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Morphological variation among populations of Leporinus friderici (Bloch), an anostomid fish of widespread neotropical distribution, has been hypothesized but never conclusively demonstrated. We used multivariate procedures to examine patterns of morphometric variation among populations of L. friderici from three South American biogeographic regions: the Paraná-Paraguay River and Amazon River basins of Brazil, and the Marowijne River basin of Suriname. Samples from the southern Paraná-Paraguay basin are completely distinct from the northern Amazonian and Suriname regions in principal components analysis, primarily on the basis of body elongation and orbit differcnces. Samples from the two northern regions were separated in a size-free canonical variates analysis by differences in relative body depth. These results emphasize a need for further studies of neotropical fish species with similar distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Two new species of Leporinus are described from tributaries of the Rio Amazonas in Brazil. One species is known from the Jari and Tapajós River basins, and is identified on the basis of a gas bladder reduced in size, a dark midlateral stripe on the body, dark transverse bars on the dorsum, a subinferior mouth, three teeth on the premaxilla, four teeth on the dentary and 16 scale rows around the caudal peduncle. The second new species is known from the Tocantins, Xingu and Tapajós River basins, and is identified on the basis of three dark longitudinal stripes on the body, a subinferior mouth, three teeth on the premaxilla, four teeth on the dentary and 12 scale rows around the caudal peduncle. In addition, Leporinus striatus is redescribed based on type and additional specimens from the Río de La Plata, Amazonas, Orinoco, Atrato, Magdalena and Sinu River basins. Leporinus striatus is identified on the basis of four dark longitudinal stripes on the body, a subterminal mouth, three teeth on the premaxilla, four teeth on the dentary and 16 scale rows around the caudal peduncle.  相似文献   

A genetic study was carried out on a neotropical fish species to illustrate the refuge theory, whose main principles are summarized. The geographical structure of the anostomid species Leporinus friderici was analysed in French Guiana and Brazil by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Fifteen enzymatic systems corresponding to 21 loci were studied, revealing the following particularities: (1) specimens of fish from six independent coastal rivers of French Guiana form two groups geographically situated on either side of the Kourou River; (2) two alleles can serve as geographic markers, Ldh2 ( l30 ) showing an affinity between the populations in eastern French Guiana and Brazil, and Me 1 ( 300 ) being specific to the west.
These observations are probably related to the refuges that were formed in the Quaternary in South America, especially on the Guiana Shield. We consider that the populations of French Guiana are separated into two groups at the boundary between the two migratory flows, one arising in the west from the refuge of the Guiana Shield and the other in the east from a nearby undetermined Amazonian refuge.  相似文献   

The initial development of the red-bellied pacu Piaractus brachypomus is described using morphological, meristic and morphometric characteristics. A total of 127 individuals were analysed (47 in the yolk-sac, 35 in pre-flexion, five in flexion, 20 in post-flexion and 20 in juvenile) with standard length varying between 2.92 and 48.61 mm. The larvae are born poorly developed and have a discoidal yolk at ~6.33 mm standard length. During early ontogeny, the mouth passes from terminal to subterminal and the anal opening reaches the vertical line over the midline region of the body. There are changes in body shape from long and moderate to deep, head length from small to large, and eye diameter from moderate to large. Dendritic chromatophores were present in the ventral, dorsal and upper part of the swim bladder in the early larval stages. Rounded spots are evident all over the body in juveniles. The total number of myomeres ranges from 39 to 41 (20–23 pre-anal, 17–20 post-anal). Through the morphometric relationships, it was evidenced that the greatest changes during the initial ontogeny of P. brachypomus occur in the transition from the post-flexion stage to the juvenile period, indicating changes in behaviour, foraging and physiology.  相似文献   

Knodus dorsomaculatus, a new species, is described from Teles Pires River, a tributary of the Tapajós River, Brazil. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a conspicuous dark blotch on the base of the first five branched dorsal fin rays and the presence of ii,9 dorsal fin rays. Additional comparisons between K. dorsomaculatus and its congeners are presented.  相似文献   

Leporinus macrocephalus is a species endemic to the Paraguay River basin and an important fishery resource, as well as a valuable species in aquaculture programs. A total of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized. A population survey was conducted involving 45 specimens whereby a large number of alleles (range 5–17 among loci), a highly observed (0.1667–0.6129) and an expected (0.6967–0.9448) heterozygosity was detected, indicating its usefulness in population genetics studies. Cross‐species amplification was successful in eight Characiformes species.  相似文献   

A wide range of sex chromosome mechanisms, including simple and multiple chromosome systems is characteristic of fishes. The Leporinus genus represent a good model to study sex chromosome mechanisms, because an unambiguous ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system was previously described for seven species, while the remaining studied species of the genus do not show differentiated sex chromosomes. The occurrence of sex chromosomes in Leporinus trifasciatus and Leporinus sp2 from the Araguaia river, Amazon basin, Brazil, was here investigated. ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes were detected for both species. The Z and W chromosome morphology of L. trifasciatus is the same as described for other species of the genus Leporinus. However, the Z and W chromosomes of L. sp2 were quite different in their morphology and banding pattern suggesting that the ZW system of this species have originated independently from the ZW system previously described for other Leporinus.  相似文献   

To achieve maximum efficacy, taxonomic studies that seek to distinguish amongst species must first account for allometric shape variation within species. Two recently developed software packages (SMATR and MorphoJ) offer regression‐based allometric approaches that are notable for their statistical power and ease of use and that may prove highly useful to taxonomists working with linear or geometric morphometric data. We investigate species delimitation of the slender‐bodied fishes in the Leporinus cylindriformis group using these programs and demonstrate the utility of the allometric corrections that they provide. Without allometric correction, many pairs of species are difficult to distinguish on the basis of morphometrics, but once regressions are used to account for marked allometric variation within species, most of the recognized species in this group can be readily distinguished with linear or geometric morphometrics, particularly using variation in the depth of the body. Both approaches returned congruent patterns of separation amongst putative species, but the geometric approach in MorphoJ distinguished amongst four more pairs of species than did the linear approach in SMATR and appears to provide slightly more statistical power. Based on distinctive morphometrics, meristics, and coloration, a highly elongate species of Leporinus from the Suriname, Corantijn, and Coppename rivers of Suriname is described herein as a new species, Leporinus apollo sp. nov. The unique L. cylindriformis holotype from Porto de Moz, Brazil differs in morphology, meristics, and pigmentation from specimens commonly referred to that species from the main basin of the Amazon; the latter specimens may represent an additional undescribed species. The L. cylindriformis holotype itself may represent a rare species or a specimen collected at the edge of its native range. Measurements of the holotype and paratype of Leporinus niceforoi, which were collected in the Amazonian slope of Colombia, differ substantially from similarly pigmented and putatively conspecific specimens from Amazonian portions of Ecuador and Peru. Recently collected specimens from Colombia are needed to determine whether the observed morphometric variation encompassed by the current concept of L. niceforoi indicates a morphocline within a single species, suggests the presence of multiple cryptic species, or results from shrinkage of the types. In all these cases, linear or geometric morphometric data can reliably differentiate amongst species, but only after one accounts for allometric shape variation. The new SMATR and MorphoJ software packages both offer easy and effective approaches to such allometrically informed taxonomy, and may prove useful to any systematist working on taxa that change shape as they grow. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 103–130.  相似文献   

Monophyly of the genus Leporinus (Characiformes: Anostomidae) was tested by sequencing and analysing a total of 4732 bp, including two mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) and cytochrome b (Cytb)] and three nuclear [myosin heavy chain 6 cardiac muscle alpha (Myh6), recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) and recombination activating gene 2 (RAG2)] loci for 22 species of Leporinus, or c. 25% of all described species in the genus. Phylogenetic tree analyses (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian species tree) indicate Leporinus to be paraphyletic, with monophyly being rejected by both Kishino–Hasegawa and Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests. The sequenced species of Leporinus are distributed across five clades that are interleaved among other anostomid genera. Several taxonomic changes are suggested as being necessary to restore monophyly for the group. The clade containing the type species, Leporinus fasciatus, should be considered Leporinus sensu stricto and at least three new genera should be described for other species currently considered part of Leporinus.  相似文献   

The growth rates of Leporinus friderici (Bloch, 1794) in four populations from four rivers of French Guiana are compared. According to a statistical analysis of growth curves using the method of maximum likelihood with the Gauss–Markardt algorithm, a marked difference is observed in the growth of the different samples which is attributed to the year of capture rather than to the geographical origin of fishes. It is demonstrated that the main factor affecting growth performances is the length of the rainy season, which corresponds for this species to the feeding period.  相似文献   

A new species of Hemigrammus is described from the Amazon Basin near Leticia, Departamento Amazonas, Colombia. In common with some congeners and some Hyphessobrycon spp., the new species colour pattern lacks a humeral blotch but has a caudal-peduncle blotch. It can be distinguished from congeners with a similar colour pattern by having: a relatively deep body (30.2%–39.0% LS), 20–24 branched anal-fin rays, 6–8 perforated scales of the lateral line, anal-fin base without a conspicuous black stripe, 3–5 maxillary teeth, maxillary teeth with 1–3 cusps, a thin longitudinal midlateral line and a well-defined oval shaped caudal blotch, extending from caudal peduncle into the lower caudal-fin rays. Comparisons with congeners and with Hyphessobrycon species sharing the same general colour pattern are presented.  相似文献   

Anchoviella hernanni sp. nov. is described from the upper Amazon River basin, in tributaries of the Marañon, Ucayali and Madre de Dios river drainages that drain the Peruvian Andes. The new taxon can be distinguished from all congeners except Anchoviella jamesi, Anchoviella manamensis and Anchoviella perezi, by having 12–15 gill rakers in the lower branch of the first gill arch (16–35) and from those species by the distance between verticals through the posterior margin of the orbit to the posterior margin of the upper jaw 9·5–14·8% head length; LH (v. up to 6·0% LH). An updated identification key of all freshwater species of Anchoviella and morphological comparisons between all species of the genus occurring in Peru are provided.  相似文献   

Twenty polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Neotropical fish Leporinus obtusidens using a next generation sequencing approach and tested in two other characifomes species, Schizodon platae and Prochilodus lineatus. Microsatellite loci alleles in L. obtusidens ranged between 2 and 20 alleles per locus (mean = 5·7), with expected heterozygosity values ranging from 0·097 to 0·956 (mean = 0·578) and observed heterozygosity values ranging from 0·000 to 0·800 (mean = 0·400) in a sample of 20 specimens from the lower Paraná River (Argentina). Most of these markers will be a valuable tool for captive breeding and stocking programmes, as well as for analyses of population connectivity and genetic structure in this broadly distributed Neotropical migratory fish.  相似文献   

The present study compared the community of parasites in populations of Triportheus angulatus and T. curtus from a tributary of the Amazon River in northern Brazil. All hosts had one or more parasite species, 862,687 parasites were collected from T. curtus and 302,008 from T. angulatus. Species richness of parasites, Shannon diversity index and evenness index were higher for T. angulatus. The parasite communities of both hosts was similar (99%) and composed by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Anacanthorus pitophallus, metacercariae and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, with dominance of I. multifiliis. However, low infection level by Piscinodinium pilullare, Dolops sp. and Contracaecum larvae occurred only in T. angulatus, and Spironucleus sp. was found only in T. curtus. There were differences in the prevalence, intensity and mean abundance for some parasites of both hosts. There was aggregated dispersion of parasites in both hosts, but the infection of P. (S.) inopinatus in T. angulatus showed a random dispersion. For T. angulatus and T. curtus, the diversity and abundance of parasites were influenced by the host size. This was the first report of these parasite species for T. curtus, as well as of I. multifiliis, P. pilullare, Dolops sp., P. (S.) inopinatus and Contracecum sp. for T. angulatus.  相似文献   

A new species of Brachychalcinus is described from the Rio Trombetas basin, Brazil. It differs from congeners by possessing a conspicuous rounded second humeral spot. Additionally, our new species differs from Brachychalcinus nummus, B. orbicularis and B. reisi by having a higher number of branched dorsal-fin rays, and from Brachychalcinus parnaibae by having a lower head depth.  相似文献   

Potamotrygonidae is the representative family of South American freshwater elasmobranchs. It is a monophyletic group containing 20 species grouped into three genera. Three species belonging to two genera of this family were collected from the middle Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil, and studied cytogenetically: Paratrygon aiereba, Potamotrygon motoro and Potamotrygon orbignyi. Paratrygon aiereba presented 2n = 90 chromosomes and 4M+2SM+10ST+74A. Both species of Potamotrygon presented 2n = 66 chromosomes and differed in their chromosomal formulas: P. motoro had 18M+12SM+10ST+26A and P. orbignyi had 22M+10SM+8ST+26A. No sex heteromorphism was detected. The Fundamental Number (FN) was 106 for the three species. A system of multiple NORs was found in the three species, but with interspecific differences in terms of location and position of the active Ag-NORs sites. Paratrygon aiereba presented only four sites on the short arms of two chromosomal pairs, both in terminal regions. Potamotrygon motoro presented seven sites, on the long and short arms, all in terminal regions of non-homologous chromosomes; P. orbignyi presented eight sites on the long arms, all in terminal regions, of non-homologous chromosomes. The constitutive heterochromatin was in pericentromeric regions of all chromosomes, and no significant interspecific difference was found in relation to this marker.  相似文献   

A total of 104 osteological and external morphological features were examined in 13 species of Acestrorhynchus and 15 outgroup taxa to advance a hypothesis of relationships within the genus. Two most parsimonious hypotheses corroborate the monophyly of Acestrorhynchus but differ in the hypothesized relationships of Acestrorhynchus heterolepis . Three proposed supraspecific assemblages are at least partially correlated with groups of species previously diagnosed on the basis of colour pattern: (1) Acestrorhynchus britskii , Acestrorhynchus grandoculis , Acestrorhynchus microlepis , and Acestrorhynchus minimus ; (2) Acestrorhynchus falcirostris , Acestrorhynchus isalineae , and A. Acestrorhynchus nasutus ; and (3) Acestrorhynchus abbreviatus , Acestrorhynchus altus , Acestrorhynchus falcatus , Acestrorhynchus lacustris , and Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro . In one hypothesis A. heterolepis is proposed as the closest relative of the clade formed by A. falcirostris , A. isalineae , and A. nasutus , and in the alternative hypothesis it is proposed as a sister species of the clade formed by A. abbreviatus , A. altus , A. falcatus , A. lacustris , and A. pantaneiro . Relationships among species of the latter clade remain unresolved. Two independent episodes of reduction of body size are hypothesized to have occurred within the genus: one associated with the clade formed by A. grandoculis and A. minimus , and the other with the clade formed by A. isalineae and A. nasutus . © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 691–757.  相似文献   

Meglitschia mylei n. sp. found in the gall bladder of the teleostean fish Myleus rubripinnis (Serrasalmidae) from the middle Amazonian region of Brazil is described using light and transmission electron microscopy. The spores observed in the bile averaged 24.6±0.8 μm long, 8.7±0.4 μm wide and 5.1±0.3 μm thick and were strongly furcate and arcuate ∩-shaped composed of two symmetric equal-sized valves, up to ~70 nm thick. Each valve possessed one opposed tapering appendage, 20.1±0.7 μm long, oriented parallel towards the basal tip of the appendages and joined along a right suture line forming a thick strand. The strand goes around the central part of the spore, which in turn surrounds two equal and symmetric spherical polar capsules (PC), 2.1±0.3 μm in diameter, located at the same level. Each capsule contains a polar filament with five (rarely six) coils. The binucleate sporoplasm was irregular in shape, contained several sporoplasmosomes, ~175 nm in diameter and filled all the space of the two caudal appendages. Based on the arc shape of the spore with two tapering caudal appendages oriented to the basis of spores, on the number and position of the PC and of the polar filament coils and arrangements, and on the host specificity, we propose the name M. mylei n. sp. for this new myxozoan. Accordingly, this is the second described species of this genus.  相似文献   

A new species of mysis, Surinamysis robertsonae , is described from the plankton of the Lago Calado, a whitewater lake in the Amazon Basin. This is only the second freshwater mysid to be described from the Amazon. Surinamysis Bowman, 1977, comprising S. robertsonae, S. americana and S. merista , is raised to full generic rank on the grounds of telson morphology (compared to the other species of the Antromysis group) and the flagelliform process of the male antennule.  相似文献   

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