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We describe a new electrophysiological technique called nonequilibrium response spectroscopy, which involves application of rapidly fluctuating (as high as 14 kHz) large-amplitude voltage clamp waveforms to ion channels. As a consequence of the irreversible (in the sense of Carnot) exchange of energy between the fluctuating field and the channel protein, the gating response is exquisitely sensitive to features of the kinetics that are difficult or impossible to adequately resolve by means of traditional stepped potential protocols. Here we focus on the application of dichotomous (telegraph) noise voltage fluctuations, a broadband Markovian colored noise that fluctuates between two values. Because Markov kinetic models of channel gating can be embedded within higher-dimensional Markov models that take into account the effects of the voltage fluctuations, many features of the response of the channels can be calculated algebraically. This makes dichotomous noise and its generalizations uniquely suitable for model selection and kinetic analysis. Although we describe its application to macroscopic ionic current measurements, the nonequilibrium response method can also be applied to gating and single channel current recording techniques. We show how data from the human cardiac isoform (hH1a) of the Na+ channel expressed in mammalian cells can be acquired and analyzed, and how these data reveal hidden aspects of the molecular kinetics that are not revealed by conventional methods.  相似文献   

Excitability phenomena in planar lipid bilayers doped with alamethicin and protamines have been first described by Mueller and Rudin (Nature 217, 713-719, 1968). These properties are reinvestigated here with virtually solvent-free bilayers made of synthetic phospholipids doped with alamethicin charged component (Glu18) and protamine or other synthetic basic polypeptides. After retrieving the narrow set of experimental requisites allowing negative resistance and action potentials to develop, the potencies of different basic polypeptides were compared. Poly-arginines were found to be by far the most efficient. We also describe a transient increase of current amplitude upon addition of calcium that may reflect a lateral phase separation and conversely a gradual decrease of negative resistance due to tetrodotoxin, a potent sodium channel blocker. Functional modulations are correlated with conformational changes assayed in circular dichroism: alamethicin ellipticity in small unilamellar vesicles is markedly reduced upon protamine addition, only if the ionic strength is in the same low range that is compatible with regenerative conductance properties. These results are discussed in the framework of current models of ion channels gating.  相似文献   

There have been many attempts to develop a theoretical explanation of the phenomena of electromagnetic field interactions with biological systems. None of the reported efforts have been entirely successful in accounting for the observed experimental results, in particular with respect to the reports of interactions between extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields and biological systems at ion cyclotron resonance frequencies. The approach used in this paper starts with the Lorentz force equation, but use is made of cylindrical co-ordinates and cylindrical boundary conditions in an attempt to more closely model the walls of an ion channel. The equations of motion of an ion that result from this approach suggest that the inside shape of the channel plus the ELF magnetic fields at specific frequencies and amplitudes could act as a gate to control the movement of the ion across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Mechanosensitive (MS) channels are evolutionarily conserved membrane proteins that play essential roles in multiple cellular processes, including sensing mechanical forces and regulating osmotic pressure. Bacterial MscL and MscS are two prototypes of MS channels. Numerous structural studies, in combination with biochemical and cellular data, provide valuable insights into the mechanism of energy transfer from membrane tension to gating of the channel. We discuss these data in a unified two‐state model of thermodynamics. In addition, we propose a lipid diffusion‐mediated mechanism to explain the adaptation phenomenon of MscS.  相似文献   

The chemical gating of single-gap junction channels was studied by the dual whole-cell voltage-clamp method in HeLa cells transfected with connexin43 (HeLa43) and in fibroblasts from sciatic nerves. Junctional current (Ij), single-channel conductance, and Ij kinetics were studied in cell pairs during CO2 uncoupling and recoupling at small transjunctional voltages (Vj < 35 mV: Vj gating absent) and at high Vj (Vj > 40 mV: Vj gating strongly activated). In the absence of Vj gating, CO2 exclusively caused Ij slow transitions from open to closed channel states (mean transition time: approximately 10 ms), corresponding to a single-channel conductance of approximately 120 pS. At Vj > 40 mV, Vj gating induced fast Ij flickering between open, gamma j(main state), and residual, gamma j(residual), states (transition time: approximately 2 ms). The ratio gamma j(main state)/gamma j(residual) was approximately 4-5. No obvious correlation between Ij fast flickering and CO2 treatment was noticed. At high Vj, in addition to slow Ij transitions between open and closed states, CO2 induced slow transitions between residual and closed states. During recoupling, each channel reopened by a slow transition (mean transition time: approximately 10 ms) from closed to open state (rarely from closed to residual state). Fast Ij flickering between open and residual states followed. The data are in agreement with the hypothesis that gap junction channels possess two gating mechanisms, and indicate that CO2 induces channel gating exclusively by the slow gating mechanism.  相似文献   

Stomatin modulates gating of acid-sensing ion channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are H(+)-gated members of the degenerin/epithelial Na(+) channel (DEG/ENaC) family in vertebrate neurons. Several ASICs are expressed in sensory neurons, where they play a role in responses to nociceptive, taste, and mechanical stimuli; others are expressed in central neurons, where they participate in synaptic plasticity and some forms of learning. Stomatin is an integral membrane protein found in lipid/protein-rich microdomains, and it is believed to regulate the function of ion channels and transporters. In Caenorhabditis elegans, stomatin homologs interact with DEG/ENaC channels, which together are necessary for normal mechanosensation in the worm. Therefore, we asked whether stomatin interacts with and modulates the function of ASICs. We found that stomatin co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized with ASIC proteins in heterologous cells. Moreover, stomatin altered the function of ASIC channels. Stomatin potently reduced acid-evoked currents generated by ASIC3 without changing steady state protein levels or the amount of ASIC3 expressed at the cell surface. In contrast, stomatin accelerated the desensitization rate of ASIC2 and heteromeric ASICs, whereas current amplitude was unaffected. These data suggest that stomatin binds to and alters the gating of ASICs. Our findings indicate that modulation of DEG/ENaC channels by stomatin-like proteins is evolutionarily conserved and may have important implications for mammalian nociception and mechanosensation.  相似文献   

An alternating component of potential across the membrane of an excitable cell may change the membrane conductance by interacting with the voltagesensing charged groups of the protein macromolecules that form voltage-sensitive ion channels. Because the probability that a voltage sensor is in a given state is a highly nonlinear function of the applied electric field, the average occupancy of a particular state will change in an oscillating electric field of sufficient magnitude. This “rectification” at the level of the voltage sensors could result in conformational changes (gating) that would modify channel conductance. A simplified two-state model is examined where the relaxation time of the voltage sensor is assumed to be considerably faster than the fastest changes of ionic conductance. Significant changes in the occupancy of voltage sensor states in response to an applied oscillating electric field are predicted by the model.  相似文献   

Appropriate values for the orientation of the amide transition dipoles are essential to the growing use of isotopically edited vibrational spectroscopy generally in structural biology and to infrared dichroism measurements on membrane-associated alpha-helices, in particular. The orientations of the transition moments for the amide vibrations of an alpha-helix have been determined from the ratio of intensities of the A- and E(1)-symmetry modes in the infrared spectra of poly(gamma-methyl-L-glutamate)(x)-co-(gamma-n-octadecyl-L-glutamate)( y) oriented on silicon substrates. Samples possessing a high degree of alignment were used to facilitate band fitting. Consistent results were obtained from both attenuated total reflection and transmission experiments with polarized radiation, yielding values of Theta(I) = 38 degrees, Theta(II) = 73 degrees, and Theta(A) = 29 degrees, relative to the helix axis, for the amide I, amide II, and amide A bands, respectively. The measurements are discussed both in the context of the somewhat divergent older determinations, and in relation to the helix geometry and results on model amide compounds, to resolve current uncertainties in the literature.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential (TRP) channel superfamily plays a central role in transducing diverse sensory stimuli in eukaryotes. Although dissimilar in sequence and domain organization, all known TRP channels act as polymodal cellular sensors and form tetrameric assemblies similar to those of their distant relatives, the voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels. Here, we investigated the related questions of whether the allosteric mechanism underlying polymodal gating is common to all TRP channels, and how this mechanism differs from that underpinning Kv channel voltage sensitivity. To provide insight into these questions, we performed comparative sequence analysis on large, comprehensive ensembles of TRP and Kv channel sequences, contextualizing the patterns of conservation and correlation observed in the TRP channel sequences in light of the well-studied Kv channels. We report sequence features that are specific to TRP channels and, based on insight from recent TRPV1 structures, we suggest a model of TRP channel gating that differs substantially from the one mediating voltage sensitivity in Kv channels. The common mechanism underlying polymodal gating involves the displacement of a defect in the H-bond network of S6 that changes the orientation of the pore-lining residues at the hydrophobic gate.  相似文献   

Electrorheological effects and gating of membrane channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hypothesis is presented on the gating of ion channels. This is considered as a consequence, in part, of a large increase in viscosity of the water in the "vestibule" region of the channel in the high field present when the channel is not conducting. This part of gating amounts to "melting" of the high viscosity part of the water upon release of the field. The resulting model accounts qualitatively for a number of phenomena in the literature, including the steepness of the voltage dependence of gating, the slowing of gating upon substitution of D2O for H2O, and the pressure dependence of the gating kinetics. The viscosity increase with field is well known in the literature; several forms of electroviscous effects, a viscoelectric effect, and a generalized electrorheological effect have been described. This model appears closest to an electrorheological effect in which boundary water out to a few molecular diameters is structured in the presence of a high field, while the boundary (here, protein) moves. The size of the channel entrance is small enough for this effect to prevent conductivity. The remainder of the gating current, which occurs at more polarized potentials, is attributed to protein motion. Some consequences of the model are discussed. Qualitative comparison with published data is included.  相似文献   

A model of the gating of ion channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The gating of ion channels in biological membranes has usually been described in terms of Markov transitions between a few discrete open or closed states. Such models predict that the distributions of open and closed durations decay as a sum of exponential terms. Recent experimental data have indicated that certain channels are not easily described by these models. We show that distributions of open and closed times similar to those seen experimentally are predicted by a model that involves only one open and closed state but that assumes the activation energy of the gating process to be stochastic. This model involves only a few parameters and these have direct physical interpretations. Measurements of the correlation between the durations of successive open or closed events is shown to provide an experimental method for distinguishing between this and other models.  相似文献   

In the voltage-gated ion channels of every animal, whether they are selective for K+, Na+ or Ca2+, the voltage sensors are the S4 transmembrane segments carrying four to eight positive charges always separated by two uncharged residues. It is proposed that they move across the membrane in a screw-helical fashion in a series of three or more steps that each transfer a single electronic charge. The unit steps are stabilized by ion pairing between the mobile positive charges and fixed negative charges, of which there are invariably two located near the inner ends of segments S2 and S3 and a third near the outer end of either S2 or S3. Opening of the channel involves three such steps in each domain.  相似文献   

Dutzler R 《FEBS letters》2004,564(3):229-233
Members of the ClC family of voltage-gated chloride channels are found from bacteria to mammals with a considerable degree of conservation in the membrane-inserted, pore-forming region. The crystal structures of the ClC channels of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium provide a structural framework for the entire family. The ClC channels are homodimeric proteins with an overall rhombus-like shape. Each ClC dimer has two pores each contained within a single subunit. The ClC subunit consists of two roughly repeated halves that span the membrane with opposite orientations. This antiparallel architecture defines a chloride selectivity filter within the 15-A neck of a hourglass-shaped pore. Three Cl(-) binding sites within the selectivity filter stabilize ions by interactions with alpha-helix dipoles and by chemical interactions with nitrogen atoms and hydroxyl groups of residues in the protein. The Cl(-) binding site nearest the extracellular solution can be occupied either by a Cl(-) ion or by a glutamate carboxyl group. Mutations of this glutamate residue in Torpedo ray ClC channels alter gating in electrophysiological assays. These findings reveal a form of gating in which the glutamate carboxyl group closes the pore by mimicking a Cl(-) ion.  相似文献   

Ferritin protein nanocages, self-assembled from four-α-helix bundle subunits, use Fe2+ and oxygen to synthesize encapsulated, ferric oxide minerals. Ferritin minerals are iron concentrates stored for cell growth. Ferritins are also antioxidants, scavenging Fenton chemistry reactants. Channels for iron entry and exit consist of helical hairpin segments surrounding the 3-fold symmetry axes of the ferritin nanocages. We now report structural differences caused by amino acid substitutions in the Fe2+ ion entry and exit channels and at the cytoplasmic pores, from high resolution (1.3–1.8 Å) protein crystal structures of the eukaryotic model ferritin, frog M. Mutations that eliminate conserved ionic or hydrophobic interactions between Arg-72 and Asp-122 and between Leu-110 and Leu-134 increase flexibility in the ion channels, cytoplasmic pores, and/or the N-terminal extensions of the helix bundles. Decreased ion binding in the channels and changes in ordered water are also observed. Protein structural changes coincide with increased Fe2+ exit from dissolved, ferric minerals inside ferritin protein cages; Fe2+ exit from ferritin cages depends on a complex, surface-limited process to reduce and dissolve the ferric mineral. High concentrations of bovine serum albumin or lysozyme (protein crowders) to mimic the cytoplasm restored Fe2+ exit in the variants to wild type. The data suggest that fluctuations in pore structure control gating. The newly identified role of the ferritin subunit N-terminal extensions in gating Fe2+ exit from the cytoplasmic pores strengthens the structural and functional analogies between ferritin ion channels in the water-soluble protein assembly and membrane protein ion channels gated by cytoplasmic N-terminal peptides.  相似文献   

We suggest that bubbles are the bistable hydrophobic gates responsible for the on-off transitions of single channel currents. In this view, many types of channels gate by the same physical mechanism—dewetting by capillary evaporation—but different types of channels use different sensors to modulate hydrophobic properties of the channel wall and thereby trigger and control bubbles and gating. Spontaneous emptying of channels has been seen in many simulations. Because of the physics involved, such phase transitions are inherently sensitive, unstable threshold phenomena that are difficult to simulate reproducibly and thus convincingly. We present a thermodynamic analysis of a bubble gate using morphometric density functional theory of classical (not quantum) mechanics. Thermodynamic analysis of phase transitions is generally more reproducible and less sensitive to details than simulations. Anesthetic actions of inert gases—and their interactions with hydrostatic pressure (e.g., nitrogen narcosis)—can be easily understood by actions on bubbles. A general theory of gas anesthesia may involve bubbles in channels. Only experiments can show whether, or when, or which channels actually use bubbles as hydrophobic gates: direct observation of bubbles in channels is needed. Existing experiments show thin gas layers on hydrophobic surfaces in water and suggest that bubbles nearly exist in bulk water.  相似文献   

We investigate and then modify the hypothesis that a glutamate side chain acts as the fast gate in ClC-0 channels. We first create a putative open-state configuration of the prokaryotic ClC Cl- channel using its crystallographic structure as a basis. Then, retaining the same pore shape, the prokaryotic ClC channel is converted to ClC-0 by replacing all the nonconserved polar and charged residues. Using this open-state channel model, we carry out molecular dynamics simulations to study how the glutamate side chain can move between open and closed configurations. When the side chain extends toward the extracellular end of the channel, it presents an electrostatic barrier to Cl- conduction. However, external Cl- ions can push the side chain into a more central position where, pressed against the channel wall, it does not impede the motion of Cl- ions. Additionally, a proton from a low-pH external solution can neutralize the extended glutamate side chain, which also removes the barrier to conduction. Finally, we use Brownian dynamics simulations to demonstrate the influence of membrane potential and external Cl- concentration on channel open probability.  相似文献   

Analysis of post-perturbation gating kinetics of single ion channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of mean dwell-times as a function of the number of channel openings elapsed since a stepwise perturbation in ion-channel kinetics is shown to provide information concerning the topology of the underlying gating mechanism. The difference between the post-perturbation mean dwell-time and the corresponding equilibrium mean is shown to decay as the sum of Ng-1 geometric terms in k, the number of openings since the perturbation, where Ng is the minimum number of gateway states in the channel gating mechanism. The method is illustrated by consideration of various simple gating schemes. A modification of the method accommodating the presence of channel inactivation or desensitization is described. Application of the method to a delayed-rectifier type K+ channel of NG108-15 cells reveals that Ng greater than or equal to 2, consistent with a branched gating mechanism.  相似文献   

Antifungal lipodepsipeptide syringomycin E (SRE) forms two major conductive states in lipid bilayers: "small" and "large". Large SRE channels are cluster of several small ones, demonstrating synchronous opening and closure. To get insight into the mechanism of such synchronization we investigated how transmembrane potential, membrane surface charge, and ionic strength affect the number of small SRE channels synchronously functioning in the cluster. Here, we report that the large SRE channels can be presented as 3-8 simultaneously gating small channels. The increase in the absolute value of the transmembrane potential (from 50 to 200 mV) decreases the number of synchronously gated channels in the clusters. Voltage-dependence of channel synchronization was influenced by the ionic strength of the bathing solution, but not by membrane surface charge. We propose a mechanism for the voltage-dependent cluster behavior that involves a voltage-induced reorientation of lipid dipoles associated with the channel pores.  相似文献   

The opening of voltage-gated sodium, potassium, and calcium ion channels has a steep relationship with voltage. In response to changes in the transmembrane voltage, structural movements of an ion channel that precede channel opening generate a capacitative gating current. The net gating charge displacement due to membrane depolarization is an index of the voltage sensitivity of the ion channel activation process. Understanding the molecular basis of voltage-dependent gating of ion channels requires the measurement and computation of the gating charge, Q. We derive a simple and accurate semianalytic approach to computing the voltage dependence of transient gating charge movement (Q–V relationship) of discrete Markov state models of ion channels using matrix methods. This approach allows rapid computation of Q–V curves for finite and infinite length step depolarizations and is consistent with experimentally measured transient gating charge. This computational approach was applied to Shaker potassium channel gating, including the impact of inactivating particles on potassium channel gating currents.  相似文献   

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