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Respiratory viruses cause substantial disease and are a significant healthcare burden. Virus-induced inflammation can be detrimental to the host, causing symptoms during acute infection and leading to damage that contributes to long-term residual lung disease. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a lipid mediator that is increased in response to many viral infections, and inhibition of PGE2 production during respiratory viral infection often leads to a decreased inflammatory response. We tested the hypothesis that PGE2 promotes inflammatory responses to mouse adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1) respiratory infection. Acute MAV-1 infection increased COX-2 expression and PGE2 production in wild type mice. Deficiency of the E prostanoid 2 receptor had no apparent effect on MAV-1 pathogenesis. Virus-induced induction of PGE2, IFN-γ, CXCL1, and CCL5 was reduced in mice deficient in microsomal PGE synthase-1 (mPGES-1-/- mice). However, there were no differences between mPGES-1+/+ and mPGES-1-/- mice in viral replication, recruitment of leukocytes to airways or lung inflammation. Infection of both mPGES‑1+/+ and mPGES-1-/- mice led to protection against reinfection. Thus, while PGE2 promotes the expression of a variety of cytokines in response to acute MAV-1 infection, PGE2 synthesis does not appear to be essential for generating pulmonary immunity.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that elimination of facultative and strict anaerobic microorganisms from the gastro-intestinal tract by antimicrobial drugs in the period of time around allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) prevents acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), was examined in a cohort of 112 children grafted between 1989 and 2002 for hematological malignancies. All patients received T-cell replete marrow from human leukocyte antigens (HLA) matched sibling donors under identical transplantation conditions. To eliminate microorganisms from the gastro-intestinal tract, total gastro-intestinal decontamination (GID) was applied by high doses of non-absorbable antimicrobial drugs while the graft recipient was maintained in strict protective isolation. About half of the children (51%) proved to be successfully decontaminated, and about half (49%) unsuccessfully. One recipient got acute GVHD in the first group and 8 in the second group (p = 0.013). The degree of success of total GID was decisive for the occurrence of acute GVHD, irrespective of the presence of other risk factors such as higher age of recipient and/or donor, female donor for male recipient and carriership or reactivation of herpesviruses. Our results demonstrate that successful total GID of the graft recipient prevents moderate to severe acute GVHD. We suppose that substantial translocation of gastro-intestinal microorganisms or parts of these, functioning as microbial-associated molecular patterns (MAMP''s), triggering macrophages/dendritic cells via pattern recognizing receptors (PRR''s) is prohibited. As a consequence the initiation and progression of an inflammatory process leading to acute GVHD is inhibited.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin receptors in many tissues have been described and the receptor for prostaglandin E2 (PGE-R) has been studied extensively. In most tissues this receptor has a high affinity (Kd = nM); however, the capacity varies widely in different tissues. Recent successful cloning of one PGE-R should soon elucidate the structure of the receptor. In many tissues, PGE-R are coupled to adenyl cyclase to stimulate cAMP formation; however, PGE-R that inhibit cAMP, as well as PGE-R that are coupled to phosphoinositide metabolism, have been described. Despite this complexity, several schemes of classifying PGE-R have been proposed. Our studies in a murine mammary tumor system provide evidence for a functional role of the PGE-R in tumor metastasis. Using several PGE-R antagonists, we have shown that pharmacologic inhibition of [3H]PGE2 binding and PGE2-mediated cAMP elevation are associated with enhanced mammary tumor cell metastasis. These receptor antagonists also inhibit natural killer cell-mediated conjugation with and lysis of susceptible target cells. In addition, tumor cell adhesion to laminin is inhibited. Thus, we have proposed that the PGE-R may interact directly or indirectly with adhesive cell functions critical to the metastatic process.  相似文献   

Allogeneic hematopoietic cell or bone marrow transplantation (BMT) causes graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD). However, the involvement of the kidney in acute GVHD is not well-understood. Acute GVHD was induced in Lewis rats (RT1l) by transplantation of Dark Agouti (DA) rat (RT1a) bone marrow cells (6.0×107 cells) without immunosuppression after lethal irradiation (10 Gy). We examined the impact of acute GVHD on the kidney in allogeneic BMT rats and compared them with those in Lewis-to-Lewis syngeneic BMT control and non-BMT control rats. In syngeneic BMT and non-BMT control rats, acute GVHD did not develop by day 28. In allogeneic BMT rats, severe acute GVHD developed at 21–28 days after BMT in the skin, intestine, and liver with decreased body weight (>20%), skin rush, diarrhea, and liver dysfunction. In the kidney, infiltration of donor-type leukocytes was by day 28. Mild inflammation characterized by infiltration of CD3+ T-cells, including CD8+ T-cells and CD4+ T-cells, and CD68+ macrophages to the interstitium around the small arteries was noted. During moderate to severe inflammation, these infiltrating cells expanded into the peritubular interstitium with peritubular capillaritis, tubulitis, acute glomerulitis, and endarteritis. Renal dysfunction also developed, and the serum blood urea nitrogen (33.9±4.7 mg/dL) and urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG: 31.5±15.5 U/L) levels increased. No immunoglobulin and complement deposition was detected in the kidney. In conclusion, the kidney was a primary target organ of acute GVHD after BMT. Acute GVHD of the kidney was characterized by increased levels of urinary NAG and cell-mediated injury to the renal microvasculature and renal tubules.  相似文献   

骨髓间充质干细胞移植对心衰大鼠心肌结构和功能的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)移植对心力衰竭(简称心衰)大鼠心肌结构和功能的影响以及在病损心肌体内分化为心肌细胞的情况。将96只Wistar大鼠,用阿霉素成功诱导了54只心衰模型,随机分成3组,移植组为左室前壁注射MSC,对照组注射培养基,心衰组不给予任何干预措施。由彩色超声心动图(TTE)监测左室心功能参数。8周检测完成后取出心脏标本,做冰冻切片脏染色观察病损心肌结构的变化及免疫荧光检查植入MSC心肌肌球蛋白重链(MHC)及心肌特有的连接蛋白(Cx43)表达情况。结果表明植入的MSC存活并表达了MHC及Cx43,其周围宿主心肌细胞肿胀明显减轻。在移植MSC2周后,心功能开始改善,至8周时,心功改善能更明显。由此得出结论:MSC在病损心肌体内不仅能存活、分化为心肌细胞,使病损心肌组织病变减轻。而且可显著改善心衰大鼠的心功能。  相似文献   

Donor NK cells could promote engraftment by suppressing host alloreactive responses during allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (allo-BMT). The biological activity of NK cells could be significantly enhanced by IL-15. The current study attempted to evaluate the effect of donor NK cells and IL-15 administration on engraftment and immune reconstitution in a murine nonmyeloablative allo-BMT model. Mice infused with donor NK cells and treated with IL-15 during nonmyeloablative allo-BMT resulted in increased donor engraftment compared with either treatment alone. The number of donor-derived cell subsets also increased in the spleen of the recipient mice with combination treatment. The alloreactivity to donor type Ags was significantly reduced in the recipient mice with donor NK cell infusion and IL-15 treatment, which was manifested by decreased proliferation and IL-2 secretion of splenocytes from recipient mice in response to donor type Ags in MLR and decreased capacity of the splenocytes killing donor type tumor targets. We subsequently exposed recipient mice to reduced irradiation conditioning and showed that donor NK cell infusion and hydrodynamic injection-mediated IL-15 expression could synergistically promote donor engraftment and suppress alloreactivity during nonmyeloablative allo-BMT. Infusion of CFSE-labeled donor CD45.1(+) NK cells demonstrated that IL-15 could enhance the infused donor NK cell proliferation and function in vivo. IL-15 treatment also promoted donor bone marrow-derived NK cell development and function. Thus, donor NK cell infusion and IL-15 treatment could synergistically promote the engraftment and the development of donor-derived cell subsets and suppress the host alloresponse in a murine nonmyeloablative allo-BMT model.  相似文献   

目的:建立稳定的异基因骨髓移植GVHD(移植物抗宿主病)动物模型,并初步了解其病理生理学机制。方法:以BALB/c(H-2^d)雌性小鼠为受者,接受8Gy致死剂量的。Co全身照射后,输注雄性C57BL/6(H-2^b)供鼠的脾细胞和骨髓细胞,观察受鼠的体征、造血功能恢复及生存时间的变化,并进行病理学、嵌合体和T细胞亚群及相关细胞因子的检查。结果:模型组小鼠在移植后出现了典型的GVHD症状;肠、肝、脾、皮肤的病理学分析均属于Ⅳ度GVHD;嵌合体植入成功;以7、14和21d为检测时间点,发现模型组鼠体内T细胞亚群移植后较移植前CD3^+CD4^+T细胞数量减少,CD3+CD8+T细胞显著升高,CD4^+和CD8^+T细胞比例严重倒置,随着时间变化比值会逐渐升高,但仍然处于较显著的倒置水平;血清中IFN-γ、TNF-α在移植后+7d表达显著增高,尤其是IFN-γ的表达在+7d达峰值;IL-4和IL-10的水平在移植前后几乎没有变化。结论:建立了稳定的GVHD动物模型;此模型发病过程中,CD8^+T细胞介导的CTL细胞毒性作用可能要大于CD4+Th介导的细胞因子效应;IFN-γ、TNF-α炎症因子在GVHD的早期发挥重要作用;IL-4、IL-10的低水平分泌与急性GVHD的高发病率有关。  相似文献   

Mouse adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1) targets endothelial and monocyte/macrophage cells throughout the mouse. Depending on the strain of mouse and dose or strain of virus, infected mice may survive, become persistently infected, or die. We surveyed inbred mouse strains and found that for the majority tested the 50% lethal doses (LD(50)s) were >10(4.4) PFU. However, SJL/J mice were highly susceptible to MAV-1, with a mean LD(50) of 10(-0.32) PFU. Infected C3H/HeJ (resistant) and SJL/J (susceptible) mice showed only modest differences in histopathology. Susceptible mice had significantly higher viral loads in the brain and spleen at 8 days postinfection than resistant mice. Infection of primary macrophages or mouse embryo fibroblasts from SJL/J and C3H/HeJ mice gave equivalent yields of virus, suggesting that a receptor difference between strains is not responsible for the susceptibility difference. When C3H/HeJ mice were subjected to sublethal doses of gamma irradiation, they became susceptible to MAV-1, with an LD(50) like that of SJL/J mice. Antiviral immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels were measured in susceptible and resistant mice infected by an early region 1A null mutant virus that is less virulent that wild-type virus. The antiviral IgG levels were high and similar in the two strains of mice. Taken together, these results suggest that immune response differences may in part account for differences in susceptibility to MAV-1 infection.  相似文献   

B lymphocyte egress from secondary lymphoid organs requires sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and S1P receptor-1 (S1P1). However, whether S1P contributes to immature-B cell egress from the bone marrow (BM) has not been fully assessed. Here we report that in S1P- and S1P1-conditionally deficient mice, the number of immature-B cells in the BM parenchyma increased, while it decreased in the blood. Moreover, a slower rate of bromodeoxyuridine incorporation suggested immature-B cells spent longer in the BM of mice in which S1P1-S1P signaling was genetically or pharmacologically impaired. Transgenic expression of S1P1 in developing B cells was sufficient to mobilize pro- and pre-B cells from the BM. We conclude that the S1P1-S1P pathway contributes to egress of immature-B cells from BM, and that this mechanism is partially redundant with other undefined pathways.  相似文献   

The cell cycle distribution of bone marrow cells from the femurs of female C3H mice has been investigated by flow cytometry according to the time of the day and month of the year. Both circadian and seasonal variations were found for the different cell cycle phases as well as the total cell numbers per femur. Both the mesor, the acrophase and the amplitude of the S, G2 and (G1 + G0) phases varied significantly in some months, while in other months only insignificant rhythms were found. The relative cell cycle distribution only partly reflected variations in the total numbers of proliferating cells, since the total cell number per femur was also variable.

The total numbers of cells in DNA synthesis seem to be higher in the first part of the year, indicating increased cell proliferation during winter and spring. In this period the acrophases of DNA synthesis and G2 were in the morning, while the second half of the year showed the peak later in the day.

In general, hemopoietic cell proliferation seems to constitute a labile equilibrium with rapidly changing activities.  相似文献   

Bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV-3), which has been reported to produce tumors in newborn hamsters, induced cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in a contact-inhibited mouse kidney cell line (C3H2K). In this system, the virus did not multiply, whereas virus-specific tumor antigen (T antigen) was detected in nearly all cells. Replication of viral DNA could not be detected by DNA-DNA hybridization on membrane filters. The cellular DNA synthesis induced by BAV-3 did occur in the absence of added serum. Extent of induction of cellular DNA synthesis was closely correlated with the multiplicity of infection. Cells activated to synthesize DNA in the serum-free medium by the virus infection progressed to cell division without noticeable cell killing.  相似文献   

Lag-3 has emerged as an important molecule in T cell biology. We investigated the role of Lag-3 in conventional T cell (Tcon) and regulatory T cell (Treg) function in murine GVHD with the hypothesis that Lag-3 engagement diminishes alloreactive T cell responses after bone marrow transplantation. We demonstrate that Lag-3 deficient Tcon (Lag-3−/− Tcon) induce significantly more severe GVHD than wild type (WT) Tcon and that the absence of Lag-3 on CD4 but not CD8 T cells is responsible for exacerbating GVHD. Lag-3−/− Tcon exhibited increased activation and proliferation as indicated by CFSE and bioluminescence imaging analyses and higher levels of activation markers such as CD69, CD107a, granzyme B, and Ki-67 as well as production of IL-10 and IFN-g early after transplantation. Lag-3−/− Tcon were less responsive to suppression by WT Treg as compared to WT Tcon. The absence of Lag-3, however, did not impair Treg function as both Lag-3−/− and WT Treg equally suppress the proliferation of Tcon in vitro and in vivo and protect against GVHD. Further, we demonstrate that allogeneic Treg acquire recipient MHC class II molecules through a process termed trogocytosis. As MHC class II is a ligand for Lag-3, we propose a novel suppression mechanism employed by Treg involving the acquisition of host MHC-II followed by the engagement of Lag-3 on T cells. These studies demonstrate for the first time the biologic function of Lag-3 expression on conventional and regulatory T cells in GVHD and identify Lag-3 as an important regulatory molecule involved in alloreactive T cell proliferation and activation after bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

JLS-V9 mouse bone marrow cells were readily adapted to suspension culture, chronically infected with Rauscher leukemia virus (RLV), and subsequently grown in 7.5- and 14-liter New Brunswick fermentors. The suspension-type cell system can be modified to produce virus with clearly defined properties, such as high ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase (RDDP) activity, high particle count, and high infectious particle count. Biological and biophysical properties of suspension-produced RLV were not affected by concentration and purification employing continuous-flow and rate-zonal centrifugation procedures. The RDDP assay was standardized and showed a linear incorporation of (3)H-thymidine 5'-monophosphate ((3)H-TMP) up to 30 min. Further characterization indicated that a high percentage of (3)H-TMP incorporation was due to RDDP.  相似文献   

转染E1B55K基因提高Hep2细胞包装肠腺病毒Ad41的能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人F组腺病毒Ad40、Ad41难以在体外培养的细胞中传代,被称为难养腺病毒(Fastidious adenovirus).本研究观察了在Hep2细胞表达Ad41 E1B55K基因对Ad41复制的促进作用.从Ad41阳性粪便标本中用PCR的方法获得E1B55K基因,构建真核表达载体,转染Hep2细胞,筛选单克隆,用RT-PCR检测了E1B55K基因的表达.用引起293细胞完全CPE比较产毒量的方法对所得细胞克隆进行初步筛选,获得一株产毒相对较强的细胞Hep2-E1B#4.与对照细胞Hep2、Hep2-DNA3相比,等量Ad41接种Hep2-E1B#4产生的细胞病变效应(CPE)程度明显加深.用免疫细胞化学的方法测定产毒的感染滴度,等量Ad41接种后,Hep2-E1B#4产生的子代腺病毒滴度大于对照的9倍;半定量PCR测得Hep2-E1B#4子代病毒基因组拷贝数约为对照细胞的4倍.结果说明转染E1B55K基因促进了Ad41在Hep2细胞的复制,获得的Hep2-E1B#4细胞株可用于Ad41的分离、培养和体外扩增.  相似文献   

Effects of prostaglandins (PGs) of the E series on growth and differentiation of murine myeloid leukemic cell line M1 were studied. PGE1, but not PGE2, inhibited the growth of M1 cells. PGE2 neither inhibited nor augmented the antiproliferative effect of PGE1. PGE1 augmented the differentiation of M1 cells into macrophage-like cells induced by interleukin 6. PGE2, however, did not exhibit any effect on the differentiation. PGE1 caused a marked increase in intracellular cAMP level in M1 cells, whereas PGE2 had no effect. These results indicate that M1 cells are able to respond only to PGE1. Radiolabeled PGE1 binding experiments, however, revealed that there was no specific binding in M1 cells, suggesting that the cells express low numbers of receptors or very low affinity receptors specific for PGE1. Stable agonists of PGI2, iloprost, cicaprost or carbacyclin, also potently inhibited the growth of M1 cells. These findings suggest that PGE1 as well as PGI2 may play a role in the differentiation of monocyte-macrophage lineage cells.  相似文献   

基质细胞是胎肝造血微环境的主要成分,参与造血干/祖细胞的自我更新、增殖分化的调控。为了研究小鼠胎肝基质细胞在造血微环境中的功能,采用转染SV40大T抗原基因的方法建立了小鼠胚胎期第12.5天(Embryonic-day 12.5, E12.5d)胎肝基质细胞系A4、B3,并进一步鉴定基质细胞系的一般细胞生物学特性和造血支持功能。结果:A4、B3为细胞形态、生长行为以及表面分子表达不同细胞系,二者均可维持骨髓源长期培养启动细胞(Longterm cultureinitiating cell,LTC-IC)至少4周并且有不同程度的扩增LTC-IC能力,其中B3扩增LTC-IC的能力是A4的83倍。外源性细胞因子组合SCF+IL-3+IL6+Epo在本实验体系中不影响LTC-IC数量的维持和扩增。暗示E12.5d胎肝造血微环境中基质细胞的功能是不同的,其机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a major health problem especially when associated to diabetes. Administration of autologous bone marrow cells (BMC) is emerging as a novel intervention to induce therapeutic angiogenesis in experimental ischemic limb models and in patients with PAD. Since tissue ischemia and diabetes are associated with an overwhelming generation of oxygen radicals and detrimental effects due to formation of glycosylation end-products, metabolic intervention with antioxidants and L-arginine can confer beneficial effects beyond those achieved by BMC alone. The effects of cotreatment with intravenous BMCs and metabolic vascular protection (1.0% vitamin E, 0.05% vitamin C, and 6% L-arginine) were examined in the ischemic hindlimb of diabetic and non diabetic mice. BMC therapy increased blood flow and capillary densities and Ki67 proliferative marker, and decreased interstitial fibrosis. This effect was amplified by metabolic cotreatment, an intervention inducing vascular protection, at least in part, through the nitric oxide pathway, reduction of systemic oxidative stress, and macrophage activation.  相似文献   

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