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The oxidative stress effect of exercise training on testis function is under debate. In the present study we used a unique rat model system developed by artificial selection for low and high intrinsic running capacity (LCR and HCR, respectively) to evaluate the effects of exercise training on apoptosis and spermatogenesis in testis. Twenty-four 13-month-old male rats were assigned to four groups: control LCR (LCR-C), trained LCR (LCR-T), control HCR (HCR-C), and trained HCR (HCR-T). Ten key proteins connecting aerobic exercise capacity and general testes function were assessed, including those that are vital for mitochondrial biogenesis. The VO2 max of LCR-C group was about 30% lower than that of HCR-C rats, and the SIRT1 levels were also significantly lower than HCR-C. Twelve weeks of training significantly increased maximal oxygen consumption in LCR by nearly 40% whereas HCR remained unchanged. LCR-T had significantly higher levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 (PGC-1α), decreased levels of reactive oxygen species and increased acetylated p53 compared to LCR-C, while training produced no significant changes for these measures in HCR rats. BAX and Blc-2 were not different among all four groups. The levels of outer dense fibers -1 (Odf-1), a marker of spermatogenesis, increased in LCR-T rats, but decreased in HCR-TR rats. Moreover, exercise training increased the levels of lactate dehydrogenase C (LDHC) only in LCR rats. These data suggest that rats with low inborn exercise capacity can increase whole body oxygen consumption and running exercise capacity with endurance training and, in turn, increase spermatogenesis function via reduction in ROS and heightened activity of p53 in testes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of voluntary ethanol consumption combined with testosterone treatment on cardiovascular function in rats. Moreover, we investigated the influence of exercise training on these effects. To this end, male rats were submitted to low-intensity training on a treadmill or kept sedentary while concurrently being treated with ethanol for 6 weeks. For voluntary ethanol intake, rats were given access to two bottles, one containing ethanol and other containing water, three 24-hour sessions per week. In the last two weeks (weeks 5 and 6), animals underwent testosterone treatment concurrently with exercise training and exposure to ethanol. Ethanol consumption was not affected by either testosterone treatment or exercise training. Also, drug treatments did not influence the treadmill performance improvement evoked by training. However, testosterone alone, but not in combination with ethanol, reduced resting heart rate. Moreover, combined treatment with testosterone and ethanol reduced the pressor response to the selective α1-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine. Treatment with either testosterone or ethanol alone also affected baroreflex activity and enhanced depressor response to acetylcholine, but these effects were inhibited when drugs were coadministrated. Exercise training restored most cardiovascular effects evoked by drug treatments. Furthermore, both drugs administrated alone increased pressor response to phenylephrine in trained animals. Also, drug treatments inhibited the beneficial effects of training on baroreflex function. In conclusion, the present results suggest a potential interaction between toxic effects of testosterone and ethanol on cardiovascular function. Data also indicate that exercise training is an important factor influencing the effects of these substances.  相似文献   

For social omnivores such as rats and humans, taste is far more than a chemical sense activated by food. By virtue of evolutionary and epigenetic elaboration, taste is associated with negative affect, stress vulnerability, responses to psychoactive substances, pain, and social judgment. A crucial gap in this literature, which spans behavior genetics, affective and social neuroscience, and embodied cognition, concerns links between taste and social behavior in rats. Here we show that rats selectively bred for low saccharin intake are subordinate to high-saccharin-consuming rats when they compete in weight-matched dyads for food, a task used to model depression. Statistical and experimental controls suggest that differential resource utilization within dyads is not an artifact of individual-level processes such as apparatus habituation or ingestive motivation. Tail skin temperature measurements showed that LoS rats display larger hyperthermic responses to social interaction after status is established, evidence linking taste, social stress, autonomic reactivity, and depression-like symptoms. Based on regression using early- and late-competition predictors to predict dyadic disparity in final competition scores, we tentatively suggest that HiS rats emerge as dominant both because of an “early surge” on their part and because LoS acquiesce later. These findings should invigorate the comparative study of individual differences in social status and its relationship to mental and physical health.  相似文献   

Eighteen male Wistar rats weighing approximately 200 g were divided into three groups of six animals each. The experimental animals were maintained on nutritionally complete diets in which ethanol comprised 45% of the available energy. Control animals were pair-fed an equivalent diet in which sucrose was substituted isocalorically for ethanol. An additional control group received unlimited access to standard pelleted laboratory food and water. The investigations were carried out over 24 weeks. The effects on phospholipid, monogalactosyl glycolipid, and ganglioside composition after 24 weeks of feeding 43% alcohol were studied. There is abundant evidence that the changes in the cerebellum membrane phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine), gangliosides (GT1b), and myelin lipids (phosphatidylserine, sphingophospholipid, phosphatidylinositol, cerebrosides with hydroxy fatty acids, sulfoglycolipids, and monosialoganglioside GM1) occur as a result of chronic ethanol treatment.  相似文献   

Alcohol dependence is a heterogeneous disorder where several signalling systems play important roles. Recent studies implicate that the gut-brain hormone ghrelin, an orexigenic peptide, is a potential mediator of alcohol related behaviours. Ghrelin increases whereas a ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1A) antagonist decreases alcohol consumption as well as operant self-administration of alcohol in rodents that have consumed alcohol for twelve weeks. In the present study we aimed at investigating the effect of acute and repeated treatment with the GHS-R1A antagonist JMV2959 on alcohol intake in a group of rats following voluntarily alcohol consumption for two, five and eight months. After approximately ten months of voluntary alcohol consumption the expression of the GHS-R1A gene (Ghsr) as well as the degree of methylation of a CpG island found in Ghsr was examined in reward related brain areas. In a separate group of rats, we examined the effect of the JMV2959 on alcohol relapse using the alcohol deprivation paradigm. Acute JMV2959 treatment was found to decrease alcohol intake and the effect was more pronounced after five, compared to two months of alcohol exposure. In addition, repeated JMV2959 treatment decreased alcohol intake without inducing tolerance or rebound increase in alcohol intake after the treatment. The GHS-R1A antagonist prevented the alcohol deprivation effect in rats. There was a significant down-regulation of the Ghsr expression in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in high- compared to low-alcohol consuming rats after approximately ten months of voluntary alcohol consumption. Further analysis revealed a negative correlation between Ghsr expression in the VTA and alcohol intake. No differences in methylation degree were found between high- compared to low-alcohol consuming rats. These findings support previous studies showing that the ghrelin signalling system may constitute a potential target for development of novel treatment strategies for alcohol dependence.  相似文献   

Abstract: We demonstrate the presence of cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1) in astrocytes in primary culture, its induction by ethanol, and the concomitant generation of free radical species. Double immunofluorescence using anti-CYP2E1 and anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein showed that CYP2E1 was distributed over the cytoplasm and processes, although labeling was more pronounced over the nuclear membrane. Immunogold labeling confirmed this pattern of distribution. Addition of 25 m M ethanol to the astrocyte culture medium for 14 days resulted in an increase in the CYP2E1 content, as determined by confocal microscopy and dot blot. In addition, ethanol induced a dose-dependent increase in the formation of reactive oxygen species that was partially prevented by incubating the astrocytes with anti-CYP2E1. Alcohol also induced a dose-dependent increase in malonaldehyde and hydroxynonenal formation and a depletion of the glutathione (GSH) content. These results suggest that ethanol induces oxidative damage in astrocytes, which could explain some of the toxic effects of ethanol on these cells, such as cytoskeletal alterations. This assumption is supported here by the fact that an increase in GSH content prevents the deleterious effects of alcohol on the cytoskeleton of astrocytes. These results suggest that importance of oxidative stress as a mechanism involved in alcohol-induced neural and brain damage.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study examined myelin gangliosides in the developing offspring of rats that were pair-fed control or ethanol liquid diets prior to and during gestation. Between 17 and 31 days of age, we observed an increase in the proportion of GM1 in myelin (from 15% to 38% of ganglioside sialic acid) and a decrease in the proportion of GT1b (from 26% to 4%). GM4 was detected at all ages examined. Between 17 and 31 days of age, there was an increase in the proportion of N -acetylman-nosamine-derived radioactivity associated with GM1 (from 16% to 22%) and GM4 (from 5% to 13%), and a decrease in that associated with GT1b (from 24% to 4%). Small, but sygnificant (p < 0.05), developmentally related differences were found in GD2 and GD3. Detection of GM4 in myelin of young rats in the present study appears to depend on the use of nonpartitioning methods of ganglioside extraction. Although the distribution of myelin gangliosides and radioactivity was near-normal in ethanol-treated pups, there was a consistent decrease in the proportion and radioactivity associated with the major myelin ganglioside, GM1.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although lipids are essential to brain function, almost nothing is known of lipid transfer proteins in the brain. Early reports indicates cross-reactivity of brain proteins with antisera against two native liver sterol transfer proteins, sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2) and the liver form of fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP). Herein, polyclonal antibodies raised against the recombinant liver sterol transfer proteins SCP-2 and L-FABP were used to identify the lipid transfer proteins in the brains of alcohol-treated and control mice. L-FABP was not detectable in brain of either control or chronic ethanol-treated mice. In contrast, SCP-2 not only was present, but its level was significantly ( p < 0.05) increased 23 and 50%, respectively, in brain homogenates and synaptosomes of mice exposed to alcohol. To determine whether antibodies against the recombinant liver SCP-2 reflected true levels of SCP-2 in brain, the cDNA sequence for brain SCP-2 was isolated from a brain cDNA library. The mouse brain SCP-2 sequence was 99.99% identical to the mouse liver SCP-2 sequence. The translated sequence differed by only one amino acid, and the replacement was conservative. Thus, unlike the fatty acid binding proteins, the SCP-2 moieties of brain and liver are essentially identical. Polyclonal antibodies against acyl-CoA binding protein, a lipid-binding protein that does not bind or transfer sterol, showed that increased levels of brain SCP-2 with chronic ethanol consumption did not represent a general increase in content of all lipid transfer proteins. Changes in the amount of SCP-2 may contribute to membrane tolerance to ethanol.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that mitochondrial function may be important in brain development and psychiatric disorders. However, detailed expression profiles of those genes in human brain development and fear-related behavior remain unclear. Using microarray data available from the public domain and the Gene Ontology analysis, we identified the genes and the functional categories associated with chronological age in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the caudate nucleus (CN) of psychiatrically normal humans ranging in age from birth to 50 years. Among those, we found that a substantial number of genes in the PFC (115) and the CN (117) are associated with the GO term: mitochondrion (FDR qv <0.05). A greater number of the genes in the PFC (91%) than the genes in the CN (62%) showed a linear increase in expression during postnatal development. Using quantitative PCR, we validated the developmental expression pattern of four genes including monoamine oxidase B (MAOB), NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein (NDUFV1), mitochondrial uncoupling protein 5 (SLC25A14) and tubulin beta-3 chain (TUBB3). In mice, overall developmental expression pattern of MAOB, SLC25A14 and TUBB3 in the PFC were comparable to the pattern observed in humans (p<0.05). However, mice selectively bred for high fear did not exhibit normal developmental changes of MAOB and TUBB3. These findings suggest that the genes associated with mitochondrial function in the PFC play a significant role in brain development and fear-related behavior.  相似文献   



Conventional scoring of sleep provides little information about the process of transitioning between vigilance-states. We used the state space technique to explore whether rats with chronic upper airway obstruction (UAO) have abnormal sleep/wake states, faster movements between states, or abnormal transitions between states.


The tracheae of 22-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats were surgically narrowed to increase upper airway resistance with no evidence for frank obstructed apneas or hypopneas; 24-h electroencephalography of sleep/wake recordings of UAO and sham-control animals was analyzed using state space technique. This non-categorical approach allows quantitative and unbiased examination of vigilance-states and state transitions. Measurements were performed 2 weeks post-surgery at baseline and following administration of ritanserin (5-HT2 receptor antagonist) the next day to stimulate sleep.

Measurements and Results

UAO rats spent less time in deep (delta-rich) slow wave sleep (SWS) and near transition zones between states. State transitions from light SWS to wake and vice versa and microarousals were more frequent and rapid in UAO rats, indicating that obstructed animals have more regions where vigilance-states are unstable. Ritanserin consolidated sleep in both groups by decreasing the number of microarousals and trajectories between wake and light SWS, and increasing deep SWS in UAO.


State space technique enables visualization of vigilance-state transitions and velocities that were not evident by traditional scoring methods. This analysis provides new quantitative assessment of abnormal vigilance-state dynamics in UAO in the absence of frank obstructed apneas or hypopneas.  相似文献   

The Chronic Administration of Nicotine Induces Cytochrome P450 in Rat Brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The objective of these studies was to determine whether chronic administration of nicotine altered the cytochrome P450 (P450) monooxygenase system in rat brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received injections of nicotine bitartrate (1.76 mg/kg, s.c, twice daily for 10 days), and total cytochrome P450 content, the activity of N ADPH-cytochrome c reductase, and the activities and relative abundance of P4502B1 and P4502B2 (P4502B1/2) were determined in microsomal fractions from rat brain. The content of P450 increased significantly (p < 0.02) in all brain regions examined from nicotine-injected rats: the largest increase (208% of control) was in frontal cortex and the smallest increase (122% of control) in cerebellum. The activity of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase was unaltered by nicotine administration. Benzyloxyresorufin O-dealkylase (BROD) and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase (PROD) activities, mediated by P4502B1/2, increased significantly (p < 0.02) following nicotine administration; the largest increase (213-227% of control) was in frontal cortex. Western blots of microsomal proteins indicated that the increase in enzymatic activity was associated with an increase in content of P4502B1/2 immunoreactive proteins. In contrast to brain, total P450 content, activities of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, BROD, and PROD, and levels of P4502B1 /2 immunoreactive proteins in liver were unaffected by chronic nicotine administration. Results indicate that chronic nicotine administration regulates the expression of P4502B1/2 in brain and that at the dose schedule used this effect occurs without a demonstrable effect on the hepatic P450 monooxygenase system.  相似文献   

Social isolation (SI) is a notable model of prolonged mild stress, characterized by multiple neurochemical and behavioral alterations, that appears particularly suitable for studying different aspects of the interplay between stress and ethanol (EtOH) consumption in order to characterize potential molecular mechanisms, including changes in the function of inhibitory GABAergic synapses, underlying such interaction. In C57BL/6J mice, SI is associated with an altered hippocampal concentration of the neuroactive steroids 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (3α-5α-THP), an increased expression of the α4 and δ subunit of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) in the dentate gyrus (DG), and a parallel enhancement of the stimulatory action of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c] pyridin-3-ol (THIP) on GABAergic tonic currents recorded in voltage-clamped DG granule cells (DGGCs). In addition, SI in C57BL/6J mice determines an increase in voluntary EtOH consumption and EtOH preference when compared to group-housed (GH) control animals. Furthermore, in hippocampal slices of SI mice we also observed a marked reduction of both cellular excitability and long term potentiation (LTP) in pyramidal neurons of the CA1 hippocampal sub-region, effects that were prevented by the long term treatment of SI mice with the neuroactive steroid precursor progesterone. In this article, we summarize some of our recent findings on the effects of SI in C57BL/6J mice on voluntary EtOH intake, regulation of GABAARs gene expression and function and hippocampal long term synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

It has been documented that ethanol can potentiate brain -aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic function, and there is a close link between the GABAA receptor complex and effects of ethanol, including reinforcement of alcohol which is a fundamental element of alcohol preference. However, it is unknown in what discrete brain regions GABAA receptors might be associated with alcohol preference. In the present study, [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) was used to localize GABAA receptors in high-alcohol-drinking (HAD) rats and low-alcohol-drinking (LAD) rats which were selectively bred for high and low alcohol preference, respectively. Initial qualitative observations indicated that [35S]TBPS binding sites were abundant in many brain areas including the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and amygdala of HAD and LAD rats. Furthermore, the quantitative autoradiographic analysis revealed fewer [35S]TBPS binding sites of GABAA receptors in the amygdaloid complex, central medial thalamic nucleus, lateral hypothalamic nucleus and anterior hypothalamic nucleus of HAD rats than LAD rats. Collectively, this study has indicated that HAD rats selectively bred for high alcohol preference possess lower [35S]TBPS binding in the brain. Since lower TBPS binding has been proposed to reflect enhanced GABAergic function, as evidenced in rats with seizure or under alcohol withdrawal, the results from the present study suggest that HAD rats might have an enhanced GABAergic function. It is thus likely that enhanced GABAergic function in the brain might be related to high alcohol preference which is characteristic in HAD rats. In addition, the present result showing no difference of [35S]TBPS binding in the nucleus accumbens is also in agreement with a notion that [35S]TBPS binding may represent only a small spectrum of the GABAA receptor complex which is constituted of a sophisticated subunit combination whose functional compositions are still unknown. In conclusion, the present study supports the working hypothesis that GABAA receptors are involved in alcohol preference in HAD rats.  相似文献   

Brain concentrations of salsolinol (SAL), a simple tetrahydroisoquinoline (sTIQ) condensation product of dopamine (DA) and acetaldehyde, are reported to increase in chow-fed rats drinking ethanol/H2O ad libitum. However, our analyses showed that rat chow contains traces of SAL and, as previously reported, appreciable 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), a sTIQ precursor. To examine the effect of consumption of ethanol in a DOPA- and SAL-free diet on endogenous sTIQs, we analyzed two brain regions and blood plasma of rats undergoing prolonged intake (3 weeks and 23 weeks) of liquid diet containing 6.6% ethanol or isocaloric carbohydrate. SAL and three other DA-related sTIQs were quantitated using capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in the selected ion mode with deuterated standards. In accord with studies on ethanol/chow-fed rats, sTIQ concentrations in hypothalamus were elevated after 3 weeks of ethanol, although after 23 weeks, hypothalamic sTIQs were either unchanged or reduced (O-methylated SAL). Furthermore, sTIQ concentrations in corpus striatum and, with one exception, plasma were not altered by ethanol ingestion for either duration. (However, 23 weeks of ethanol intake significantly reduced the striatal concentrations of DA and its acid metabolite, presumably reflecting neurotoxicity.) Reasoning that DOPA in diet might underlie the reported ethanol-dependent increases in striatal sTIQs, we found that L-DOPA supplementation (500 micrograms/rat/day) of EtOH/liquid diet-fed rats for 13 weeks tended to increase striatal SAL. Overall, the data indicate that elevations in endogenous sTIQ concentrations due to prolonged ethanol intake depend on the brain region, duration of intake, and even associated dietary constituents. In that regard, the higher striatal SAL concentrations in rats drinking ethanol ad libitum could have been facilitated by DOPA and perhaps SAL consumed in lab chow.  相似文献   

Yin  Litian  Li  Fengqing  Li  Jue  Yang  Xiaorong  Xie  Xiaoyan  Xue  Linyuan  Li  Yanli  Zhang  Ce 《Neurochemical research》2019,44(7):1593-1601
Neurochemical Research - Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9, Gelatinase B), an extracellular-acting Zn2+-dependent endopeptidase, are involved in brain pathologies including ischemia, glioma, and...  相似文献   

We measured the levels of activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase (AdhDH, EC manifested at different concentrations of acetaldehyde (AcAdh) in cytosol fractions from the tissues of the hypothalamus, midbrain, and neocortex of rats preferring an ethanol solution or pure water as liquids for drinking (ethanol- and water-preferring, EP and WP groups, respectively). Two AdhDH isoforms, with a high and a low affinity for AcAdh, were identified in the above brain structures. An AdhDH-1 isoform characterized by a higher affinity for AcAdh and a low value of the apparent Michaelis constant (K m) was found in all studied brain structures of the EP rats. An analogous AdhDH-1 isoform found in cytosol fractions from the hypothalamus and midbrain of the WP rats showed a lower affinity for AcAdh and provided a lower maximum rate of reaction (V max). In the neocortex cytosol fractions of the rats of this group, AdhDH-1 could not be identified. In EP rats, the level of AcAdh metabolism mediated by AdhDH was noticeably higher in cytosol fractions from the hypothalamus and midbrain, as compared with that in the respective fraction from the neocortex.  相似文献   

The ATP-stimulated accumulation of L-[3H]glutamate by whole brain synaptic vesicle preparations from long-sleep and short-sleep mice, lines selectively bred for difference in sleep time response to acute ethanol administration, was examined. L-[3H]Glutamate accumulation in vesicles from short-sleep mice was approximately twice that observed in vesicles from long-sleep mice at three glutamate loading concentrations. The vesicular content of endogenous L-glutamate in crude and enriched vesicle preparations from short-sleep mice was approximately 1.5-fold higher than in vesicles from long-sleep mice. The data suggest that L-glutamate associated with synaptic vesicles may serve a role in glutamate neurosecretion.  相似文献   

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