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The nuchal organs of annelid Laonice bahusiensis (Spionidae) from northern Europe have been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. L. bahusiensis is the first spionid species in which extensively developed, continuous nuchal organs are described. The nuchal organs of this genus are the longest known among polychaete annelids. They consist of paired double bands extending from the prostomium on a mid‐dorsal caruncle for about 24–30 setigers. Their microanatomy corresponds to the general structural plan of nuchal organs: there are ciliated supporting cells and bipolar sensory cells with sensory cilia traversing an olfactory chamber. The organs are overlaid by a secondary paving‐stone‐like cover and innervated by one pair of longitudinally elongated nuchal nerves. These findings clearly favor the hypothesis that the paired, extensively developed ciliated structures found in some Spionidae are homologous with the prostomial nuchal organs characteristic of polychaete annelids. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lateral organs are sense organs visible as densely ciliated pits or papillae between the noto‐ and the neuropodia in certain taxa of sedentary polychaetes. Ultrastructural studies in about 10 species of the following taxa Maldanidae, Opheliidae, Orbiniidae, Paraonidae, Magelonidae, Spionidae, Poecilochaetidae and Terebellidae have been designed to evaluate whether these organs are homologous among polychaetes. In spite of great external diversity, the investigations revealed an overall ultrastructural similarity. Differences between species investigated mainly concern the size of the organs as well as the number and arrangement of cells. The organs comprise supportive cells and uniciliated penetrative sensory cells. Their dendrites are closely arranged and thus their cilia may resemble multiciliated cells. There are two types of sensory cells: one type possesses no or mainly thin microvilli of which usually only a few reach the cuticular surface, and in the other type the cilium is consistently surrounded by 10 strong microvilli, which form a pore‐like opening in the cuticle. Further differences occur in the structure of the rootlet system. Basally, a retractor muscle attaches to the organ. The systematic significance of these organs within Annelida is discussed with respect to the conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses explaining the relationships of annelid taxa.  相似文献   

Jacob Jelsing 《Hydrobiologia》2003,496(1-3):241-251
The distribution and structural components of dorsal ciliated organs (dco) in 15 species of the Spionidae were studied by scanning- and transmission electron microscopy. Based on the distribution patterns of dco, the investigated species are divided into four non-systematic groups: (I) paired anterior dco, (II) paired dco extending posteriorly for several chaetigers, (III) paired anterior dco in combination with unpaired, sexually dimorphic, metameric dco, and (IV) paired anterior dco in combination with paired, metameric dco. Previous ultrastructural studies have only included species possessing organs of groups I and III. In the present investigation the ultrastructure of dco found in Laonice bahusiensis and Spio cf. filicornis (species with dco of groups II and IV) is studied in an attempt to consider their homology. Apart from the metameric dco of group III, similarities of the cellular components of the dco indicate a homology to nuchal organs.  相似文献   

A pair of spherical unpigmented ocelli in addition to pigmented eyes have been observed in the anterior part of the prostomium in larvae of more than 40 species of Spionidae examined alive with light microscopy. Ocelli become visible in larvae at the one- to three-segment stage, increase in size as growth proceeds, and probably disintegrate in the course of metamorphosis because they were not observed in adults and settled juveniles. One pair of transparent, spherical bodies is also found in the anterior part of the head of planktotrophic pelagosphera larvae of Sipuncula. These bodies are in a similar position and have a similar appearance and size to unpigmented ocelli in Spionidae larvae. A pair of epidermal invaginations, densely covered with short cilia, is also observed antero-laterally in the head in pelagospheras of one species. These invaginations appear similar to the nuchal organs present in many polychaete larvae. Photoreceptive organs so far reported for sipunculan larvae comprise only pigmented eyes. Unpigmented ocelli and nuchal organs have never been reported in pelagospheras. Further ultrastructural investigations on sipunculan larvae are encouraged to clarify the composition, function and morphogenesis of transparent, spherical bodies and ciliated invaginations in the anterior part of the head. Such investigations may help to better understand the nature of photoreceptive structures and nuchal organs in Sipuncula, and also contribute to phylogenetic hypotheses regarding relationships of the Sipuncula and Annelida.  相似文献   

Among polychaetes, the errant forms are the only group known so far possessing true multicellular eyes in adults which are preceded by bicellular larval eyes in many species. Most likely, two pairs of such eyes showing a specific structure belong to the ground pattern of Errantia = Aciculata. However, these eyes have primarily been investigated in only two subgroups of Errantia, but data on the third main taxon, Eunicida, are available for only two taxa. In the present investigation, the eyes in two additional species of Eunicida, the dorvilleids Protodorvillea kefersteini and Schistomeringos neglecta, were studied. In P. kefersteini, usually described as possessing one pair of small eyes, two pairs could be detected, whereas in S. neglecta only one pair was found. Each eye is made up of rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells, pigment cells and unpigmented supportive cells. Lenses or vitreous bodies are absent. From their structure most likely all eyes represent adult eyes and even the small anterior eyes in P. kefersteini structurally resemble miniaturized adult eyes. Neither persisting larval eyes nor unpigmented rhabdomeric ocelli were found in the two species. The observations in Dorvilleidae confirm the hypothesis of a common origin of adult eyes in Errantia.  相似文献   

Abstract. The terrestrial polychaete Hrabeiella periglandulata has many features in common with the Clitellata and the polychaete taxon Parergodrilidae. An ultrastructural investigation of the central nervous system and the sense organs of H. periglandulata individuals was undertaken to look for structural similarities with these taxa as well as to elucidate whether these structures might exhibit adaptive characters typical of terrestrial annelids in general. The central nervous system of H. periglandulata is subepidermal and consists of a brain situated in the first achaetigerous segment. The circumoesophageal connectives are without dorsal and ventral roots, and the ventral nerve cord has closely associated connectives and ill-defined ganglia. In contrast to clitellates and the terrestrial parergodrilid Parergodrilus heideri , nuchal organs are present. They are internal and highly modified compared with those of marine polychaetes but are similar to those of the intertidal parergodrilid Stygocapitella subterranea . A pair of ciliary sense organs is present inside the brain, resembling similar structures in many microdrile oligochaetes. These observations indicate that there are, in fact, structural similarities between the nervous system and the sense organs of clitellates, parergodrilids, and Hrabeiella individuals. These similarities may very likely be the result of convergent evolution in adaptation to the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

The structure of the polychaete muscular system is reviewed. The muscular system comprises the muscles of the body wall, the musculature of the parapodial complex and the muscle system of the dissepiments and mesenteries. Various types of organisation of the longitudinal and circular components of the muscular body wall are distinguished. In Opheliidae, Polygordiidae, Protodrilidae, Spionidae, Oweniidae, Aphroditidae, Acoetidae (=Polyodontidae), Polynoidae, Sigalonidae, Phyllodocidae, Nephtyidae, Pisionidae, and Nerillidae circular muscles are lacking. It is hypothesised that the absence of circular muscles represents the plesiomorphic state in Annelida. This view contradicts the widely accepted idea of an earthworm-like musculature of the body wall comprising an outer layer of circular and an inner layer of longitudinal fibres. A classification of the various types of parapodial muscle construction has been developed. Massive and less manoeuvrable parapodia composed of many components like those of Aphrodita are regarded to represent the plesiomorphic state in recent polychaetes. An analysis of the diversity of the muscular structure supports the hypothesis that the primary mode of life in polychaetes was epibenthic and the parapodial chaetae had a protective function.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics of polychaetes (Annelida)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
McHugh  Damhnait 《Hydrobiologia》2005,(1):309-318
Hydrobiologia - Some progress has been made in the field of molecular systematics of polychaetes over the past couple of years. In particular, phylogenetic analyses of sequence data from the 18S...  相似文献   

Hausen  Harald 《Hydrobiologia》2005,(1):37-52
Annelid chaetae are epidermal extracellular structures that are in general clearly visible from the exterior. Their structure is highly diverse, especially within the Polychaeta, and each species shows a specific pattern of chaetae. Chaetae have therefore gained immense significance for species determination, making them the best studied structures in polychaetes. The shape of chaetae is determined by the temporal and spatial modification of the microvilli pattern of a single cell, the chaetoblast. As chaetae are species specific, the process of their formation must be under strict control and the information needed to form certain chaetae must be highly conservative. It can be assumed that corresponding chaetogenesis is caused by commonly inherited information. Thus, comparative chaetogenesis can help to test hypotheses on the homology of certain types of chaetae and help to unravel the influence of functional constraints on the shape of chaetae. Different types of chaetae are compared here and the present state of our knowledge of their structure and formation is used to present some homology hypotheses. There are some strong arguments for a homology of uncini and certain hooks and hooded hooks. Acicula are compared to other supportive setae and the significance of the arrangement of chaeta for phylogenetic considerations is shown. Coding issues are provided in order to facilitate inclusion of information on chaetae into data matrices.  相似文献   

The nereidiform polychaete taxa Chrysopetalidae, Hesionidae and Nereididae are characterized by the presence of chambered chaetae. The medullae (inner part) of all examined annelid chaetae are provided with internal longitudinal canals, but in these taxa there are additional thin, transverse walls (diaphragms), giving the chaetae a barred or chambered appearance in light microscopy. We investigate this structure in chrysopetalids, hesionids, nereidids, with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and compare it to phyllodocids and syllids, which are outside this clade. We conclude that chambered chaetae likely constitute an synapomorphy for chrysopetalids, hesionids and nereidids, although further study are required of some aphroditids and nephtyids.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the nuchal organs of adults of the nereidid polychaete Platynereis dumerilii by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The most prominent features of the nuchal organs are paired ciliary bands located dorsolaterally at the posterior margin of the prostomium. They are composed of primary sensory cells and multiciliated supporting cells, both covered by a thin cuticle. The supporting cells have motile cilia that penetrate the cuticle and are responsible for the movement of water. Subapically, they have a narrowed neck region; the spaces between the neck regions of these supporting cells comprise the olfactory chamber. The dendrites of the sensory cells give rise to a single modified cilium that crosses the olfactory chamber; numerous thin microvillus-like processes, presumably extending from the sensory cells, also traverse the olfactory chamber. At the periphery of the ciliated epithelium runs a large nervous process between the ciliated supporting cells. It consists of smaller bundles of sensory dendrites that unite to form the nuchal nerve, which leaves the ciliated epithelium basally and runs toward the posterior part of the brain, where the perikarya of the sensory cells are located in clusters. The ciliated epithelium of the nuchal organs is surrounded by non-ciliated, peripheral epidermal cells. Those immediately adjacent to the ciliated supporting cells have a granular cuticle; those further away have a smooth cuticle. The nuchal organs of epitokous individuals of P. dumerilii are similar to those described previously in other species of polychaetes and are a useful model for understanding the development of nuchal organs in polychaetes.  相似文献   

Hausen  Harald 《Hydrobiologia》2005,543(1):25-35
The polychaete epidermis generally consists of a single layer of supportive cells, gland cells and sensory cells. Except for the latter, this paper reviews the recent literature on the annelid epidermis, focussing on the mentioned cell types and the cuticle. The annelid epidermis is compared to that of Sipuncula, Echiura and Myzostomida. Supportive cells predominate in the polychaete epidermis. They show a high structural diversity even within single specimens. Ciliated cells are usually multiciliary and only two cases of monociliary epidermis cells are known. Unambigous epithilio-muscle cells are only described in feeding palps of a Magelona species. Secretory cells release a large number of gland products and some of them are essential for tube secretion. Rather pecularities of the cells and its arrangement within glands than the ultrastructure of the secretions is useful for phylogenetic considerations. One of the main components of the cuticle is collagen. Recent studies indicate that annelid cuticular collagen differs in several aspects from collagen of the connective tissue and might be of interest for systematics.  相似文献   

Freshwater oligochaetes have at least two kinds of external sense organs: multiciliate organs of short cilia (also present in earthworms) and sense organs with one to three long cilia (unknown in earthworms and possibly acting as rheoreceptors). Ciliate sense organs of freshwater oligochaetes are distributed over their entire body surface, including the clitellum. They are scattered on the prostomium and pigidium and are arranged into a transversal chaetal row and dispersed or forming a few other discrete transversal rows on chaetal segments. Three species display very prominent sense organs (sensory buds in Protuberodrilus tourenqui and papillae in Ophidonais serpentina and Spirosperma velutinus). The number of cilia per organ at the prostomium of freshwater families appears to be fewer than that of terrestrial ones. It is suggested that the total number of cilia at the prostomium of the freshwater species could be related to their habitat, evolving from an epibenthic to an endobenthic way of life.  相似文献   

A literature review of Polychaeta (Annelida) including Aphanoneura (the oligochaete-like Aeolosomatidae and Potamodrilidae), living in freshwater yielded 168 species, 70 genera and 24 families representing all of the major polychaete clades, but less than 2% of all species. The best-represented families were, in order, Nereididae, Aeolosomatidae, Sabellidae, Spionidae and Histriobdellidae. Fourteen families were represented by a single species and genus. Regions supporting the highest diversity of freshwater polychaetes were in order, Palaearctic, Neotropical, Oriental, Nearctic, Australasian, and Afrotropical. More than half of all species and genera inhabitat lakes and rivers, followed by lagoons/estuaries, which have a high proportion of euryhaline species, and inland seas. Less common, atypical polychaete habitats include subterranean waters, the hyporheic zone of rivers and plant container habitats (phytotelmata). At least three distinct ecological/historical processes appear to account for the colonisation of continental waters: invasion of a clade prior to the break-up of Gondwana, as in Aphanoneura, Namanereis, Stratiodrilus, and Caobangia; relatively recent stranding of individual species (relicts); and the temporary visitation of euryhaline species. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Lipoprotein mediated lipid uptake in oocytes of polychaetes (Annelida)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As motor neurons approach skeletal muscle during development, agrin is released and induces acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering. Our laboratory investigates the effect of environmental agents on skeletal muscle development by using C2C12 cell culture. For the current project, we investigated both short-term and long-term exposure to caffeine, nicotine, or both, at physiologically relevant concentrations. Short-term exposure was limited to the last 48 h of myotube formation, whereas a long-term exposure of 2 weeks allowed for several generations of myoblast proliferation followed by myotube formation. Both agrin-induced and spontaneous AChR clustering frequencies were assessed. For agrin-induced AChR clustering, agrin was added for the last 16 h of myotube formation. Caffeine, nicotine, or both significantly decreased agrin-induced AChR clustering during short-term and long-term exposure. Furthermore, caffeine, nicotine, or both significantly decreased spontaneous AChR clustering during long-term, but not short-term exposure. Surprisingly, caffeine and nicotine in combination did not decrease AChR clustering beyond the effect of either treatment alone. We conclude that physiologically relevant concentrations of caffeine or nicotine decrease AChR clustering. Moreover, we predict that fetuses exposed to caffeine or nicotine may be less likely to form appropriate neuromuscular synapses. This work was supported in part by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at Midwestern University, which provided intramural funding, and by the Physician Assistant Program, which provided additional funding.  相似文献   

The anatomical organization of the peripheral and central sensory structures of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris was investigated applying a fluorescent carbocyanine dye (DiI) as a neuronal tracer. Using whole‐mount preparations and confocal laser scanning microscopy, the pattern of primary sensory cells and pathways of their processes were traced and reconstructed in three‐dimensions. Our study shows that a ventral nerve cord ganglion receives sensory fibers from at least two adjacent segments suggesting that the peripheral nervous system is not segmental in its arrangement and the receptive‐fields of the body wall overlap in earthworms. Furthermore, our result suggests an integrative function of the basiepidermal plexus consists of sensory and motor fibers. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sensory organs in Annelida are very diverse and may be useful for assessments of morphological adaptation and character evolution. We used several methods to provide new insights into processes underlying the evolutionary radiation of anterior sensory organs in Sabellariidae. The presence and morphological diversity of the median organ (MO) found in the group was reviewed in order to test its phylogenetic significance and possible relationships to the distribution and ecological traits of the lineages. To test the intraspecific phenotypic plasticity of the MO, molecular analyses were conducted that focused on mitochondrial and nuclear genes from populations of Idanthyrsus australiensis exhibiting variation in the morphology of the MO. We used an integrative microscopical study of the ontogeny of Sabellaria alveolata to describe the anterior sensory structures present in the larvae and the morphological changes occurring before, during, and after settlement. In larval stages, the palps and the dorsal hump (DH) exhibit distinct innervation. The larval DH organ, which is likely to play a major role in chemoreception for settlement, is interpreted as being the incipient form of the adult MO. These results suggest that annelid sensory organs including the MO may be useful for phylogenetic and developmental investigations.  相似文献   

Harald Hausen 《Zoomorphology》2007,126(3):185-201
Larvae of Poecilochaetus serpens, Trochochaeta multisetosum and Polydora ciliata possess almost identical unpigmented, ciliary, presumptive light sensitive organs within the prostomium. The data corroborate hypotheses on the close relationship of Poecilochaetidae, Trochochaetidae and Spionidae and are even congruent with inclusion of Poecilochaetidae and Trochochaetidae within Spionidae. The organs in P. serpens, T. multisetosum and P. ciliata are composed of one monociliary receptor cell, one supportive cell and several associated flask shaped bipolar sensory cells. The receptor cell cilium enters the supportive cell cavity through a thin pore, dilates and then branches into a high number of disordered projections. The associated sensory cells bear one or occasionally two cilia, which run horizontally beneath or within the cuticle. The supportive cell cavity is not sealed by any cell contact from the subcuticular extracellular space. The organs in Magelona mirabilis are composed of a single supportive cell, but several receptor cells. No further sensory cells are associated. Each receptor cell sends one cilium into an own invagination of the supportive cell, and the ciliary branches are highly ordered. The examined organs in P. serpens, T. multisetosum and P. ciliata exhibit a unique organization amongst polychaetes. The organs of M. mirabilis are most probably homologous. A homology to ciliary organs of Protodrilida is conceivable. In the lineage leading to Protodrilida, primary larval organs may have been integrated into the adult body organization by heterochrony.  相似文献   

Possible causes of the suppression of mating in juvenile hormone-treated Blattella germanica females, including the roles of the compound eyes and antennal, labial and maxillary palp sensilla in mating, were studied.Either antennectomy or labial palpectomy, but not maxillary palpectomy, leads to complete suppression of mating in females. Vision plays no role in mating. These results show that all the head appendages (antennae and labial and maxillary palps) are important in precopulatory behaviour, individually and collectively. Juvenile hormone treatment of the sixth (last) instar female nymphs leads to retention of nymphal sensillar characteristics on both the antennae and the palps of the resulting adults, with a reduced electroantennogram response. Thus the animal behaves like a nymph and does not mate in spite of its ability to produce pheromone.  相似文献   

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