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基因表达研究中内参基因的选择与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
管家基因是一类无组织特异性的,在物种的所有组织细胞中都表达的基因,被广泛用作内参基因来检测目标基因在不同的组织器官、一定的发育阶段或胁迫的环境条件下的表达规律变化。这些管家基因并不是在所有生理条件下都能作为理想内参基因稳定表达。在基因表达转录分析中,大多数普遍使用的内参基因已不能满足准确定量的要求。基于统计学分析软件,如geNorm、BestKeeper和NormFinder三种分析软件,可以筛选出稳定性较好的内参基因。本文综述了内参基因的选择条件、方法及应用。  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the reference gene in a RT-qPCR should be properly validated to ensure that gene expression is unaffected by the experimental condition. We investigated eight potential reference genes in two different pilocarpine PILO-models of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) performing a stability expression analysis using geNorm, NormFinder and BestKepeer softwares. Then, as a validation strategy, we conducted a relative expression analysis of the Gfap gene. Our results indicate that in the systemic PILO-model Actb, Gapdh, Rplp1, Tubb2a and Polr1a mRNAs were highly stable in hippocampus of rats from all experimental and control groups, whereas Gusb revealed to be the most variable one. In fact, we observed that using Gusb for normalization, the relative mRNA levels of the Gfap gene differed from those obtained with stable genes. On the contrary, in the intrahippocampal PILO-model, all softwares included Gusb as a stable gene, whereas B2m was indicated as the worst candidate gene. The results obtained for the other reference genes were comparable to those observed for the systemic Pilo-model. The validation of these data by the analysis of the relative expression of Gfap showed that the upregulation of the Gfap gene in the hippocampus of rats sacrificed 24 hours after status epilepticus (SE) was undetected only when B2m was used as the normalizer. These findings emphasize that a gene that is stable in one pathology model may not be stable in a different experimental condition related to the same pathology and therefore, the choice of reference genes depends on study design.  相似文献   

The choice of reference genes that are stably expressed amongst treatment groups is a crucial step in real-time quantitative PCR gene expression studies. Recent guidelines have specified that a minimum of two validated reference genes should be used for normalisation. However, a quantitative review of the literature showed that the average number of reference genes used across all studies was 1.2. Thus, the vast majority of studies continue to use a single gene, with β-actin (ACTB) and/or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) being commonly selected in studies of vertebrate gene expression. Few studies (15%) tested a panel of potential reference genes for stability of expression before using them to normalise data. Amongst studies specifically testing reference gene stability, few found ACTB or GAPDH to be optimal, whereby these genes were significantly less likely to be chosen when larger panels of potential reference genes were screened. Fewer reference genes were tested for stability in non-model organisms, presumably owing to a dearth of available primers in less well characterised species. Furthermore, the experimental conditions under which real-time quantitative PCR analyses were conducted had a large influence on the choice of reference genes, whereby different studies of rat brain tissue showed different reference genes to be the most stable. These results highlight the importance of validating the choice of normalising reference genes before conducting gene expression studies.  相似文献   

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumour samples may provide crucial data regarding biomarkers for neoplasm progression. Analysis of gene expression is frequently used for this purpose. Therefore, mRNA expression needs to be normalized through comparison to reference genes. In this study, we establish which of the usually reported reference genes is the most reliable one in cutaneous malignant melanoma (MM) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC). ACTB, TFRC, HPRT1 and TBP expression was quantified in 123 FFPE samples (74 MM and 49 CSCC biopsies) using qPCR. Expression stability was analysed by NormFinder and Bestkeeper softwares, and the direct comparison method between means and SD. The in-silico analysis with BestKeeper indicated that HPRT1 was more stable than ACTB and TFRC in MM (1.85 vs. 2.15) and CSCC tissues (2.09 vs. 2.33). The best option to NormFinder was ACTB gene (0.56) in MM and TFRC (0.26) in CSCC. The direct comparison method showed lower SD means of ACTB expression in MM (1.17) and TFRC expression in CSCC samples (1.00). When analysing the combination of two reference genes for improving stability, NormFinder indicated HPRT1 and ACTB to be the best for MM samples, and HPRT1 and TFRC genes for CSCC. In conclusion, HPRT1 and ACTB genes in combination are the most appropriate choice for normalization in gene expression studies in MM FFPE tissue, while the combination of HPRT1 and TFRC genes are the best option in analysing CSCC FFPE samples. These may be used consistently in forthcoming studies on gene expression in both tumours.  相似文献   

Housekeeping genes frequently used in gene expression studies are highly regulated in human adipose tissue. To ensure a correct interpretation of results, it is critical to select appropriate reference genes. Subcutaneous (SC) and omental (OM) adipose tissue expression was analyzed from lean and obese subjects using whole genome complementary DNA (cDNA) microarrays to identify stably expressed genes and commercial TaqMan low density arrays (LDAs), with 16 common control genes. The best candidate gene from microarrays analysis was F‐box and leucine‐rich repeat protein‐10 (FBXL10) (fold‐change 10?3 P < 0.01), an ubiquitous nucleolar protein evolutionarily conserved. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (HPRT1) and importin 8 (IPO8), were the best reference genes among the 16 genes in the LDAs with coefficient of variation (CV) of 4.51 and 4.55%, respectively. However, when the LDAs data were further analyzed by the geNorm and NormFinder softwares, IPO8, a nuclear protein mediating import of proteins, was the first and the third better reference gene, respectively. IPO8 and FBXL10 were further validated by real‐time PCR in additional OM and SC fat samples and primary cultured preadipocytes. According to their CV, IPO8 resulted more suitable than FBXL10 in both adipose tissue depots and SC preadipocytes, whereas FBXL10 performed better than IPO8 in OM cultured preadipocytes. Both genes expression levels did not change throughout adipogenesis. Thus, we provide clear evidence that IPO8 and FBXL10 are good candidates to use as reference genes in gene expression studies in human OM and SC adipose tissues as well as differentiated primary preadipocytes.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is induced in MCF-7 breast cancer cells following treatment with salicylic acid (20 mM), either in the presence or absence of a heat shock (42°C for 30 min). In order to study the alterations of apoptotic genes with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), suitable genes with unchanged expression following the treatments is required for normalizing the gene expression levels. In this study, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), β-actin (ACTB), Histone H2A (HIST), constitutively expressed heat shock protein 70 (HSC70) and tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/trytophan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, 14-3-3 (YWHAZ) were evaluated as appropriate reference genes. Analysis of gene expression data with one-way ANOVA, geNorm and NormFinder identified HIST and YWHAZ as the least affected during the induction of apoptosis by the different treatments, and is the most suitable gene-pair for normalization during qPCR analysis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells undergoing apoptosis following treatment with SA and/or HS.  相似文献   

Quantitative Real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) is a powerful technique to investigate comparative gene expression. In general, normalization of results using a highly stable housekeeping gene (HKG) as an internal control is recommended and necessary. However, there are several reports suggesting that regulation of some HKGs is affected by different conditions. The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a serious pest of corn in the United States and Europe. The expression profile of target genes related to insecticide exposure, resistance, and RNA interference has become an important experimental technique for study of western corn rootworms; however, lack of information on reliable HKGs under different conditions makes the interpretation of qRT-PCR results difficult. In this study, four distinct algorithms (Genorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper and delta-CT) and five candidate HKGs to genes of reference (β-actin; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; β-tubulin; RPS9, ribosomal protein S9; EF1a, elongation factor-1α) were evaluated to determine the most reliable HKG under different experimental conditions including exposure to dsRNA and Bt toxins and among different tissues and developmental stages. Although all the HKGs tested exhibited relatively stable expression among the different treatments, some differences were noted. Among the five candidate reference genes evaluated, β-actin exhibited highly stable expression among different life stages. RPS9 exhibited the most similar pattern of expression among dsRNA treatments, and both experiments indicated that EF1a was the second most stable gene. EF1a was also the most stable for Bt exposure and among different tissues. These results will enable researchers to use more accurate and reliable normalization of qRT-PCR data in WCR experiments.  相似文献   

The identification of suitable reference genes is critical for obtaining reliable results from gene expression studies using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) because the expression of reference genes may vary considerably under different experimental conditions. In most cases, however, commonly used reference genes are employed in data normalization without proper validation, which may lead to incorrect data interpretation. Here, we aim to select a set of optimal reference genes for the accurate normalization of gene expression associated with intramuscular fat (IMF) deposition during development. In the present study, eight reference genes (PPIB, HMBS, RPLP0, B2M, YWHAZ, 18S, GAPDH and ACTB) were evaluated by three different algorithms (geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper) in two types of muscle tissues (longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris muscle) across different developmental stages. All three algorithms gave similar results. PPIB and HMBS were identified as the most stable reference genes, while the commonly used reference genes 18S and GAPDH were the most variably expressed, with expression varying dramatically across different developmental stages. Furthermore, to reveal the crucial role of appropriate reference genes in obtaining a reliable result, analysis of PPARG expression was performed by normalization to the most and the least stable reference genes. The relative expression levels of PPARG normalized to the most stable reference genes greatly differed from those normalized to the least stable one. Therefore, evaluation of reference genes must be performed for a given experimental condition before the reference genes are used. PPIB and HMBS are the optimal reference genes for analysis of gene expression associated with IMF deposition in skeletal muscle during development.  相似文献   

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