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假丝酵母99-125脂肪酶的发酵工艺研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
对假丝酵母99-125脂肪酶的发酵工艺条件进行了一系列研究。选择了合适的培养基成分并进行优化 ,获得了最优的摇瓶培养基配方 (% ,W/V) :豆油 4.0 ,全脂豆粉 4.0 ,K2HPO40.1,KH2PO4 0.1。产酶水平能达到 5000IU/mL。在 30L发酵罐上进行初步放大实验 ,其产酶水平能达到 8100IU/mL。在1m3发酵罐上进行中试放大 ,产酶水平可达到 8000IU/mL。  相似文献   

D301树脂固定化假丝酵母脂肪酶   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王燕华  朱凯  刘辉  韩萍芳  韦萍 《生物工程学报》2009,25(12):2036-2041
本研究选择7种吸附和离子交换树脂进行了假丝酵母脂肪酶(Candida sp.lipase)的固定化试验,通过测定固定化后各脂肪酶的酶活,筛选出固定化效果较好的弱碱性阴离子交换树脂D301;并通过扫描电镜将D301与脂肪酶Novozym 435的表面形貌做比较,进一步选定D301树脂作为载体,并对其采用戊二醛交联固定化,研究并优化了其固定化条件。结果表明,5%戊二醛溶液的加入量为8mL,处理时间为5h,酶液浓度为1.0g/L,磷酸缓冲盐溶液pH6.0,固定化处理10h效果最好,获得的固定化酶活力可达35U/mg,酶的固定化效率约为3.5U/(mg·h)。  相似文献   

采用a凝集素作为载体蛋白,首次将南极假丝酵母脂肪酶A展示在酿酒酵母细胞表面,通过MD平板筛选获得表面展示型的CALA酵母工程菌株。免疫荧光检测显示CALA被成功展示在酵母细胞壁表面,重组子经诱导后能在三丁酸甘油酯板上形成透明圈,说明展示的CALA具有活性。重组酵母在液体培养基培养72 h,活性达到最高,为80.4 U/g干细胞。酿酒酵母展示的CALA最适温度及pH值为70°C和pH 8.0。经50°C保温2 h,仍含有60%水解酶活力。展示的CALA在pH 7.0和pH 8.0溶液中比较稳定。经DMSO处理2 h,展示的CALA仍保持70%的活性。以上结果表明酵母展示的CALA可作为一种有潜质商业用途的全细胞催化剂。  相似文献   

本文研究了一株从水果表皮分离到的假丝酵母,它与至今已发表的所有已知假丝酵母均不相同,定名为北京假丝酵母(Candida beijingensis)。  相似文献   

从南极假丝酵母(Candida antarctica)基因组克隆得到南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B(Candida antarctica Lipase B, CALB)全基因片段, 利用连接肽celA Linker将CALB与酿酒酵母细胞表面展示蛋白a-凝集素的C端连接融合, 构建表面展示载体pICAS-celAL-CALB, 转化酵母后获得重组酵母菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae pICAS-celAL-CALB。该重组酵母菌经葡萄糖诱导表达及分析, 表明CALB已在酿酒酵母细胞表面成功展示, 水解活力达26.26 u/(g·dry cell)。重组酵母菌经冻干能有效地实现在非水相中全细胞催化己酸和乙醇酯化合成己酸乙酯。反应物己酸与乙醇的摩尔比为1:1.25, 己酸乙酯的产率为98.0%, 具有较好的操作稳定性。  相似文献   

从南极假丝酵母(Candida antarctica)基因组克隆得到南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B(Candida antarctica Lipase B, CALB)全基因片段, 利用连接肽celA Linker将CALB与酿酒酵母细胞表面展示蛋白a-凝集素的C端连接融合, 构建表面展示载体pICAS-celAL-CALB, 转化酵母后获得重组酵母菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae pICAS-celAL-CALB。该重组酵母菌经葡萄糖诱导表达及分析, 表明CALB已在酿酒酵母细胞表面成功展示, 水解活力达26.26 u/(g·dry cell)。重组酵母菌经冻干能有效地实现在非水相中全细胞催化己酸和乙醇酯化合成己酸乙酯。反应物己酸与乙醇的摩尔比为1:1.25, 己酸乙酯的产率为98.0%, 具有较好的操作稳定性。  相似文献   

本研究旨在优化产朊假丝酵母液体培养参数及干燥保护剂配方,提高产朊假丝酵母液体培养数量,制备出高复苏率的活性干酵母。以装液量、转速、温度和培养时间为影响因素,设计单因素试验,并采用Box-Behnken试验设计及响应面分析法优化产朊假丝酵母液体培养方案。在此条件下培养酵母,以L-谷氨酸钠、乳糖、脱脂奶粉为影响因素进行单因素保护试验,并采用响应面分析法优化干燥保护剂的组合。结果表明,产朊假丝酵母最佳培养条件为装液量45 mL/250 m L,转速200 r/min,温度30℃,培养时间24 h。在此条件下,培养的产朊假丝酵母数量可以达到9.34×10~8CFU/mL;最佳保护剂组合1%L-谷氨酸钠、12%脱脂奶粉、6%乳糖,经干燥后,产朊假丝酵母复苏率达到81.9%。此时活菌数7.65×10~8CFU/g,比未加保护剂组提高了3.83倍。  相似文献   

南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B是用途最为广泛的脂肪酶之一,可用于许多有机化合物、医药中间体等的合成.为了改善南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B的催化性能,提高其环境适应性,同时提高蛋白的表达量,降低生产成本,从而使其更适于工业化应用,许多针对酶蛋白分子的修饰及改造方法已在南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B中得到大量应用.本文从化学修饰、理性设计和非理性设计3个方面详细综述了南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B的修饰与改造的关键技术,包括定点突变、蛋白质融合、易错PCR和DNA改组等,同时也介绍了以上技术在改良南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B特性方面的诸多成功实例.  相似文献   

利用表面展示南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B(Candida antarctica lipase B,CALB)的毕赤酵母细胞为全细胞催化剂,以葡萄糖为酰基受体,月桂酸为酰基供体,在非水相体系中催化合成糖酯。用硅胶柱层析对产物进行初提,再用制备液相色谱进一步分离纯化,并用高效液相色谱-质谱鉴定纯品性质。对该酶法合成糖脂反应体系进行了优化,其中考察了有机溶剂种类、复合溶剂体系中二甲基亚砜(DMSO)体积百分比、酶量、底物摩尔比、水活度和温度等几个影响酯化反应的因素。结果表明:在5mL反应体系中,以叔戊醇/二甲基亚砜(DMSO30%,V/V)为反应介质,添加初始水活度为0.11的全细胞催化剂0.5g,葡萄糖0.5mmol/L,月桂酸1.0mmol/L,60°C下反应72h后,葡萄糖月桂酸单酯的转化率达到48.7%。  相似文献   

对粗壮假丝酵母(Candida valida 20231)产脂肪酶所需的培养基成分和发酵条件进行了优化。结果表明,粗壮假丝酵母在接种后3 h即进入对数期,18 h后转入稳定期,66 h后进入衰退期;发酵36 h达到最大酶活,至72 h仍然无明显下降趋势。最适合的培养基成分为:4.0%大豆粉,2.0%菜籽油,0.3%葡萄糖,0.3%NH_4NO_3,1.2%K_2HPO_4,0.42%NaH_2PO_4,0.4%MgSO_4·7H_2O。使用优化的培养基,最佳产酶的条件为:装液量80 mL(250 mL摇瓶),初始pH 6,接种量为2.0%,种子菌龄为12 h。在最佳产酶条件下,脂肪酶活力达到32.6 U/mL。  相似文献   

人乳脂是一种在甘油骨架Sn-2位上富含棕榈酸(C16:0)的结构酯。经分析可知,猪油中棕榈酸主要分布在甘油酯的Sn-2位,可作为制备1,3-二油酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(OPO)的原料。以Candidasp.99—125脂肪酶作催化剂,以猪油和油酸为原料,通过正交试验对无溶剂体系中酸解合成OPO的工艺条件进行研究,得到最适反应条件:猪油与油酸的质量比为1:2.0,酶用量为总底物质量的10%,反应温度40℃,反应时间4h。在该反应条件下,经酸解合成的产物三甘酯中,Sn-2C16:0的含量大于70%,占总脂肪酸中棕榈酸含量的93%以上,并合有43%以上的OPO。  相似文献   

The 2-ethylhexyl esters of fatty acids were synthesized by immobilized lipase from Candida sp. 99–125. The reuse stability of immobilized lipase was at least four batches. The conditions of enzymatic synthesis of 2-ethylhexyl palmitate were optimized. In the system of petroleum ether, 10% (w/w) immobilized lipase was used in the esterfication of 2-ethyl hexanol (7.8 mmol) and palmitic acid (7.8 mmol) at 40 °C with silica gel as the water absorbent. The esterification degree was 91% under these conditions. The purity of 2-ethylhexyl palmitate was 98% after purification consisting washing by water and evaporation to remove the organic solvent.  相似文献   

Aims: To screen and identify biosurfactant producers from petroleum‐contaminated soil; to use response surface methodology (RSM) for medium optimization to enhance biosurfactant production; and to study the properties of the newly obtained biosurfactant towards pH, temperature and salinity. Methods and Results: We successfully isolated three biosurfactant producers from petroleum‐contaminated soil and identified them through 16S rRNA sequence analysis, which exhibit the highest similarities to Acinetobacter beijerinckii (100%), Kocuria marina (99%) and Kineococcus marinus (99%), respectively. A quadratic response model was constructed through RSM designs, leading to a 57·5% increase of the growth‐associated biosurfactant production by Acinetobacter sp. YC‐X 2 with an optimized medium: beef extract 3·12 g l?1; peptone 20·87 g l?1; NaCl 1·04 g l?1; and n‐hexadecane 1·86 g l?1. Biosurfactant produced by Acinetobacter sp. YC‐X 2 retained its properties during exposure to a wide range of pH values (5–11), high temperatures (up to 121°C) and high salinities [up to 18% (w/v) Na+ and Ca2+], which was more sensitive to Ca2+ than Na+. Conclusions: Two novel biosurfactant producers were isolated from petroleum‐contaminated soil. Biosurfactant from Acinetobacter sp. YC‐X 2 has good properties to a wide range of pH, high temperature and high salinity, and its production was optimized successfully through RSM. Significance and Impact of the Study: The fact, an increasing demand of high‐quality surfactants and the lack of cost‐competitive bioprocesses of biosurfactants for commercial utilization, motivates researchers to develop cost‐effective strategies for biosurfactant production through isolating new biosurfactant producers with special surface‐active properties and optimizing their cultural conditions. Two novel biosurfactant producers in this study will widen our knowledge about this kind of micro‐organism. This work is the first application of RSM designs for cultural optimization of biosurfactant produced by Acinetobacter genus and the first report that biosurfactant may be more sensitive to Ca2+ than Na+.  相似文献   

Lipase (EC. from Candida sp. 99-125 was separated into four isoforms (isoform A, isoform B, isoform C, and isoform D) by two steps of ion exchange chromatography. As analyzed on SDS- and non-denaturing PAGE, the four isoforms were homogenous and had the same molecular weight of approximate 38 kDa. MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprinting maps and circular dichroism spectra showed the isoforms had similar peptide patterns belonging to the same protein encoded by the YLlip2 gene and different secondary structures. The isoforms had a little distinct optimum temperature in the range of 20–35 °C, and the same optimum pH (8.0). They remained to be active in methanol, ethanol and ethylene glycol at the concentration of 10% and 20% (v/v) and acetone at the concentration of 10% (v/v), and sensitive to EDTA. Triton X-100, Sodium cholate and CHAPS slightly increased their activities. The metal ion Ca2+ and Mg2+ had mild effect on lipase activity. The isoforms showed a preference for long chain fatty acid triglyceride (triolein and olive). The lipase purified by one step of ion exchange chromatography and isoforms were less active than crude enzyme to catalyze cetyl alcohol and oleic acid in n-hexane, whereas the presence of small concentration of added water dramatically activated crude lipase but less the purified preparations.  相似文献   

用响应面法对Burkholderiasp.SYBCLIP—Y液体发酵产低温脂肪酶的发酵条件进行了快速优化。首先利用Plackett—Burman设计对影响其产酶相关因素进行评估并筛选出具有显著效应的三个因素:牛肉膏,橄榄油,TritonX-100;用最陡爬坡路径逼近最大产酶区域后,利用响应面中心组合设计对显著因素进行优化,确定出牛肉膏,橄榄油,TritonX-100的最佳浓度分别为:牛肉膏31.8g/L、橄榄油21mL/L、TritonX-10036.55mL/L,优化后脂肪酶的酶活达到61.52U/mL,是优化前的2.62倍。  相似文献   

In a taxonomic study on the ascomycetous yeasts isolated from plant materials collected in tropical forests in Yunnan and Hainan Provinces, southern China, four strains isolated from tree sap (YJ2E(T)) and flowers (YF9E(T), YWZH3C(T) and YYF2A(T)) were revealed to represent four undescribed yeast species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the large subunit (26S) rRNA gene D1/D2 domain sequences showed that strain YJ2E(T) was located in a clade together with Candida haemulonii and C. pseudohaemulonii. Strain YF9E(T) was most closely related to C. azyma and strain YWZH3C(T) to C. sorbophila and C. spandovensis. Strain YYF2A(T) was clustered in a clade containing small-spored Metschnikowia species and related anamorphic Candida species. The new strains differed from their closely related described species by more than 10% mismatches in the D1/D2 domain. No sexual states were observed for the four strains on various sporulation media. The new species are therefore assigned to the genus Candida and described as Candida alocasiicola sp. nov. (type strain, YF9E(T) = AS 2.3484(T) = CBS 10702(T)), Candida hainanensis sp. nov. (type strain, YYF2A(T) = AS 2.3478(T) = CBS 10696(T)), Candida heveicola sp. nov. (type strain, YJ2E(T) = AS 2.3483(T) = CBS 10701(T)) and Candida musiphila sp. nov. (type strain, YWZH3C(T) = AS 2.3479(T) = CBS 10697(T)).  相似文献   

生命与手性密切相关,凡涉及到生命现象和生理活性物质几乎都离不开有关分子的空间立体构型问题,不同构型的手性分子具有不同的生理活性。利用酶反应的立体专一性,用生物转化法取代部分传统的化学方法,可以很方便地制备具有所需手性中心的化合物。因此,近年来生物转化...  相似文献   


Lipase based formulations has been a rising interest to laundry detergent industry for their eco-friendly property over phosphate-based counterparts and compatibility with chemical detergents ingredients. A thermo-stable Anoxybacillus sp. ARS-1 isolated from Taptapani Hotspring, India was characterized for optimum lipase production employing statistical model central composite design (CCD) under four independent variables (temperature, pH, % moisture and bio-surfactant) by solid substrate fermentation (SSF) using mustard cake. The output was utilized to find the effect of parameters and their interaction employing response surface methodology (RSM). A quadratic regression with R2?=?0.955 established the model to be statically best fitting and a predicted highest lipase production of 29.4?IU/g at an optimum temperature of 57.5?°C, pH 8.31, moisture 50% and 1.2?mg of bio-surfactant. Experimental production of 30.3?IU/g lipase at above conditions validated the fitness of model. Anoxybacillus sp. ARS-1 produced lipase was found to resist almost all chemical detergents as well as common laundry detergent, proving it to be a prospective additive for incorporation.  相似文献   

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