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In this study, we identified the most deleterious nsSNP in RB1 gene through structural and functional properties of its protein (pRB) and investigated its binding affinity with E2F-2. Out of 956 SNPs, we investigated 12 nsSNPs in coding region in which three of them (SNPids rs3092895, rs3092903 and rs3092905) are commonly found to be damaged by I-Mutant 2.0, SIFT and PolyPhen programs. With this effort, we modeled the mutant pRB proteins based on these deleterious nsSNPs. From a comparison of total energy, stabilizing residues and RMSD of these three mutant proteins with native pRB protein, we identified that the major mutation is from Glutamic acid to Glycine at the residue position of 746 of pRB. Further, we compared the binding efficiency of both native and mutant pRB (E746G) with E2F-2. We found that mutant pRB has less binding affinity with E2F-2 as compared to native type. This is due to sixteen hydrogen bonding and two salt bridges that exist between native type and E2F-2, whereas mutant type makes only thirteen hydrogen bonds and one salt bridge with E2F-2. Based on our investigation, we propose that the SNP with an id rs3092905 could be the most deleterious nsSNP in RB1 gene causing retinoblastoma.  相似文献   

The spectrum and frequencies of RB1 structural defects were studied in tumors and peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with various forms of retinoblastoma. Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and heteroduplex (HA) analyses, along with direct sequencing, revealed 47 mutations, including 24 new ones. Of these, 42.5% were nonsense mutations, 15% were missense mutations, 15% affected splicing sites, and 27.5% were frameshifts resulting from microdeletions or microinsertions. Six polymorphisms were found, including three new ones located in the coding region. Microsatellite analysis with markers Rbint2, Rbint20, D13S262, and D13S284 revealed a loss of heterozygosity for at least one marker in 71% tumors.  相似文献   

Multiplex methylation-sensitive PCR was employed in studying the methylation of the RB1 and CDKN2A/p16 promoter regions in 52 retinoblastomas. Aberrant methylation inactivating RB1 was detected in 14 (27%) tumors. Methylation of p16 was for the first time observed in retinoblastoma (9 tumors, 17%). Both promoters proved to be methylated in two tumors. In four tumors, aberrant methylation was combined with structural defects of both RB1 alleles. Aberrant methylation of the p16 promoter was the second mutation event in two tumors and was not accompanied by RB1 defects in one tumor. Complex testing for RB1 mutations, loss of heterozygosity, and functional inactivation of the two genes revealed a molecular defect in at least one allele in 51 (98%) tumors.  相似文献   

The interfamilial diversity in penetrance and expressivity of hereditary retinoblastoma was investigated in 29 families. By using a simple parameter for estimating the severity of the disease (diseased-eye-ratio), we were able to identify four families with a discrete low-penetrance phenotype. The underlying genetic defect was identified in three families. One family has a 3-bp deletion in exon 16 that results in the deletion of Asn480. In two further unrelated families, the identical missense mutation at codon 661 in exon20 (CGG to TGG, Arg to Trp) was identified. These mutations are distinct from the majority of retinoblastoma gene alterations, as they do not result in the disruption of the gene product. We propose that reduced penetrance of retinoblastoma is the result of a residual function of these alleles in retinoblastoma precursor cells.  相似文献   

Summary Loss of function of both copies of the RB1 gene is a causal event in the development of retinoblastoma. The predisposition to this tumor can be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Direct detection of the genetic defect is important for presymptomatic DNA diagnosis and genetic counseling in families with hereditary retinoblastoma. We have used multiplex polymerase chain reaction and high-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to detect RB1 gene deletions as small as one base pair. By using three independent sets of amplification reactions, which cover 26% of the RB1 gene coding region, we identified RB1 gene deletions in the DNA of peripheral blood cells in 3 out of 24 (12.5%) unrelated patients with hereditary retinoblastoma. In one case, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor material was also used to detect the mutation. Sequencing of the mutated alleles revealed deletions of 1, 3 and 10 base pairs. Each deleted region was flanked by direct repeats.  相似文献   

Most sporadic cases of retinoblastoma, malignant eye tumor of children, may require the identification of a mutation of the retinoblastoma gene (RB1 gene) for precise genetic counseling. We established a mutation detection system of and screened for the RB1 gene mutation in 24 patients with retinoblastoma--12 bilateral patients and 12 unilateral patients. Mutation analysis was performed by PCR-mediated SSCP analysis in the entire coding region and promoter region, as an initial screening method, followed by direct genomic sequencing. Possible oncogenic mutations were identified in 14 (58%) of 24 tumors, of which 6 were single base substitutions, 4 were small deletions, 3 were small insertions, and 1 was a complex alteration due to deletion-insertion. A constitutional somatic mosaicism was suggested in one bilateral patient. A majority (57%) of mutations were found in E1A binding domains, and all were presumed to truncate the normal gene products. The mutation analysis presented here may provide a basis for the screening system of RB1 gene mutations in retinoblastoma patients.  相似文献   

周明  杨世湖  兰莹  晋玉宽  万建民 《遗传》2008,30(3):367-372
将包含Pib基因启动区及下游完整编码区的9.9 kb DNA片段克隆到双元载体pPZP2Ha3(+)中, 构建了35S驱动的正义表达载体pNAR701(20.3 kb); 同时将Pib基因编码区6 986~9 392 bp之间的DNA片段, 克隆到双元载体pPZP2Ha3(-)中, 构建了35S驱动的反义表达载体pNAR703(12.8 kb); 用农杆菌介导法转入中感稻瘟病水稻品种R109中。PCR、Southern blot鉴定以及转基因T0代种子的潮霉素抗性鉴定证明, 目的基因已经整合到R109基因组中, 并能在后代稳定遗传。Northern blot分析表明含有启动区及下游完整编码的Pib基因片段在35S驱动下能够在转基因后代中表达。对T1代苗期转基因植株和分蘖期离体叶片进行抗稻瘟病初步分析, 结果显示pNAR701转基因植株对稻瘟病生理小种ZD1和ZG1的抗性较对照增强, 而转反义片段的pNAR703转基因植株对稻瘟病的抗性较对照减弱。  相似文献   

A wide spectrum of mutations, ranging from point mutations to large deletions, have been described in the retinoblastoma gene (RB1). Mutations have been found throughout the gene; however, these genetic alterations do not appear to be homogeneously distributed. In particular, a significant proportion of disease-causing mutations results in the premature termination of protein synthesis, and the majority of these mutations occur as C-->T transitions at CpG dinucleotides (CpGs). Such recurrent CpG mutations, including those found in RB1, are likely the result of the deamination of 5-methylcytosine within these CpGs. In the present study, we used the sodiumbisulfite conversion method to detect cytosine methylation in representative exons of RB1. We analyzed DNA from a variety of tissues and specifically targeted CGA codons in RB1, where recurrent premature termination mutations have been reported. We found that DNA methylation within RB1 exons 8, 14, 25, and 27 appeared to be restricted to CpGs, including six CGA codons. Other codons containing methylated cytosines have not been reported to be mutated. Therefore, disease-causing mutations at CpGs in RB1 appear to be determined by several factors, including the constitutive presence of DNA methylation at cytosines within CpGs, the specific codon within which the methylated cytosine is located, and the particular region of the gene within which that codon resides.  相似文献   

Timely molecular diagnosis of RB1 mutations enables earlier treatment, lower risk, and better health outcomes for patients with retinoblastoma; empowers families to make informed family-planning decisions; and costs less than conventional surveillance. However, complexity has hindered clinical implementation of molecular diagnosis. The majority of RB1 mutations are unique and distributed throughout the RB1 gene, with no real hot spots. We devised a sensitive and efficient strategy to identify RB1 mutations that combines quantitative multiplex polymerase chain reaction (QM-PCR), double-exon sequencing, and promoter-targeted methylation-sensitive PCR. Optimization of test order by stochastic dynamic programming and the development of allele-specific PCR for four recurrent point mutations decreased the estimated turnaround time to <3 wk and decreased direct costs by one-third. The multistep method reported here detected 89% (199/224) of mutations in bilaterally affected probands and both mutant alleles in 84% (112/134) of tumors from unilaterally affected probands. For 23 of 27 exons and the promoter region, QM-PCR was a highly accurate measure of deletions and insertions (accuracy 95%). By revealing those family members who did not carry the mutation found in the related proband, molecular analysis enabled 97 at-risk children from 20 representative families to avoid 313 surveillance examinations under anesthetic and 852 clinic visits. The average savings in direct costs from clinical examinations avoided by children in these families substantially exceeded the cost of molecular testing. Moreover, health care savings continue to accrue, as children in succeeding generations avoid unnecessary repeated anaesthetics and examinations.  相似文献   

An A → G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at nucleotide 153,104 in the retinoblastoma susceptibility locus (RB1) at 13q14 was previously reported to be present only in Asians. In this study, we determined the distribution of this SNP in normal Southeast Asian populations (Chinese, Malay, Javanese, Thai, Filipino), in South Asian populations (Bangladeshi, Pakistani Pushtun and Indian) and in Chinese retinoblastoma cases and control subjects. TheRB1 SNP was present in all populations at an overall frequency of ≤0.18. Heterozygosity was higher in the Southeast Asian groups (0.14–0.34) than in the South Asian groups (Bangladeshi and Indian) (0.04–0.06). Significant differences in allele frequencies were found between the two population groups. Interestingly, our Pakistani population comprised of ethnic Pushtuns from northwest Pakistan was significantly different from the neighbouring Bangladeshi and Indian populations. No significant difference was found between Chinese case patients and control subjects. ThisRB1 SNP appears to be an ethnic variant prevalent in Southeast Asian populations and may be useful for studyingRB1 inheritance by pedigree analysis.  相似文献   

A total of 40 human brain tumor samples were analyzed for tumor-specific alterations at the RB1 gene locus. Gliomas were more prevalent in younger males and meningiomas in older females. Southern blot analysis revealed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the intron 1 locus of RB1 gene in 19.4% of informative cases and this is the first report showing LOH at this locus in human brain tumors. Levels of RB1 mRNA and protein, pRb, and the percentage of hyperphosphorylated form of pRb were also analyzed in these tumors. Normal human fibroblast cell line WI38 was used as control in northern and western analysis. Normal sized RB1 mRNA and protein were present in all the tumor samples. Majority of the gliomas had 2.0-fold or higher levels of RB1 mRNA and most meningiomas had less than 2.0-fold of RB1 mRNA compared to control WI38 cells. The total pRb levels were 2.0-fold or higher in all the tumor samples compared to control. More than 50% of pRb existed in hyperphosphorylated form in all gliomas except two. However, six out of 13 meningiomas had less than 50% of total pRb in the hyperphosphorylated form. These results indicate that the increased percentage of hyperphosphorylated form of pRb in gliomas could provide growth advantage to these tumors. Presence of LOH at the RB1 gene locus and the increased levels of RB1 RNA and protein and increased percentage of hyperphosphorylated form of pRb are indicative of an overall deregulation of pRb pathway in human brain tumors.  相似文献   

We have searched for germ-line RB1 mutations in 119 patients with hereditary retinoblastoma. Previous investigations by Southern blot hybridization and PCR fragment-length analysis had revealed mutations in 48 patients. Here we report on the analysis of the remaining 71 patients. By applying heteroduplex analysis, nonisotopic SSCP, and direct sequencing, we detected germ-line mutations resulting in premature termination codons or disruption of splice signals in 51 (72%) of the 71 patients. Four patients also showed rare sequence variants. No region of the RB1 gene was preferentially involved in single base substitutions. Recurrent transitions were observed at most of the 14 codons within the RB1. No mutation was observed in exons 25-27, although this region contains two CGA codons. This suggests that mutations within the 3'-terminal region of the RB1 gene may not be oncogenic. When these data were combined with the results of our previous investigations, mutations were identified in a total of 99 (83%) of 119 patients. The spectrum comprises 15% large deletions, 26% small length alterations, and 42 % base substitutions. No correlation between the location of frameshift or nonsense mutations and phenotypic features, including age at diagnosis, the number of tumor foci, and manifestation of nonocular tumors was observed.  相似文献   

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