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正《生物化学与生物物理进展》(以下简称《进展》)创刊于1974年,作为记录科学成果的载体和促进科学交流的平台,它经历了中国科学研究从艰难起步到蓬勃发展的重要时期,是我国科学事业发展的见证者,也是其中重要的参与者.经过40年的艰苦努力,《进展》得到了很大的发展:已初步被国际学术界认知,被SCI、CA、俄罗斯文摘等国际检索系统收录;2009年起全部论文注册DOI,每年均收到海外学者的直接投稿;同时,《进展》被国内生物  相似文献   

Mackta J 《Lab animal》2001,30(7):32-33
The author suggests that the infusion of bioethics into all aspects of the animal research community's work provides a framework for making decisions. Such deliberations, grounded in ethical theories and principles, can help to reinforce the position that both the research process and the people involved in it are morally sound. Pro-biomedical research groups around the country are therefore investing time and effort in bioethics training.  相似文献   

结合办刊实践,提出了如下措施和建议:(1)明确读者定位,开拓优质稿源新渠道。(2)通过策划选题,充分体现知识的创新性;设置特色栏目,栏目内容具有科学性和实用性;增加载文的信息量,提高信息密度等途径优化期刊内容,努力创办特色期刊。(3)通过强化政策导向,建立合理机制吸引优秀稿件;跟踪国际科技前沿课题,掌握学术团队的发展动态;重视学术会议组稿,加强引进和派出访问学者的联系等措施提高稿件学术质量,增强刊物核心竞争力。(4)建立国际交换关系,提升刊物自身价值。(5)加强与国际重要检索系统的联系,重视进入专业数据库。(6)加快信息化建设,加大期刊的对外宣传。以此提升期刊的国际影响力,促进期刊的国际化发展。  相似文献   

通过编辑实践经验,对学术类科技期刊正文转接的原则和技巧进行总结提炼。阐述了尽量避免跳页排印、以少接多、顺势接排、尽量避免逆向转接、分段或分句转接、不能出现背题的接排、含图表和公式部分不宜转接、应避免转接错误和字体混乱等8条原则以及具体实施的技巧,认为处理正文转接的最适宜时期是清样"定版"环节,其目的在于不断提高编辑工作的效率和期刊的编辑质量。  相似文献   

Hamano K 《Bioethics》1997,11(3-4):328-335
The main contentions of this paper are twofold. First, there is a more than century-old Japanese tradition of human rights based on a fusion of Western concepts of natural rights and a radical reinterpretation of Confucianism, the major proponent of which was the Japanese thinker Nakae Chomin. Secondly, this tradition, although a minority view, is crucial for remedying the serious defects in the present Japanese medical system.
In the latter half of the nineteenth century, Nakae Chomin sought to reinterpret Chinese tradition, especially Confucianism, by injecting the concepts of popular sovereignty and democratic equality, drawn from Western sources. The resulting view maintained the Confucian commitment to a moral nexus for society, but replaced hierarchy with egalitarianism.
The pressing need for such an approach to patients' rights in present-day Japan is illustrated by two recent cases: the photographing and commercial exploitation of patients' genitals without serious response by authorities, and the attempt by physicians to manipulate the time of death and, possibly, to improperly pressure family members in order to transplant organs from the brain-dead victim of a criminal assault.
Such problems stem from hierarchy and paternalism, which seem to be a legacy of the rapid, state-sponsored introduction of Western medicine in the mid-nineteenth century, and in particular from the government's adoption of and support for German military medicine as a model for Japan.  相似文献   

The field of bioethics emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Among its early issues were the protection of human research subjects, the rights of patients, abortion, and reproductive issues. Partly as a reflection of the times, and of those issues, the field became focused on autonomy and individual rights, and liberal individualism came to be the dominant ideology in the 1980s and 1990s. Communitarianism, as an alternative ideology focused more on the common good and the public interest than on autonomy, was a neglected approach. But many bioethical issues can not reasonably be reduced to questions of individualism and choice only. Issues of genetics and reproduction will of necessity touch on the society as a whole, its values, and its social institutions. Serious ethical analysis must take the social implications seriously and not simply assume that they should be left to autonomous choices of individuals. Human beings are social animals and our nature is distorted if we think of ourselves only as co-existing social atoms. Various approaches to communitarianism are outlined, and the question of the relationship between individual good and common good is confronted.  相似文献   

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