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语码转换在微生物学双语教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革传统的双语教学,探索高校新型的双语教学方式已经成为教育教学改革的必然趋势.语码转换是指在一个语段或语篇中使用两种或两种以上语言的现象.为了保证双语教学效果,提高教学质量,在微生物学授课过程中应用语码转换的方式进行渗透式双语授课,适时适量地向学生渗透专业英语语汇、语句、语段或语篇,激发了学生的学习热情,增强了学生英语表达的自信心.  相似文献   

Monolingual infants start learning the prosodic properties of their native language around 6 to 9 months of age, a fact marked by the development of preferences for predominant prosodic patterns and a decrease in sensitivity to non-native prosodic properties. The present study evaluates the effects of bilingual acquisition on speech perception by exploring how stress pattern perception may differ in French-learning 10-month-olds raised in bilingual as opposed to monolingual environments. Experiment 1 shows that monolinguals can discriminate stress patterns following a long familiarization to one of two patterns, but not after a short familiarization. In Experiment 2, two subgroups of bilingual infants growing up learning both French and another language (varying across infants) in which stress is used lexically were tested under the more difficult short familiarization condition: one with balanced input, and one receiving more input in the language other than French. Discrimination was clearly found for the other-language-dominant subgroup, establishing heightened sensitivity to stress pattern contrasts in these bilinguals as compared to monolinguals. However, the balanced bilinguals' performance was not better than that of monolinguals, establishing an effect of the relative balance of the language input. This pattern of results is compatible with the proposal that sensitivity to prosodic contrasts is maintained or enhanced in a bilingual population compared to a monolingual population in which these contrasts are non-native, provided that this dimension is used in one of the two languages in acquisition, and that infants receive enough input from that language.  相似文献   


In 1968 the Bilingual Education Act marked the first comprehensive federal intervention in the schooling of language minoritized students by creating financial incentives for bilingual education in an effort to address social and educational inequities created by poverty and linguistic isolation in schools. Since that time federal education policies related to language instruction for emergent bilingual students have undergone a number of shifts that reflect changing ideological perspectives on language and citizenship. These shifts, in turn, frame seemingly neutral educational requirements for preservice and practicing art educators related to language and visual art instruction, implicating art educators in ideological stances toward students and families who primarily speak languages other than English. This article reviews the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in its most recent reauthorization as the Every Student Succeeds Act, and offers insight into ideological implications of standards and assessments that impact art educator preparation and art teaching practices with regard to language in the art classroom, including the National Core Arts Standards and the Education Teacher Performance Assessment. Implications regarding ways art education, framed by ideological policies, might support or undermine social and educational inequities educational policies are intended to address are discussed.  相似文献   

'Language shift' is the process whereby members of a community in which more than one language is spoken abandon their original vernacular language in favour of another. The historical shifts to English by Celtic language speakers of Britain and Ireland are particularly well-studied examples for which good census data exist for the most recent 100-120 years in many areas where Celtic languages were once the prevailing vernaculars. We model the dynamics of language shift as a competition process in which the numbers of speakers of each language (both monolingual and bilingual) vary as a function both of internal recruitment (as the net outcome of birth, death, immigration and emigration rates of native speakers), and of gains and losses owing to language shift. We examine two models: a basic model in which bilingualism is simply the transitional state for households moving between alternative monolingual states, and a diglossia model in which there is an additional demand for the endangered language as the preferred medium of communication in some restricted sociolinguistic domain, superimposed on the basic shift dynamics. Fitting our models to census data, we successfully reproduce the demographic trajectories of both languages over the past century. We estimate the rates of recruitment of new Scottish Gaelic speakers that would be required each year (for instance, through school education) to counteract the 'natural wastage' as households with one or more Gaelic speakers fail to transmit the language to the next generation informally, for different rates of loss during informal intergenerational transmission.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the linguistic anthropology which underpins the language dynamics of two Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking) areas, Ros Muc in Conamara, Co. Galway and Ráth Cairn in Co. Meath. This research highlights what could be considered a socio-linguistic paradox: the community (Ráth Cairn) which engages more vigorously in language maintenance endeavors, and exhibits a greater awareness of language policy and of linguistic ideology among members of the community, fares less favorably in socio-linguistic terms to the contrasting community (Ros Muc) which has to endure a more challenging socio-economic climate than that of Ráth Cairn. The relative socio-economic success of the Ráth Cairn community appears to be masking a greater malaise of socio-cultural fragility and language endangerment. In contrast, the language obsolescence issues faced by the Ros Muc community, though superficially not as severe, are enmeshed in what would be considered more pressing issues of socio-economic marginalization.  相似文献   

Recent work in linguistic anthropology highlights the role of linguistic ideologies, or cultural conceptions of language, in transforming social relations and linguistic structure and use. This article examines the links between language attitudes and uses in their institutional and interactional contexts on Rapa Nui, a Polynesian island community that is part of the Chilean nation-state. By the 1970s, a sociolinguistic hierarchy and functional compartmentalization of languages between Spanish and Rapa Nui—what I will describe as "colonial diglossia"—had become established in the community, which was rapidly becoming bilingual. Language shift toward Spanish has continued to advance since then. However, rising Rapa Nui syncretic language practice and consciousness, combined with the political successes of a local indigenous movement and changes in the local economy, are now contributing to the breakdown of colonial diglossia, generating better conditions for the maintenance of the Rapa Nui language.  相似文献   

利用经典文献优化《遗传学》双语教学   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
赵祥强  陈曹逸 《遗传》2009,31(4):434-438
双语教学在融合专业学习和外语学习中的重要性中已日益明显, 越来越多的高校期望通过双语教学促进高等教育改革, 提高人才培养的质量。《遗传学》是生命科学领域相关本科专业最重要的课程之一, 但遗传学双语教学的模式尚有待于更多的教学实践加以探索。遗传学经典文献是非常值得利用的双语教学资源。文章分析了遗传学经典文献在双语教学中的应用价值, 同时对《遗传学》双语教学方法的优化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

霍春月  纪颖  赵玉玲  张静  曹慧慧 《生物磁学》2013,(35):6978-6980
双语教学是我国教育改革的一项全新尝试,双语教学是指在教材使用、课堂讲授、课程考试等教学环节同时使用汉语和非母语并以外语为主要教学语言的教学活动,其最终目标是学习者能同时使用母语和外语进行思维,成为既懂专业又懂外语的国际性人才;细胞生物学发展迅速,是一门前沿性、国际性课程;对细胞生物学进行双语教学,使学生在掌握专业知识的同时,提高了英语水平,能满足学生查阅英文文献、写作专业英语文章、进行英语交流的需要,我们对细胞生物学双语教学进行尝试与探索,通过选择合适教材,保证教师师资力量,运用合理的教学方法,建设素材库和网络课程等方面进行努力,取得了较好的效果,提高了教学质量,为培养高素质的人才打好基础。  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that temporally fluctuating environments are important in maintaining variation both within and between species. To date, however, studies of genetic variation within a population have been largely conducted by evolutionary biologists (particularly population geneticists), while population and community ecologists have concentrated more on diversity at the species level. Despite considerable conceptual overlap, the commonalities and differences of these two alternative paradigms have yet to come under close scrutiny. Here, we review theoretical and empirical studies in population genetics and community ecology focusing on the ‘temporal storage effect’ and synthesise theories of diversity maintenance across different levels of biological organisation. Drawing on Chesson's coexistence theory, we explain how temporally fluctuating environments promote the maintenance of genetic variation and species diversity. We propose a further synthesis of the two disciplines by comparing models employing traditional frequency-dependent dynamics and those adopting density-dependent dynamics. We then address how temporal fluctuations promote genetic and species diversity simultaneously via rapid evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics. Comparing and synthesising ecological and evolutionary approaches will accelerate our understanding of diversity maintenance in nature.  相似文献   

伊春地区红松和红皮云杉径向生长对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树木生长-气候关系对准确评估气候变化对森林生态系统影响、预测森林生产力与植被动态及揭示树木对气候变化的响适应策略至关重要。在全球变暖背景下,升温可能会对树木的生长产生影响,从而改变区域森林生态系统的生产力或碳储量。本研究利用生长-气候响应函数、滑动相关分析等树木年轮学方法,探讨伊春地区阔叶红松林内红松和红皮云杉径向生长的主要限制因子及两者径向生长对快速升温(1980年后)响应的异同。结果表明:1980年前红松径向生长有明显加速的趋势,红皮云杉上升趋势较弱;而1980年后红松径向生长趋势显著下降,红皮云杉则下降不明显。红皮云杉径向生长与上一年9月及当年6月平均气温显著负相关,而红松径向生长与上一年12月及当年1月、4月和6月最低气温显著正相关。1980年快速升温后,高温对两树种生长的抑制作用增强,尤其是红松。生长季末(9月)降水对红松和红皮云杉的限制作用由升温前的负相关转变为升温后的显著正相关。温度是限制红松和红皮云杉径向生长的主要气候因子,降水影响相对较弱;其中红松径向生长对气候变化的响应比红皮云杉更敏感。快速升温后,红松和红皮云杉生长-气候关系的变化可能与升温导致的暖干旱化有关。若气候变暖持续或加剧,二者径向生长的气候限制因子也将由温度转变为水分;红松和红皮云杉会出现生长衰退,尤其是红松。  相似文献   

We study the viability and resilience of languages, using a simple dynamical model of two languages in competition. Assuming that public action can modify the prestige of a language in order to avoid language extinction, we analyze two cases: (i) the prestige can only take two values, (ii) it can take any value but its change at each time step is bounded. In both cases, we determine the viability kernel, that is, the set of states for which there exists an action policy maintaining the coexistence of the two languages, and we define such policies. We also study the resilience of the languages and identify configurations from where the system can return to the viability kernel (finite resilience), or where one of the languages is lead to disappear (zero resilience). Within our current framework, the maintenance of a bilingual society is shown to be possible by introducing the prestige of a language as a control variable.  相似文献   

The article discusses the probable role of many factors that determine the individual variety of the neurophysiological mechanisms that provide the opportunity to learn and use fluently two or more languages. The formation of the speech function is affected by both the general factors for bilinguals and monolinguals, as well as by the specific characteristic of bilingualism. General factors include genetic and environmental impacts explaining the diversity of individual options for the development of the morphofunctional organization of the speech function. Bilinguals, obviously, have an even wider variation of the central maintenance of speech ability, due to the combination of different conditions that influence the language environment, which include the age of second language acquisition, the language proficiency, the linguistic similarity of the languages, the method of their acquisition, intensity of use, and the area where each language is used. The influence of these factors can be mediated in different ways by the individual characteristics of the bilingual??s brain. Being exposed to two languages from the first days of life, the child uses for the development of speech skills the unique features of the brain that exist only at the initial stages of postnatal ontogenesis. At an older age, mastering a second language requires much more effort, when, in the course of maturation, the brain acquires new additional possibilities but permanently loses that special ??bonus?? that nature gives to a small child only in the first months of life. Large individual variability patterns of activation of the cortex during verbal activity in older bilinguals, compared with the younger ones, allows us to assume that the brain of the older bilingual mastering a new language is forced to manipulate a large number of backup mechanisms, and this is reflected in an increase in the variation of the cerebral processes responsible for speech functions. In addition, there is a serious reason to believe that learning a second language contributes to the expansion of the functional capabilities of the brain and creates the basis for successful cognitive activity.  相似文献   

We investigated music and language processing in a group of early bilinguals who spoke a tone language and a non-tone language (Cantonese and Dutch). We assessed online speech-music processing interactions, that is, interactions that occur when speech and music are processed simultaneously in songs, with a speeded classification task. In this task, participants judged sung pseudowords either musically (based on the direction of the musical interval) or phonologically (based on the identity of the sung vowel). We also assessed longer-term effects of linguistic experience on musical ability, that is, the influence of extensive prior experience with language when processing music. These effects were assessed with a task in which participants had to learn to identify musical intervals and with four pitch-perception tasks. Our hypothesis was that due to their experience in two different languages using lexical versus intonational tone, the early Cantonese-Dutch bilinguals would outperform the Dutch control participants. In online processing, the Cantonese-Dutch bilinguals processed speech and music more holistically than controls. This effect seems to be driven by experience with a tone language, in which integration of segmental and pitch information is fundamental. Regarding longer-term effects of linguistic experience, we found no evidence for a bilingual advantage in either the music-interval learning task or the pitch-perception tasks. Together, these results suggest that being a Cantonese-Dutch bilingual does not have any measurable longer-term effects on pitch and music processing, but does have consequences for how speech and music are processed jointly.  相似文献   

Yoon MN  Steele CM 《Gerodontology》2012,29(2):e525-e535
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00513.x Health care professionals’ perspectives on oral care for long‐term care residents: Nursing staff, speech–language pathologists and dental hygienists Background: Oral health has been identified as a key factor in general health and systemic disease in long‐term care populations. To optimise oral health of this population, it is important to understand the oral care perspectives held by health care professionals involved in oral care provision. Objectives: To explore perspectives regarding oral care held by nursing staff, speech–language pathologists (SLPs) and dental hygienists (DHs) in long‐term care institutions and to understand how their perspectives impact activities and processes involved in the delivery of oral care. Methods: A focus group methodology was utilised. Separate focus groups for each targeted profession were held. Transcribed data were analysed using constant comparative analysis. Results: Daily oral health maintenance and monitoring was considered a role of nursing staff. SLPs and DHs have roles focusing on advocacy, education and supplemental care. Social factors motivate nursing staff to provide oral care, whereas factors related to the general health consequences of poor oral health underlined the motivations of SLPs and DHs. Conclusions: Education and training initiatives incorporating social aspects of oral health may be more effective for motivating nursing staff than approaches emphasising physical risk factors. Organisations can foster environments that support collaboration and communication amongst the members of multidisciplinary teams in order to promote oral health as a priority.  相似文献   



This paper compares environmental impacts of the rental business model with the conventional model of manufacturing and selling. The case study examines a home use-water purifier by defining scenarios for operation and maintenance of the conventional and rental business models. Another purpose is to explore the potential improvement for the environmental performance of the rental business model in terms of the resource consumption and climate change.


The functional unit was supplying hot/cold drinking water for 15 years between 1998 and 2013. Primary data were from a Korean company that manufactures and servicizes water purifier; secondary data were from the Korean national LCI database, literatures, and interviews. Scenarios associated with all life cycle stages of a water purifier including operation and maintenance were based on current sales and rental market. Impact assessments were conducted according to the International Organization for Standardization’s 14044, and impact categories considered were global warming and abiotic resource depletion. The key issues and improvement potential of the rental business model were determined with the impact categories of global warming and abiotic resource depletion.

Results and discussion

This study indicates that the rental business model is more environmentally friendly than the conventional model in the impact on global warming while the conventional model shows lower abiotic resource depletion. Product operation was the most significant contributor to the selected environmental impacts for both conventional and rental models. Product maintenance was the second major contributor for the rental business model in terms of abiotic resource depletion. For the conventional model, however, production was a more significant contributor to the selected environmental impacts. The rental model showed approximately 32~37% improvements in the selected environmental impacts by focusing on the environmental education or information to consumers.


This quantitative life cycle assessment can be a tool for service business providers to understand the life cycle environmental impacts of Korean water purifier and explore potential improvement opportunities for sustainability. The lower life cycle impacts of the water purifier-rental business model can be attributed to the following: the preparation of instruction or environmental education regarding the consumer’s turning off behavior when the product is not in use, thus lower energy consumption during the use stage and shorter distance traveled for maintenance.



This study investigated the relationship between 2-year-old children’s exposure to TV and language delay.


The subjects of this study were 1,778 toddlers (906 males and 872 females) who participated in the Panel Study on Korean Children conducted in 2010. The linguistic ability of the toddlers was measured with the K-ASQ (Korean-Ages and Stages Questionnaire). The relationship between the amount of young children’s exposure to TV and language delay was analyzed with Poisson regression.


The average daily TV watching time of 2-year-old Korean toddlers in this study was 1.21 hours. After all confounding variables were adjusted, toddlers with over 2 hours and less than 3 hours of TV watching time had 2.7 times more risk (RR = 2.74, 95% CI: 1.13–6.65) of language delay than those with less than 1 hour of TV watching time. Those with more than 3 hours of TV watching time had approximately 3 times (RR = 3.03, 95% CI: 1.12–8.21) more risk (p<0.05). In addition, the risk of language delay increased proportionately with the increase in toddlers’ TV watching time (p = 0.004).


Two-year-old Korean toddlers’ average daily TV watching time of more than 2 hours was related with language delay.  相似文献   

Long distance dispersal (LDD) of propagules is an important determinant of population dynamics, community structuring and biodiversity distribution at landscape, and sometimes continental, scale. Although migratory animals are potential LDD vectors, migratory movement data have never been integrated in estimates of propagule dispersal distances and LDD probability. Here we integrated migratory movement data of two waterbird species (mallard and teal) over two continents (Europe and North America) and gut retention time of different propagules to build a simple mechanistic model of passive dispersal of aquatic plants and zooplankton. Distance and frequency of migratory movements differed both between waterbird species and continents, which in turn resulted in changes in the shapes of propagule dispersal curves. Dispersal distances and the frequency of LDD events (generated by migratory movements) were mainly determined by the disperser species and, to a lesser extent, by the continent. The gut retention time of propagules also exerted a significant effect, which was mediated by the propagule characteristics (e.g. seeds were dispersed farther than Artemia cysts). All estimated dispersal curves were skewed towards local‐scale dispersal and, although dispersal distances were lower than previous estimates based only on the vector flight speed, had fat tails produced by LDD events that ranged from 230 to 1209 km. Our results suggest that propagule dispersal curves are determined by the migratory strategy of the disperser species, the region (or flyway) through which the disperser population moves, and the propagule characteristics. Waterbirds in particular may frequently link wetlands separated by hundreds of kilometres, contributing to the maintenance of biodiversity and, given the large geographic scale of the dispersal events, to the readjustment of species distributions in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

生境梯度影响下的天然红松种群空间格局与种内关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董雪  杜昕  孙志虎  谷会岩  陈祥伟 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5239-5246
为理清生境梯度下天然红松种群空间分布规律,以黑龙江省凉水国家级自然保护区内自坡底至坡顶的四种生境(生境Ⅰ,谷地平坡潮湿生境;生境Ⅱ,坡下缓坡潮湿生境;生境Ⅲ,坡上斜坡半湿润生境;生境Ⅳ,坡顶陡坡半干旱生境)类型中建群种红松种群为研究对象。分析不同林层(主林层、亚林层、演替层、更新层)红松种群的数量特征,并基于O-ring函数,在重复采样条件下评价了红松种群空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)下坡位生境(生境Ⅰ、Ⅱ)红松更新层种群数量显著大于上坡位(生境Ⅲ、Ⅳ)(P0.05),演替层中差异不显著;自坡底至坡顶的生境梯度上,主林层和亚林层中红松株数比例增加,红松种群年龄结构结构由倒J型向J型转变。(2)下坡位原始红松林更新层和演替层中红松种群聚集规模与聚集强度均高于上坡位,坡顶(生境Ⅳ)原始红松林更新层中红松种群聚集规模与聚集强度高于坡上(生境Ⅲ)。(3)四类生境的原始红松林中主林层与更新层中红松种群总体表现为空间独立,在个别尺度上表现出微弱的空间正关联或负关联;在0—5 m尺度上,下坡位红松林原始林内演替层与主林层红松种群表现为空间负关联,而上坡位生境林分对应林层间空间关系则为空间正关联;四类生境中,亚林层与主林层中红松种群在全部研究尺度上均表现为空间独立。可以认为,造成上坡位生境的原始红松林中幼树、幼苗聚集规模与强度弱于下坡位的原因是上坡位更新与演替层中种群数量较少;而随坡位上升,更现层、演替层与主林层中红松种群间的空间关系由空间负关联向空间正关联转变是生物与非生物因子共同作用的结果。研究结果为阔叶红松林的经营管理与生态修复提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The Manchurian trout, Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis (family: Salmonidae), is a cold freshwater fish endemic to Northeast Asia. South Korean populations of this species, which comprise its southern range limit, have recently decreased markedly in size and are now becoming critically endangered. We assessed the current population status of this species in South Korea by estimating the levels of genetic diversity and genetic structure of five natural and four restored populations using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences and eight nuclear microsatellite loci. Levels of within-population genetic diversity were low, suggesting that past effective population sizes (N e) have been small. Each population had one or a maximum of two mtDNA haplotypes. Microsatellite allelic richness (AR) was significantly higher for natural populations (mean AR?=?3.51; 95% confidence interval, 3.00–4.03) than for restored populations (mean AR?=?2.61; 2.38–2.98). South Korean populations were significantly genetically isolated from one another, with private mtDNA haplotypes and microsatellite alleles, suggesting that limited gene flow has been occurring among populations. A mtDNA phylogeny revealed that South Korean lineages were more closely related to those of China than to those of North Korea and Russia. Overall, we suggest that future restoration efforts aimed at South Korean populations should consider the genetic characteristics reported here, which should help to fulfil effective conservation strategies for this highly cherished species. Our results will inform other conservation efforts, including assisted migration of freshwater fish populations at the equatorial end of the geographical range limit of the species.  相似文献   

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