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Summary The cytokinetic apparatus in microsporogenesis lacks a preprophase band of microtubules and the selection of cytokinetic planes is dependent upon disposition of nuclei which define cytoplasmic domains via post-meiotic radial systems of microtubules. Meiotic cytokinesis was investigated in hybrid moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) exhibiting irregular patterns of cytokinesis. In these polliniate orchids, spindle orientation is imprecise, and the tetrad nuclei (therefore the microspores) may be in rhomboidal, tetrahedral or linear arrangement. The hybrid Sabine Queen (section Phalaenopsis) regularly undergoes simultaneous cytokinesis, as is common in orchids. The hybrid Vista Rainbow (section Amboinenses) produces either a complete dyad wall, a partial wall, or no wall after first nuclear division. In all cases, a first division phragmoplast is initiated in the interzonal region and expands centrifugally into the peripheral cytoplasm. Fluorescence microscopy shows that the phragmoplast consists of fusiform bundles of microtubules and Factin bisected by a non-fluorescent zone. If a cell plate fails to form, a band of organelles polarized in the equatorial region effectively divides the cell into two domains. The organelles disperse when a dyad wall is complete, but tend to remain polarized around an incomplete wall. In four-nucleate coenocytes, the usual interzonal microtubules between sister nuclei (primary) form slightly in advance of secondary arrays between non-sister nuclei. Phragmoplasts are initiated in sites defined by the post-meiotic microtubule arrays.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope/microscopy - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - PPB preprophase band of microtubules - TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy  相似文献   

Microsporocytes of the slipper orchidCypripedium californicum A. Gray divide simultaneously after second meiosis. The organization and apportionment of the cytoplasm throughout meiosis are functions of nuclear-based radial microtubule systems (RMSs) that define domains of cytoplasm - a single sporocyte domain before meiosis, dyad domains within the undivided cytoplasm after first meiosis, and four spore domains after second meiosis. Organelles migrate to the interface of dyad domains in the undivided cytoplasm after first meiotic division, and second meiotic division takes place simultaneously on both sides of the equatorial organelle band. Microtubules emanating from the telophase II nuclei interact to form columnar arrrays that interconnect all four nuclei, non-sister as well as sister. Cell plates are initiated in these columns of microtubules and expand centrifugally along the interface of opposing RMSs, coalescing in the center of the sporocyte and joining with the original sporocyte wall at the periphery to form the tetrad of microspores. Organelles are distributed into the spore domains in conjunction with RMSs. These data, demonstrating that cytokinesis in microsporogenesis can occur in the absence of both components of the typical cytokinetic apparatus (the preprophase band of microtubules which predicts the division site and the phragmoplast which controls cell-plate deposition), suggest that plant nuclei have an inherent ability to establish a domain of cytoplasm via radial microtubule systems and to regulate wall deposition independently of the more complex cytokinetic apparatus of vegetative cells.  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1992,167(3-4):183-192
Summary The unequal first mitosis in pollen ofPhalaenopsis results in a small generative cell cut off at the distal surface of the microspore and a large vegetative cell. No preprophase band of microtubules is present, but polarization of the microspore prior to this critical division is well marked. A generative pole microtubule system (GPMS) marks the path of nuclear migration to the distal surface, and the organelles become unequally distributed. Mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes are concentrated around the vegetative pole in the center of the microspore and are almost totally excluded from the generative pole. The prophase spindle is multipolar with a dominant convergence center at the GPMS site. The metaphase spindle is disc-shaped with numerous minipoles terminating in broad polar regions. In anaphase, the spindle becomes cone-shaped as the spindle elongates and the vegetative pole narrows. These changes in spindle architecture are reflected in the initial shaping of the telophase chromosome groups. F-actin is coaligned with microtubules in the spindle and is also seen as a network in the cytoplasm. An outstanding feature of orchid pollen mitosis is the abundance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) associated with the spindle. ER extends along the kinetochore fibers, and the numerous foci of spindle fibers at the broad poles terminate in a complex of ER.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope/microscopy - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - ER endoplasmic reticulum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GPMS generative pole microtubule system - MBS m-maleimidobenzoic acidN-hydroxysuccinimide ester - PPB preprophase band of microtubules - RhPh rhodamine palloidin - TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the microtubular cytoskeleton during meiosis and cytokinesis in hybrid moth orchids were studied by indirect immunofluorescence. Lagging chromosomes not incorporated into telophase nuclei after first meiotic division behave as small extra nuclei. Events in the microtubular cycle associated with these micronuclei are similar to and synchronous with those of the principal nuclei. During second meiotic division the micronuclei trigger formation of minispindles which are variously oriented with respect to the two principal spindles. After meiosis, radial systems of microtubules measure cytoplasmic domains around each nucleus in the coenocyte. Cleavage planes are established in regions where opposing radial arrays interact and the cytoplasm cleaved around micronuclei is proportionately smaller than that around the four principal nuclei. These observations clearly demonstrate that nuclei in plant cells are of fundamental importance in microtubule organization and provide strong evidence in support of our recently advanced hypothesis that division planes in simultaneous cytokinesis following meiosis are determined by establishment of cytoplasmic domains via radial systems of nuclear-based microtubules rather than by division sites established before nuclear division.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MTOC microtubule organizing center - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PPB preprophase band of microtubules  相似文献   

Pollen mitosis in the slipper orchid Cypripedium fasciculatum was studied using correlated methods of immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. Unlike the more highly evolved orchids, the cypripedioid orchids shed pollen as monosulcate monads. Prior to pollen mitosis, the microspore nucleus migrates to a proximal position opposite the aperture, as is typical of monocotyledons. There is no distinct generative pole microtubule system (GPMS) like that recently reported in development of pollen polarity in the vandoid moth orchid Phalaenopsis. Instead, microtubules in early prophase are concentrated around the nucleus and extend into the cytoplasm toward the future generative pole. Once the nucleus has migrated to the continuous surface opposite the aperture, microtubules surround the nucleus evenly and show no tendency to be more concentrated in the generative domain. The mitotic spindle, which develops from the perinuclear microtubules, is asymmetrically placed in the microspore and is cone-shaped. The generative pole is broad and closely appressed to the continuous spore surface, while the vegetative pole is pointed and located in the interior of the microspore. As the chromosomes move poleward, microtubules proliferate in the interzone and a phragmoplast develops. The phragmoplast expands in a hemispherical path beyond the interzone following an array of microtubules that radiates from the generative nucleus. Data from this study indicate that evolution of pollen in orchids includes a shift in location of the generative cell from proximal to distal and the evolution of a GPMS, in addition in the well-known trend toward increased pollen aggregation and loss of exine.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of F-actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex of formaldehyde-fixedAllium root cells was visualized with rhodaminephalloidin (RP). Increased RP fluorescence appears in late anaphase in a broad zone between separating chromosomes. The fluorescence is mostly amorphous in appearance and does not resemble the distinct actin fibers seen in interphase cells. The actin becomes more concentrated near the midplane by telophase and takes the form of a relatively bright layer of fluorescence adjacent to the forming cell plate. This distribution differs markedly from that of phragmoplast microtubules (MTs) which extend back from the plate toward the daughter nuclei. F-actin continues to accumulate in new parts of the expanding phragmoplast, while RP fluorescence gradually decreases near older portions of the plate. It disappears completely near the new wall in most interphase cells. Treatment of root tips with cytochalasin B or D before fixation markedly reduces RP fluorescence, but phragmoplast MTs remain. Colchicine or oryzalin treatment leads to the disappearance of both phragmoplast actin and MTs. The possible function of actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex is discussed.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - CD cytochalasin D - CIPC isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl-)carbamate - DIC differential interference contrast - MT microtubule - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PM plasmalemma - RP rhodamine-phalloidin  相似文献   

Summary First and second division spindles and the three cell plates of moss meiosis are oriented in accordance with polarity established during meiotic prophase. Plastids are located at the second division poles and cytoplasmic infurrowing marks the planes along which the cytoplasm will cleave into four spores. Anaphase I spindles that terminate in two focal points of microtubules straddling opposite cleavage furrows reflect the unusual tetrahedral origin of the functionally bipolar spindle. The organelles (except for the plastids which remain in the four cytoplasmic lobes) are polarized in the first division equatorial region at the time of phragmoplast microtubule assembly and remain in a distinct band after microtubule disassembly. Prophasic spindles appear to be directly transformed into metaphase II spindles in the predetermined axes between mutually perpendicular pairs of plastids. Cell plates form by vesicle coalescence in the equatorial regions of the two sets of second division phragmoplasts at approximately the same time as a cell plate belatedly forms in the organelle band. The cytoplasmic markers (plastid migration, cytoplasmic lobing and infurrowing) that predict poles and cleavage planes in free cells lacking a preprophase band strongly strengthens the concept that division sites are capable of preserving preprogrammed signals that can be triggered later in the process of cell division.  相似文献   

A. H. Valster  P. K. Hepler 《Protoplasma》1997,196(3-4):155-166
Summary The distribution of microtubules and actin microfilaments during caffeine-induced inhibition of cell plate formation has been studied in livingTradescantia stamen hair cells. Previous studies have shown that caffeine allows cell plate initiation but prevents its completion, resulting in binucleate cells. In the present study, confocal microscopy of cells microinjected with fluorescent brain tubulin or phalloidin, and cultured in the presence 5 mM caffeine, revealed that the initiation and early lateral expansion phase of the phragmoplast occur normally. However, caffeine completely inhibits the formation of the cytoskeletal torus which occurs in untreated cells during the late stages of cell plate and phragmoplast expansion. Caffeine further causes the disintegration of the incomplete cell plate. The results allow us to distinguish two phases in cell plate and phragmoplast growth: the initiation and early expansion phase, which is not affected by caffeine, and the late lateral expansion phase, which is completely inhibited in the presence of caffeine. Also in this study, the use of a high phalloidin concentration has revealed structural detail about the actin microfilaments involved in cell plate formation: microfilaments are observed that link the expanding edge of the phragmoplast with the cortical division site. In addition, cortical actin patches are observed within the actin depleted zone that might play a role in guidance of phragmoplast and cell plate expansion.  相似文献   

α-actinin is a rod-shaped actin cross-linking protein composed of actin binding domain, spectrin-like repeats of the central rod domain and the EF-hand domain. Cytokinesis in mammalian cells involves remodeling of equatorial actin filaments (F-actin) mediated by α-actinin. However, it remains unknown how α-actinin interacts with F-actin at the cleavage furrow. To address this question, we have conducted functional analysis of the mutant that either lacks the ability to cross-link F-actin (ABD) or to bind to F-actin (ΔABD). We found that equatorial localization of α-actinin requires both its F-actin binding and cross-linking activities. Unexpectedly, we also found that overexpression of ΔABD-GFP but not ABD-GFP frequently caused accelerated cytokinesis and ectopic furrowing similar to those observed in cells depleted of α-actinin. Immunofluorescence revealed that overexpression of ΔABD-GFP caused displacement of endogenous α-actinin and a decrease in the density of F-actin throughout the entire cortex. Biochemical experiments showed that ΔABD was able to form heterodimers with endogenous α-actinin. These results suggest that the central rod spectrin-like repeats of α-actinin is sufficient for its dimerization in vivo. Our findings uncover previously unappreciated functions of the α-actinin domains in a cell.  相似文献   

Summary. Although the pollen grains produced in monocots are predominantly monosulcate (or monoporate), other aperture types are also found within this taxonomic group, such as the trichotomosulcate, inaperturate, zonaperturate, di-, or triaperturate types. The aperture pattern is determined during the young-tetrad stage of pollen development and it is known that some features of microsporogenesis can constrain the aperture type. For example, trichotomosulcate pollen is always associated with simultaneous cytokinesis, a condition considered as derived in the monocots. Our observations of the microsporogenesis pathway in a range of monocot species show that this pathway is surprisingly variable. Our results, however preliminary, reveal that variation in microsporogenesis concerns not only cytokinesis but also callose deposition among the microspores and shape of the tetrads. The role played by these features in aperture pattern determination is discussed. Correspondence and reprints: Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France.  相似文献   

Plant cells divide in two by constructing a new cell wall (cell plate) between daughter nuclei after mitosis. Golgi-derived vesicles are transported to the equator of a cytoskeletal structure called a phragmoplast, where they fuse together to form the cell plate. Orientation of new cell walls involves actindependent guidance of phragmoplasts and associated cell plates to cortical sites established prior to mitosis. Recent work has provided new insights into how actin filaments and other proteins in the phragmoplast and cell plate contribute to cytokinesis. Newly discovered mutations have identified a variety of genes required for cytokinesis or its spatial regulation.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the persistence of midbody channels during the second, third, and fourth cleavage cycles of the mouse using immunofluorescence to map the distribution of midbody microtubule bundles in intact embryos. Electron microscopy showed these bundles to be a characteristic feature of midbodies throughout the interphase period. In recently-divided embryos at each cleavage stage the number of midbodies was half the number of blastomeres, and declined towards zero as the next cleavage approached. This indicated to us that the only midbodies present in each stage were those which had arisen in the immediately-preceding division. Of those blastomeres which were in mitosis at the time of fixation, less than 4% were connected via a midbody to another blastomere, demonstrating that persistence of midbodies beyond a single cleavage cycle is a rare event. We conclude that midbody channels in our embryos are likely to connect only pairs of sister blastomeres because midbodies do not persist through multiple cleavage cycles. Midbody channels cannot, therefore, be regarded as providing extensive cell coupling in advance of the onset of gap junctional communication.  相似文献   

During cytokinesis the cytoplasm of a cell is divided to form two daughter cells. In animal cells, the existing plasma membrane is first constricted and then abscised to generate two individual plasma membranes. Plant cells on the other hand divide by forming an interior dividing wall, the so-called cell plate, which is constructed by localized deposition of membrane and cell wall material. Construction starts in the centre of the cell at the locus of the mitotic spindle and continues radially towards the existing plasma membrane. Finally the membrane of the cell plate and plasma membrane fuse to form two individual plasma membranes. Two microtubule-based cytoskeletal networks, the phragmoplast and the pre-prophase band (PPB), jointly control cytokinesis in plants. The bipolar microtubule array of the phragmoplast regulates cell plate deposition towards a cortical position that is templated by the ring-shaped microtubule array of the PPB. In contrast to most animal cells, plants do not use centrosomes as foci of microtubule growth initiation. Instead, plant microtubule networks are striking examples of self-organizing systems that emerge from physically constrained interactions of dispersed microtubules. Here we will discuss how microtubule-based activities including growth, shrinkage, severing, sliding, nucleation and bundling interrelate to jointly generate the required ordered structures. Evidence mounts that adapter proteins sense the local geometry of microtubules to locally modulate the activity of proteins involved in microtubule growth regulation and severing. Many of the proteins and mechanisms involved have roles in other microtubule assemblies as well, bestowing broader relevance to insights gained from plants.  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1991,161(2-3):168-180
Summary Microsporogenesis inSelaginella was studied by fluorescence light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. As in other examples of monoplastidic meiosis the plastids are involved in determination of division polarity and organization of microtubules. However, there are important differences: (1) the meiotic spindle develops from a unique prophase microtubule system associated with two plastids rather than from a typical quadripolar microtubule system associated with four plastids; (2) the division axes for first and second meiotic division are established sequentially, whereas as in all other cases the poles of second division are established before those of first division; and (3) the plastids remain in close contact with the nucleus throughout meiotic prophase and provide clues to the early determination of spindle orientation. In early prophase the single plastid divides in the plane of the future division and the two daughter plastids rotate apart until they lie on opposite sides of the nucleus. The procytokinetic plate (PCP) forms in association with the two slender plastids; it consists of two spindle-shaped microtubule arrays focused on the plastid tips with a plate of vesicles at the equatorial region and a picket row of microtubules around one side of the nucleus. Second plastid division occurs just before metaphase and the daughter plastids remain together at the spindle poles during first meiotic division. The meiotic spindle develops from merger of the component arrays of the PCP and additional microtubules emanating from the pair of plastid tips located at the poles. After inframeiotic interphase the plastids migrate to tetrahedral arrangement where they serve as poles of second division.Abbreviations AMS axial microtubule system - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MTOC microtubule organizing center - PCP procytokinetic plate - QMS quadripolar microtubule system - TEM transmission electron microscope (microscopy)  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Ginkgo biloba L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of F-actin and microtubules was investigated in pollen and pollen tubes of Ginkgo biloba L. using a confocal laser scanning microscope after fluorescence and immunofluorescence labeling. A dense F-actin network was found in hydrated Ginkgo pollen. When Ginkgo pollen was germinating,F-actin mesh was found under the plasma membrane from which the pollen tube would emerge. After pollen germination, F-actin bundles were distributed axially in long pollen tubes of G. biloba. Thick F-actin bundles and network were found in the tip of the Ginkgo pollen tube, which is opposite to the results reported for the pollen tubes of some angiosperms and conifers. In addition, a few circular F-actin bundles were found in Ginkgo pollen tubes. Using immunofluorescence labeling, a dense microtubule network was found in hydrated Ginkgo pollen under confocal microscope. In the Ginkgo pollen tube, the microtubules were distributed along the longitudinal axis and extended to the tip. These results suggest that the cytoskeleton may have an essential role in the germination of Ginkgo pollen and tube growth.  相似文献   

B. Liu  B. A. Palevitz 《Protoplasma》1996,195(1-4):78-89
Summary We have obtained immunofluorescence and immunoblot evidence for the presence of kinesin-like protein (KLP) in pollen tubes of tobacco using an antibody generated against peptides encoded by theKATA gene ofArabidopsis. This antibody recognizes an Mr 140,000 polypeptide inArabidopsis seedlings, and stains the mitotic apparatus in this species as well as in tobacco suspension cells. In tobacco pollen tubes prepared for dual immunofluorescence localizations of KLP and -tubulin, the antibody binds transiently to microtubule (Mt) bundles and the nucleus in premitotic generative cells; it then stains the developing mitotic apparatus as the nuclear envelope breaks down. By metaphase, fluorescence is located over kinetochore fibers and associated Mts. Localization of KLP is concentrated in the midzone during anaphase, and by early cytokinesis, it closely brackets the cell plate. Phragmoplast fluorescence then spreads along the phragmoplast distal to the cell plate. Punctate staining is also detected along vegetative Mts. No KLP localization is seen in pollen tubes treated with antibody after it had been preadsorbed to the antigenic peptides. The antibody recognizes an Mr 110,000 polypeptide in extracts of tobacco pollen tubes, and a polypeptide of somewhat lower Mr inTradescantia pollen tubes. Our results show that KLP(s) related to KatAp are present in tobacco generative cells and may play roles in the organization and/or operation of the mitotic apparatus and phragmoplast.Abbreviations KLP kinesin-like protein - Mt microtubule - MA mitotic apparatus Dedicated to Professor Eldon H. Newcomb in recognition of his contributions to cell biology  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of the four traditional genera (Paphiopedilum, Selenipedium, Cypripedium, Phragmipedium) comprising the cypripedioid orchids indicates that the monads are sulcate, more or less smooth-surfaced, and covered by a non-acetolysis resistant layer called elastoviscin. Evidence from ultrathin sections of pollen grains shows that typical exine layers are present only inSelenipedium, modified inPhragmipedium and absent inPaphiopedilum and most species ofCypripedium; that a small, inconspicuous portion of the grain surface is constructed as a sulcus; and that the pollen grain wall acts as a sponge in rapidly absorbing water. Several instances of parallelisms between non-related families and among different groups of orchids are reported and new ideas on the evolution of theCypripedioideae are presented.Dedicated to Prof. DrE. Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.Reprint requests toM. Hesse.  相似文献   

Summary Cytokinesis following asymmetrical pollen mitosis was studied in the slipper orchidCypripedium fasciculatum using techniques of immunofluorescence, confocal laser scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Data from stereo reconstructions of double labelled preparations (microtubules/nuclei) show that the contribution of residual spindle fibers to development of the interzonal array is minor; rather, new populations of microtubules are nucleated in association with the two groups of anaphase chromosomes. As kinetochores reach the poles, trailing arms of the chromosomes and nonkinetochore microtubules are displaced outward in the equatorial zone and by early telophase the interzone is left virtually free of microtubules. The interzonal apparatus has its origin in a massive proliferation of microtubules from the polar regions and surfaces of contracting chromosomes. Each polar region appears as a hub from which microtubules radiate in a spoke-like configuration and numerous tufts of microtubules appear to emanate from margins of the chromosomes themselves. These newly organized arrays of microtubules extend to the equatorial region where they interact to form the interzonal apparatus. Increasing organization of microtubules in the interzone results in development of a typical phragmoplast configuration consisting of opposing cone-like bundles of microtubules bisected by an unstained equatorial line.  相似文献   

Anillin is a highly conserved multidomain protein that interacts with cytoskeletal components as well as their regulators. Throughout phylogeny, Anillins contribute to cytokinesis, the cell shape change that occurs at the end of meiosis and mitosis to separate a cell into daughter cells. Failed cytokinesis results in binucleation, which can lead to genomic instability. Study of Anillin in several model organisms has provided us with insight into how the cytoskeleton is coordinated to ensure that cytokinesis occurs with high fidelity. Here we review Anillin's interacting partners and the relevance of these interactions in vivo. We also discuss questions of how these interactions are coordinated, and finally provide some perspective regarding Anillin's role in cancer.  相似文献   

利用常规石蜡切片法对羊角槭的小孢子发生及配子体发育进行了研究,结果表明:羊角槭花分两性花与雄花,两性花花药不散粉,雄花散粉;花药具四个花粉囊,其发育类型为基本型;药室内壁呈纤维状加厚;绒毡层为腺质型;孢质分裂为同时型;小孢子四分体呈四面体形排列;成熟花粉粒为二细胞型。羊角槭花药发育过程中出现严重败育现象,表现为四分体胼胝质提早溶解、单核小孢子彼此粘连、花粉液泡化等,形成干瘪、内陷的花粉,一定程度上影响花粉质量;另初步测得羊角槭的花粉生活力在36.98%~60.54%之间,平均生活力为45.97%。本文将为羊角槭花药发育、小孢子发生和雄配子体发育过程及出现的异常现象提供解剖学资料。  相似文献   

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