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目的探讨采血容器、检测时间等因素对血液微生态环境代表性指标检测结果的影响。方法采用不同采血容器(采血管和采血杯)分别在5、15、30和60 min采集受检者静脉血1次,经全自动分析仪对血液微生态环境代表性指标白细胞(WBC)、红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)和血小板(PLT)进行检测分析。结果不论是采用采血管还是采血杯,在5、15、30和60 min检测时血液微生态环境代表性指标WBC、RBC、HGB及PLT的结果比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论不论是采用采血管还是采血杯采血,在1 h内检测,都不会对血液微生态环境代表性指标的检测结果造成较大影响。  相似文献   

Genetic studies of livestock populations focus on questions of domestication, within- and among-breed diversity, breed history and adaptive variation. In this review, we describe the use of different molecular markers and methods for data analysis used to address these questions. There is a clear trend towards the use of single nucleotide polymorphisms and whole-genome sequence information, the application of Bayesian or Approximate Bayesian analysis and the use of adaptive next to neutral diversity to support decisions on conservation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of a newly devised high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) method in quantifying common liposome membrane components, including the five phospholipids (PLs), phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, as well as cholesterol, cholesteryl hemisuccinate, and linoleic acid. Besides strictly keeping to a standardized procedure, three parameters were particularly critical for proper quantification. First, a relative humidity of higher than 60% caused migration distances to increase and reduced the resolution of the PLs on a silica-gel 60 HPTLC plate. Second, PLs underwent oxidative combustion during storage for 2 or 24 hours on an HPTLC plate, with peak losses of up to 25–44%. These losses could be prevented by storage under nitrogen and, to some extent, by the addition of the antioxidant, DL-α-tocopherol. Third, even with automated sample application, the accuracy and consistency of the application volume proved to be an important cause of error and needs routine verification. Considering these parameters, the method was found to accurately and precisely determine the composition of three different liposome preparations. The recovery was 97.2–101.8%, compared to secondary methods, and consistent over different days and with different operators (mean RSD of the recovery: 2.03?±?1.16%, n?=?9). The working range was determined to be 100–300?ng in the case of the PLs (individual limit of determination between 40 and 80?ng) and 20–60?ng in the case of cholesterol (limit of determination: 16?ng).  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析影响脐带血采集质量的母婴因素和采集处理因素。 方法记录389份脐带血的采集量、母亲年龄、孕龄、新生儿体重、分娩方式、新生儿性别、胎次及脐带血采集至计数间隔以及采集方式。用KX-21型全自动血液分析仪进行细胞计数并计算有核细胞总数(TNC)。采用Pearson相关和Spearman秩相关进行相关性分析,采用t检验、Mann-Whitney U检验、方差分析及Kruskal-Wallis H检验进行分组比较,分析影响脐带血采集量和TNC的相关因素。? 结果脐带血采集量与TNC显著相关(r = 0.723,P < 0.001),脐带血采集量大于80 ml时的TNC显著高于低体积者。在母婴因素中,母亲年龄与采集量及TNC差异均无统计学意义;孕龄与采集量负相关(r = -0.119,P = 0.019),而与TNC正相关(r = 0.138,P = 0.007),足月儿脐带血的TNC显著高于早产儿(P = 0.038);婴儿出生体重与采集量及TNC均正相关(r = 0.236,P < 0.001;r = 0.275,P < 0.001),体重较大婴儿脐带血的采集量和TNC均显著高于体重较小者(P?< 0.001);剖宫产的脐带血采集量虽高于阴道分娩(P < 0.001),但其TNC不及阴道分娩;男婴与女婴在脐带血采集量和TNC之间无显著差异。在采集处理因素中,脐带血采集至计数的时间间隔与采集量及TNC均无显著相关。 结论为提高脐带血的保存质量,应侧重选择胎儿体重较大、经阴道分娩的产妇作为脐带血供者,实验室应首先处理采集量较大的脐带血。  相似文献   

Four additional cattle blood group antigenic factors, provisionally termed Fl, F6, F10 and F15, were shown to belong to the C system. Factor Fl appears to be a linear subtype of C"(initially designated F2, or P1B1). It is suggested that future international nomenclature should adopt C", and C"2 in place of Fl and C . No phenogroup was found to include C" together with C2 or C1, but a few phenogroups lack the three factors. Thus C1, C2 and C"do not form a closed system within the C system as concluded by Duniec et al. (1973). The effectiveness of the additional factors to uncover the genetic variability of the C system, and to translate phenotypes into genotypes is exemplified in the Charolais breed.  相似文献   

丝状真菌同一菌株中存在动力学、理化特性各异的多个漆酶同工酶。金属离子,碳、氮等培养基成分,培养条件,以及异生物质、热休克处理和共培养的菌株等多种生物和非生物的因素对真菌漆酶同工酶表现出选择性诱导效应。影响真菌漆酶表达及其调控因素的研究能指导漆酶的选择性合成,以满足不同的应用需求。主要阐述影响真菌漆酶表达及其活性的因素的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

Although several studies have examined differences in daily blood pressure variability between African-American and Caucasian groups in the United States, little is known about the blood pressure variation of other ethnic groups. This study examined the effects of emotional state, setting, posture, and ethnicity on the ambulatory blood pressure of female health care workers (nurses and nurse's aides) from 2 ethnic groups: Filipino-Americans (N = 38) and Caucasians (N = 22). Ambulatory blood pressure measurements were obtained at 15-min intervals during a typical work day. Participants reported in a diary their setting (work or home), posture, mood, and specific activity at each measurement. The effects of these factors and ethnicity were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results show that for all subjects blood pressure was higher at work (P < 0.05), while standing (P < 0.05), during reports of negative moods (anxiety, anger, or sadness) (P < 0.05), and while engaging in activities such as interacting with fellow staff members at work and “washing up” at home. However, the Filipino-American women reported negative moods more frequently than their Caucasian counterparts (P < 0.05), had a greater proportion of readings taken while standing at work, and reacted differently than the Caucasian women to some specific activities; for instance, their blood pressure was not elevated when doing household chores. These results suggest that the extent of blood pressure variation in daily life may depend upon cognitive processes which are influenced by the cultural background and emotional state of the individual. They further suggest that ethnicity has an important impact on blood pressure variation. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:373–383, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Stimuli which modulate oviposition of P. papatasi were investigated to improve insectary breeding efficiency. Oviposition and survival of gravid females were observed weekly during April-December 1987, in plastic cages at 28 +/- 1 degrees C with L:D 17:7. Oviposition of controls was subject to seasonal variation despite the relatively uniform insectary conditions. From April to mid-October (summer), mean weekly oviposition ranged from 11.6 to 18.6 eggs per fly, dropping to 1.4 eggs/fly in November (winter). Monthly yields of eggs were found to correlate with the seasonal cycle of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight. This was attributed to an endogenous rhythm since the flies were not normally exposed to UV under insectary conditions. Short exposure to UV sources of 254 nm and 312 nm, but not white light, raised the low rate of oviposition in October-November from 1.4 to 16.8-29.6 eggs/female/week, but female mortality also increased highly significantly. It is suggested that the seasonal oviposition cycle of P.papatasi is set by levels of UV irradiation. In the warm season oviposition was promoted, as compared to controls, by furrows in plaster of Paris lining the bottom of cages (29.6 v. 10.2 eggs/female) and by cow manure in the cages (39.7 v. 18.2 eggs/female), but the combination of both stimuli gave no greater fecundity (40.9 v. 20.9 eggs/female). Oviposition decreased when larvae were present (3.9 v. 15.0 eggs/female) and in half-volume cages (3.9 v. 12.5 eggs/female/week). Under standard insectary conditions, mean weekly mortality-rates of P.papatasi females were 18.3 +/- 4.8% in October-November and 36.5-59.1% during the warmer months. None of the experimental conditions yielded any significant improvement in survival-rates.  相似文献   

富营养化水体沉积物中磷的释放及其影响因素   总被引:71,自引:5,他引:71  
综述了富营养化水体沉积物中磷的化学形态、释放规律及其影响因素。化学形态分为水溶性磷、铝磷、铁磷、钙磷、还原态可溶性磷、闭蓄磷、有机磷等 7种 ,其分布取决于各形态磷的性质。磷释放受 7种因素影响 ,厌氧、高 pH或低 pH值、高温、扰动、生物活动、底泥与水体含磷量的浓度差值以及钙质沉积物组分等因素均能促进沉积物中磷的释放。  相似文献   

Understanding factors influencing large herbivore densities and distribution in terrestrial ecosystems is a fundamental goal of ecology. This study examined environmental factors influencing the density and distribution of wild large herbivores in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe. Vegetation and surface water were predicted to have a stronger influence than anthropogenic‐related disturbances (livestock grazing, fires, settlements and poaching) on the density and distribution of wild large herbivores. Aerial survey data for seven common wild large herbivores conducted in 2007 and 2009 and environmental data were collected. Only grass cover explained a significant proportion of the variation in large herbivore densities and distribution. Moreover, only two species densities significantly differed across the Gonarezhou, namely impala and zebra. In contrast, buffalo, elephant, giraffe, kudu and nyala densities did not differ significantly across the Gonarezhou. Overall, the findings only partly support the study prediction. The study results suggest the need to further investigate the roles of environmental factors at smaller scales in order to tease out their relative strengths in influencing density and distribution of large herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary We present data on polymorphism of the rotifer Keratella tropica from an outdoor, mesoscale experiment and a series of laboratory induction assays. In the outdoor experiment the biomass of planktonic crustaceans was noticeably depressed by larval fish predation, and associated with this depression K. tropica underwent a striking reduction of caudal spines. Subsequent laboratory studies showed that the positive association between crustacean biomass and caudal spine length was a cause and effect relationship. This is the first record of rotifer morphological change as an indirect effect of fish predation. In laboratory experiments filtrates of monospecific cultures of a cyclopoid copepod, a calanoid copepod and 5 cladocerans induced a remarkable spine development. Morphological induction showed a direct relationship with the concentration of crustaceans, both under field and laboratory conditions. Long spines were found to be strong deterrents against small predators (Acanthocyclops robustus copepodites), but were useless against large ones (females of the same species). The morphotypes of K. tropica obtained by experimental induction from a single clone encompass much of the worldwide variation of the species.  相似文献   

The concentration of metallothionein (MT), a low-molecular-weight protein, is regulated by many factors, primarily metals (zinc, cadmium, copper), cytokines, glucocorticoides and free radicals. These factors are determined by such aspects of human biology as gender, pregnancy and age, as well as by environmental factors including the use of oral contraceptives and cigarette smoking, all which may affect MT levels in the body.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of these biological and environmental factors on MT concentrations in erythrocyte lysate and in plasma.MT concentrations were determined by a two-step direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Evaluation of exposure to cigarette smoking was performed by checking cotinine levels in the plasma of subjects.The studies showed higher MT concentrations in both the erythrocyte lysate and plasma of women when compared to men. Furthermore, pregnancy causes an increase of MT concentration in plasma, while oral contraceptives cause an elevated concentration of MT in erythrocyte lysate. Age impacts plasma MT concentrations in men, whereas it does not affect concentrations of MT in erythrocyte lysate.  相似文献   

Composting allows simple management of animal manure but excessive aeration can increase emissions of polluting gases such as ammonia or nitrous oxide. The aim of the present work was to determine the effect of three techniques--turning, compacting and the addition of water--on gaseous emissions. One ton of cattle manure and 3 tons of turkey manure were composted in two and four cells for 46 and 51 days respectively. The manure was either turned, wetted, or compacted. Emissions of carbon dioxide, water vapor, ammonia and nitrous oxide were monitored. The results show that turning did not alter the free air space. Compacting can be used specifically to reduce the water loss. A reduction of free air space by 20-60%, either by compacting or adding water (or both), reduced the ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions by 30-70%.  相似文献   

农林复合系统中南酸枣蒸腾特征及影响因子   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
赵英  张斌  赵华春  王明珠 《应用生态学报》2005,16(11):2035-2040
用热平衡法(Granier法)确定了南酸枣蒸腾量,研究了低丘红壤农林复合系统中南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaries)蒸腾的日变化特征、对复合利用方式及截枝处理的响应,并利用相关分析和多元逐步回归分析方法,探讨了影响蒸腾的因素.结果表明,蒸腾速率具有明显的早晚低、中午高的日变化特征,但在不同日期蒸腾速率日变化曲线存在一定差异,且在旱季晚间23:30后仍有茎流现象.南酸枣蒸腾主要受深层土壤水分的影响,与100 cm土壤深处的水势呈极显著正相关(R=0.737**).农林复合,通过树木对深层水分的利用及微区域环境的改变,提高了植物蒸腾量40%~10%,为实现水分高效利用提供了可能.在影响蒸腾作用的气象因子中,光辐射强度、气温、地温是主要因子,而空气饱和水汽压差和风速次之.最后给出了依据气象因子估算茎流流速的统计模型.  相似文献   

By immunizing a miniature sow a monovalent reagent (later designated anti-Es) was prepared, detecting an alternative antigen to the Ej. Blood group factors Ej and Es thus form the fifth genetically closed E subsystem. Analyses of selected raw sera containing anti-Ej led to the determination of a further Ej subgroup (designated Et) which is antithetical, mutually excluding with the blood factor Er. New blood factor Et is inherited by alleles Edeghjmnt (= E9) and (= E16). The investigation in pig breeds kept in CSFR indicated that allele Edeghjmnt occurs in Black and White Prestice breed (qE9 = 0.076 +/- 0.010) while allele Edeghjmnr (= E14) only in miniature pigs (qE9 = 0.147 +/- 0.011) and in wild pigs. In an élite herd of Swedish Landrace kept in CSFR a new complex allele Ebdgjmt (= E16) was found. Its frequency in the population studied was 0.058 +/- 0.022.  相似文献   

森林生态系统土壤氮矿化影响因素研究进展   总被引:77,自引:17,他引:60  
森林生态系统土壤氮矿化是生态系统中最重要的功能之一,综述了近10余年来森林生态系统土壤氮矿化影响因素的研究,在前人的基础上将其影响因素归成3类;(1)环境因子,(2)凋落物质量,(3)土壤动物和微生物,其中环境因子中的土壤温、湿度是影响土壤氮矿化的最重要因子,氮素可利用性、氮转化与群落演替、植物多样性间相互关系的研究正受到愈来愈多的重视,研究CO2倍增及其引起的全球变暖对土壤氮素转化的潜在影响也已成为当前全球变化问题研究的热点之一。  相似文献   

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