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Reproduction is an energetically costly behavior for many organisms, including species with mating systems in which males call to attract females. In these species, calling males can often attract more females by displaying more often, with higher intensity, or at certain frequencies. Male frogs attract females almost exclusively by calling, and we know little about how pathogens, including the globally devastating fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, influence calling effort and call traits. A previous study demonstrated that the nightly probability of calling by male treefrogs, Litoria rheocola, is elevated when they are in good body condition and are infected by B. dendrobatidis. This suggests that infections may cause males to increase their present investment in mate attraction to compensate for potential decreases in future reproduction. However, if infection by B. dendrobatidis decreases the attractiveness of their calls, infected males might experience decreased reproductive success despite increases in calling effort. We examined whether calls emitted by L. rheocola infected by B. dendrobatidis differed from those of uninfected individuals in duration, pulse rate, dominant frequency, call rate, or intercall interval, the attributes commonly linked to mate choice. We found no effects of fungal infection status or infection intensity on any call attribute. Our results indicate that infected males produce calls similar in all the qualities we measured to those of uninfected males. It is therefore likely that the calls of infected and uninfected males should be equally attractive to females. The increased nightly probability of calling previously demonstrated for infected males in good condition may therefore lead to greater reproductive success than that of uninfected males. This could reduce the effectiveness of natural selection for resistance to infection, but could increase the effectiveness of selection for infection tolerance, the ability to limit the harm caused by infection, such as reductions in body condition.  相似文献   

If sexually selected traits reveal a male's heterozygosity or condition to females, then such traits should exhibit declines with inbreeding. We tested this by examining the effect of inbreeding on advertisement calling in male crickets Teleogryllus commodus. We investigated the effect of one generation of full‐sibling mating on calling effort and fine‐scale call structure. Inbreeding reduced calling effort but had no effect on call structure. We then compared the attractiveness of inbred and outbred calls in the field by monitoring how many wild females were attracted to each call type. From the field data, we conducted a selection analysis to identify the major axes of linear and nonlinear multivariate sexual selection on call structure. A comparison of multivariate attractiveness of inbred and outbred calls along each major axis of selection revealed no difference in attractiveness. Our results suggest that inbred male calls have a fine‐scale structure that is no less attractive to females than that of outbred calls. However, because inbred males call less often, and female T. commodus prefer males with a higher calling effort, inbred males will suffer reductions in mating success. Females who base mate choice on call rate are therefore using a signal correlated with male heterozygosity and/or condition.  相似文献   

Theoretically, sexual signals should provide honest information about mating benefits and many sexually reproducing species use honest signals when signalling to potential mates. Male crickets produce two types of acoustic mating signals: a long-distance mate attraction call and a short-range courtship call. We tested whether wild-caught fall field cricket (Gryllus pennsylvanicus) males in high condition (high residual mass or large body size) produce higher effort calls (in support of the honest signalling hypothesis). We also tested an alternative hypothesis, whether low condition males produce higher effort calls (in support of the terminal investment hypothesis). Several components of long-distance mate attraction calls honestly reflected male body size, with larger males producing louder mate attraction calls at lower carrier frequencies. Long-distance mate attraction chirp rate dishonestly signalled body size, with small males producing faster chirp rates. Short-range courtship calls dishonestly reflected male residual mass, as chirp rate and pulse rate were best explained by a curvilinear function of residual mass. By producing long-distance mate attraction calls and courtship calls with similar or higher effort compared to high condition males, low condition males (low residual mass or small body size) may increase their effort in current reproductive success at the expense of their future reproductive success, suggesting that not all sexual signals are honest.  相似文献   

In tree-hole frogs, Metaphrynella sundana, the fundamental call frequency varies widely between males. In field playback experiments, females strongly preferred calls from the lower range of frequencies found in the population. There was no correlation, however, between male size and call frequency, as is normally the case for anurans, so large males were not necessarily more attractive to females. Presence or absence of upper harmonics in the call had no effect on female choice. Tree holes with shallow air columns were more often used by calling frogs, and were presumably more common, than deep holes. Since male M. sundana actively exploit the resonant properties of tree holes for mate attraction, and high frequencies match comparatively shallow holes, the benefits of attaining acoustic matching probably select for high-frequency calls. In addition, males with high-frequency calls may be heard from a greater distance in the vicinity of torrent streams. Since the level of such noise in the forest varies in time and space, different frequencies may prove optimal in different contexts, thereby preserving the observed variation within the population. Having an ‘unattractive’ high-frequency call should be potentially beneficial only when calling males do not congregate, a condition that our data suggest is fulfilled in this system.  相似文献   

The influence of parasites on host reproduction has been widely studied in natural and experimental conditions. Most studies, however, have evaluated the parasite impact on female hosts only, neglecting the contribution of males for host reproduction. This omission is unfortunate as sex‐dependent infection may have important implications for host–parasite associations. Here, we evaluate for the first time the independent and nonindependent effects of gender infection on host reproductive success using the kissing bug Mepraia spinolai and the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi as model system. We set up four crossing treatments including the following: (1) both genders infected, (2) both genders uninfected, (3) males infected—females uninfected, and (4) males uninfected—females infected, using fecundity measures as response variables. Interactive effects of infection between sexes were prevalent. Uninfected females produced more and heavier eggs when crossed with uninfected than infected males. Uninfected males, in turn, sired more eggs and nymphs when crossed with uninfected than infected females. Unexpectedly, infected males sired more nymphs when crossed with infected than uninfected females. These results can be explained by the effect of parasitism on host body size. As infection reduced size in both genders, infection on one sex only creates body size mismatches and mating constraints that are not present in pairs with the same infection status. Our results indicate the fitness impact of parasitism was contingent on the infection status of genders and mediated by body size. As the fecundity impact of parasitism cannot be estimated independently for each gender, inferences based only on female host infection run the risk of providing biased estimates of parasite‐mediated impact on host reproduction.  相似文献   

Mate calling is a prominent reproductive behavior of male South African clawed frogs. Calls consist of alternating slow- and fast-amplitude-modulated trills. Each trill is made up of a series of clicks. The effects of administration of exogenous gonadotropin and androgen on mate calling were studied in male Xenopus laevis. Males were paired with unreceptive female frogs to elicit maximal calling. The amount of time each animal spent calling during the testing period, the peak fundamental frequency of the calls, the rate of calling, and the interclick interval (ICI, a measure of the temporal patterning of the calls) were measured in intact, castrated, and hormone-replaced frogs. Injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) into intact frogs increased the amount of time spent calling and the ICI relative to measures taken after water injection. Castrated males did not call even when given HCG. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone treatment reinstated calling in castrates and increased circulating levels of androgens. When androgen-replaced castrated males were injected with HCG, the amount of time spent calling increased and approached levels of intact, HCG-injected males. The above results suggest that androgens are necessary for the production of calls. Gonadotropins appear to play an important role in mate calling, a role at least partly independent of effects on testicular androgen synthesis.  相似文献   

In recent years, studies have shown that reproductive effort decelerates in response to pathogenic infection. If infection substantially reduces a host''s residual reproductive value (RRV), however, then an acceleration of effort may instead occur (e.g. terminal investment). Reproductive acceleration would theoretically allow hosts to maintain or exaggerate their sexual signal upon infection. This would create a deceptive message from the perspective of the chooser, who may unwittingly copulate with an infected mate to their detriment. Using the cricket Allonemobius socius, we assessed the potential for reduced RRV to accelerate male reproductive effort and create a dishonest signal. RRV was manipulated through male age and simulated pathogenic insult. Reproductive effort was measured as calling song energetics, mating success, latency to mate and nuptial gift size. We show that males adopted either an accelerated or decelerated reproductive strategy upon infection, and that this decision was probably mediated by RRV. Moreover, males who accelerated their effort produced a dishonest signal by increasing their song energetics while providing fewer paternal resources (i.e. smaller gifts). Our study is one of the few to document the existence of dishonest signals and relate dishonesty to a potential reduction in female fitness, underscoring the conflict inherent in sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Infection can cause hosts to drastically alter their investment in key life‐history traits of reproduction and defence. Infected individuals are expected to increase investment in defence (e.g., by increasing immune function) and, due to trade‐offs, investment in other traits (e.g., current reproduction) should decrease. However, the terminal investment hypothesis postulates that decreased lifespan due to infection and the associated reduction in the expectation for future offspring will favour increased investment towards current reproduction. Variation in intrinsic condition will likely influence shifts in reproductive investment post‐infection, but this is often not considered in such assessments. For example, the extent of inbreeding can significantly impact an individual's lifetime fitness and may influence its reproductive behaviour following a threat of infection. Here, we investigated the effects of inbreeding status on an individual's reproductive investment upon infection, including the propensity to terminally invest. Male crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus) from four genetically distinct inbred lines and one outbred line were subjected to a treatment from an increasing spectrum of simulated infection cue intensities, using heat‐killed bacteria. We then measured reproductive effort (calling effort), survival and immune function (antibacterial activity, circulating haemocytes and haemocyte microaggregations). Inbred and outbred males diverged in how they responded to a low‐dose infection cue: relative to unmanipulated males, outbred males decreased calling effort, whereas inbred males increased calling effort. Moreover, we found that inbred males exhibited higher antibacterial activity and numbers of circulating haemocytes compared with outbred males. These results suggest that an individual's inbreeding status may have consequences for context‐dependent shifts in reproductive strategies, such as those triggered by infection.  相似文献   

Male Kuvangu frogs show repetitive calling of pulsed advertisement calls in which up to seven calls are repeated in short succession. Recordings of pairwise interactions between males showed that calls were highly synchronized, with individual calls interdigitating with each other. Males frequently switched between the leader and follower role with neither male dominating the interaction. Interactive playback experiments using synthetic calls revealed that males slightly but significantly increased the number of calls per call group with increases in stimulus call number. Males also significantly increased call rate with the number of calls in the playback stimulus. Furthermore, when presented with shortened intercall intervals, males increased their own intercall intervals, thus ‘skipping’ a call and avoiding overlap with the playback. The low degree of call matching suggests that repetitive calling, apart from maintaining a male's attractiveness to females relative to rival males, may mediate male-male competition. In addition, synchronized interdigitated calling may serve to reduce predation, while maintaining species-specific temporal features of advertisement calls important to females. Kuvangu running frogs may have reduced the costs associated with synchrony and alternation by using a signal timing scheme that allows them to do both simultaneously.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.    相似文献   

We investigated individual, nightly, and seasonal variationin calling behavior of a population of gray tree frogs (Hylaversicolor) from Connecticut, USA. Repeated recordings of individualmales on seven nights revealed significant differences amongmales in calling rate on all but one night and differences innumber of pulses per call and number of pulses produced perhour (pulse effort) on four nights. Most males reduced callingactivity late at night (after 2230 h), but some maintained arelatively steady rate of call production before dropping outof the chorus. Data collected for 26 individuals recorded onthree or more nights throughout the breeding season revealedsignificant differences among males in calling rate, numberof pulses per call, and pulse effort, but repeatabilities forall three variables were low (0.17, 0.35, and 0.12, respectively).The highest repeatability was for number of pulses per call,a variable strongly influenced by proximity to calling neighbors,probably because males often interacted with neighbors at similardistances on several successive nights. Males tended to reducethe number of pulses per call as the season progressed and thedistance between neighbors decreased, but they showed no clearseasonal change in calling rate or pulse effort. There was asubstantial seasonal decline in the number of hours of chorusactivity, resulting in a median decrease of 43% in nightly energyexpenditure by calling males.  相似文献   

In many insect species, males infected with microbes related to Wolbachia pipientis are “incompatible” with uninfected females. Crosses between infected males and uninfected females produce significantly fewer adult progeny than the other three possible crosses. The incompatibility-inducing microbes are usually maternally transmitted. Thus, incompatibility tends to confer a reproductive advantage on infected females in polymorphic populations, allowing these infections to spread. This paper analyzes selection on parasite and host genes that affect such incompatibility systems. Selection among parasite variants does not act directly on the level of incompatibility with uninfected females. In fact, selection favors rare parasite variants that increase the production of infected progeny by infected mothers, even if these variants reduce incompatibility with uninfected females. However, productivity-reducing parasites that cause partial incompatibility with hosts harboring alternative variants can be favored once they become sufficiently abundant locally. Thus, they may spread spatially by a process analogous to the spread of underdominant chromosome rearrangements. The dynamics of modifier alleles in the host are more difficult to predict, because such alleles will occur in both infected and uninfected individuals. Nevertheless, the relative fecundity of infected females compared to uninfected females, the efficiency of maternal transmission and the mutual compatibility of infected individuals all tend to increase under within-population selection on both host and parasite genes. In addition, selection on host genes favors increased compatibility between infected males and uninfected females. Although vertical transmission tends to harmonize host and parasite evolution, competition among parasite variants will tend to maintain incompatibility.  相似文献   

Male advertisement vocalization in frogs is known to be one of the energetically most expensive activities of ectothermic vertebrates. Glucocorticoids have marked effects on energy metabolism, and, generally, plasma concentrations of glucocorticoids increase during the course of prolonged exercise bouts. Androgen concentrations are also known to vary considerably among breeding male frogs. Intraspecific and interspecific comparisons were used to test for a relationship among androgen concentration, corticosterone concentration, testis mass, and the energetics of vocalization in natural populations of calling male frogs. The results of this study indicate that: (1) intraspecific variation in androgen and corticosteroid concentrations in breeding male frogs is positively correlated as a result of both interindividual variation in the amount of performed vocalization and the relationship between calling effort of an individual male and the level of calling in other males, (2) interspecific variation in corticosteroid concentration of calling male frogs is correlated with the relative energy expended in the species-specific vocalization, and (3) when differences in testis mass are controlled for, vocalization effort is correlated with androgen concentration among species of breeding male frogs. These findings are in contrast to some recent work reported from laboratory experiments on calling frogs.  相似文献   

Despite the important effects of diet and parasite infectionon male reproductive behavior, few studies have simultaneouslyaddressed their influence on intrasexual selection (male–malecompetition). We examined the synergistic effects of 2 naturallyvarying environmental factors, lifetime food intake and infection,with the monogenean parasite Gyrodactylus turnbulli on the matingtactics and foraging behavior of male guppies (Poecilia reticulata).We allowed fish to interact directly with each other duringobservations and found that unparasitized males won more intermalecontests, courted females more frequently, and received positiveresponses to courtship displays more frequently than males thathad been infected. Infected males devoted more time to foragingand less time to courtship and competition than uninfected males,suggesting that they were energetically limited and could notincrease reproductive effort despite their reduced expectedlifespan. This interpretation was supported by the observationthat greater food intake ameliorated the negative effects ofparasite infection on courtship effort. Our results have bearingon how natural variation in food availability and parasite prevalenceinfluence geographic variation in reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

A population of Common Blackbirds Turdus merula was studied to investigate the relationships between the presence of blood parasites and host morphometrics, a putative sexually selected trait (bill colour), and reproductive parameters. Haematozoa of four genera were detected and their prevalence was high. Infection was negatively associated with adult morphometrics: adults infected with Leucocytozoon were in relatively poor body condition and had shorter wings than uninfected birds. The bill colour of males infected with Plasmodium tended to be duller than that of uninfected males, and in females Haemoproteus infection was significantly positively associated with bill coloration. Haematozoan infection of females was unrelated to measured reproductive parameters, and there was no relationship between blood parasite infection and the provision of parental care.  相似文献   

Sexual selection should cause sex differences in patterns of resource allocation. When current and future reproductive effort trade off, variation in resource acquisition might further cause sex differences in age‐dependent investment, or in sensitivity to changes in resource availability over time. However, the nature and prevalence of sex differences in age‐dependent investment remain unclear. We manipulated resource acquisition at juvenile and adult stages in decorated crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus, and assessed effects on sex‐specific allocation to age‐dependent reproductive effort (calling in males, fecundity in females) and longevity. We predicted that the resource and time demands of egg production would result in relatively consistent female strategies across treatments, whereas male investment should depend sharply on diet. Contrary to expectations, female age‐dependent reproductive effort diverged substantially across treatments, with resource‐limited females showing much lower and later investment in reproduction; the highest fecundity was associated with intermediate lifespans. In contrast, long‐lived males always signalled more than short‐lived males, and male age‐dependent reproductive effort did not depend on diet. We found consistently positive covariance between male reproductive effort and lifespan, whereas diet altered this covariance in females, revealing sex differences in the benefits of allocation to longevity. Our results support sex‐specific selection on allocation patterns, but also suggest a simpler alternative: males may use social feedback to make allocation decisions and preferentially store resources as energetic reserves in its absence. Increased calling effort with age therefore could be caused by gradual resource accumulation, heightened mortality risk over time, and a lack of feedback from available mates.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies show that animals adjust their reproductive effort to the risk of predation. However, to maximize lifetime reproductive success this adjustment should depend on the animals'' current and future reproductive potential. Here I tested this hypothesis by allowing threespine stickleback males (Gasterosteus aculeatus), differing in current and future mating probabilities, to reproduce in pools in both the presence and absence of predators. As expected, males adjusted their reproductive effort to the risk of predation. Fewer males bred, and all males developed less nuptial coloration in the presence of predators. However, males with a low current mating probability took less risk than males with a higher mating probability, whereas all males increased risk taking when future reproductive opportunities decreased. The results thus support the hypothesis that males are able to assess both the risk of predation and their current versus future mating probability, and adjust their reproductive decisions accordingly. The study further suggests that predation risk may have less effect on sexual selection than previously assumed, as the males which refrained from reproducing in the presence of predators were mainly males with a low mating probability.  相似文献   

Mating duration is a reproductive behaviour that can impact fertilization efficiency and offspring number. Previous studies of factors influencing the evolution of mating duration have focused on the potential role of internal sperm competition as an underlying source of selection; most of these studies have been on invertebrates. For vertebrates with external fertilization, such as fishes and frogs, the sources of selection acting on mating duration remain largely unknown due, in part, to the difficulty of observing complete mating behaviours in natural conditions. In this field study, we monitored breeding activity in a population of the territorial olive frog, Rana adenopleura, to identify factors that affect the duration of amplexus. Compared with most other frogs, amplexus was short, lasting less than 11 min on average, which included about 8 min of pre-oviposition activity followed by 3 min of oviposition. We evaluated the relationship between amplexus duration and seven variables: male body size, male condition, operational sex ratio (OSR), population size, clutch size, territory size, and the coverage of submerged vegetation in a male’s territory. We also investigated the influence of these same variables, along with amplexus duration, on fertilization rate. Amplexus duration was positively related with clutch size and the degree of male-bias in the nightly OSR. Fertilization rate was directly related to male body size and inversely related to amplexus duration. Agonistic interactions between males in amplexus and intruding, unpaired males were frequent. These interactions often resulted in mating failure, prolonged amplexus duration, and reduced fertilization rates. Together, the pattern of our findings indicates short amplexus duration in this species may be an adaptive reproductive strategy whereby males attempt to reduce the risks of mating and fertilization failures and territory loss resulting from male-male competition.  相似文献   

Courtship behavior in frogs is an ideal model for investigating the relationships among social experience, gonadal steroids, and behavior. Reception of mating calls causes an increase in androgen levels in listening males, and calling, in turn, depends on the presence of androgens. However, previous studies found that androgen replacement does not always restore calling to intact levels, and the relationship between androgens and calling may be context dependent. We examined the influence of androgens on calling behavior in the presence and the absence of social signals in male green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea). We categorized calling during an acoustic stimulus (mating chorus or tones) as evoked and calling in the absence of a stimulus as spontaneous. Intact males received a cholesterol implant, castrated males were castrated and received a cholesterol implant, and T-implanted males were castrated and received a testosterone implant. The androgen levels (mean +/- SE ng/ml of plasma) achieved by the implants were as follows: castrated males, 1.2 +/- 0.2; intact males 21.9 +/- 7.0; T-implanted males, 254.6 +/- 39.5. As in other frogs, calling depends on the presence of androgens, as castration abolished and T replacement maintained calling. However, among intact and T-implanted males, the influence of androgens on calling differed between spontaneous and evoked calling. There was a positive effect of androgen treatment on spontaneous call rate and a positive correlation between spontaneous call rate and androgen levels. The influence of androgen levels on evoked call rate was more complex and interacted with acoustic treatment. Surprisingly, T implants suppressed the chorus-specific increase in calling that is evident in intact males. In addition, in response to the chorus, T-implanted males called less than did intact males, in spite of higher androgen levels. Furthermore, variation in androgens did not explain variation in evoked call rate. These data indicate that androgens influence the motivation to call, but that, when socially stimulated, androgens are necessary but insufficient for calling.  相似文献   

I studied the reproductive behaviour of a population of prolonged-breeding Bufo woodhousei in central Arizona. Choruses formed in discrete and consistent areas of ponds, and males actively defended calling sites within these aggregations. Call rate and calling site residency, but not size, were important factors determining the outcome of male-male disputes within choruses. Females visited choruses to select males, and oviposition occurred away from the calling site of selected males. Natural and experimental observations revealed that females prefer males with a high call rate. Preliminary results indicated that large males did not achieve greater reproductive success, nor was there any suggestion of assortative mating in size of mated pairs. It is concluded that B. woodhousei has a lek mating system, possible because of its prolonged breeding period. These results are discussed in relation to other anuran mating systems and sexual selection in general.  相似文献   

Compared to non-flying nest-dwelling ectoparasites, the biology of most species of flying ectoparasites and its potential impact on avian hosts is poorly known and rarely, if ever, reported. In this study we explore for the first time the factors that may affect biting midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) abundances in the nest cavity of a bird, the hole-nesting blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, and report their effects on adults and nestlings during reproduction. The abundance of biting midges was positively associated with nest mass, parental provisioning effort and abundance of blowflies and black flies, while negatively associated with nestling condition. Furthermore, a medication treatment to reduce blood parasitaemias in adult birds revealed that biting midges were more abundant in nests of females whose blood parasitaemias were experimentally reduced. This finding would be in accordance with these insect vectors attacking preferentially uninfected or less infected hosts to increase their own survival. The abundance of black flies in the population was lower than that of biting midges and increased in nests with later hatching dates. No significant effect of black fly abundance on adult or nestling condition was detected. Blood-sucking flying insects may impose specific, particular selection pressures on their hosts and more research is needed to better understand these host–parasite associations.  相似文献   

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