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To determine whether ecotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) envelope glycoproteins are sufficient to cause cell-to-cell fusion when expressed in the absence of virus production, we used an ecotropic MuLV, AKV, to construct env expression vectors that lack the gag and pol genes. The rat cell line XC, which undergoes cell-to-cell fusion upon infection with ecotropic MuLV, was transfected with wild-type env expression vectors, and high levels of syncytium formation resulted. Transfection of the murine cell line NIH 3T3 with expression vectors containing the wild-type or mutated env region did not result in syncytium formation. Immunoprecipitation analysis of the envelope glycoproteins expressed in NIH 3T3 and XC cells showed that the mature surface glycoprotein expressed in XC cells was of a much lower apparent molecular weight than that expressed in NIH 3T3 cells. Further characterization showed that most if not all of this difference was the result of differences in glycosylation. Finally, site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce several conservative and nonconservative changes into the amino-terminal region of the transmembrane protein. Analysis of the effect of these mutations confirmed that this region is a fusion domain.  相似文献   

A single protein, termed Gag, is responsible for retrovirus particle assembly. After the assembled virion is released from the cell, Gag is cleaved at several sites by the viral protease (PR). The cleavages catalyzed by PR bring about a wide variety of physical changes in the particle, collectively termed maturation, and convert the particle into an infectious virion. In murine leukemia virus (MLV) maturation, Gag is cleaved at three sites, resulting in formation of the matrix (MA), p12, capsid (CA), and nucleocapsid (NC) proteins. We introduced mutations into MLV that inhibited cleavage at individual sites in Gag. All mutants had lost the intensely staining ring characteristic of immature particles; thus, no single cleavage event is required for this feature of maturation. Mutant virions in which MA was not cleaved from p12 were still infectious, with a specific infectivity only approximately 10-fold below that of the wild type. Particles in which p12 and CA could not be separated from each other were noninfectious and lacked a well-delineated core despite the presence of dense material in their interiors. In both of these mutants, the dimeric viral RNA had undergone the stabilization normally associated with maturation, suggesting that this change may depend upon the separation of CA from NC. Alteration of the C-terminal end of CA blocked CA-NC cleavage but also reduced the efficiency of particle formation and, in some cases, severely disrupted the ability of Gag to assemble into regular structures. This observation highlights the critical role of this region of Gag in assembly.  相似文献   

After budding from the host cell, retroviruses undergo a process of internal reorganization called maturation, which is prerequisite to infectivity. Viral maturation is accompanied by dramatic morphological changes, which are poorly understood in physical/mechanistic terms. Here, we study the mechanical properties of live mature and immature murine leukemia virus particles by indentation-type experiments conducted with an atomic force microscope tip. We find that both mature and immature particles have an elastic shell. Strikingly, the virus shell is twofold stiffer in the immature (0.68 N/m) than the mature (0.31 N/m) form. However, finite-element simulation shows that the average Young's modulus of the immature form is more than fourfold lower than that of the mature form. This finding suggests that per length unit, the protein-protein interactions in the mature shell are stronger than those in the immature shell. We also show that the mature virus shell is brittle, since it can be broken by application of large loading forces, by firm attachment to a substrate, or by repeated application of force. Our results are the first analysis of the mechanical properties of an animal virus, and demonstrate a linkage between virus morphology and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Fusion of the membrane of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV) Env protein is facilitated by cleavage of the R peptide from the cytoplasmic tail of its TM subunit, but the mechanism for this effect has remained obscure. The fusion is also controlled by the isomerization of the intersubunit disulfide of the Env SU-TM complex. In the present study, we used several R-peptide-cleavage-inhibited virus mutants to show that the R peptide suppresses the isomerization reaction in both in vitro and in vivo assays. Thus, the R peptide affects early steps in the activation pathway of murine leukemia virus Env.  相似文献   

L-Usnic acid inactivates urease through the formation of high M, aggregates of the enzyme. In addition, L-usnic acid strongly binds to the protein, blocking the essential -SH groups of the urease molecule. Low concentrations of dithiothreitol (about 0.8 mM) reverse this blockade without any modification in the pattern of polymerization, inducing the appearance of active high M, polymers.  相似文献   

The surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) subunits of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV) Env are disulfide linked. The linking cysteine in SU is part of a conserved CXXC motif in which the other cysteine carries a free thiol. Recently, we showed that receptor binding activates its free thiol to isomerize the intersubunit disulfide bond into a disulfide within the motif instead (M. Wallin, M. Ekstr?m and H. Garoff, EMBO J. 23:54-65, 2004). This facilitated SU dissociation and activation of TM for membrane fusion. The evidence was mainly based on the finding that alkylation of the CXXC-thiol prevented isomerization. This arrested membrane fusion, but the activity could be rescued by cleaving the intersubunit disulfide bond with dithiothreitol (DTT). Here, we demonstrate directly that receptor binding causes SU-TM disulfide bond isomerization in a subfraction of the viral Envs. The kinetics of the isomerization followed that of virus-cell membrane fusion. Arresting the fusion with lysophosphatidylcholine did not arrest isomerization, suggesting that isomerization precedes the hemifusion stage of fusion. Our earlier finding that native Env was not possible to alkylate but required isomerization induction by receptor binding intimated that alkylation trapped an intermediate form of Env. To further clarify this possibility, we analyzed the kinetics by which the alkylation-sensitive Env was generated during fusion. We found that it followed the fusion kinetics. In contrast, the release of fusion from alkylated, isomerization-blocked virus by DTT reduction of the SU-TM disulfide bond was much faster. These results suggest that the alkylation-sensitive form of Env is a true intermediate in the fusion activation pathway of Env.  相似文献   

Cas-Br-M is an ecotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) of wild-mouse origin that causes neurogenic hind-limb paralysis. By virtue of its N-tropism, the virus replicates well in tissues of mice bearing the n but not the b allele at the Fv-1 locus. To determine if different Fv-1n strains of mice were equally susceptible to virus-induced neurological disease, we inoculated NFS, C3H, DBA/2, CBA, AKR, C58, and NZB mice at birth with Cas-Br-M murine leukemia virus and observed them for the development of tremor and hind-limb paralysis. Three patterns of disease were observed: NFS and C3H mice developed disease within 3 months postinoculation; DBA/2 and CBA mice became affected between 8 and 15 months postinoculation; and no disease was observed in AKR, C58, or NZB mice up to 15 months after infection with Cas-Br-M murine leukemia virus. Studies of genetic crosses between intermediate-latency (DBA/2) or long-latency (AKR) strains with short-latency (NFS) strains showed that intermediate latency and long latency were semidominant traits determined by two or more interacting but independently assorting loci. These genes appear to determine the rate at which the virus replicates and at which viral gene products accumulate in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Envelope glycoprotein 71 from Friend murine leukemia virus was purified to homogeneity by reversed-phase HPLC. It could be shown that all 20 cysteine residues of the molecule are linked by disulfide bonds. After complete tryptic digestion, peptides containing cystine were identified by comparison of the reversed-phase HPLC profile of the digest with that of a reduced aliquot which had been subjected to affinity chromatography on thiol-Sepharose. The locations of the 10 disulfide bonds were determined by isolation, further digestion and analysis of peptides containing cystine. The first cysteine residue of the sequence (Cys46) was shown to be coupled to the sixth (Cys98), leading to a large loop containing four additional cysteine residues. Computer model building and energy calculations led to the assignment of Cys72 to Cys87 and Cys73 to Cys83. The following four cysteine residues of the sequence also constitute a structural unit, with Cys121 bonded to Cys141 and Cys133 to Cys146, and the last two cysteine residues in the amino-terminal domain of glycoprotein 71 form a small loop (Cys178 to Cys184). The first two cysteine residues of the carboxy-terminal domain produce a very small hydrophobic loop (Cys312-Cys315). Cys361 is bound to Cys373, Cys342 to Cys396 and Cys403 to Cys416. A model for the folding pattern of the viral glycoprotein is proposed.  相似文献   

The gag precursor polyprotein of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV) is normally modified by myristylation of the N-terminal glycine. Previous work showed that the Pr65gag lacking the myristylation site does not associate with cellular membranes or assemble into virus particles. We now report that it also is not cleaved to the mature gag cleavage products within the cell and that it sediments as a free 65-kilodalton monomer in detergent-free cell extracts containing 0.3 M NaCl. Even when the cells containing the mutant are productively infected with wild-type MuLV, the mutant Pr65gag is not processed into cleavage products and is not incorporated into the virions produced by these cells. Thus, the mutant gag molecules seem unable to participate in the normal processes of self-assembly and maturation. We propose that myristate-mediated membrane association is an essential first step in MuLV assembly. This association may also play a role in budding of MuLV.  相似文献   

The time course of murine leukemia virus production after chemical induction was determined in hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrids containing the xenotropic murine leukemia virus induction locus Bxv-1 or the ecotropic locus Akv-2. By using these hybrids, induction could be studied in the absence of secondary virus spread because xenotropic viruses cannot infect hybrid cells and ecotropic viruses cannot infect hybrids which have lost mouse chromosome 5. After induction, hybrids with Bxv-1 produced only a transient burst of virus, whereas those with Akv-2 continued to produce virus for periods in excess of 3 months. The presence or absence of other mouse chromosomes in the hybrid lines did not alter these induction patterns. Thus, endogenous murine leukemia virus loci differ in their response to induction, and both inducibility and the kinetics of virus expression are controlled at or near these proviral loci.  相似文献   

C Gravel  D G Kay    P Jolicoeur 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6648-6658
The Cas-Br-E murine leukemia virus (MuLV) induces a progressive hindlimb paralysis accompanied by a spongiform myeloencephalopathy in susceptible mice. In order to better understand the pathological process leading to these neurodegenerative lesions, we have investigated the nature of the cell type(s) infected by the virus during the course of the disease in CFW/D and SWR/J mice. For this purpose, we used in situ hybridization with virus-specific probes in combination with cell-type-specific histochemical (lectin) and immunological markers as well as morphological assessment. In the early stage of infection, endothelial cells represented the main cell type expressing viral RNA in the central nervous system (CNS). With disease progression and the appearance of lesions, microglial cells became the major cell type infected, accounting for up to 65% of the total infected cell population in diseased areas. Morphologically, these cells appeared activated and were frequently found in clusters. Infection and activation of microglial cells were almost exclusively restricted to diseased regions of the CNS. Neurons in diseased regions were not discernibly infected with virus at either early or late times of disease progression. Similarly, the proportion of infected astrocytes was typically < 1%. Although some endothelial cells and oligodendrocytes were infected by the virus, their infection was not limited to diseased CNS regions. These results are consistent with a model of indirect motor neuron degeneration, subsequent to the infection of nonneuronal CNS cells and especially of microglial cells. Infected microglial cells may play a role in the disease process by releasing not only virions or viral env-gene-encoded gp70 proteins but also other factors which may be directly or indirectly toxic to neurons. Parallels between microglial cell infection by MuLV and by lentiviruses, and specifically by human immunodeficiency virus, are discussed.  相似文献   

A progressive neurodegenerative disease occurred following infection of mice with a temperature-sensitive (ts) isolate of Moloney (Mo) murine leukemia virus (MuLV), ts Mo BA-1 MuLV. This NB-tropic ecotropic MuLV, which was ts for a late function, induced a syndrome of tremor, weakness of the hind limbs, and spasticity following infection of several strains of laboratory neonatal mice, including NFS, C3H/He, CBA, SJL, and BALB/c. The latent period of 8 to 16 weeks was considerably longer than that observed for the acute paralytic diseases observed following neonatal infection with other ts Mo-MuLV, rat-passaged Friend MuLV, and some wild mouse ecotropic MuLVs. Spongiform pathology without inflammation and degeneration of neurons devoid of budding virions occurred in the cerebellar grey matter, brain stem, and upper spinal cord; but lower spinal cord anterior horn cells were less obviously affected than in other MuLV-associated neuroparalytic syndromes. ts Mo BA-1 MuLV differed from other ts Mo-MuLV mutants that are capable of inducing a neuroparalytic syndrome in that while infected nervous system tissue contained high levels of MuLV p30 and gp70, no evidence of precursor accumulation or abnormal processing of MuLV p30 or gp70 could be demonstrated. The localization of virus within the nervous system suggests that direct neuronal infection may not be the etiologic mechanism in this MuLV-induced neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Thymocyte subsets transformed by Abelson murine leukemia virus.   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The infectious complex of Abelson murine leukemia virus was altered by replacing its usual helper virus, Moloney leukemia virus, with radiation leukemia virus (RadLV). After intrathymic injection of the Abelson-RadLV complex, thymomas arose rapidly, as described previously for injection of the Abelson-Moloney complex. Cell lines were derived from thymomas induced by each Abelson virus complex and were classified according to normal thymus cell phenotypes. Each virus complex induced some cell lines which were like a 0.7% subpopulation of murine thymocytes in that they failed to express the Thy-1 cell-surface antigen. These lines are thus far indistinguishable from some Abelson-derived bone marrow transformants classified as pre-B cells. However, the Abelson-Moloney complex induced some cell lines which expressed low levels of Thy-1 and which shared most markers with immature blast cells of the thymic medulla, whereas the Abelson-RadLV complex induced some lines which were clearly like thymic cortex blast cells. Thus, Abelson virus can induce thymoma cell lines of at least two, and possibly three, distinct phenotypes corresponding to normal thymocyte blast subsets, the determination of which can be influenced by helper virus sequences.  相似文献   

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