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In this study we revise the taxonomy of the genus Prionopelta for the Malagasy region, treating seven species, six of which are newly described (Prionopelta laurae sp. n., Prionopelta seychelles sp. n., Prionopelta subtilis sp. n., Prionopelta talos sp. n., Prionopelta vampira sp. n., Prionopelta xerosilva sp. n.), and one redescribed (Prionopelta descarpentriesi Santschi). One species, Prionopelta seychelles, is restricted to Seychelles, while the six remaining species treated are endemic to Madagascar.  相似文献   

The genus Hemitrochostoma Bergroth, 1913 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Plataspidae) is redescribed and reviewed. Two species are recognized: the type species Hemitrochostoma altilabris Bergroth, 1913 (Malaysia: Sarawak), and Hemitrochostoma rutabulum sp. n. (Malaysia: Perak). The following new subjective synonymies are proposed: Hemitrochostoma Bergroth, 1913 = Inflatilabrum Tomokuni, 2012, syn. n.; Hemitrochostoma altilabris Bergroth, 1913 = Inflatilabrum lambirense Tomokuni, 2012, syn. n.  相似文献   

Three new species of Mahinda are described, bo from Vietnam, borneensis from Malaysian Borneo and sulawesiensis from northern Sulawesi. A key to the three known species is provided including the previously described species, saltator Krombein, 1983.  相似文献   

Chrysoctonoides longisetosa Huber & Triapitsyn (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), gen. n. and sp. n., is described from Australia. It is compared with the related genus Chrysoctonus, known from Africa and the New World. Myrmecomymar Yoshimoto, syn. n., is synonymized under Chrysoctonus Mathot and its type species is transferred to Chrysoctonus as Chrysoctonus masneri (Yoshimoto), comb. n.  相似文献   

A new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 is described from Laos, Houaphanh Province: Anteon holzschuhi sp. n. Morphologically the new species is similar to Anteon semipolitum Olmi, 2008, but it is distinguished by the sculpture of the face partly reticulate rugose and partly with deep punctures similar to areolae; in Anteon semipolitum the face is completely punctate and unsculptured among punctures. In addition, in the new species the distance from the outer edge of a lateral ocellus to the compound eye (OOL) is about 3.3 times as long as the distance between the inner edges of a lateral ocellus and the median ocellus (OL); in Anteon semipolitum OOL is less than twice as long as OL. Published identification keys to the Oriental species of Anteon are modified to include the new species.  相似文献   

A new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 is described from Thailand, Nan Province: Anteon huettingeri sp. n. Morphologically the new species is similar to Anteon borneanum Olmi, 1984, Anteon jurineanum Latreille, 1809, Anteon insertum Olmi, 1991, Anteon yasumatsui Olmi, 1984, Anteon sarawaki Olmi, 1984, Anteon thai Olmi, 1984 and Anteon krombeini Olmi, 1984, but it is clearly different for the numerous sensorial processes present on the inner side of the paramere; these processes are absent in the other above species. Published identification keys to the Oriental species of Anteon are modified to include the new species.  相似文献   

Matthew Prebus 《ZooKeys》2015,(483):23-57
Four new Afrotropical species of the ant genus Temnothorax are described and illustrated, all from Kenya. Based upon high resemblance to taxa known from the North African and Iberian territories of the Mediterranean region, these new tropical elements are placed into known Palaearctic species complexes. Specifically, Temnothorax brevidentis sp. n., Temnothorax mpala sp. n. and Temnothorax rufus sp. n. are placed in the laurae species group, and Temnothorax solidinodus sp. n. is placed in the angustulus species group. Two already known Temnothorax species from the region, Temnothorax cenatus (Bolton, 1982) and Temnothorax megalops (Hamann & Klemm, 1967), are also placed into the laurae species group based on the high number of shared morphological characters. Diagnoses for the African representatives of laurae and angustulus species groups of the Afrotropical biogeographical region are provided. A key to workers of the six Temnothorax species known to occur in the Afrotropical biogeographical region is provided, as well as diagnoses of morphologically similar myrmicine genera.  相似文献   

Muricea is an amphi-American genus. Verrill proposed dividing the species from the Pacific Ocean into three genera and established the genus Eumuricea for five eastern Pacific species with tubular calyces. Eumuricea is basically characterized by colonies with elongate, cylindrical calyces with truncate margins and star-like opercula, and the occurrence of unilateral spinous spindles. According to these characteristics, Eumuricea does not show enough difference from Muricea to be treated as a separate genus. Original type material of Eumuricea was morphologically analysed and illustrated using optical and scanning electron microscopy. We conclude that the eastern Pacific species should be placed in the genus Muricea and form a group characterised by tubular calyces that comprises four species at present, Muricea acervata, Muricea hispida, Muricea squarrosa, and Muricea tubigera and a dubious species Muricea horrida. Lectotypes were designated for Muricea squarrosa and Muricea hispida to establish their taxonomic status. The genus Eumuricea has also been misunderstood by former authors who erroneously assigned species to it. For these species we propose new combinations: Swiftia pusilla, Astrogorgia splendens and Astrogorgia ramosa.  相似文献   

The genus Trachionus Haliday, 1833 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae, Dacnusini) is reported for the first time from China. The genus is represented by four new species from Shaanxi province (NW China), which are described and illustrated. An identification key to the species in China is presented, a key to the genera of the Trachionus group and notes on the relationships with other Palaearctic species are added.  相似文献   

Five species of Ooctonus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae) from Heilongjiang Province, China, are reviewed. One species, Ooctonus huberi sp. n., is described as new, and four species, Ooctonus orientalis Doutt, Ooctonus saturn Triapitsyn, Ooctonus sublaevis Förster and Ooctonus vulgatus Haliday are reported as new to China. A key to the females of the 10 described Chinese species is given. All the specimens are deposited in the insect collections of Northeast Forestry University, China.  相似文献   

Old World species of the genus Seticornuta Morley are reviewed. Seven species of this genus were recorded worldwide, but only one species, Seticornuta albopilosa (Cameron), was known from the Old World. Here, we report one new species, Seticornuta koreana sp. n., from South Korea, and redescribe the other known Old World species, Seticornuta albopilosa, with photographs.  相似文献   

A new genus of soft coral from the Republic of Congo is described, Complexum gen. n. Nine West African octocoral species previously described in the genus Alcyonium by Tixier-Durivault (1955) are referred to this new genus, and a new species is described and figured, Complexum pusillum sp. n. The new species is characterized by having encrusting growth form and abundant spiny clubs in the surface of the polyparium. It colonizes shallow calcareous rocky banks (5 to 20 m depth) existing in coastal water of the region of Pointe-Noire. Based on molecular phylogeny this new genus is well separated from Alcyonium species.  相似文献   

New records of genera and species of spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Colombia are provided. Agenioideus, Cryptocheilus, Evagetes, Mystacagenia, and Xerochares are newly recorded genera from Colombia. Nineteen species are first recorded from Colombia: Aimatocare vitrea (Fox); Ageniella azteca (Cameron); Ageniella curtipinus (Cameron); Ageniella fallax (Arlé); Ageniella hirsuta Banks; Ageniella pilifrons (Cameron); Ageniella pretiosa Banks; Ageniella sanguinolenta (Smith); Ageniella zeteki (Banks); Agenioideus birkmanni (Banks); Aporus (Aporus) cuzco Evans; Aporus (Cosmiaporus) diverticulus (Fox); Aporus (Notoplaniceps) canescens Smith; Euplaniceps exilis (Banks); Euplaniceps herbertii (Fox); Irenangelus clarus Evans; Mystacagenia bellula Evans; Phanochilus nobilitatus (Smith) and Xerochares expulsus Schulz. The following species and genera have their occurence ranges expanded for South America: Ageniella azteca (Cameron); Ageniella zeteki (Banks); Agenioideus birkmanni (Banks); and Xerochares expulsus Schulz; Cryptocheilus Panzer; and Xerochares Evans.  相似文献   

Eduard Vives 《ZooKeys》2015,(502):39-60
The ten species of the genus Trypogeus Lacordaire are revised. Trypogeus apicalis Fisher, 1936, is proposed as a new synonym of Trypogeus javanicus Aurivillius, 1925. A neotype for Trypogeus sericeus (Gressitt, 1951) and lectotypes for Toxotus fuscus Nonfried, 1894 and Trypogeus javanicus are designated. Trypogeus fuscus auct. nec Nonfried is a misidentification of Philus ophthalmicus Pascoe. All the species are described and keys are given for distinguishing the species. Photographs of the types of all the Trypogeus species are published for the first time.  相似文献   

Pseudofornicia gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) is described (type species: Pseudofornicia nigrisoma sp. n. from Vietnam) including three Oriental (type species, Pseudofornicia flavoabdominis (He & Chen, 1994), comb. n. and Pseudofornicia vanachterbergi Long, (nom. n. for Fornicia achterbergi Long, 2007; not Fornicia achterbergi Yang & Chen, 2006) and one Australian species (Pseudofornicia commoni (Austin & Dangerfield, 1992), comb. n.). Keys to genera with similar metasomal carapace and to species of the new genus are provided. The new genus shares the curved inner middle tibial spur, the comparatively small head, the median carina of the first metasomal tergite and the metasomal carapace with Fornicia Brullé, 1846, but has the first tergite movably joined to the second tergite and the third tergite 1.1–1.6 × as long as the second tergite medially and is flattened in lateral view. One of the included species is a primary homonym and is renamed in this paper.  相似文献   

Chinese species in the genus Nycheuma Fennah, 1964a (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae: Delphacinae: Delphacini) are revised to include three species: Nycheuma cognatum (Muir, 1917), Nycheuma dimorpha (Matsumura, 1910) and Nycheuma nilotica Linnavuori, 1973. Nycheuma coctum Yang, 1989 is placed in synonymy with Nycheuma nilotica Linnavuori, 1973. Nycheuma dimorpha (Matsumura, 1910) is newly recorded from China. The generic characteristics are redefined. The main morphological characters, male genitalia of 3 species are described or redescribed and illustrated. A key to Chinese species in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

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