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Specimens were studied of 65 samples of the genus Aphidura (Aphididae, Aphidinae, Macrosiphini) from the collection of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris). The possible synonymies of three pairs of species are discussed. New aphid host plant relationships are reported for Aphidura bozhkoae, Aphidura delmasi, Aphidura ornata, Aphidura pannonica and Aphidura picta; this last species is recorded for first time from Afghanistan. The record of Aphidura pujoli from Pakistan is refuted. The fundatrices, oviparous females and males of Aphidura delmasi are described. Six new species are established: Aphidura gallica sp. n. and Aphidura amphorosiphon sp. n. from specimens caught on species of Silene (Caryophyllaceae) from France and Iran, respectively, Aphidura pakistanensis sp. n., Aphidura graeca sp. n. and Aphidura urmiensis sp. n. from specimens caught on species of Dianthus, Gypsophila and Spergula (Caryophyllaceae) from Pakistan, Greece and Iran, respectively, and Aphidura iranensis sp. n. from specimens caught on Prunus sp. from Iran. Modifications are made to the keys by Blackman and Eastop to aphids living on Dianthus, Gypsophyla, Silene, Spergula and Prinsepia and Prunus (Rosaceae). An identification key to apterous viviparous females of species of Aphidura is also provided.  相似文献   

Based on examination of type specimens preserved in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 50 new combinations in African Eumolpinae species described by Lefèvre and Pic in the genera Angoleumolpus Pic, 1938, Cheiriphyle Jacoby, 1901, Eryxia Baly, 1865, Eurydemus Chapuis, 1874, Microeurydemus Pic, 1938, Microsyagrus Pic, 1952, Pagria Lefèvre, Rhembastus Harold, 1877, Syagrus Chapuis, 1874 and Thysbina Weise, 1902 are proposed. The following new names are introduced to correct homonymies: Afroeurydemus fortesculptus nom. nov. for Microsyagrus cribricollis Pic, 1952, Afroeurydemus parvomaculatus nom. nov. for Syagrus quadrimaculatus Pic, 1940, Afroeurydemus selmani nom. nov. for A. signatus Selman, 1972, Microsyagrus punctaticollis nom. nov. for M. trinotatus Pic, 1952, Obelistes bryanti nom. nov. for O. nigrovittatus Bryant, 1952, and Pathius pici nom. nov. for Microeurydemus pallidus Pic, 1952. The following synonyms are established: Angoleumolpus Pic, 1938 n. syn. of Obelistes Lefèvre, 1885, Thysbina gabonica Pic, 1952 n. syn. of Ennodius murrayi (Chapuis, 1874), and Timentes flavipes Selman, 1965 n. syn. of Timentes camerunensis (Pic, 1953). Lectotypes are designated where appropriate.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):499-515
The important collection of Crustacea assembled by dˈOrbigny during his voyage of exploration in South America (1826–1834) was studied by Henri Milne Edwards and Hippolyte Lucas (1842–1844) in their contribution to the natural history of the Voyage en Amérique méridionale. In the present paper, this material, mainly crabs, deposited in the dry collection of the ‘Muséum national dˈhistoire naturelle’, Paris, is reviewed. The authors of the described taxa and their dates of publication are specified, lectotypes are designated, and a list of the currently valid taxa is provided.  相似文献   

The most abundant evidence of Pampean Pleistocene human presence are modified bones, as lithic procurement sites located farther than 300 km away. Therefore, we focused on the study of bone modifications, in particular cut and percussion marks. We studied Pampean paleontological collections of Argentine and European museums as an alternative resource of previously unnoticed human modification evidences. We compared marks characteristics with those of archaeological collections from diverse climatic and cultural adaptations, from middle Pleistocene sites (Vallonet, Atapuerca, Lazaret, Arago and Terra Amata) to terminal Pleistocene ones (Abri Pataud, Isturiz and La Vache). Marks typologies were defined, leading to the identification of a particular cutmark that we named double parallel considered as highly diagnostic of anthropic use of lithic artifacts. We also propose that hafted artifacts were used on carcass processing. Perimortem bone modifications are classified in relation with mark morphology (e.g., percussion striae), inferred gesture or action (e.g., breakage of diaphysis), and inferred objective of that action (e.g., marrow extraction). The megafauna specimens analyzed from the historical collections (d’Angelis-Vilardebó, 1847, Muñiz-Dupotet, 1842 and Breton-Bonnement, 1881) present modifications compatible with dismemberment, defleshing, tongue and masseter extraction, and utilization as anvils. The lack of contextual data (location, stratigraphy) and the loss due to museum selection/collecting of accompanying material prevent paleoenvironmental and paleoecological inferences. Regional geology indicates that most of the historical collections were exhumed in riverbank cuts with ages between 70 and 13 ky BP. Preliminary direct dating presents evidence of a Pampean human occupation, at least, since OIS 2.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):573-585
Brachiopods from the White Chalk of Meudon (Upper Campanian), listed in the catalogue of dˈOrbigny collection, are presented following the revised classification. This is not without difficulty, due to the few specimens found and/or to the heterogeneity of sets listed under the same number and labelled with the same name. The Brachiopod fauna in the Belemnitella mucronata Zone is well represented, considering the Invertebrate fauna as a whole. Two representatives of Craniiformea and about ten species of Rhynchonelliformea, from several superfamilies shared by two orders, are critically described, considering the recent observations and the last works after dˈOrbigny.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a ventral plate in the basal and little-known chilognath millipede order Glomeridesmida. This ventral plate, interpreted here as a ‘true sternite’, is clearly separate from both the coxa and the more lateral stigma-carrying plates commonly referred to as ‘diplopod sternites’. Therefore, the lateral, stigma-carrying plates of the Diplopoda, previously referred to as sternites, are not sternal elements, but subcoxal elements associated with the limb base. This discovery changes the nomenclature used for the ventral plates in Diplopoda, with the formerly named ‘sternite’ better referred to as ‘stigma-carrying plate’. In helminthomorph Diplopoda, the stigma-carrying plates are apparently secondarily fused with the sternite.The main argument for the independent evolution of tracheae in insects and myriapods, the different location of their respective spiracles, no longer holds true. In all Myriapoda and Hexapoda the spiracles associated with subcoxal elements are located lateral to the limb base. This discovery shows that the arguments for an independent origin of tracheae in insects and myriapods are not uncontestable.  相似文献   


The life cycle of the Batrachospermales (freshwater florideophyte red such as Batrachospermum, Lemanea) is a shortened variant of the ‘normal’ marine florideophyte life cycle. The perennial Chantransia diploid phase is microscopic and encrusting. Each winter it produces one or more semi-erect haploid gametophytes by vegetative meiosis. Gamete production and fertilization is followed by production of diploid carposporophytes; these produce diploid carpospores which disperse, and regenerate the Chantransia phase. The question of the extent to which the Chantransia phase contributes resources to the gametophyte was approached by physiological-hydrodynamic modelling. These computations suggest that the photosynthetic rates in situ on an area basis are 20 times greater for the gametophyte than the Chantransia phase; this agrees with the observed ratios of peak biomass. The conclusion is that the Chantransia phase has a negligible role in provisioning the growing gametophyte, and that the role of the Chantransia phase is to occupy space with living biomass throughout the year, including exposure at summer drawdown, and (perhaps) by dispersal via production of monospores. A similar conclusion is arrived at on the basis of biomass data for the role of the perennial ‘mushroom’ phase of the semelparous marine Fucalean brown alga Himanthalia elongata in relation to the short-lived but much larger reproductive receptacles.  相似文献   

All genus-group names first proposed or made available for the first time in the third edition of Dejean’s catalogue of his beetle collection are recorded. The following 18 names are made available for the first time in Dejean’s third catalogue: Batoscelis Dejean [Carabidae], Laphyra Dejean [Carabidae], Sauriodes Dejean [Staphylinidae], Abrobapta Dejean [Buprestidae], Selagis Dejean [Buprestidae], Eurhipis Dejean [Eucnemidae], Anaeretes Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Doryscelis Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Epilissus Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Hoploscelis Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Brachygenius Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Capnisa Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Heterocheira Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Selenomma Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Dactylocrepis Dejean [Curculionidae], Lophodes Dejean [Curculionidae], Heterarthron Dejean [Bostrichidae] and Homalopus Chevrolat [Chrysomelidae]. Eurhipis Dejean, 1836 is considered a junior synonym of Phyllocerus Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1825 for the first time. Abrobapta Dejean, 1836 has precedence over Torresita Harold, 1869.  相似文献   

All genus-group names listed in the second edition of the catalogue (1833-1836) of Dejean’s beetle collection are recorded. For each new genus-group name the originally included available species are listed and for generic names with at least one available species, the type species and the current status are given. Names available prior to the publication of Dejean’s second catalogue (1833-1836) are listed in an appendix.The following new synonymies are proposed: Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 (= Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854) [Hydrophilidae], Hyporhiza Dejean, 1833 (= Rhinaspis Perty, 1830) [Scarabaeidae], Aethales Dejean, 1834 (= Epitragus Latreille, 1802) [Tenebrionidae], Arctylus Dejean, 1834 (= Praocis Eschscholtz, 1829) [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 (= Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858) [Tenebrionidae], Hipomelus Dejean, 1834 (= Trachynotus Latreille, 1828) [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 (= Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889) [Tenebrionidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 (= Disternopsis Breuning, 1939) [Cerambycidae], and Physonota Chevrolat, 1836 (= Anacassis Spaeth, 1913) [Chrysomelidae]. Heterogaster pilicornis Dejean, 1835 [Cerambycidae] and Labidomera trimaculata Chevrolat, 1836 [Chrysomelidae] are placed for the first time in synonymy with Anisogaster flavicans Deyrolle, 1862 and Chrysomela clivicollis Kirby, 1837 respectively. Type species of the following genus-group taxa are proposed: Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 (Sphaeromorphus humeralis Erichson, 1843) [Scarabaeidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 (Helops marginatus Fabricius, 1792) [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 (Tenebrio cristatus DeGeer, 1778) [Tenebrionidae], Selenepistoma Dejean, 1834 (Opatrum acutum Wiedemann, 1823) [Tenebrionidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 (Lycus limbatus Fabricius, 1801) [Lycidae], Corynomalus Chevrolat, 1836 (Eumorphus limbatus Olivier, 1808) [Endomychidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 (Acanthocinus marginicollis Boisduval, 1835) [Cerambycidae], Pterostenus Dejean, 1835 (Cerambyx abbreviatus Fabricius, 1801) [Cerambycidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 (Lucanus femoratus Fabricius, 1775) [Lucanidae], and Pygolampis Dejean, 1833 (Lampyris glauca Olivier, 1790) [Lampyridae]. A new name, Neoeutrapela Bousquet and Bouchard [Tenebrionidae], is proposed for Eutrapela Dejean, 1834 (junior homonym of Eutrapela Hübner, 1809).The following generic names, made available in Dejean’s catalogue, were found to be older than currently accepted valid names: Catoxantha Dejean, 1833 over Catoxantha Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Pristiptera Dejean, 1833 over Pelecopselaphus Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 over Calopteron Laporte, 1836 [Lycidae], Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 over Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854 [Hydrophilidae], Ancylonycha Dejean, 1833 over Holotrichia Hope, 1837 [Scarabaeidae], Aulacium Dejean, 1833 over Mentophilus Laporte, 1840 [Scarabaeidae], Sciuropus Dejean, 1833 over Ancistrosoma Curtis, 1835 [Scarabaeidae], Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 over Ceratocanthus White, 1842 [Scarabaeidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 over Leptinopterus Hope, 1838 [Lucanidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 over Praeugena Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Amatodes Dejean, 1834 over Oncosoma Westwood, 1843 [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 over Phligra Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 over Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858 [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 over Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889 [Tenebrionidae], Anoplosthaeta Dejean, 1835 over Prosopocera Blanchard, 1845 [Cerambycidae], Closteromerus Dejean, 1835 over Hylomela Gahan, 1904 [Cerambycidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 over Ancita Thomson, 1864 [Cerambycidae], Mastigocera Dejean, 1835over Mallonia Thomson, 1857 [Cerambycidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 over Disternopsis Breuning, 1939 [Cerambycidae], Australica Chevrolat, 1836 over Calomela Hope, 1840 [Chrysomelidae], Edusa Chevrolat, 1836 over Edusella Chapuis, 1874 [Chrysomelidae], Litosonycha Chevrolat, 1836 over Asphaera Duponchel and Chevrolat, 1842 [Chrysomelidae], and Pleuraulaca Chevrolat, 1836 over Iphimeis Baly, 1864 [Chrysomelidae]. In each of these cases, Reversal of Precedence (ICZN 1999: 23.9) or an applicationto the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature will be necessary to retain usage of the younger synonyms.  相似文献   

A skeleton of a Channid fish is reported for the first time from the European Lower Miocene. Because of the lack of any appropriate diagnostic character, it is nevertheless impossible to determine if it belongs either to the Asiatic genusChanna Scopoli or to the African one,Parachanna Teugels &Daget. For this reason, its palaeobiogeographical significance remains unclear. Otoliths (sagitta) that very likely belong to the same Channid species have been described from Illerkirchberg asChanna elliptica (vonSalis). They are compared to the sagitta from recent species of the generaChanna (Scopoli) andParachanna (Teugels &Daget). Their morphological characters are intermediate between those characterizing the sagitta of both genera.  相似文献   

Alcide d’Orbigny made his mark in the history of French Palaeontology by becoming, in 1853, the first holder of the chair of Palaeontology at the Museum of Natural History, Paris. His work on foraminifera made him one of the pioneers of Micropalaeontology. Today, his original collection of foraminifera, bought by the Museum after his death, represents one of the most prestigious collections of the institution. However, for more than a century, it had been relegated to the reserves and to the good will of a few enthusiasts, while the priority of research study was given to the large vertebrate fossils. It survived the conflicts that affected the Palaeontology department, and was moved in response to construction works, wars and natural accidents such as the great flood of 1910. These different events, combined with inappropriate storage conditions, probably caused the fragility of the specimens. In order to better understand this phenomenon, known as Byne's decay, research has been undertaken to reconstruct the various storage points of the collection from its acquisition to the present day. This article aims to demonstrate the close link between the Foraminifera Collection and the history of the chair of Palaeontology, through evidence drawn from the archives of the Palaeontology laboratory and the Museum of Natural History.  相似文献   

As many cultural historians of the sciences have recently indicated, eighteenth-century illustrations of natural historical works represent an important source that can be used to explore the ways in which nature and the study of nature were regarded in the period. Naturalistic illustrations, however, are not the only genre of images that may help the historian in this investigation. Another interesting source is represented by images of nature and natural objects connected with fictional literature. Yet, little attention has been devoted so far to this genre of images. In this paper I analyse some of the engravings which illustrate Rétif de la Bretonne’s imaginary voyage La Découverte australe par un homme volant (1781). My aim is to show that these illustrations convey a well-defined image of the natural universe, and that their analysis may contribute to our understanding of the various significances and roles attached to Nature in the period—particularly bringing to the fore its moral and political uses. Further, by analysing the ways in which they connect and integrate a variety of artistic and discursive traditions related to fiction, travel, and natural history, I hope to suggest some of the ways in which this genre of images may be used to shed light on the eighteenth-century interplay between spheres of knowledge later assigned to such distinct disciplines as ‘science’, ‘literature’, or ‘art’.  相似文献   

Apple snail perivitellins are emerging as ecologically important reproductive proteins. To elucidate if the protective functions of the egg proteins of Pomacea canaliculata (Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae), involved in embryo defenses, are present in other Pomacea species we studied scalarin (PsSC), the major perivitellin of Pomacea scalaris. Using small angle X-ray scattering, fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy and biochemical methods, we analyzed PsSC structural stability, agglutinating activity, sugar specificity and protease resistance. PsSC aggluttinated rabbit, and, to a lesser extent, human B and A erythrocytes independently of divalent metals Ca2+ and Mg2+ were strongly inhibited by galactosamine and glucosamine. The protein was structurally stable between pH 2.0 to 10.0, though agglutination occurred only between pH 4.0 to 8.0 (maximum activity at pH 7.0). The agglutinating activity was conserved up to 60°C and completely lost above 80°C, in agreement with the structural thermal stability of the protein (up to 60°C). PsSC was able to withstand in vitro gastrointestinal digestion, and showed no trypsin inhibition activity. The presence of lectin activity has been reported in eggs of other Pomacea snails, but here we link for the first time, this activity to an apple snail multifunctional perivitellin. This novel role for a snail egg storage protein is different from closely related P.canaliculata defensive proteins.  相似文献   

Simon F. Mitchell 《Geobios》2013,46(5):423-446
The rudist bivalve family Antillocaprinidae Mac Gillavry is revised following a study of nearly all available material in museum collections. Based on differences in their myocardinal arrangements, three subfamilies are recognized: the Titanosarcolitinae nov. subfam., the Antillocaprininae Mac Gillavry, and the Parasarcolitinae nov. subfam. Fifteen genera are described, of which ten are new: Eosarcolites nov. gen., Caenosarcolites nov. gen., Clinocaprina nov. gen., Rotacaprina nov. gen., Rudicaprina nov. gen., Stellacaprina nov. gen., Oligosarcolites nov. gen., Polysarcolites nov. gen., Alencasteria nov. gen., and Sawkinsonia nov. gen. Genera, which are placed in monophyletic radiations, are differentiated on minor differences in myocardinal arrangements, morphotype, and presence or absence of tubes. Six new species are described: Eosarcolites radiatus nov. gen., nov. sp., Caenosarcolites scholaris nov. gen., nov. sp., Rudicaprina planus nov. gen., nov. sp., Sawkinsonia maldonensis nov. gen., nov. sp., Alencasteria macrotubularis nov. gen., nov. sp., and Stellacaprina gunteri nov. gen., nov. sp. Cladistic analysis was performed on selected genera from the Caprinoidea, justifing the division of the Antillocaprinidae into three subfamilies, although extensive paraphyletic groupings exist in the lower part of the strict consensus tree. Weighting myocardinal characters produces a strict consensus tree largely consistent with current subfamily- and family-rank taxonomy, and is consistent with the order of appearance of taxa in the fossil record. The Antillocaprinidae show a major evolutionary radiation reaching a first peak in the middle Campanian, a decline in the late Campanian, and a second peak just before the rudist extinction at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The structure of the ovipositor sclerites and muscles was investigated in Spaziphora hydromyzina (Diptera, Scathophagidae).  相似文献   

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