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We forecasted spatially structured population models with complex dynamics, focusing on the effect of dispersal and spatial scale on the predictive capability of nonlinear forecasting (NLF). Dispersal influences NLF ability by its influence on population dynamics. For simple 2-cell models, when dispersal is small, our ability to predict abundance in subpopulations decreased and then increased with increasing dispersal. Spatial heterogeneity, dispersal manner, and environmental noise did not qualitatively change this result. But results are not clear for complex spatial configurations because of complicated dispersal interactions across subpopulations. Populations undergoing periodic fluctuations could be forecasted perfectly for all deterministic cases that we studied, but less reliably when environmental noise was incorporated. More importantly, for all models that we have examined, NLF was much worse at larger spatial scales as a consequence of the asynchronous dynamics of subpopulations when the dispersal rate was below some critical value. The only difference among models was the critical value of dispersal rate, which varied with growth rate, carrying capacity, mode of dispersal, and spatial configuration. These results were robust even when environmental noise was incorporated. Intermittency, common in the dynamics of spatially structured populations, lowered the predictive capability of NLF. Forecasting population behaviour is of obvious value in resource exploitation and conservation. We suggest that forecasting at local scales holds promise, whereas forecasting abundance at regional scales may yield poor results. Improved understanding of dispersal can enhance the management and conservation of natural resources, and may help us to understand resource-exploitation strategies employed by local indigenous humans.  相似文献   

 A hierarchically structured population model with a dependence of the vital rates on a function of the population density (environment) is considered. The existence, uniqueness and the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions is obtained transforming the original non-local PDE of the model into a local one. Under natural conditions, the global asymptotical stability of a nontrivial equilibrium is proved. Finally, if the environment is a function of the biomass distribution, the existence of a positive total biomass equilibrium without a nontrivial population equilibrium is shown. Received 16 February 1996; received in revised form 16 September 1996  相似文献   

Mazzella MA  Bertero D  Casal JJ 《Planta》2000,210(3):497-501
 Vegetative plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. form a compact rosette of leaves in which internode growth is virtually arrested. Rapid extension of the internodes occurs after flower buds are present in the reproductive apex. Under natural radiation, continuous light from fluorescent lamps, or short photoperiods of light from fluorescent lamps, plants of the phyB cry1 double mutant (lacking both phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1) did not form normal rosettes because all the internodes showed some degree of elongation. Internode elongation was weak in the phyB single mutant and absent in the cry1 mutant, indicating redundancy between phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1. The absence of phytochrome A caused no effects. The failure to form normal rosettes was conditional because internode elongation was arrested at low temperatures in all the mutant combinations. In contrast, the temperature dependence of phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1 effects on hypocotyl growth was weak. The elongation of the internodes in phyB cry1 was not accompanied by early flowering as showed by the lack of effects on the final number of leaves. Apex dissection indicated that in phyB cry1 double mutants internode elongation anticipated the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. Thus, stem growth in Arabidopsis thaliana is not fully dependent on the program of reproductive development. Received: 2 June 1999 / Accepted: 13 August 1999  相似文献   

羊草种群能量生殖分配的研究   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
对羊草种群能量生殖分配规律研究表明,在羊草种群中,各构件热值的大小顺序为穗〉营养枝叶鞘〉生殖枝叶鞘〉营养枝叶〉营养枝茎〉生殖枝茎〉生殖枝叶〉凋落物;营养生长和生殖生长的能量分配比例的大小顺序为营养枝〉根茎〉凋落物〉生殖枝;各构件能量分配比例的季节动态也有差异,在羊草种群的生殖枝构件中,茎和叶鞘的分配比例较大,而穗和叶的能量分配比例较小。  相似文献   

Bra r 1 encodes a novel Ca2+-binding protein specifically expressed in pollen and is localized in cytoplasm of pollen and pollen tubes. In this study, we demonstrated the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) with a nuclear localization signal under the control of Bra r 1 promoter in tobacco pollen. A fluorescent signal was detected in the vegetative nucleus (VN) but not in generative and sperm cell nuclei, indicating pollen vegetative cell-specific expression of Bra r 1. The fluorescent signal in elongating pollen tubes was stronger than that in mature pollen, indicating that the expression of Bra r 1 was more activated during pollen tube growth. This result suggests that Bra r 1 protein might be necessary for pollen tube growth. The pattern of green fluorescence in the VN revealed that VN chromatin is dispersed during the mid-bicellular pollen stage and condensed at the mature stage. This suggests that the level of chromatin condensation might be linked with gene expression in pollen vegetative cells. We also found that the expression of GFP and its targeting of the VN have no detrimental effect on pollen maturation and pollen tube growth. Expression of GFP in pollen thus makes rapid non-destructive monitoring of transgenic pollen and pollen tubes possible. The GFP which moved into the VN was found to be a convenient tool for observation of the VN and could be useful as a selectable marker of transgenic pollen for the analysis of pollen-specific genes. Received: 6 December 2000 / Revision accepted: 20 March 2001  相似文献   

We have detected quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting vegetative propagation traits in Eucalyptus tereticornis and Eucalyptus globulus. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genetic linkage maps, the inheritance of 199 markers was assessed in 94 F1 individuals with extreme adventitious rooting response, and in 221 randomly chosen F1 individuals. Phenotypes were scored in 1995 and 1996. QTL analyses were performed using chi-square tests (χ2), single-marker analysis (SMA), interval mapping (IM) and composite interval mapping (CIM). All approaches yielded similar QTL detection results. Three QTLs are hypothesized for mortality (MORT=% dead cuttings), nine for adventitious rooting (ROOT, RCT=% rooted cuttings relative to the surviving or total cuttings, respectively), four for petrification (PETR=% surviving unrooted cuttings), one for sprouting ability (SPR=number of stump sprout cuttings harvested in 1995) and four for the stability of adventitious rooting (STAB=absolute value of the difference ROOT95-ROOT96). All putative QTLs for MORT and PETR were located on the E. tereticornis map, and for SPR and STAB on the E. globulus map. We found different QTLs for MORT, ROOT, RCT, SPR and STAB. Putative QTLs accounted for 2.6–17.0% of the phenotypic variance of a trait (R2). Estimated standardized gene substitution effects varied between 0.13 and 0.49 phenotypic standard deviations (σp). These results indicate that the phenotypic variation in these traits has a meaningful genetic component and that stable QTLs can be found in a family of reasonable size where no previous knowledge of the trait was available. Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

S. F. Fox  J. K. McCoy 《Oecologia》2000,122(3):327-334
Tail autotomy is a defense against predators used by many lizard species but is associated with various costs, most of which have been measured only in the laboratory. We conducted a field experiment in which we induced tail autotomy to approximately half (58%) of a marked sample (n=326) of Uta stansburiana from western Texas in the fall, and left the other half with intact tails. The following spring we determined survival, measured growth, and brought females to the laboratory to allow them to oviposit their eggs, which we incubated until hatching. Based on past studies, we anticipated inferior survival, growth, and reproduction following tail autotomy. We also predicted that females with tail loss would be energetically compromised and would alter the sex ratio of their offspring toward more daughters (as predicted by the Trivers-Willard hypothesis). Tailless lizards experienced significantly reduced survivorship, but those that survived grew the same as their tailed counterparts. Tailed and tailless females produced clutches equivalent in number of eggs and total mass. Whereas tailed females showed a significant positive relationship between average egg mass and snout-vent length, tailless females did not. Contrary to our expectations, tailless females produced heavier hatchlings than tailed ones, and sex ratios of hatchlings were equivalent for tailed and tailless females. In this population, tail loss in subadults leads to an increased risk of death, but apparently does not impose an energetic handicap such that later growth and reproduction suffer. We suggest that because tailless females are faced with decreased reproductive value, they respond by growing as much and laying as many eggs of the same mass as tailed females, despite the fact that they are also regenerating the tail. In addition, they somehow produce larger hatchlings than tailed females. Nevertheless, tailless females probably end up with lower overall lifetime fitness than tailed females, and tail loss thus induces the conditional reproductive strategy ”make the best of a bad situation”. Because tailless females produce larger, not smaller, hatchlings, they do not produce more daughters as predicted; i.e., we found no evidence for the Trivers-Willard effect following tail autotomy. Received: 29 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1999  相似文献   

Differentiation of generative and vegetative cells in angiosperm pollen   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Cellular differentiation of a generative and a vegetative cell is an important event during microspore and pollen development and is requisite for double fertilization in angiosperms. The generative cell produces two sperm cells, or male gametes, whereas the vegetative cell produces an elongated pollen tube, a gametophytic cell, to deliver the male gametes to the embryo sac. For typical differentiation of the gametic and gametophytic cells, cell polarity, including nuclear positioning, must be established prior to microspore mitosis and be maintained during mitosis. Microtubules are closely involved in the process of asymmetric cell division. On the other hand, alteration of the chromatin composition seems to be responsible for the differential gene expression between the generative and vegetative cells. Cytoplasmic regulatory molecules, which affect chromatin configuration, are postulated to be unequally distributed to the two cells at the asymmetric cell division. Thus, typical differentiation of the cells is accomplished by a cellular mechanism and a molecular mechanism, which might be independent of each other. These results are discussed in relation to one model that accounts for the different fates of generative and vegetative cells during sexual plant reproduction. Received: 3 September 1996 / Revision accepted: 23 September 1996  相似文献   

 Feulgen/DNA cytophotometric determinations carried out in the root meristem of seedlings showed that substantial quantitative alterations in the nuclear genome are present between and within 15 natural populations of Dasypyrum villosum in Italy. When the most variant values are considered, there is a 17.6% difference between the mean genome size of the populations, and a 66.2% difference between the genome size of individual plants within a population. A highly significant, positive correlation was found to exist between the genome size of D. villosum plants and the altitude of their stations, and differences in DNA contents between individual plants were greater in populations from mountain sites. Karyological analyses showed all chromosome pairs to differ largely in size between plants with differing DNA contents. A highly significant, positive correlation was found to exist between genome size and both the length of the chromosome complement at metaphase and the length and arm ratio of pair VII. Significant correlations were also found between DNA content and certain phenotypic characteristics of the plants. The mean genome size of the populations was negatively correlated with the mean leaf length and width. In contrast, the genome size of individual plants was positively correlated with the weight of the seed from which they originated and their flowering interval. A large range of genome sizes was found in the half-sib progeny of a plant having a relatively large genome. In contrast, in the half-sib progeny of a plant having a small genome, the genome sizes of the individual plants were less divergent and similar to that of the mother plant. All siblings from crosses between plants with differing genome sizes had similar DNA contents, which were intermediate between those of the parental plants, even if closer to the DNA content of the parent plant having the smaller genome size. Size polymorphism within pairs was never observed in plants obtained from these crosses or in half-sibs whose genome size differed from that of the mother plant. The intraspecific alterations observed in the nuclear genome and their effects on plant development and phenotype are briefly discussed as evolutionary factors which allow D. villosum populations to withstand different environmental conditions as well as the variability of conditions in a given environment. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 28 October 1997  相似文献   

 Aggregation, the formation of large particles through multiple collision of smaller ones is a highly visible phenomena in oceanic waters which can control material flux to the deep sea. Oceanic aggregates more than 1 cm in diameter have been observed and are frequently described to consist of phytoplankton cells as well as other organic matter such as fecel pellets and mucus nets from pteropods. Division of live phytoplankton cells within an aggregate can also increase the size of aggregate (assuming some daughter cells stay in the aggregate) and hence could be a significant factor in speeding up the formation process of larger aggregate. Due to the difficulty of modeling cell division within aggregates, few efforts have been made in this direction. In this paper, we propose a size structured approach that includes growth of aggregate size due to both cell division and aggregation. We first examine some basic mathematical issues associated with the development of a numerical simulation of the resulting algal aggregation model. The numerical algorithm is then used to examine the basic model behavior and present a comparison between aggregate distribution with and without division in aggregates. Results indicate that the inclusion of a growth term in aggregates, due to cell division, results in higher densities of larger aggregates; hence it has the impact to speed clearance of organic matter from the surface layer of the ocean. Received 1 July 1994; received in revised form 23 February 1996  相似文献   

 Sexual reproduction in plants is intimately connected to the activity of the cytoskeletal apparatus in reproductive cells. Because of the ease with which the pollen tube can be studied, it has become a model for studying many aspects of cell physiology related to the cytoskeleton, such as movement of organelles and vesicles and cell division. However, information about cytoskeletal proteins is still insufficient for determining cytoskeletal functions during reproduction, especially in terms of cell-cell interactions. One reason may be that cytological and biochemical research on the cytoskeleton of pollen and the embryo sac has not been complemented by sufficient research activity at genetic and molecular levels, and few laboratories are currently involved in this work. This might be because of problems in identifying appropriate applied applications of the work that might attract more investigation. Received: 20 January 1999/ Revision accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

 The distribution of the number of segregating sites among randomly sampled DNA sequences from a geographically structured population is studied. We assume the infinitely-many-sites model of neutral genes and no recombination. Employing the genealogical process, we derive an equation for the generating function of the distribution of the number of segregating sites. First we study the strong-migration limit and prove that the distribution converges to that for a panmictic population. We also study the case of two sampled DNA sequences in the d-dimensional torus model with homogeneous migration. Received 13 July 1995; received in revised form 21 April 1997  相似文献   

A. P. Møller 《Oecologia》2000,124(3):351-357
Parasite resistance may act via a number of different mechanisms that regulate or control the survival and the reproductive rate of parasites. Observations and experiments were used to test for effects of host resistance on parasite survival and rate of reproduction. Natural levels of infestation of barn swallow Hirundo rustica nests by the tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa were positively related to brood size, inversely related to the length of the outermost tail feathers of male nest owners (a secondary sexual character) and affected by time of reproduction by the host. A mite inoculation experiment, in which 50 adult mites were introduced into nests during the laying period of the host, was used to test for differential survival and reproduction of mites as a function of host resistance. The relationship between survival and reproduction of parasites, male tail length and host resistance was investigated. There was a negative relationship between mite numbers per nest after fledging of nestlings and male tail length. This relationship was mainly caused by a reduction in the number of mites in the first and second nymph stage with increasing tail length of male hosts, implying a reduction in rate of reproduction of mites. The proportion of mites that had recently fed was inversely related to tail length of male hosts. The proportion of nymph stages was positively related to the proportion of mites that had recently had a blood meal. Parasite resistance of barn swallows to the tropical fowl mite thus appeared to act through increased mortality rate of adult and nymph stages of mites, and through reduced reproductive rates of mites on resistant hosts. This is the first study demonstating a direct relationship between fitness components of a parasite and the expression of a secondary sexual character of a host. Received: 11 January 2000 / Accepted: 22 March 2000  相似文献   

Resource allocation, as well as the tradeoffs among different reproductive components, plays an important role in the adaptability of plants to different environments. The hybrid may exhibit a higher adaptability in life history in heterogeneous environments because of the genetic variation derived from its parents. In this study, we exploited three levels of water depths and two types of sediments to investigate the resource allocation pattern of the first generation of the natural hybrid Potamogeton ×intortifolius compared to its parents P. wrightii and P. perfoliatus. We also measured the ramet survivorship and the seed set of the hybrid P. ×intortifolius. Our results showed that P. ×intortifolius had higher ramet survival than its parents at 1.5-m water depth on clay sediment. The possible tradeoffs showed that in P. ×intortifolius the tradeoff pattern between sexual and clonal reproduction was more pronounced in limiting environments. The individuals allocated more resources to sexual reproduction when the environment was limiting, which might confer a higher ability to utilize resources, to produce offspring and to found new populations. Although the seed set of P. ×intortifolius was lower than its parents, it had a higher ability to increase its seed set when the environment was limiting (sandy sediment) than its parents, which might benefit its future survival. These results indicated that the F1 hybrid P. ×intortifolius was more able to adapt to limiting environments than one or both of its two parental taxa.  相似文献   

Daily increments in stem radius were determined from hourly dendrometer measurements in each of three irrigated Eucalyptus nitens and E. globulus trees. Multiple regressions determined from daily weather variables accounted for 40–50% of the variance in increment. The use of weather variables lagged by 1–2 days increased the variance explained. The diurnal variation in stem radius was resolved into three mathematically defined phases: shrinkage, recovery and increment. The positive daily net increment in stem radius, by definition, occurred in the increment phase. Average weather conditions during this phase (predominantly night-time) did not explain any more variance in increment than the average daily conditions, determined over a 24 h period. Daily increment was resolved into a rate of stem radius increase during the increment phase and the duration (hours) of that phase. Significant species by month interactions were evident with growth in summer characterised by faster rates of stem expansion over shorter time periods within each diurnal cycle. E. nitens tended to have longer increment phases in spring and autumn, and faster phase rates in autumn than E. globulus. Interactions between weather variables and cambial growth were complicated and varied over the year. The correlation between temperature and stem growth varied from positive in spring to zero or negative during summer. The data indicate a need to understand weather-by- climate interactions at the level of whole tree physiology in order to fully understand the effect of weather on cambial activity and therefore stem increment and wood properties. Received: 12 April 1999 / Accepted: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

We exploited the newly developed amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique to study the polymorphism, distribution and inheritance of AFLP markers with a doubled haploid rice population derived from ‘IR64’/‘Azucena’. Using only 20 pairs of primer combinations, we detected 945 AFLP bands of which 208 were polymorphic. All 208 AFLP markers were mapped and distributed over all 12 chromosomes. When these were compared with RFLP markers already mapped in the population, we found the AFLP markers to be highly polymorphic in rice and to follow Mendelian segregation. As linkage map of rice can be generated rapidly with AFLP markers they will be very useful for marker-assisted backcrossing. Received: 11 April 1996 / Accepted: 14 June 1996  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a herbaceous, dioecious perennial that is widely distributed around the world, reproduces both sexually and asexually, and is characterized by rapid growth. This work was aimed at evaluating the effects of plant maturity, shoot reproduction and sex on the growth of leaves and shoots.


Growth rates of apical shoots, together with foliar levels of phytohormones (cytokinins, auxins, absicisic acid, jasmonic acid and salicylic acid) and other indicators of leaf physiology (water contents, photosynthetic pigments, α-tocopherol and Fv/Fm ratios) were measured in juvenile and mature plants, with a distinction made between reproductive and non-reproductive shoots in both males and females. Vegetative growth rates were not only evaluated in field-grown plants, but also in cuttings obtained from these plants. All measurements were performed during an active vegetative growth phase in autumn, a few months after mature plants reproduced during spring and summer.

Key Results

Vegetative growth rates in mature plants were drastically reduced compared with juvenile ones (48 % and 78 % for number of leaves and leaf biomass produced per day, respectively), which was associated with a loss of photosynthetic pigments (up to 24 % and 48 % for chlorophylls and carotenoids, respectively) and increases of α-tocopherol (up to 2·7-fold), while endogenous levels of phytohormones did not differ between mature and juvenile plants. Reductions in vegetative growth were particularly evident in reproductive shoots of mature plants, and occurred similarly in both males and females.


It is concluded that (a) plant maturity reduces vegetative growth in U. dioica, (b) effects of plant maturity are evident both in reproductive and non-reproductive shoots, but particularly in the former, and (c) these changes occur similarly in both male and female plants.  相似文献   

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