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摘要:【目的】构建含有RGD受体结合位点口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)Asia1/JS/China/2005株的全长感染性cDNA克隆。【方法】采用定点突变方法,构建Asia1型FMDV含有预期突变的全长cDNA克隆pFMDV-RGD。pFMDV-RGD重组质粒经NotI线化后,与表达T7 RNA聚合酶的真核质粒pcDNAT7P共转染BHK-21细胞,进行FMDV-RGD病毒拯救。【结果】序列测定结果表明成功构建了FMDV含有RGD受体位点的Asia1/JS/China/2005全长cDNA克隆。共转染实验获得拯救病毒,对拯救的病毒分别进行序列测定、间接免疫荧光、电子显微镜观察和乳鼠致病性分析,表明成功拯救了含有RGD受体结合位点的Asia1/JS/China/2005株FMDV。【结论】该实验为进一步研究含有RGD和RDD受体结合位点2个拯救病毒生物学特性的差异奠定了基础。 相似文献
【目的】口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)通过结构蛋白VP1 G-H环上高度保守的精氨酸-甘氨酸-天门冬氨酸(Arg-Gly-Asp,RGD)基序与整联蛋白结合起始病毒的感染,但FMDV是RNA病毒,在环境条件变化时,FMDV能够以非RGD的途径起始病毒的感染。为了研究FMDV Asia1/JS/China/05田间舌皮毒经两种不同的途径短期传代后细胞受体结合基序RGD的变异。【方法】采用RT-PCR方法扩增FMDV Asia1/JS/China/05田间毒、田间毒的乳鼠适应毒第四代(MF4)和接种田间毒的牛同居感染的猪水泡病料适应细胞的第八代毒(PBF8)结构蛋白VP1基因,并对不同病毒VP1基因的PCR产物测序和cDNA文库测序。【结果】以含RGD受体结合基序为优势的田间毒在乳鼠上短期传代后出现了含精氨酸-丝氨酸-天门冬氨酸(Arg-Ser-Asp,RSD)和RGD受体结合基序的混合种群,而同居感染后的细胞传代病毒种群则以含精氨酸-天门冬氨酸-天门冬氨酸(Arg-Asp-Asp,RDD)受体结合基序为优势种群。【结论】发现了含RGD受体结合位点为优势的FMDV种群,经不同的宿主短期传代后产了含RSD或RDD受体结合基序的优势种群,该发现不仅增加了保守基序RGD发生替换的FMDV变异株的数量,而且为FMDV的细胞识别和宿主嗜性的改变等进一步研究奠定了物质基础。 相似文献
口蹄疫病毒A/AKT/58株基因组全长感染性cDNA克隆的体内拯救 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
构建了两种口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV)基因组全长cDNA克隆DTA/FMDV和pCA/FMDV,利用体外转录和体内转录方法制备感染性病毒,并对其抗原性,乳鼠毒力(LD50)和病毒生长动力学等生物学特性进行了分析。为了鉴别野毒与重组病毒,利用融合PCR技术在两种全长cDNA基因组内分别引入了几个点突变(pTA/FMDV;T1029G,pCA/FMDV:A174G,A308G,T1029G)作为遗传标记。结果表明,两种重组病毒对3日龄乳鼠均表现致病性。但是由pTA/FMDV合成的感染性体外转录本RNA的毒力较弱(10^-6);而与pCT7RNAP质粒共转染的pCA/FMDV体内拯救病毒的毒力较强(10^-7.5),并在BHK-21细胞上表现出与野毒相似的生长特性。这一结果表明,在FMDV的拯救过程中,以pCT7RNAP为基础的体内拯救系统相比体外转录方法更为简便、实用。该系统为利用反向遗传操作技术深入研究FMDV的分子致病机制及其准种特性等奠定了良好的基础。 相似文献
为了研制口蹄疫抗原表位突变标记疫苗,本研究以含有Asia 1型口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)c DNA全长的感染性克隆p Asia 1-FMDV作为骨架,将3D蛋白中第27位氨基酸的H和31位的氨基酸N分别突变成Y和R,从而突变3D蛋白的一个抗原表位,将构建的带有突变表位的重组质粒转染BHK-21细胞,成功拯救出一株突变FMDV。经比较后发现,重组病毒的生物学特性与亲本毒株相似。病毒中和试验结果显示,抗重组病毒的血清与亲本病毒有良好的反应性。Western blotting结果表明重组病毒诱导的抗体能与突变的表位合成肽反应而不与野生型病毒的表位合成肽发生反应,从而区分重组病毒与亲本病毒。综上所述,这株抗原表位突变FMDV有望作为口蹄疫标记疫苗候株进一步评估。 相似文献
【目的】近年来,O型口蹄疫的不断暴发严重危害了我国畜牧业的发展,其病原——O型口蹄疫病毒已演化出3种谱系:中国型猪毒系、泛亚系和缅甸98系。其中中国型猪毒系病毒高度嗜猪,对养猪业危害最大。目前应用的疫苗已不能有效保护中国型猪毒系变异株的流行,这给我国猪口蹄疫的防控带来了极大的困难。为了进一步发展免疫原性好、抗原谱广的猪O型口蹄疫疫苗候选株,本研究以O/HN/93现用疫苗毒株的感染性克隆为骨架,用流行的新猪毒系病毒的部分VP3和VP1基因(主要是替换VP1蛋白上的B-C环和G-H环)替换疫苗毒株的相应部分,构建了嵌合的FMDV全长cDNA克隆。【方法】线化的嵌合全长质粒和表达T7 RNA聚合酶的真核质粒pcDNAT7P共转染BHK-21细胞,体内转录拯救嵌合病毒。【结果】嵌合全长质粒转染BHK-21细胞36h后,出现明显的FMDV致细胞病变效应。对收获的病毒分别用RT-PCR、间接免疫荧光、电子显微镜观察结果证实成功拯救到嵌合的FMDV。拯救的病毒乳鼠致病性试验结果表明该拯救病毒对乳鼠的致病力减弱。该嵌合病毒的成功拯救为研制口蹄疫新型疫苗等奠定了基础。 相似文献
从PRRSV BJ-4株基因组全长cDNA获得感染性病毒 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对已构建的覆盖猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)BJ-4全长cDNA的6个重组质粒进行测序,并对部分点突变进行定点回复突变,将突变片段顺次连接,获得了全长cDNA克隆pWSK-DCBA。通过体外转录获得病毒基因组RNA,将RNA与脂质体混合后直接转染MARC-145细胞,获得拯救病毒(rV68)。rV68能在MARC-145细胞上稳定传代,并可引起PRRSV特征性的细胞病变(CPE)。增殖动态分析表明,rV68在MARC-145细胞上的生长有所迟滞,达到最高滴度的培养时间比亲本病毒延迟12h,但滴毒无显著差异(P>0.05)。结果表明,构建的BJ-4全长cDNApWSK-DCBA具有感染性,为研究中国PRRSV的分子致病与免疫机制、新型疫苗等奠定了基础。 相似文献
【目的】研究嵌合口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV) O/GSLX/CHN/2010株S片段的基因工程病毒的生物学特性。【方法】运用反向遗传操作技术,将FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010的S片段嵌合进2株同谱系FMDV的感染性克隆骨架,拯救得到两株基因工程嵌合病毒rGDexc、rGZexc;进而从病毒复制和病毒对乳鼠的致病力方面,对嵌合病毒、亲本基因工程病毒以及FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010株进行了评价。【结果】FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010株复制较慢,对乳鼠致病力较差。嵌合病毒和亲本基因工程病毒的复制能力、对乳鼠的致病力明显高于FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010株。【结论】研究表明FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010的S片段不能独自决定该病毒较差的复制能力和较弱的乳鼠致病力。这一发现为进一步研究O/GSLX/CHN/2010的致弱机制以及S片段对病毒生物学特性的影响奠定了基础。 相似文献
设计并合成了O型口蹄疫泛亚型代表毒株O/CHINA/99基因组9条引物,利用RT-PCR扩增各基因片段,酶切后连到pOK-12载体上,经酶切、PCR和序列测定表明,O/CHINA/99全基因组由8 200个核苷酸组成,构建的感染性cDNA与原毒株的序列同源性为99.1%;利用T7 RNA聚合酶系统进行体外转录,转录产物RNA用脂质体转入BHK-21细胞传代培养,可观察到典型的FMDV致细胞病变效应;拯救病毒接种2日龄乳鼠后,可出现典型的临床症状,并于16~48h内死亡。以上结果表明,O/CHINA/99株全长cDNA分子克隆构建成功,并从构建的全长cDNA拯救出了口蹄疫病毒。 相似文献
Jun-jun Shao Hui-yun Chang Tong Lin Guo-zheng Cong Jun-zheng Du Jian-hong Guo Hui-fang Bao You-jun Shang Ya-min Yang Xiang-tao Liu Zai-xin Liu Ji-xing Liu 《中国病毒学》2008,23(5):378-382
To investigate the security of semen biologically, 15 bull semen samples were collected (of which 5 exhibited clinical signs
of Foot-and-mouth disease) and identified by RT-PCR and virus isolation. The results indicated that the semen of the infected
bulls were contaminated by Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), but FMDV was not detected in semen samples from those bulls
not showing clinical signs of Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). This is the first report of the presence of FMDV in bull semen
due to natural infection in China. The analysis of the partial sequence of the VP1 gene showed that the virus strain isolated
from semen has 97.9% identity with the virus isolated from vesicular liquid of infected bulls showing typical signs of FMD
and belonged to the same gene sub-group.
Foundation items: State Science and Technology Support Program (2006DAD06A03) and Hi-tech Research and Development Program
of China 863 (2006AA10A204). 相似文献
Aiguo Xin Mingwang Zhu Qi Hu Haisheng Miao Zhenqi Peng Yuwen He Lin Gao Huachun Li 《Virologica Sinica》2014,(5)
An amino acid mutation(R127→I) in the 3A non-structural protein of an FMDV serotype Asia1 rabbit-attenuated ZB strain was previously found after attenuation of the virus. To explore the effects of this mutation on viral replication and infection, the amino acid residue isoleucine(I) was changed to arginine(R) in the infectious cDNA clone of the rabbit-attenuated ZB strain by sitedirected mutagenesis, and the R127-mutated virus was rescued. BHK monolayer cells and suckling mice were inoculated with the R127-mutated virus to test its growth property and pathogenicity, respectively. The effects of the R127 mutation on viral replication and virulence were analyzed. The data showed that there was a slight difference in plaque morphology between the R127-mutated and wild-type viruses. The growth rate of the mutated virus was lower in BHK-21 cells and its virulence in suckling mice was also attenuated. This study indicates that the R127 mutation in 3A may play an important role in FMDV replication in vitro and in pathogenicity in suckling mice. 相似文献
Tong Lin Jing Li Jun-jun Shao Guo-zheng Cong Jun-zheng Du Shan-dian Gao Hui-yun Chang 《中国病毒学》2011,26(4):273-278
In order to develop an anti-FMDV A Type monoclonal antibo by (mAb),BABL/c mice were immunized with FMDV A type.Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 7B11 and 8H4 against Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotype A were produced by fusing SP2/O myeloma cells with splenocyte from the mouse immunized with A/AV88.The microneutralization titer of the mAbs 7B11 and 8H4 were 1024 and 512,respectively.Both mAbs contain kappa light chains,the mAbs were IgG1.In order to define the mAbs binding epitopes,the reactivity of these mAbs against A Type FMDV,were examined using indirect ELISA,the result showed that both mAbs reacted with A Type FMDV.These mAbs may be used for further vaccine studies,diagnostic methods,prophylaxis,etiological and immunological research on FMDV.Characterization of these ncindicated that prepared anti-FMDV A mAbs had no cross-reactivity with Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD) or FMDV O,Asial and C Type antigens.Their titers in abdomen liquor were 1:5×106 and 1:2×106,respectively.7B11 was found to be of subtype IgG1,8H4 was classified as IgG2b subtype.The mAbs prepared in this study,are specific for detection of FMDV serotype A,and is potentially useful for pen-side diagnosis. 相似文献
Poly (A) RNA was isolated from foot-and-mouth disease virus-infected cells by oligo (dT)-cellulose chromatography. One-dimensional
oligonucleotide mapping of virus-induced poly (A) RNA indicated major differences between virus types O and Asia 1. Base composition
analysis of virus-induced RNA showed no significant differences between types O and Asia 1. 相似文献
Nuria Verdaguer Mauricio G. Mateu Jernimo Bravo Jos Tormo Ernest Giralt David Andreu Esteban Domingo Ignacio Fita 《Proteins》1994,18(2):201-203
The Fab fragment of the neutralizing monoclonal antibody SD6 elicited against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) C-SBcl and its complex with a peptide, corresponding to the major antigenic site of FMDV (VPl residues 136–150, YTASARGDLAHLTTT), have been crystallized using the hanging drop vapor diffusion techniques. For the isolated Fab, crystals diffracting to 2.5 Å resolution were obtained at room temperature using ammonium sulfate as precipitant. These crystals are monoclinic, space group C2, and unit cell parameters a = 109.53 Å, b = 89.12 Å, c = 64.04 Å, and β = 112.9° and contain one Fab molecule per asymmetric unit. Crystals from the complex diffract, at least, to 2.8 Å resolution and were obtained, at room temperature, using PEG as precipitant. These crystals are monoclinic, space group P2, and unit cell parameters a = 56.11 Å, b = 60.67 Å, c = 143.45 Å, and β = 95.4°, Density packing considerations indicate that there are two Fab molecules in the asymmetric unit. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
口蹄疫病毒结构蛋白P1-2A及蛋白酶3C基因的转基因番茄对豚鼠免疫反应的初步研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
构建了O型口蹄疫病毒China99株结构蛋白P1-2A、非结构蛋白3C以及部分2B基因(P1-2X3C)的植物双元表达载体pBin438/P1-2X3C,通过农杆菌介导法转化番茄子叶,经卡那霉素抗性筛选,获得40余株抗性植株,对得到的抗性植株进行分子生物学检测,65%的再生植株PCR检测阳性;RT-PCR结果证实P1-2X3C基因在转基因番茄中能够有效转录;ELISA和Western blot检测表明转基因植株中表达的目的蛋白具有免疫反应性。转基因番茄叶片蛋白粗提液经肌肉途径免疫豚鼠,于第3次免疫后28d用100ID50/0.2mL的同源强毒攻击,结果表明口蹄疫病毒P1-2X3C基因的转基因番茄表达产物具有良好的免疫原性,豚鼠3免后血清效价可达1:64~1:128,攻毒后两组免疫豚鼠保护率分别达3/5和5/5。 相似文献