently during recent human evolution. The ancestral and modern versions of the two targeting sequences do not differ in the efficiency with which they direct a protein to the mitochondria, an observation compatible with the neutral theory of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was retrieved for the first time from a Neandertal from the Iberian Peninsula, excavated from the El Sidrón Cave (Asturias, North of Spain), and dated to ca. 43,000 years ago. The sequence suggests that Iberian Neandertals were not genetically distinct from those of other regions. An estimate of effective population size indicates that the genetic history of the Neandertals was not shaped by an extreme population bottleneck associated with the glacial maximum of 130,000 years ago. A high level of polymorphism at sequence position 16258 reflects deeply rooted mtDNA lineages, with the time to the most recent common ancestor at ca. 250,000 years ago. This coincides with the full emergence of the "classical" Neandertal morphology and fits chronologically with a proposed speciation event of Homo neanderthalensis.  相似文献   

A new method is presented to extract and identify specific DNA fragments from well preserved human bones, dating from three different time periods. Bone samples were thoroughly freed from surfacial contaminating DNA. Access to the inner bone spongiosum was achieved by removing the covering bone layers of the vertebra or sternum, whereas the patella, tibia and caput of the femur or humerus were cleaved with an iron saw. After the spongiosum was taken out, extraction of nucleic acids from this "sand" like material was performed by heating at 94 degrees C during 20 min in a buffer containing essentially minor concentrations of detergent, chelating and reducing agents. The extracts were used in various Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) protocols to amplify different human specific DNA fragments (originating from chromosomes X and 12). From 15 out of 20 bone samples human-specific gene fragments could thus be identified.  相似文献   

The ability to retrieve DNA from ancient specimens has been one of the greatest achievements of the past decade, and has opened a totally new field of research with applications in seemingly distant domains such as archeobotany, the molecular phylogeny of extinct genomes, human paleopathology and the genetic of ancient human populations. However, extraction of ancient DNA has often a very low rate of success, prompting researchers to develop screening methods for the selection of promising specimens. With this goal in mind, we studied the amino acid content of nine human bones of ancient origin. We demonstrate that a single HPLC chromatogram is indicative of the integrity of ancient bone proteins. Among five specimens containing amplifiable DNA, four exhibited a protein content similar to that of contemporary bone protein content. Three of the four specimens, from which we were unable to extract any amplifiable DNA, had an amino acid content strikingly different from that of contem-porary bone. A non-parametric statistical test, Kendall's tau, was used to show that protein content and PCR products, are probably correlated (at a 95% confidence level). In addition, the D/L Asp and D/L Glu racemization ratios obtained are indicative of the presence of ancient organic compounds. We propose that protein analysis should be systematically performed in studies where there are many samples in order to select the specimens that are most likely to contain retrievable ancient DNA.  相似文献   

Elevated substitution rates estimated from ancient DNA sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ancient DNA sequences are able to offer valuable insights into molecular evolutionary processes, which are not directly accessible via modern DNA. They are particularly suitable for the estimation of substitution rates because their ages provide calibrating information in phylogenetic analyses, circumventing the difficult task of choosing independent calibration points. The substitution rates obtained from such datasets have typically been high, falling between the rates estimated from pedigrees and species phylogenies. Many of these estimates have been made using a Bayesian phylogenetic method that explicitly accommodates heterochronous data. Stimulated by recent criticism of this method, we present a comprehensive simulation study that validates its performance. For datasets of moderate size, it produces accurate estimates of rates, while appearing robust to assumptions about demographic history. We then analyse a large collection of 749 ancient and 727 modern DNA sequences from 19 species of animals, plants and bacteria. Our new estimates confirm that the substitution rates estimated from ancient DNA sequences are elevated above long-term phylogenetic levels.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for extracting polymerase chain reaction-amplifiable DNA from ancient bones without the use of organic solvents. Bone powders are digested with proteinase K, and the DNA is purified directly using silica-based spin columns (QIAquick™, QIAGEN). The efficiency of this protocol is demonstrated using human bone samples ranging in age from 15 to 5,000 years old. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:539–543, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A simple and effective modified ethanol precipitation-based protocol is described for the preparation of DNA from ancient human bones. This method is fast and requires neither hazardous chemicals nor special devices. After the powdering and incubating of the bone samples Dextran Blue was added as a carrier for removing the PCR inhibitors with selective ethanol precipitation. This method could eliminate the time-consuming separate decalcification step, dialysis, application of centrifugation-driven microconcentrators and the second consecutive PCR amplification. The efficiency of this procedure was demonstrated on ten 500–1200-year-old human bones from four different Hungarian burial sites. A mitochondrial specific primer pair was used to obtain sequence information from the purified ancient DNA. The PCR amplification, after our DNA extraction protocol, was successful from each of the 10 bone samples investigated. The results demonstrate that extraction of DNA from ancient bone samples with this new approach increases the success rate of PCR amplification.  相似文献   

Piganeau G  Eyre-Walker A 《Heredity》2004,92(4):282-288
In an attempt to resolve the controversy about whether recombination occurs in human mtDNA, we have analysed three recently published data sets of complete mtDNA sequences along with 10 RFLP data sets. We have analysed the relationship between linkage disequilibrium (LD) and distance between sites under a variety of conditions using two measures of LD, r2 and /D'/. We find that there is a negative correlation between r2 and distance in the majority of data sets, but no overall trend for /D'/. Five out of six mtDNA sequence data sets show an excess of homoplasy, but this could be due to either recombination or hypervariable sites. Two additional recombination detection methods used, Geneconv and Maximum Chi-Square, showed nonsignificant results. The overall significance of these findings is hard to quantify because of nonindependence, but our results suggest a lack of evidence for recombination in human mtDNA.  相似文献   

To date, the field of ancient DNA has relied almost exclusively on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. However, a number of recent studies have reported the successful recovery of ancient nuclear DNA (nuDNA) sequences, thereby allowing the characterization of genetic loci directly involved in phenotypic traits of extinct taxa. It is well documented that postmortem damage in ancient mtDNA can lead to the generation of artifactual sequences. However, as yet no one has thoroughly investigated the damage spectrum in ancient nuDNA. By comparing clone sequences from 23 fossil specimens, recovered from environments ranging from permafrost to desert, we demonstrate the presence of miscoding lesion damage in both the mtDNA and nuDNA, resulting in insertion of erroneous bases during amplification. Interestingly, no significant differences in the frequency of miscoding lesion damage are recorded between mtDNA and nuDNA despite great differences in cellular copy numbers. For both mtDNA and nuDNA, we find significant positive correlations between total sequence heterogeneity and the rates of type 1 transitions (adenine --> guanine and thymine --> cytosine) and type 2 transitions (cytosine --> thymine and guanine --> adenine), respectively. Type 2 transitions are by far the most dominant and increase relative to those of type 1 with damage load. The results suggest that the deamination of cytosine (and 5-methyl cytosine) to uracil (and thymine) is the main cause of miscoding lesions in both ancient mtDNA and nuDNA sequences. We argue that the problems presented by postmortem damage, as well as problems with contamination from exogenous sources of conserved nuclear genes, allelic variation, and the reliance on single nucleotide polymorphisms, call for great caution in studies relying on ancient nuDNA sequences.  相似文献   

The feasibility of genome‐scale studies from archaeological material remains critically dependent on the ability to access endogenous, authentic DNA. In the majority of cases, this represents a few per cent of the DNA extract, at most. A number of specific pre‐extraction protocols for bone powder aimed to improve ancient DNA recovery before library amplification have recently been developed. Here, we test the effects of combining two of such protocols, a bleach wash and a predigestion step, on 12 bone samples of Atlantic cod and domestic horse aged 750–1350 cal. years before present. Using high‐throughput sequencing, we show that combined together, bleach wash and predigestion consistently yield DNA libraries with higher endogenous content than either of these methods alone. Additionally, the molecular complexity of these libraries is improved and endogenous DNA templates show larger size distributions. Other library characteristics, such as DNA damage profiles or the composition of microbial communities, are little affected by the pre‐extraction protocols. Application of the combined protocol presented in this study will facilitate the genetic analysis of an increasing number of ancient remains and will reduce the cost of whole‐genome sequencing.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA (aDNA) sequences, especially those of human origin, are notoriously difficult to analyze due to molecular damage and exogenous DNA contamination. Relatively few systematic studies have focused on this problem. Here we investigate the extent and origin of human DNA contamination in the most frequently used sources for aDNA studies, that is, bones and teeth from museum collections. To distinguish contaminant DNA from authentic DNA we extracted DNA from dog (Canis familiaris) specimens. We monitored the presence of a 148-bp human-specific and a 152-bp dog-specific mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragment in DNA extracts as well as in negative controls. The total number of human and dog template molecules were quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the sequences were characterized by amplicon cloning and sequencing. Although standard precautions to avoid contamination were taken, we found that all samples from the 29 dog specimens contained human DNA, often at levels exceeding the amount of authentic ancient dog DNA. The level of contaminating human DNA was also significantly higher in the dog extracts than in the negative controls, and an experimental setup indicated that this was not caused by the carrier effect. This suggests that the contaminating human DNA mainly originated from the dog bones rather than from laboratory procedures. When cloned, fragments within a contaminated PCR product generally displayed several different sequences, although one haplotype was often found in majority. This leads us to believe that recognized criteria for authenticating aDNA cannot separate contamination from ancient human DNA the way they are presently used.  相似文献   

The use of ancient DNA techniques in human studies has been hampered by problems of contamination with modern human DNA. The main problem has been that the object of study belongs to the same species as the observer, and the complete elimination of the contamination risk is seemingly unlikely. Contamination has even been detected in the most specialized laboratories in this field. In these kinds of studies it is therefore very important to detect contamination and to distinguish contaminants from authentic results. Here, we report the use of a strategy to authenticate the identity of ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), based on the previously established relationship between D-loop sequence substitutions and haplogroup-specific restriction site changes. Forty-four individuals from a 16th-century necropolis were analyzed, from which 28 control region sequences were obtained. These sequences were preclassified into haplogroups, according to the observed motifs. Subsequently, the DNA extracts from which the sequences were obtained, along with independent extracts of subsets of the same individuals, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to compare and corroborate the results. Using this approach, 24 sequences were authenticated, while two were discarded because of result mismatches. The final distribution of the haplogroups in the sample, and the differences in the sequences, are two additional criteria of authentication.  相似文献   

Proof of authenticity is the greatest challenge in palaeogenetic research, and many safeguards have become standard routine in laboratories specialized on ancient DNA research. Here we describe an as-yet unknown source of artifacts that will require special attention in the future. We show that ancient DNA extracts on their own can have an inhibitory and mutagenic effect under PCR. We have spiked PCR reactions including known human test DNA with 14 selected ancient DNA extracts from human and nonhuman sources. We find that the ancient DNA extracts inhibit the amplification of large fragments to different degrees, suggesting that the usual control against contaminations, i.e., the absence of long amplifiable fragments, is not sufficient. But even more important, we find that the extracts induce mutations in a nonrandom fashion. We have amplified a 148-bp stretch of the mitochondrial HVRI from contemporary human template DNA in spiked PCR reactions. Subsequent analysis of 547 sequences from cloned amplicons revealed that the vast majority (76.97%) differed from the correct sequence by single nucleotide substitutions and/or indels. In total, 34 positions of a 103-bp alignment are affected, and most mutations occur repeatedly in independent PCR amplifications. Several of the induced mutations occur at positions that have previously been detected in studies of ancient hominid sequences, including the Neandertal sequences. Our data imply that PCR-induced mutations are likely to be an intrinsic and general problem of PCR amplifications of ancient templates. Therefore, ancient DNA sequences should be considered with caution, at least as long as the molecular basis for the extract-induced mutations is not understood.  相似文献   

The retrieval of ancient human DNA sequences.   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
DNA was extracted from approximately 600-year-old human remains found at an archaeological site in the southwestern United States, and mtDNA fragments were amplified by PCR. When these fragments were sequenced directly, multiple sequences seemed to be present. From three representative individuals, DNA fragments of different lengths were quantified and short overlapping amplification products cloned. When amplifications started from <40 molecules, clones contained several different sequences. In contrast, when they were initiated by a few thousand molecules, unambiguous and reproducible results were achieved. These results show that more experimental work than is often applied is necessary to ensure that DNA sequences amplified from ancient human remains are authentic. In particular, quantitation of the numbers of amplifiable molecules is a useful tool to determine the role of contaminating contemporary molecules and PCR errors in amplifications from ancient DNA.  相似文献   

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