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Coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for half of the 1 million deaths annually ascribed to cardiovascular disease and for almost all of the 1.5 million acute myocardial infarctions. Within families affected by early and apparently heritable CHD, dyslipidemias have a much higher prevalence than in the general population; 20%-30% of early familial CHD has been ascribed to primary hypoalphalipoproteinemia (low HDL-C). This study assesses the evidence for linkage of low HDL-C to chromosomal region 11q23 in 105 large Utah pedigrees ascertained with closely related clusters of early CHD and expanded on the basis of dyslipidemia. Linkage analysis was performed by use of 22 STRP markers in a 55-cM region of chromosome 11. Two-point analysis based on a general, dominant-phenotype model yielded LODs of 2.9 for full pedigrees and 3.5 for 167 four-generation split pedigrees. To define a localization region, model optimization was performed using the heterogeneity, multipoint LOD score (mpHLOD). This linkage defines a region on 11q23.3 that is approximately 10 cM distal to-and apparently distinct from-the ApoAI/CIII/AIV gene cluster and thus represents a putative novel localization for the low HDL-C phenotype.  相似文献   

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA, male pattern baldness) is the most common form of hair loss. The origin of AGA is genetic, with the X chromosome located androgen receptor gene (AR) being the only risk gene identified to date. We present the results of a genome-wide linkage study of 95 families and linkage fine mapping of the 3q21-q29, 11q14-q25, 18p11-q23, and 19p13-q13 regions in an extended sample of 125 families of German descent. The locus with strongest evidence for linkage was mapped to 3q26 with a nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 3.97 (empirical p value = 0.00055). This is the first step toward the identification of new susceptibility genes in AGA, a process which will provide important insights into the molecular and cellular basis of scalp hair loss.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease with a strong genetic component. Few psoriasis-susceptibility loci have been reported, and only two have been confirmed in independent data sets. This article reports results of a genomewide scan that was performed, using 370 microsatellite markers, for psoriasis-susceptibility loci in 32 German extended families, comprising 162 affected and 195 unaffected individuals. Nonparametric linkage analysis of all families provided strong evidence for a novel psoriasis-susceptibility locus on chromosome 19p (Zlr=3.50; P=.0002). Parametric analysis revealed a heterogeneity LOD score of 4.06, corresponding to a genomewide significance level of.037, under the assumption of a recessive model with high disease-allele frequency and 66% as the proportion of linked families. This study confirms linkage of psoriasis to the HLA region on chromosome 6p and suggests additional regions on chromosomes 8q and 21q for further investigations.  相似文献   

We present a two-stage genomewide scan for osteoarthritis-susceptibility loci, using 481 families that each contain at least one affected sibling pair. The first stage, with 272 microsatellite markers and 297 families, involved a sparse map covering 23 chromosomes at intervals of approximately 15 cM. Sixteen markers that showed evidence of linkage at nominal P相似文献   

A scan for linkage disequilibrium across the human genome.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Several genome scans in search of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been performed. However, to date the actual identification of genes implicated in the regulation of common forms of HDL abnormalities remains unsuccessful. This may be due, in part, to the oligogenic and multivariate nature of HDL regulation, and potentially, pleiotropy affecting HDL and other lipid-related traits. Using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, we recently provided evidence of linkage of HDL level variation to the APOA1–C3–A4–A5 gene complex, in familial combined hyperlipidemia pedigrees, with an estimated number of two to three large QTLs remaining to be identified. We also presented results consistent with pleiotropy affecting HDL and triglycerides at the APOA1–C3–A4–A5 gene complex. Here we use the same MCMC analytic strategy, which allows for oligogenic trait models, as well as simultaneous incorporation of covariates, in the context of multipoint analysis. We now present results from a genome scan in search for the additional HDL QTLs in these pedigrees. We provide evidence of linkage for additional HDL QTLs on chromosomes 3p14 and 13q32, with results on chromosome 3 further supported by maximum parametric and variance component LOD scores of 3.0 and 2.6, respectively. Weaker evidence of linkage was also obtained for 7q32, 12q12, 14q31–32 and 16q23–24.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of the idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Recent genome scans and replication studies have identified replicated linkage between CD and a locus on chromosome 16 (the IBD1 locus), replicated linkage between IBD (especially UC) and a locus on chromosome 12q (the IBD2 locus), and replicated linkage between IBD (especially CD) and a locus on chromosome 6p (the IBD3 locus). Since the estimated locus-specific lambdas values for the regions of replicated linkage do not account for the overall lambdas in CD, and since the published genome scans in IBD show at least nominal evidence for linkage to regions on all but two chromosomes, we performed an independent genome scan using 751 microsatellite loci in 127 CD-affected relative pairs from 62 families. Single-point nonparametric linkage analysis using the GENEHUNTER-PLUS program shows evidence for linkage to the adjacent D14S261 and D14S283 loci on chromosome 14q11-12 (LOD = 3.00 and 1.70, respectively), and the maximal multipoint LOD score is observed at D14S261 (LOD = 3.60). In the multipoint analysis, nominal evidence for linkage (P<.05) is observed near D2S117 (LOD = 1.25), near D3S3045 (LOD = 1.31), between D7S40 and D7S648 (LOD = 0.91), and near D18S61 (LOD = 1.15). Our finding of significant linkage to D14S261 and the finding of suggestive linkage to the same locus in an independent study (multipoint LOD = 2.8) satisfies criteria for confirmed linkage, so we propose that the region of interest on chromosome 14q11-12 should be designated the IBD4 locus.  相似文献   

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder that affects 5%-12% of all whites. To genetically dissect this complex disease, we characterized 15 large and extended multiplex pedigrees, consisting of 453 subjects (134 affected with RLS). A familial aggregation analysis was performed, and SAGE FCOR was used to quantify the total genetic contribution in these families. A weighted average correlation of 0.17 between first-degree relatives was obtained, and heritability was estimated to be 0.60 for all types of relative pairs, indicating that RLS is a highly heritable trait in this ascertained cohort. A genomewide linkage scan, which involved >400 10-cM-spaced markers and spanned the entire human genome, was then performed for 144 individuals in the cohort. Model-free linkage analysis identified one novel significant RLS-susceptibility locus on chromosome 9p24-22 with a multipoint nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 3.22. Suggestive evidence of linkage was found on chromosome 3q26.31 (NPL score 2.03), chromosome 4q31.21 (NPL score 2.28), chromosome 5p13.3 (NPL score 2.68), and chromosome 6p22.3 (NPL score 2.06). Model-based linkage analysis, with the assumption of an autosomal-dominant mode of inheritance, validated the 9p24-22 linkage to RLS in two families (two-point LOD score of 3.77; multipoint LOD score of 3.91). Further fine mapping confirmed the linkage result and defined this novel RLS disease locus to a critical interval. This study establishes RLS as a highly heritable trait, identifies a novel genetic locus for RLS, and will facilitate further cloning and identification of the genes for RLS.  相似文献   

We report on our initial genetic linkage studies of schizophrenia in the genetically isolated population of the Afrikaners from South Africa. A 10-cM genomewide scan was performed on 143 small families, 34 of which were informative for linkage. Using both nonparametric and parametric linkage analyses, we obtained evidence for a small number of disease loci on chromosomes 1, 9, and 13. These results suggest that few genes of substantial effect exist for schizophrenia in the Afrikaner population, consistent with our previous genealogical tracing studies. The locus on chromosome 1 reached genomewide significance levels (nonparametric LOD score of 3.30 at marker D1S1612, corresponding to an empirical P value of.012) and represents a novel susceptibility locus for schizophrenia. In addition to providing evidence for linkage for chromosome 1, we also identified a proband with a uniparental disomy (UPD) of the entire chromosome 1. This is the first time a UPD has been described in a patient with schizophrenia, lending further support to involvement of chromosome 1 in schizophrenia susceptibility in the Afrikaners.  相似文献   

Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is a complex genetic disorder of unknown etiology. Recently, 'modifier' genes of the FCHL phenotype, such as the apolipoprotein AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster and LPL, have been identified in several populations. A 'major' gene for FCHL has been identified in a Finnish isolate which maps to a region syntenic to murine chromosome 3 where a locus for combined hyperlipidemia has been identified. We review these and other recent studies which indicate that FCHL is genetically heterogeneous.  相似文献   

A genome scan was performed for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration (LDL-C) in white subjects who were ascertained through the NHLBI Family Heart Study (FHS). The NIH Mammalian Genotyping Service (Marshfield, Wis.) genotyped 401 autosomal markers spaced at approximate 10-cM intervals. Additional FHS families were genotyped by the FHS Molecular Laboratory at the University of Utah for 243 markers; 645 subjects were typed in both laboratories so that a combined map of the 644 markers from the two screening sets (average distance of 5.46 cM) could be produced. Analyses were done on 2,799 genotyped subjects in 500 families where at least two genotyped persons in the family had measured LDL-C levels (average number of genotyped family members=5.95). The variance components method was used as implemented in GeneHunter (Kruglyak et al. 1996). Prior to analysis, each phenotype was adjusted, within sex, for age, age squared, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, alcohol, smoking, medication status for diabetes and hypertension, estrogen use, and field center location. Linkage analyses were performed, first excluding 305 subjects on lipid-lowering medications, then again including the data from these subjects. The highest peak was on chromosome 11 at 56.3-56.4 cM, with a maximum lod score of 3.72. Two genome scans of lipid traits in other populations have found peaks in this region. Other scores at or above 1.9 occurred on chromosomes 5 (lod=1.89 at 1.6 cM), 10 (lod=2.47 at 127.1 cM), 17 (lod=2.33 at 116.3 cM), and 21 (lod=2.74 at 45.2 cM).  相似文献   

Alopecia areata (AA) is a genetically determined, immune-mediated disorder of the hair follicle that affects 1%-2% of the U.S. population. It is defined by a spectrum of severity that ranges from patchy localized hair loss on the scalp to the complete absence of hair everywhere on the body. In an effort to define the genetic basis of AA, we performed a genomewide search for linkage in 20 families with AA consisting of 102 affected and 118 unaffected individuals from the United States and Israel. Our analysis revealed evidence of at least four susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6, 10, 16 and 18, by use of several different statistical approaches. Fine-mapping analysis with additional families yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.93 on chromosome 18, a two-point affected sib pair (ASP) LOD score of 3.11 on chromosome 16, several ASP LOD scores >2.00 on chromosome 6q, and a haplotype-based relative risk LOD of 2.00 on chromosome 6p (in the major histocompatibility complex locus). Our findings confirm previous studies of association of the human leukocyte antigen locus with human AA, as well as the C3H-HeJ mouse model for AA. Interestingly, the major loci on chromosomes 16 and 18 coincide with loci for psoriasis reported elsewhere. These results suggest that these regions may harbor gene(s) involved in a number of different skin and hair disorders.  相似文献   

Seven genes and two anonymous markers were mapped to a single linkage group on rat chromosome 10 using progeny of an F2 intercross of Fischer (F344/N) and Lewis (LEW/N) inbred rats. Two genes, the neu oncogene or cellular homologue of the viral oncogene erbb2 (ERBB2) and growth hormone (GH) were mapped by Southern blot analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Five genes, embryonic skeletal myosin heavy chain (MYH3), androgen binding protein/sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), asialoglycoprotein receptor (hepatic lectin)-1 (ASGR1), ATP citrate lysase (CLATP), and pancreatic polypeptide (PPY), and two anonymous markers, F16F2 and F10F1, were mapped using PCR amplification techniques. The PCR-typable polymorphic markers for the five genes were also highly polymorphic in 10 other inbred rat strains (SHR/N, WKY/N, MNR/N, MR/N, LOU/MN, BN/SsN, BUF/N, WBB1/N, WBB2/N, and ACI/N). These markers should be useful in genetic analysis of traits described in inbred rat strains, as well as in genetic monitoring of such strains. The loci in this linkage group covered 50 cM of rat chromosome 10 with the following order: MYH3, SHBG/ASGR1 (no recombinants detected), F16F2, ERBB2, CLATP, PPY, GH, and F10F1. Comparative gene mapping analysis indicated that this region of rat chromosome 10 exhibits linkage conservation with regions of human chromosome 17 and mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated evidence of linkage to bipolar affective disorder (BP) in a single large, multigenerational family with a LOD score of 3.41 at the PFKL locus on chromosome 21q22.3. Additional families showed little support for linkage to PFKL under homogeneity or heterogeneity, in that study. We have expanded on that analysis, with 31 microsatellite markers at an average marker spacing of </=2 cM, in the largest multigenerational BP pedigree series reported to date. A two-point heterogeneity (alpha=0.5) LOD score of 3.35 (P<.000156) was found at the D21S1260 locus, 5 cM proximal to PFKL. Polylocus analysis with a cluster of three neighboring markers was consistent with these results (PL-HetLOD = 3.25). In the design of this study, 373 individuals from 40 families (from a total set of 1,508 individuals in 57 families) were chosen, as a cost-effective approach to genotyping this large sample set. Linkage analyses were performed with an "affecteds-only" method. As such, our results are based solely on genetic information from affected individuals, without assumptions about the disease-locus genotypes of the unaffecteds. Furthermore, for ease of comparison, this study was performed with the same approach as a 10-cM genome scan for BP loci, the results of which will be reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

Gout is a disorder of uric-acid metabolism. The Pacific Austronesian population, including Taiwanese aborigines, has a remarkably high prevalence of hyperuricemia and gout, which suggests a founder effect across the Pacific region. We report here a genomewide linkage study of 21 multiplex pedigrees with gout from an aboriginal tribe in Taiwan. From observations of familial clustering, early onset of gout, and clinically severe manifestations, we hypothesized that a major gene plays a role in this trait. Using 382 random polymorphic markers spread across 22 autosomes, we demonstrated a highly significant linkage for gout at marker D4S2623 on chromosome 4q25 (P=.0002 by nonparametric linkage [the NPL(all) statistic]; empirical P=.0006; LOD=4.3, P=4.4x10-6 by logistic regression). When alcohol consumption was included as a covariate in the model, the LOD score increased to 5.66 (P=1.3x10-6). Quantitative traits, including serum uric acid and creatinine, also showed a moderate linkage to this region. To our knowledge, this is the first genome-scan report to identify a genetic locus harboring a gout-susceptibility gene.  相似文献   

We used a covariate-based linkage method to reanalyze genome scan data from affected sibships collected by the Alzheimer Disease (AD) Genetics Initiative of the National Institute of Mental Health. As reported in an earlier article, the amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) region is strongly linked to affected sib pairs of the oldest current age (i.e., age either at last exam or at death) who lack E4 alleles at the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) locus. We now report that a region on 20p shows the same pattern. A model that includes current age and the number of E2 alleles as covariates gives a LOD score of 4.1. The signal on 20p is near the location of the gene coding for cystatin-C, previously shown to be associated with late-onset AD and to codeposit with APP in the brains of patients with AD. Two-locus analysis provides evidence of strong epistasis between 20p and the APP region, limited to the oldest age group and to those lacking ApoE4 alleles. We speculate that high-risk polymorphisms in both regions produce a biological interaction between these two proteins that increases susceptibility to a very-late-onset form of AD.  相似文献   

Summary To understand the molecular basis of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) in the Chinese population, a family with FHC was investigated. Nineteen family members who were 16 years of age or older were examined by M-mode or two-dimensional echocardiography. Eight members were diagnosed to be affected echocardiographically or clinically. Lymphocytes isolated from 20 family members were successfully transformed into permanent lymphoblastoid cell lines by Epstein-Barr virus. Three genomic DNA probes (CRI-L436, CRI-L329, and pSC14) that were derived from chromosome 14q1 loci and demonstrated to be linked closely to FHC were used to probe this family. Using the techniques of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and linkage analysis, the probe CRI-L436, which recognized locus D14S26, was found informative in this family. The lod scores were -2.0 at = 0.025 and -1.49 at = 0.05. Thus, there was no evidence of linkage between the locus D14S26 and the gene for FHC in the pedigree studied. In addition, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification did not indicate a mutation on exon 13 of the cardiac myosin heavy chain gene as previously reported. Our data suggest that FHC is a genetically heterogeneous disease.  相似文献   

Posterior microphthalmia (PM) is a relatively rare autosomal recessive condition with normal anterior segment and small posterior segment resulting in high hyperopia and retinal folding. It is an uncommon subtype of microphthalmia that has been mostly reported to coexist with several other ophthalmic conditions and to occur in sporadic cases. The membrane-type frizzled-related protein (MFRP) is the only gene so far reported implicated in autosomal recessive, non-syndromic and syndromic forms of PM. Here, we performed a clinical and genetic analysis using six consanguineous families ascertained from different regions of Tunisia and affected with non-syndromic PM that segregates as an autosomal recessive trait. To identify the disease-causing defect in these families, we first analysed MFRP gene, then some candidate genes (CHX10, OPA1, MITF, SOX2, CRYBB1-3 and CRYBA4) and loci (MCOP1, NNO1 and NNO2) previously implicated in different forms of microphthalmia. After exclusion of these genes and loci, we performed a genome-wide scan using a high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array 50 K in a large consanguineous pedigree. SNP genotyping revealed eight homozygous candidate regions on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 17 and 21. Linkage analysis with additional microsatellite markers only retained the 2q37.1 region with a maximum LOD score of 8.85 obtained for D2S2344 at θ = 0.00. Further investigations are compatible for linkage of four more families to this region with a refined critical interval of 2.35 Mb. The screening of five candidate genes SAG, PDE6D, CHRND, CHRNG and IRK13 did not reveal any disease-causing mutation.  相似文献   

A locus on chromosome 11p with multiple restriction site polymorphisms.   总被引:30,自引:21,他引:9  
We have discovered and characterized a new polymorphic locus on chromosome 11p, D11S12, defined by an arbitrary genomic DNA segment cloned in the plasmid pADJ762. Four different polymorphic restriction sites with minor allele frequencies greater than 5% are revealed by Southern hybridization of this probe and its derivatives to digests of human DNAs. These include two MspI sites, a TaqI site, and a BclI site. The frequencies of the common haplotypes at this locus have been determined in a Utah population. Significant linkage disequilibrium has been demonstrated to exist between some pairs of polymorphic sites. A molecular map of this region has been determined, and the polymorphic sites have been localized. Comparison of physical separation with degree of linkage disequilibrium reveals an interesting case where an MspI site and a TaqI site that are separated by 6.8 kilobases (kb) show a greater degree of disequilibrium with each other than they do with two polymorphic sites located between them. One of the two interior sites is a BclI site that is approximately 0.2 kb away from the TaqI site but shows the same degree of disequilibrium with the TaqI site as with the MspI site 6.7 kb away. Although there is significant linkage disequilibrium at this locus, there are four major haplotypes with frequencies of 5% or greater, and the polymorphic information content (PIC) of this locus is .64.  相似文献   

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