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Evolutionary aspects of primate locomotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both neontological and phylogenetic studies are necessary to interpret primate locomotion. Reference to palaeoprimatology and palaeocology, for instance, will lead to a fuller understanding of the roots of such gaits as the vertical clinging and leaping of Tarsius, Indri and Propithecus. Evolutionary trends in posture and locomotion are discussed. The postural trend has been towards maintenance of trunk verticality and the locomotor trend towards an increasing dependence on the forelimbs among arboreal primates. Three stages are recognized in the phylogenetic course of arboreal locomotor adaptation: Stage A. Vertical clinging and leaping; Stage B. Quadrupedalism; Stage C. Brachiation. The role of prehensility of the hand in the evolution of locomotor types is discussed in relation to forest morphology and, in particular, to stratification. Finally a scheme of evolution, set in the framework of ecology, for Old World Monkey groups is presented.  相似文献   

Extensive biometrical and statistically oriented studies in segregation and pedigree analyses reflect current efforts to demonstrate major gene factors playing a significant role for a whole hierarchy of multifactorial diseases and related risk factors exhibiting continuous variation. The evolutionary aspects of the changes in gene frequencies of some major gene one locus models admitting a broad range of genotype-phenotype associations and different forms of selection functions are investigated. The flexibility of differences among the genotypic-phenotypic distribution can take account of variable penetrance expressivity, complex multifarious heterogeneous background effects, or partial dominance concepts. The phenotype distribution and selection function are assumed to be time invariant such that the environments with which the population interacts do not depend on either the phenotypes or the genotypes present in the population of any particular generation. Viability selection optimizing or directional acts on the phenotypic level. We consider random mating, and concentrate mostly on evaluating the nature of the equilibrium structure for the cases of “strong” and “weak” selection. For weak stabilizing selection the determinants of superior genotypic fitness in the class of phenotypic symmetric distributions reside in minimizing a combination of the phenotypic variance and the deviation of the phenotypic mean from the optimal phenotype. With equal means of central phenotype values, a canalizing selection effect signifying fitness superiority for the genotype with minimal variance is in force. For strong stabilizing selection the genotype-phenotype density at the optimal value determines the relative genotype fitness value. For directional selection the determinants of the selection realizations depend on a “standardized” deviation of the mean phenotype distributional value relative to its total variance. The effects of symmetry as against asymmetry in the genotype distributions with prescribed means and variances were investigated by numerical computations.  相似文献   

From finding food to choosing mates, animals must make intertemporal choices that involve fitness benefits available at different times. Species vary dramatically in their willingness to wait for delayed rewards. Why does this variation across species exist? An adaptive approach to intertemporal choice suggests that time preferences should reflect the temporal problems faced in a species''s environment. Here, I use phylogenetic regression to test whether allometric factors relating to body size, relative brain size and social group size predict how long 13 primate species will wait in laboratory intertemporal choice tasks. Controlling for phylogeny, a composite allometric factor that includes body mass, absolute brain size, lifespan and home range size predicted waiting times, but relative brain size and social group size did not. These findings support the notion that selective pressures have sculpted intertemporal choices to solve adaptive problems faced by animals. Collecting these types of data across a large number of species can provide key insights into the evolution of decision making and cognition.  相似文献   

Evolutionary origins of alcohol consumption have rarely been considered in studies of ethanol addiction. However, the occurrence of ethanol in ripe and decaying fruit and the substantial heritability of alcoholism in humans suggest an important historical association between primate frugivory and alcohol consumption. Olfactory localization of ripe fruit via volatilized alcohols, the use of ethanol as an appetitive stimulant, and the consumption of fruits with substantial ethanol content potentially characterize all frugivorous primates, including hominoids and the lineage leading to modern humans. Patterns of alcohol use by humans in contemporary environments may thus reflect a maladaptive co-option of ancestral nutritional strategies. Although diverse factors contribute to the expression of alcoholism as a clinical syndrome, historical selection for the consumption of ethanol in the course of frugivory can be viewed as a subtle yet pervasive evolutionary influence on modern humans.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate models of atherosclerosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Among the various kinds of biostratigraphic units, lineage-zones are especially interesting and meaningful, not only in stratigraphy but also in evolutionary biology. The chronological shift of morphology in evolution is fundamentally uninterrupted, but sometimes it seems discontinuous or even saltational. Such breaks have been commonly attributed to gaps in sedimentation, but could be explained, at least in some cases, by more essential mechanisms of evolution. The difference in the patterns of morphological change may be primarily related to the nature of non-sex-associated genetic variation. continuous or discontinuous, as well as the strength of selection pressure. Some theoretical models for phenotypic substitution are presented here in terms of population genetics, though these are not the only possible explanation for breaks in fossil records.  相似文献   

More than 100 sequenced genomes were searched for genes coding for the enzymes involved in glycolysis in an effort to find the most frequently occurring ones. Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and enolase (ENOL) were found to be present in 90 investigated genomes all together. The final set consisted of 80 prokaryotic and 10 eukaryotic genomes. Of the 80 prokaryotic genomes, 73 were from Bacteria, 7 from Archaea. Two microbial genomes were also from Eucarya (yeasts). Eight genomes of nonmicrobial origin were included for comparison. The amino acid sequences of TIMs, GAPDs, PGKs and ENOLs were collected and aligned, and their individual as well as concatenated evolutionary trees were constructed and discussed. The trees clearly demonstrate a closer relatedness between Eucarya and Archaea (especially the concatenated tree) but they do not support the hypothesis that eukaryotic glycolytic enzymes should be closely related to their alpha-proteobacterial counterparts. Phylogenetic analyses further reveal that although the taxonomic groups (e.g., alpha-proteobacteria, gamma-proteobacteria, firmicutes, actinobacteria, etc.) form their more or less compact clusters in the trees, the inter-clade relationships between the trees are not conserved at all. On the other hand, several examples of conservative relatedness separating some clades of the same taxonomic groups were observed, e.g., Buchnera along with Wigglesworthia and the rest of gamma-proteobacteria, or mycoplasmas and the rest of firmicutes. The results support the view that these glycolytic enzymes may have their own evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate models of menopause workshop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Nonhuman Primate Models of Menopause Workshop was held on the National Institutes of Health campus in January 2001. The purpose of this workshop, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, was to review what is known about the female reproductive aging process in various species of monkeys (particularly rhesus, baboons, cynomolgus, and chimpanzees), including hormone profiles during the menopausal transition, occurrence of hot flashes, extent of age-related and menopause-associated changes in hormone levels on metabolism, bone loss, and impaired cardiovascular and cognitive function. Many aspects of the female reproductive aging process appear to be concordant between humans and these monkey species, but several important features may be species-specific. Those features that appear to parallel human menopause and aging include general similarity of hormone profiles across the menopausal transition, progression to cycle termination through irregular cycles, declining fertility with age, age-related gains in weight and percentage body fat content (with tendencies toward insulin resistance and glucose intolerance), increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, declines in serum dehydroepiandrosterone, similarities in temperature-regulation systems, protective responses to estrogen replacement following ovariectomy in terms of bone metabolism, lipid profiles, and cognitive changes. Important differences include relatively short postmenopausal life span, timing in menopause-related changes in hormone secretion, and seasonal menstrual cycles. In addition, the question of whether ovariectomy in young adults is an appropriate model for the consequences of natural or surgical menopause in middle-aged and older adults is unresolved, and the numbers of older female animals available for research on menopause are very limited. The use of animal models is seen by workshop participants to be crucial for a mechanistic understanding of the human menopausal process and its connections to postmenopausal health problems; however, extensive in-depth and broad-based research is required to determine if nonhuman primates are appropriate models of human menopause.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate models of Parkinson's disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nonhuman primate (NHP) models of Parkinson's disease (PD) play an essential role in the understanding of PD pathophysiology and the assessment of PD therapies. NHP research enabled the identification of environmental risk factors for the development of PD. Electrophysiological studies in NHP models of PD identified the neural circuit responsible for PD motor symptoms, and this knowledge led to the development of subthalamic surgical ablation and deep brain stimulation. Similar to human PD patients, parkinsonian monkeys are responsive to dopamine replacement therapies and present complications associated with their long-term use, a similarity that facilitated the assessment of new symptomatic treatments, such as dopaminergic agonists. New generations of compounds and novel therapies that use directed intracerebral delivery of drugs, cells, and viral vectors benefit from preclinical evaluation in NHP models of PD. There are several NHP models of PD, each with characteristics that make it suitable for the study of different aspects of the disease or potential new therapies. Investigators who use the models and peer scientists who evaluate their use need information about the strengths and limitations of the different PD models and their methods of evaluation. This article provides a critical review of available PD monkey models, their utilization, and how they compare to emerging views of PD as a multietiologic, multisystemic disease. The various models are particularly useful for representing different aspects of PD at selected time points. This conceptualization provides clues for the development of new NHP models and facilitates the clinical translation of findings. As ever, successful application of any model depends on matching the model to the scientific question to be answered. Adequate experimental designs, with multiple outcome measures of clinical relevance and an appropriate number of animals, are essential to minimize the limitations of models and increase their predictive clinical validity.  相似文献   

The DARC (Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokines) gene, also called Duffy or FY, encodes a membrane-bound chemokine receptor. Two malaria parasites, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi, use DARC to trigger internalization into red blood cells. Although much has been reported on the evolution of DARC null alleles, little is known about the evolution of the coding portion of this gene or the role that protein sequence divergence in this receptor may play in disease susceptibility or zoonosis. Here, we show that the Plasmodium interaction domain of DARC is nearly invariant in the human population, suggesting that coding polymorphism there is unlikely to play a role in differential susceptibility to infection. However, an analysis of DARC orthologs from 35 simian primate species reveals high levels of sequence divergence in the Plasmodium interaction domain. Signatures of positive selection in this domain indicate that species-specific mutations in the protein sequence of DARC could serve as barriers to the transmission of Plasmodium between primate species.  相似文献   

The most widely used evolutionary model for phylogenetic trees is the equal-rates Markov (ERM) model. A problem is that the ERM model predicts less imbalance than observed for trees inferred from real data; in fact, the observed imbalance tends to fall between the values predicted by the ERM model and those predicted by the proportional-to-distinguishable-arrangements (PDA) model. Here, a continuous multi-rate (MR) family of evolutionary models is presented which contains entire subfamilies corresponding to both the PDA and ERM models. Furthermore, this MR family covers an entire range from 'completely balanced' to 'completely unbalanced' models. In particular, the MR family contains other known evolutionary models. The MR family is very versatile and virtually free of assumptions on the character of evolution; yet it is highly susceptible to rigorous analyses. In particular, such analyses help to uncover adaptability, quasi-stabilization and prolonged stasis as major possible causes of the imbalance. However, the MR model is functionally simple and requires only three parameters to reproduce the observed imbalance.  相似文献   

A variety of theoretical models incorporate phenotypes expressed in the external environment, but a core question is whether such traits generate dynamics that alter evolution. This has proven to be a challenging and controversial proposition. However, several recent modelling frameworks provide insight: indirect genetic effect (IGE) models, niche construction models, and evolutionary feedback models. These distinct approaches converge upon the observation that gene action at a distance generates feedback that expands the range of trait values and evolutionary rates that we should expect to observe in empirical studies. Such conceptual replication provides solid evidence that traits with extended effects have important evolutionary consequences, but more empirical work is needed to evaluate the predictive power of different modelling approaches.  相似文献   

Pedigree-free animal models: the relatedness matrix reloaded   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animal models typically require a known genetic pedigree to estimate quantitative genetic parameters. Here we test whether animal models can alternatively be based on estimates of relatedness derived entirely from molecular marker data. Our case study is the morphology of a wild bird population, for which we report estimates of the genetic variance-covariance matrices (G) of six morphological traits using three methods: the traditional animal model; a molecular marker-based approach to estimate heritability based on Ritland's pairwise regression method; and a new approach using a molecular genealogy arranged in a relatedness matrix (R) to replace the pedigree in an animal model. Using the traditional animal model, we found significant genetic variance for all six traits and positive genetic covariance among traits. The pairwise regression method did not return reliable estimates of quantitative genetic parameters in this population, with estimates of genetic variance and covariance typically being very small or negative. In contrast, we found mixed evidence for the use of the pedigree-free animal model. Similar to the pairwise regression method, the pedigree-free approach performed poorly when the full-rank R matrix based on the molecular genealogy was employed. However, performance improved substantially when we reduced the dimensionality of the R matrix in order to maximize the signal to noise ratio. Using reduced-rank R matrices generated estimates of genetic variance that were much closer to those from the traditional model. Nevertheless, this method was less reliable at estimating covariances, which were often estimated to be negative. Taken together, these results suggest that pedigree-free animal models can recover quantitative genetic information, although the signal remains relatively weak. It remains to be determined whether this problem can be overcome by the use of a more powerful battery of molecular markers and improved methods for reconstructing genealogies.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate models of intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Congenital human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection has long been recognized as a threat to the developing fetus, even though studies have shown that only a subset of congenital infections results in clinical signs of disease. Among the estimated 8000 children who develop sequelae from congenital CMV infection each year in the United States alone, most suffer permanent developmental defects within the central nervous system. Because there is currently no approved vaccine for HCMV, and anti-HCMV drugs are not administered to gravid women with congenital infection because of potential toxicity to the fetus, there is a clear clinical need for effective strategies that minimize infection in the mother, transplacental transmission of the virus, and/or fetal disease. Animal models provide a method to understand the mechanisms of HCMV persistence and pathogenesis, and allow for testing of novel strategies that limit prenatal infection and disease. The rhesus macaque model is especially well suited for these tasks because monkeys and humans share strong developmental, immunological, anatomical, and biochemical similarities due to their close phylogenetic relationship. This nonhuman primate model provides an invaluable system to accelerate the clinical development of promising new therapies for the treatment of human disease. This review addresses salient findings with the macaque model as they relate to HCMV infection and potential avenues of discovery, including studies of intrauterine CMV infection. The complexity of the natural history of HCMV is discussed, along with the ethical and logistical issues associated with studies during pregnancy, the recent contributions of animal research in this field of study, and future prospects for increasing our understanding of immunity against HCMV disease.  相似文献   

Laboratory model systems and mathematical models have shed considerable light on the fundamental properties and processes of evolutionary rescue. But it remains to determine the extent to which these model-based findings can help biologists predict when evolution will fail or succeed in rescuing natural populations that are facing novel conditions that threaten their persistence. In this article, we present a prospectus for transferring our basic understanding of evolutionary rescue to wild and other non-laboratory populations. Current experimental and theoretical results emphasize how the interplay between inheritance processes and absolute fitness in changed environments drive population dynamics and determine prospects of extinction. We discuss the challenge of inferring these elements of the evolutionary rescue process in field and natural settings. Addressing this challenge will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of population persistence that combines processes of evolutionary rescue with developmental and ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   

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