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Attempts to control bacterial pathogens have led to an increase in antibiotic-resistant cells and the genetic elements that confer resistance phenotypes. These cells and genes are disseminated simultaneously with the original selective agents via human waste streams. This might lead to a second, unintended consequence of antimicrobial therapy; an increase in the evolvability of all bacterial cells. The genetic variation upon which natural selection acts is a consequence of mutation, recombination and lateral gene transfer (LGT). These processes are under selection, balancing genomic integrity against the advantages accrued by genetic innovation. Saturation of the environment with selective agents might cause directional selection for higher rates of mutation, recombination and LGT, producing unpredictable consequences for humans and the biosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue, first, that ecologists have routinely treated humans—or more specifically, anthropogenic causal factors—as disturbing conditions. I define disturbing conditions as exogenous variables, variables “outside” a model, that when present in a target system, inhibit the applicability or accuracy of the model. This treatment is surprising given that (1) humans play a dominant role in many ecosystems and (2) definitions of ecology contain no fundamental distinction between human and natural. Second, I argue that the treatment of humans as disturbing conditions is an idealization: since it is, and has long been, known that humans are pervasive, this treatment amounts to an intentionally introduced theoretical distortion. Finally, characterizing this treatment as idealization forces us to confront the question of its justification, and so, drawing on three different kinds of idealization, I evaluate how this treatment may be justified.  相似文献   

Enteric illnesses remain the second largest source of communicable diseases worldwide, and wild birds are suspected sources for human infection. This has led to efforts to reduce pathogen spillover through deterrence of wildlife and removal of wildlife habitat, particularly within farming systems, which can compromise conservation efforts and the ecosystem services wild birds provide. Further, Salmonella spp. are a significant cause of avian mortality, leading to additional conservation concerns. Despite numerous studies of enteric bacteria in wild birds and policies to discourage birds from food systems, we lack a comprehensive understanding of wild bird involvement in transmission of enteric bacteria to humans. Here, we propose a framework for understanding spillover of enteric pathogens from wild birds to humans, which includes pathogen acquisition, reservoir competence and bacterial shedding, contact with people and food, and pathogen survival in the environment. We place the literature into this framework to identify important knowledge gaps. Second, we conduct a meta‐analysis of prevalence data for three human enteric pathogens, Campylobacter spp., E. coli, and Salmonella spp., in 431 North American breeding bird species. Our literature review revealed that only 3% of studies addressed the complete system of pathogen transmission. In our meta‐analysis, we found a Campylobacter spp. prevalence of 27% across wild birds, while prevalence estimates of pathogenic E. coli (20%) and Salmonella spp. (6.4%) were lower. There was significant bias in which bird species have been tested, with most studies focusing on a small number of taxa that are common near people (e.g. European starlings Sturnus vulgaris and rock pigeons Columba livia) or commonly in contact with human waste (e.g. gulls). No pathogen prevalence data were available for 65% of North American breeding bird species, including many commonly in contact with humans (e.g. black‐billed magpie Pica hudsonia and great blue heron Ardea herodias), and our metadata suggest that some under‐studied species, taxonomic groups, and guilds may represent equivalent or greater risk to human infection than heavily studied species. We conclude that current data do not provide sufficient information to determine the likelihood of enteric pathogen spillover from wild birds to humans and thus preclude management solutions. The primary focus in the literature on pathogen prevalence likely overestimates the probability of enteric pathogen spillover from wild birds to humans because a pathogen must survive long enough at an infectious dose and be a strain that is able to colonize humans to cause infection. We propose that future research should focus on the large number of under‐studied species commonly in contact with people and food production and demonstrate shedding of bacterial strains pathogenic to humans into the environment where people may contact them. Finally, studies assessing the duration and intensity of bacterial shedding and survival of bacteria in the environment in bird faeces will help provide crucial missing information necessary to calculate spillover probability. Addressing these essential knowledge gaps will support policy to reduce enteric pathogen spillover to humans and enhance bird conservation efforts that are currently undermined by unsupported fears of pathogen spillover from wild birds.  相似文献   

Nonphotic entrainment in humans?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although light is accepted as the dominant zeitgeber for entrainment of the human circadian system, there is evidence that nonphotic stimuli may play a role. This review critically assesses the current evidence in support of nonphotic entrainment in humans. Studies involving manipulations of sleep-wake schedules, exercise, mealtimes, and social stimuli are re-examined, bearing in mind the fact that the human circadian clock is sensitive to very dim light and has a free-running period very close to 24 h. Because of light confounds, the study of totally blind subjects with free-running circadian rhythms represents the ideal model to investigate the effects of nonphotic stimuli on circadian phase and period. Strong support for nonphotic entrainment in humans has already come from the study of a few blind subjects with entrained circadian rhythms. However, in these studies the nonphotic stimulus(i) responsible was not identified. The effect of appropriately timed exercise or exogenous melatonin represents the best proof to date of an effect of nonphotic stimuli on human circadian timing. Phase-response curves for both exercise and melatonin have been constructed. Given the powerful effect of feeding as a circadian zeitgeber in various nonhuman species, studies of meal timing are recommended. In conclusion, the available evidence indicates that it remains worthwhile to continue to study nonphotic effects on human circadian timing to identify treatment strategies for shift workers and transmeridian travelers as well as for the blind and possibly the elderly.  相似文献   

Until very recently, mitochondria were thought to be clonally inherited through the maternal line in most higher animals. However, three papers published in 2000 claimed population-genetic evidence of recombination in human mitochondrial DNA. Here I review the current state of the debate. I review the evidence for the two main pathways by which recombination might occur: through paternal leakage and via a mitochondrial DNA sequence in the nuclear genome. There is no strong evidence for either pathway, although paternal leakage seems a definite possibility. However, the population-genetic evidence, although not conclusive, is strongly suggestive of recombination in mitochondrial DNA. The implications of non-clonality for our understanding of human and mitochondrial evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the insertion of a continuous-release melatonin implant into ewes provides a short-day photoperiodic signal or acts as a functional pinealectomy (provides no specific photoperiodic signal but renders ewes incapable of responding to changes in photoperiod). Ewes primed with 60 long days (18L:6D) during the spring were moved to intermediate day length (13L:11D) for 66 days and then given one of five treatments: 1) short-day control, second drop in photoperiod to 8L:16D; 2) intermediate-photoperiod control, kept on 13L:11D; 3) pinealectomy and kept on 13L:11D; 4) melatonin implant and kept on 13L:11D; 5) melatonin implant and moved to 8L:16D. Mean number of estrous cycles per group and total duration of reproductive activity were determined. Ewes in all groups began to exhibit estrous cycles after the initial reduction in photoperiod. The number of estrous cycles and duration of reproductive activity differed among groups. The number of estrous cycles and duration of reproductive activity was extended in ewes receiving the second drop in photoperiod compared to that of the intermediate-photoperiod controls. Pinealectomized ewes had a number of estrous cycles and duration of reproductive activity similar to those of ewes maintained on the intermediate photoperiod. Melatonin implants increased the number of estrous cycles and prolonged reproductive activity in ewes maintained on the intermediate photoperiod; melatonin implants did not prevent the extension of reproductive activity in ewes receiving the second photoperiodic drop to the short daylength.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN) plays an essential role in the generation and maintenance of circadian rhythms in mammals. The SCN activity is also dependent upon the photoperiod. The duration of the SCN sensitive phase to light, in term of Fos induction, is variable and tied to the length of the night. The question is how and by which pathways can photoperiod influence SCN? It is possible following the theoretical model of evening and morning component of the clock that the SCN build itself the photoperiodic signal. That the SCN integrate the photoperiodic information through indirect neural or neuroendocrine pathways is also to consider. Data in favor of these different interpretations are presented.  相似文献   

Aerobic exercise increases whole body adipose tissue lipolysis, but is lipolysis higher in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT) adjacent to contracting muscles than in SCAT adjacent to resting muscles? Ten healthy, overnight-fasted males performed one-legged knee extension exercise at 25% of maximal workload (W(max)) for 30 min followed by exercise at 55% W(max) for 120 min with the other leg and finally exercised at 85% W(max) for 30 min with the first leg. Subjects rested for 30 min between exercise periods. Femoral SCAT blood flow was estimated from washout of (133)Xe, and lipolysis was calculated from femoral SCAT interstitial and arterial glycerol concentrations and blood flow. In general, blood flow and lipolysis were higher in femoral SCAT adjacent to contracting than adjacent to resting muscle (time 15-30 min; blood flow: 25% W(max) 6.6 +/- 1.0 vs. 3.9 +/- 0.8 ml x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05; 55% W(max) 7.3 +/- 0.6 vs. 5.0 +/- 0.6 ml x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05; 85% W(max) 6.6 +/- 1.3 vs. 5.9 +/- 0.7 ml x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), P > 0.05; lipolysis: 25% W(max) 102 +/- 19 vs. 55 +/- 14 nmol x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), P = 0.06; 55% W(max) 86 +/- 11 vs. 50 +/- 20 nmol x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), P > 0.05; 85% W(max) 88 +/- 31 vs. -9 +/- 25 nmol x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05). In conclusion, blood flow and lipolysis are generally higher in SCAT adjacent to contracting than adjacent to resting muscle irrespective of exercise intensity. Thus specific exercises can induce "spot lipolysis" in adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the amplitude of daily melatonin production in cultured ruin lizard pineal organs explanted in the summer is significantly higher than that from organs explanted in the winter. To test whether seasonal photoperiodic changes are decoded autonomously by the pineal gland, pineals explanted in summer were cultured in vitro and exposed to changes between winter and summer photoperiods. The changes in photoperiod duration did not affect the daily profiles of in vitro melatonin production. The discrepancy between the present in vitro results and those from lizards exposed to winter or summer photoperiods before pineal explantation supports the view that circadian information entering the pineal gland via its innervation is involved in determining seasonal changes of melatonin production in ruin lizards. We further examined whether a central component of the circadian system of ruin lizards, specifically the retinae of the lateral eyes, expresses similar seasonal changes in function as does the pineal gland. We did not find any difference between summer and autumn-winter in the effectiveness of either bilateral retinalectomy or optic nerve lesion-at the level of the optic chiasm-in altering circadian locomotor behavior in constant conditions. Both surgical procedures mostly induced a shortening of the free-running period of the locomotor rhythm of similar magnitude in all seasons. Thus, the retinae do not appear to participate in the seasonal reorganization of the circadian system in ruin lizards.  相似文献   

Lopez OR  Kursar TA 《Oecologia》2003,136(2):193-204
In the tropics, seasonally flooded forests (SFF) harbor fewer tree species than terra firme (i.e. non-flooded) forests. The low species diversity of tropical flooded forests has been ascribed to the paucity of species with adaptations to tolerate flooding. To test the hypothesis that flooding is the only factor restricting most species from SFF, we compared plant morphological and physiological responses to flooding in 2-month old seedlings of 6 species common to SFF and 12 species common to terra firme forests. Although flooding impaired growth, total biomass, maximum root length and stomatal conductance in most species, responses varied greatly and were species-specific. For example, after 90 days, flooding reduced leaf area growth by 10-50% in all species, except in Tabebuia, a common species from non-flooded habitats. Similarly, flooding had a 5-45% negative effect on total biomass for all species, except in 1 SFF and 1 terra firme species both of which had more biomass under flooding. A principal component analysis, using the above responses to flooding, provided no evidence that SFF and terra firme species differed in their responses to flooding. Flooding also caused reductions in root growth for most species. Rooting depth and root: shoot ratios were significantly less affected by flooding in SFF than in terra firme species. Although flood tolerance is critical for survival in flooded habitats, we hypothesize that responses to post-flooding events such as drought might be equally important in seasonal habitats. Therefore, we suggest that the ability to grow roots under anoxia might be critical in predicting success in inundated habitats that also experience a strong dry season.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases are becoming increasingly common as life expectancy increases. Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the identification of genes that cause these diseases. While mutations have been found and cellular processes defined that are altered in the disease state, the identification of treatments and cures has proven more elusive. The process of finding drugs and therapies to treat human diseases can be slow, expensive and frustrating. Can model organisms such as Drosophila speed the process of finding cures and treatments for human neurodegenerative diseases? We pose three questions, (1) can one mimic the essential features of human diseases in an organism like Drosophila, (2) can one cure a model organisms of human disease and (3) will these efforts accelerate the identification of useful therapies for testing in mice and ultimately humans? Here we focus on the use of Drosophila to identify potential treatments for neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's and we discuss how well these therapies translate into mammalian systems. BioEssays 26:485–496, 2004. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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