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Heart disorders are a major health concern worldwide responsible for millions of deaths every year. Among the many disorders of the heart, myocardial infarction, which can lead to the development of congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or even death, has the most severe social and economic ramifications. Lack of sufficient available donor hearts for heart transplantation, the only currently viable treatment for heart failure other than medical management options (ACE inhibition, beta blockade, use of AICDs, etc.) that improve the survival of patients with heart failure emphasises the need for alternative therapies. One promising alternative replaces cardiac muscle damaged by myocardial infarction with new contractile cardiomyocytes and vessels obtained through stem cell-based regeneration.We report on the state of the art of recovery of cardiac functions by using stem cell engineering. Current research focuses on (a) inducing stem cells into becoming cardiac cells before or after injection into a host, (b) growing replacement heart tissue in vitro, and (c) stimulating the proliferation of the post-mitotic cardiomyocytes in situ. The most promising treatment option for patients is the engineering of new heart tissue that can be implanted into damaged areas. Engineering of cardiac tissue currently employs the use of co-culture of stem cells with scaffold microenvironments engineered to improve tissue survival and enhance differentiation. Growth of heart tissue in vitro using scaffolds, soluble collagen, and cell sheets has unique advantages. To compensate for the loss of ventricular mass and contractility of the injured cardiomyocytes, different stem cell populations have been extensively studied as potential sources of new cells to ameliorate the injured myocardium and eventually restore cardiac function. Unresolved issues including insufficient cell generation survival, growth, and differentiation have led to mixed results in preclinical and clinical studies. Addressing these limitations should ensure the successful production of replacement heart tissue to benefit cardiac patients.  相似文献   

Kidney diseases are a prevalent health problem around the world. Multidrug therapy used in the current routine treatment for kidney diseases can only delay disease progression. None of these drugs or treatments can reverse the progression to an end-stage of the disease. Therefore, it is crucial to explore novel therapeutics to improve patients’ quality of life and possibly cure, reverse, or alleviate the kidney disease. Stem cells have promising potentials as a form of regenerative medicine for kidney diseases due to their unlimited replication and their ability to differentiate into kidney cells in vitro. Mounting evidences from the administration of stem cells in an experimental kidney disease model suggested that stem cell-based therapy has therapeutic or renoprotective effects to attenuate kidney damage while improving the function and structure of both glomerular and tubular compartments. This review summarises the current stem cell-based therapeutic approaches to treat kidney diseases, including the various cell sources, animal models or in vitro studies. The challenges of progressing from proof-of-principle in the laboratory to widespread clinical application and the human clinical trial outcomes reported to date are also highlighted. The success of cell-based therapy could widen the scope of regenerative medicine in the future.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received significant attention in recent years due to their large potential for cell therapy. Indeed, they secrete a wide variety of immunomodulatory factors of interest for the treatment of immune-related disorders and inflammatory diseases. MSCs can be extracted from multiple tissues of the human body. However, several factors may restrict their use for clinical applications: the requirement of invasive procedures for their isolation, their limited numbers, and their heterogeneity according to the tissue of origin or donor. In addition, MSCs often present early signs of replicative senescence limiting their expansion in vitro, and their therapeutic capacity in vivo. Due to the clinical potential of MSCs, a considerable number of methods to differentiate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into MSCs have emerged. iPSCs represent a new reliable, unlimited source to generate MSCs (MSCs derived from iPSC, iMSCs) from homogeneous and well-characterized cell lines, which would relieve many of the above mentioned technical and biological limitations. Additionally, the use of iPSCs prevents some of the ethical concerns surrounding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In this review, we analyze the main current protocols used to differentiate human iPSCs into MSCs, which we classify into five different categories: MSC Switch, Embryoid Body Formation, Specific Differentiation, Pathway Inhibitor, and Platelet Lysate. We also evaluate common and method-specific culture components and provide a list of positive and negative markers for MSC characterization. Further guidance on material requirements to produce iMSCs with these methods and on the phenotypic features of the iMSCs obtained is added. The information may help researchers identify protocol options to design and/or refine standardized procedures for large-scale production of iMSCs fitting clinical demands.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases represent the world’s leading cause of death. In this heterogeneous group of diseases, ischemic cardiomyopathies are the most devastating and prevalent, estimated to cause 17.9 million deaths per year. Despite all biomedical efforts, there are no effective treatments that can replace the myocytes lost during an ischemic event or progression of the disease to heart failure. In this context, cell therapy is an emerging therapeutic alternative to treat cardiovascular diseases by cell administration, aimed at cardiac regeneration and repair. In this review, we will cover more than 30 years of cell therapy in cardiology, presenting the main milestones and drawbacks in the field and signaling future challenges and perspectives. The outcomes of cardiac cell therapies are discussed in three distinct aspects: The search for remuscularization by replacement of lost cells by exogenous adult cells, the endogenous stem cell era, which pursued the isolation of a progenitor with the ability to induce heart repair, and the utilization of pluripotent stem cells as a rich and reliable source of cardiomyocytes. Acellular therapies using cell derivatives, such as microvesicles and exosomes, are presented as a promising cell-free therapeutic alternative.  相似文献   

This report summarises the recent “Perspectives in Stem Cell Proteomics” meeting that was held at the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Hinxton, UK in March 2009. The aim of the meeting was to explore the current status of proteomics in stem cell biology. Several themes encompassing technological and biological studies demonstrated the close relationship that must exist between the two communities in order to maximise our understanding of stem cell behaviour. Highlights included new methods for induction of pluripotent stem cells, new data sets regarding protein expression and phosphorylation dynamics in differentiating cells and the potential for future exploitation in a therapeutic setting.  相似文献   

Stem cells represent a promising step for the future of regenerative medicine. As they are able to differentiate into any cell type, tissue or organ, these cells are great candidates for treatments against the worst diseasesthat defy doctors and researchers around the world. Stem cells can be divided into three main groups:(1) embryonic stem cells;(2) fetal stem cells; and(3) adult stem cells. In terms of their capacity for proliferation, stem cells are also classified as totipotent, pluripotent or multipotent. Adult stem cells, also known as somatic cells, are found in various regions of the adult organism, such as bone marrow, skin, eyes, viscera and brain. They can differentiate into unipotent cells of the residing tissue, generally for the purpose of repair. These cells represent an excellent choice in regenerative medicine, every patient can be a donor of adult stem cells to provide a more customized and efficient therapy against various diseases, in other words, they allow the opportunity of autologous transplantation. But in order to start clinical trials and achieve great results, we need to understand how these cells interact with the host tissue, how they can manipulate or be manipulated by the microenvironment where they will be transplanted and for how long they can maintain their multipotent state to provide a full regeneration.  相似文献   

Lots of evidence showed that bone marrow stem cells can differentiate into cardiac myocytes so as to treat damaged hearts. However, the following studies revealed that bone marrow stem cells also produced protective effects on hearts by releasing some beneficial cytokines and suppressing inflammatory effects and so on. Therefore, we speculated that the cardiac differentiation of bone marrow stem cells did not play an important role in cardiac repair.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered stem cells aid in dissecting basic cell function and are valuable tools for drug discovery, in vivo cell tracking, and gene therapy. Gene transfer into pluripotent stem cells has been a challenge due to their intrinsic feature of growing in clusters and hence not amenable to common gene delivery methods. Several advances have been made in the rapid assembly of DNA elements, optimization of culture conditions, and DNA delivery methods. This has lead to the development of viral and non-viral methods for transient or stable modification of cells, albeit with varying efficiencies. Most methods require selection and clonal expansion that demand prolonged culture and are not suited for cells with limited proliferative potential.  相似文献   

The first non-hematopoietic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were discovered by Friedenstein in 1976, who described clonal, plastic adherent cells from bone marrow capable of differentiating into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondrocytes. More recently, investigators have now demonstrated that multi-potent MSCs can be recovered from a variety of other adult tissues and differentiate into numerous tissue lineages including myoblasts, hepatocytes and possibly even neural tissue. Because MSCs are multipotent and easily expanded in culture, there has been much interest in their clinical potential for tissue repair and gene therapy and as a result, numerous studies have been carried out demonstrating the migration and multi-organ engraftment potential of MSCs in animal models and in human clinical trials. This review describes the recent advances in the understanding of MSC biology.  相似文献   

Stem cells hold enormous promise for regenerative medicine as well as for engineering of model systems to study diseases and develop new drugs. The discovery of protocols that allow for generating induced pluripotent stem cells(IPSCs) from somatic cells has brought this promise steps closer to reality. However,as somatic cells might have accumulated various chromosomal abnormalities,including aneuploidies throughout their lives,the resulting IPSCs might no longer carry the perfect blueprint for the tissue to be generated,or worse,become at risk of adopting a malignant fate. In this review,we discuss the contribution of aneuploidy to healthy tissues and how aneuploidy can lead to disease. Furthermore,we review the differences between how somatic cells and stem cells respond to aneuploidy.  相似文献   

诱导性多能干细胞(i PSCs)技术可重编程体细胞为胚胎干细胞(ESCs)样的多能性细胞,在药物筛选、再生医学等领域具有巨大的应用潜力。i PSCs技术自2006年首次报道用逆转录病毒转导一组转录因子,将小鼠(Mus musculus)成纤维细胞成功重编程为i PSCs以来,便不断改进和完善。近年来,不引起任何基因组改变的RNAs介导的i PSCs技术成为新兴的研究热点,主要包括修饰m RNAs法、mi RNAs法、si RNAs法和lnc RNAs法等。本文综述了RNAs介导的各种i PSCs技术的研究进展,分析了这些技术的优势、存在的不足及改进的方向等,为i PSCs技术的发展与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Intercellular communication via gap junctions allows cells within multicellular organisms to share small molecules. The effect of such interactions has been elucidated using mouse gene knockout strategies. Although several mutations in human gap junction-encoding connexin (Cx) have been described, Cx mutants in mice do not always recapitulate the human disease. Among the 20 mouse Cxs, Cx26, Cx43, and Cx45 play roles in early cardiac or placental development, and disruption of the genes results in lethality that hampers further analyses. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) that lack Cx43 or Cx45 have made analysis feasible in both in vitro differentiated cell cultures and in vivo chimeric tissues. The success of mouse ESCs studies is leading to the use of induced pluripotent stem cells to learn more about the pathogenesis of human Cx diseases. This review summarizes the current status of mouse Cx disruption models and ESC differentiation studies, and discusses their implication for understanding human Cx diseases.  相似文献   

Stem cells and neurodegenerative diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the neurodegenerative changes or apoptosis of neurons involved in networks, which are important to specific physiological functions. With the de-velopment of old-aging society, the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases is on the increase. How-ever, it is difficult to diagnose for most of neurodegenerative diseases. At present, there are too few effective therapies. Advances in stem cell biology have raised the hope and possibility for the therapy of neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, stem cells have been widely attempted to treat neurodegen-erative diseases of animal model. Here we review the progress and prospects of various stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cell and neural stem cells and so on, for the treatments of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Hunt-ington’s disease and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/Lou Gehrig’s disease.  相似文献   

The vessel wall has usually been thought to be relatively quiescent. But the discovery of progenitor cells in many tissues and in the vasculature itself has led to a reconsideration of the vascular biology. The presence of circulating endothelial and smooth muscle progenitors able to home to the injured vascular wall is a firm acquisition; less known is the notion, coming from embryonic and adult tissue studies, that stem cells able to differentiate into endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells also reside in the arterial wall. Moreover, the existence of a vasculogenic zone has recently been identified in adult human arteries; this niche-like zone is believed to act as a source of progenitors for postnatal vasculogenesis. From the literature it is already apparent that a complex interplay between circulating and resident vascular wall progenitors takes place during embryonal and postnatal life; a structural/functional disarray of these intimate stem cell compartments could hamper appropriate vascular repair, the development of vascular wall disease being the direct clinical consequence in adult life. This review gives an overview of adult large vessel progenitors established in the vascular wall during embryogenesis and their role in the maintenance of wall homeostasis.  相似文献   

目的建立小型猪骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)的体外分离和培养方法。方法穿刺小型猪髂后上嵴抽取骨髓,经密度梯度法离心得到骨髓单个核细胞,接种后形成单层贴壁细胞。用形态学方法鉴定培养的MSCs。结果经培养存活的MSCs原代和一代呈纺锤型、多边型或星型。至二代起呈均一纺锤型,似成纤维细胞样,长宽比例约为(2~3)?1。体外培养的原代MSCs8~10d达到融合,传代后仍具有较强的增殖能力。结论小型猪MSCs可在体外长期、稳定培养,其分离、培养体系的建立为基础研究和组织工程技术提供了一个有价值的动物模型。  相似文献   

A few years ago, the establishment of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) ushered in a new era in biomedicine. Potential uses of human iPSCs include modeling pathogenesis of human genetic diseases, autologous cell therapy after gene correction, and personalized drug screening by providing a source of patient-specific and symptom relevant cells. However, there are several hurdles to overcome, such as eliminating the remaining reprogramming factor transgene expression after human iPSCs production. More importantly, residual transgene expression in undifferentiated human iPSCs could hamper proper differentiations and misguide the interpretation of disease-relevant in vitro phenotypes. With this reason, integration-free and/or transgene-free human iPSCs have been developed using several methods, such as adenovirus, the piggyBac system, minicircle vector, episomal vectors, direct protein delivery and synthesized mRNA. However, efficiency of reprogramming using integration-free methods is quite low in most cases.Here, we present a method to isolate human iPSCs by using Sendai-virus (RNA virus) based reprogramming system. This reprogramming method shows consistent results and high efficiency in cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

The treatment of neurodegenerative diseases presents a growing need for innovation in relation to recent evidence in the field of reconstructive therapy using stem cells. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders, and the advent of methods able to induce neuronal stem cell differentiation allowed to develop innovative therapeutic approaches offering the prospect of healthy and perfectly functional cell transplants, able to replace the sick ones. Hence the importance of deepening the state of the art regarding the clinical applications of advanced cell therapy products for the regeneration of nerve tissue. Besides representing a promising area of tissue transplant surgery and a great achievement in the field of neurodegenerative disease, stem cell research presents certain critical issues that need to be carefully examined from the ethical perspective. In fact, a subject so complex and not entirely explored requires a detailed scientific and ethical evaluation aimed at avoiding improper and ineffective use, rather than incorrect indications, technical inadequacies, and incongruous expectations. In fact, the clinical usefulness of stem cells will only be certain if able to provide the patient with safe, long-term and substantially more effective strategies than any other treatment available.The present paper provides an ethical assessment of tissue regeneration through mesenchymal stem cells in neurodegenerative diseases with the aim to rule out the fundamental issues related to research and clinical translation.  相似文献   

Mice have frequently been used to model human diseases involving immune dysregulation such as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.These models help elucidatethe mechanisms underlying the disease and in the development of novel therapies.However,if mice are deficient in certain cells and/or effectors associated with human diseases,how can their functions be investigated in this species?Mucosal-associated invariant T(MAIT)cells,a novel innate-like T cell family member,are a good example.MAIT cells are abundant in humans but scarce in laboratory mice.MAIT cells harbor an invariant T cell receptor and recognize nonpeptidic antigens vitamin B2metabolites from bacteria and yeasts.Recent studies have shown that MAIT cells play a pivotal role in human diseases such as bacterial infections and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.MAIT cells possess granulysin,a human-specific effector molecule,but granulysin and its homologue are absent in mice.Furthermore,MAIT cells show poor proliferation in vitro.To overcome these problems and further our knowledge of MAIT cells,we have established a method to expand MAIT cells via induced pluripotent stem cells(iP SCs).In this review,we describe recent advances in the field of MAIT cell research and our approach for human disease modeling with iP SCderived MAIT cells.  相似文献   

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