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Narrow foraging specialization may increase the vulnerability of marine predators to climate change. The red-legged kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris) is endemic to the Bering Sea and has experienced drastic population fluctuations in recent decades, presumably due to climate-driven changes in food resources. Red-legged kittiwakes are presumed to be a nocturnal surface-foraging seabird that feed almost entirely on deep water Myctophidae fishes. However, there is little empirical evidence confirming their nocturnal foraging activity during the breeding season. This study investigated the foraging behavior of red-legged kittiwakes by combining GPS tracking, accelerometry, and dietary analyses at the world’s largest breeding colony of red-legged kittiwakes on St. George I. GPS tracking of 5 individuals revealed that 82.5% of non-flight behavior (including foraging and resting) occurred over the ocean basin (bottom depth >1,000 m). Acceleration data from 4 birds showed three types of behaviors during foraging trips: (1) flight, characterized by regular wing flapping, (2) resting on water, characterized by non-active behavior, and (3) foraging, when wing flapping was irregular. The proportions of both foraging and resting behaviors were higher at night (14.1 ± 7.1% and 20.8 ± 14.3%) compared to those during the day (6.5 ± 3.0% and 1.7 ± 2.7%). The mean duration of foraging (2.4 ± 2.9 min) was shorter than that of flight between prey patches (24.2 ± 53.1 min). Dietary analyses confirmed myctophids as the dominant prey (100% by occurrence and 98.4 ± 2.4% by wet-weight). Although the sample size was limited, these results suggest that breeding red-legged kittiwakes concentrated their foraging on myctophids available at the surface during nighttime in deep water regions. We propose that the diel patterns and ephemeral nature of their foraging activity reflected the availability of myctophids. Such foraging specialization may exacerbate the vulnerability of red-legged kittiwakes to climate change in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry data have substantially increased our understanding of habitat use and foraging behaviour of upper-trophic marine predators, but fall short of providing an understanding of their social behaviour. We sought to determine whether novel acoustic and archival GPS data could be used to examine at-sea associations among grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) during the fall foraging period. Fifteen grey seals from Sable Island, Canada were deployed with Vemco Mobile Transceivers and Satellite-GPS transmitters in October 2009, 13 of which were recaptured and units retrieved 79±2.3 days later during the following breeding season, December 2009–January 2010. An association between two individuals was defined as a cluster of acoustic detections where the time between detections was <30 min. Bathymetry, travel rate, and behavioural state (slow and fast movement) were determined for each GPS archival point (3.7±0.1 locations recorded per hour). Behavioural state was estimated using a hidden Markov model. All seals had been involved in associations with other instrumented seals while at sea, with a total of 1,872 acoustic detections recorded in 201 associations. The median number of detections per association was 3 (range: 1–151) and the median duration of an association was 0.17 h (range: <0.1–11.3 h). Linear mixed-effects models showed that associations occurred when seals were exhibiting slow movement (0.24±0.01 ms−1) on shallow (53.4±3.7 m) offshore banks where dominant prey is known to occur. These results suggest the occurrence of short-term associations among multiple individuals at foraging grounds and provide new insights into the foraging ecology of this upper-trophic marine predator.  相似文献   

The Cape cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis is unusual among cormorants in using aerial searching to locate patchily distributed pelagic schooling fish. It feeds up to 80 km offshore, often roosts at sea during the day and retains more air in its plumage and is more buoyant than most other cormorants. Despite these adaptations to its pelagic lifestyle, little is known of its foraging ecology. We measured the activity budget and diving ecology of breeding Cape cormorants. All foraging took place during the day, with 3.6 ± 1.3 foraging trips per day, each lasting 85 ± 60 min and comprising 61 ± 53 dives. Dives lasted 21.2 ± 13.9 s (maximum 70 s), attaining an average depth of 10.2 ± 6.7 m (maximum 34 m), but variability in dive depth both within and between foraging trips was considerable. The within-bout variation in dive depth was greater when making shallow dives, suggesting that pelagic prey were targeted mainly when diving to <10 m. Diving ecology and total foraging time were similar to other cormorants, but the time spent flying (122 ± 51 min day−1, 14% of daylight) was greater and more variable than other species. Searching flights lasted up to 1 h, and birds made numerous short flights during foraging bouts, presumably following fast-moving schools of pelagic prey. Compared with the other main seabird predators of pelagic fish in the Benguela region, Cape gannets Morus capensis and African penguins Spheniscus demersus , Cape cormorants made shorter, more frequent foraging trips. Their foraging range while feeding small chicks was 7 ± 6 km (maximum 40 km), similar to penguins (10–20 km), but less than gannets (50–200 km). Successful breeding by large colonies depends on the reliable occurrence of pelagic fish schools within this foraging range.  相似文献   

Strong and predictable environmental variability can reward flexible behaviors among animals. We used long-term records of activity data that cover several lunar cycles to investigate whether behavior at-sea of swallow-tailed gulls Creagrus furcatus, a nocturnal pelagic seabird, varied with lunar phase in the Galápagos Islands. A Bayesian hierarchical model showed that nighttime at-sea activity of 37 breeding swallow-tailed gulls was clearly associated with changes in moon phase. Proportion of nighttime spent on water was highest during darker periods of the lunar cycle, coinciding with the cycle of the diel vertical migration (DVM) that brings prey to the sea surface at night. Our data show that at-sea behavior of a tropical seabird can vary with environmental changes, including lunar phase.  相似文献   

Prey distribution, patch size, and the presence of conspecifics are important factors influencing a predator’s feeding tactics, including the decision to feed individually or socially. Little is known about group behaviour in seabirds as they spend most of their lives in the marine environment where it is difficult to observe their foraging activities. In this study, we report on at-sea foraging associations of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) during the breeding season. Individuals could be categorised as (1) not associating; (2) associating when departing from and/or returning to the colony; or (3) at sea when travelling, diving or performing synchronised dives. Out of 84 separate foraging tracks, 58 (69.0%) involved associations with conspecifics. Furthermore, in a total of 39 (46.4%), individuals were found to dive during association and in 32 (38.1%), individuals were found to exhibit synchronous diving. These behaviours suggest little penguins forage in groups, could synchronise their underwater movements and potentially cooperate to concentrate their small schooling prey.  相似文献   

Most competition studies between species are conducted from a population-level approach. Few studies have examined inter-specific competition in conjunction with intra-specific competition, with an individual-based approach. To our knowledge, none has been conducted on marine top predators. Sympatric Galapagos fur seals (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) and sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) share similar geographic habitats and potentially compete. We studied their foraging niche overlap at Cabo Douglas, Fernandina Island from simultaneously collected dive and movement data to examine spatial and temporal inter- and intra-specific competition. Sea lions exhibited 3 foraging strategies (shallow, intermediate and deep) indicating intra-specific competition. Fur seals exhibited one foraging strategy, diving predominantly at night, between 0–80 m depth and mostly at 19–22 h. Most sea lion dives also occurred at night (63%), between 0–40 m, within fur seals'' diving depth range. 34% of sea lions night dives occurred at 19–22 h, when fur seals dived the most, but most of them occurred at dawn and dusk, when fur seals exhibited the least amount of dives. Fur seals and sea lions foraging behavior overlapped at 19 and 21 h between 0–30 m depths. Sea lions from the deep diving strategy exhibited the greatest foraging overlap with fur seals, in time (19 h), depth during overlapping time (21–24 m), and foraging range (37.7%). Fur seals foraging range was larger. Cabo Douglas northwest coastal area, region of highest diving density, is a foraging “hot spot” for both species. Fur seals and sea lions foraging niche overlap occurred, but segregation also occurred; fur seals primarily dived at night, while sea lions exhibited night and day diving. Both species exploited depths and areas exclusive to their species. Niche breadth generally increases with environmental uncertainty and decreased productivity. Potential competition between these species could be greater during warmer periods when prey availability is reduced.  相似文献   

In seabirds a broad variety of morphologies, flight styles and feeding methods exist as an adaptation to optimal foraging in contrasted marine environments for a wide variety of prey types. Because of the low productivity of tropical waters it is expected that specific flight and foraging techniques have been selected there, but very few data are available. By using five different types of high-precision miniaturized logger (global positioning systems, accelerometers, time depth recorders, activity recorders, altimeters) we studied the way a seabird is foraging over tropical waters. Red-footed boobies are foraging in the day, never foraging at night, probably as a result of predation risks. They make extensive use of wind conditions, flying preferentially with crosswinds at median speed of 38 km h(-1), reaching highest speeds with tail winds. They spent 66% of the foraging trip in flight, using a flap-glide flight, and gliding 68% of the flight. Travelling at low costs was regularly interrupted by extremely active foraging periods where birds are very frequently touching water for landing, plunge diving or surface diving (30 landings h(-1)). Dives were shallow (maximum 2.4 m) but frequent (4.5 dives h(-1)), most being plunge dives. While chasing for very mobile prey like flying fishes, boobies have adopted a very active and specific hunting behaviour, but the use of wind allows them to reduce travelling cost by their extensive use of gliding. During the foraging and travelling phases birds climb regularly to altitudes of 20-50 m to spot prey or congeners. During the final phase of the flight, they climb to high altitudes, up to 500 m, probably to avoid attacks by frigatebirds along the coasts. This study demonstrates the use by boobies of a series of very specific flight and activity patterns that have probably been selected as adaptations to the conditions of tropical waters.  相似文献   

Animal-borne camera loggers were used to examine the patterns of prey encounter and feeding behaviour of gentoo penguins at King George Island, Antarctica. The still images from the camera loggers showed that the penguins encountered the swarms of krill for 25.5% (range: 8–38%) of their dives (>5 m) on average, during their foraging trips (mean duration of 5.4 h, n = 7 trips). They encountered krill swarms during the dives to 10–70 m depth, in pelagic as well as benthic habitats. In the benthic habitat, the penguins swam just above the sea floor and headed downward over a krill swarm, probably using the sea floor to assist them to feed on mobile swarms. The shallow coastal waters would be the important foraging habitat of gentoo penguins breeding in King George Island.  相似文献   

Early life is a critical phase of the life cycle of animals and is attracting increased attention because little information is available on the behaviour of young individuals during this period. Behaviour during early life is probably influenced by the environmental conditions encountered by young animals, but data on intraspecific variation between breeding sites during this crucial period of life are limited. Here we study variability in the foraging behaviour of juveniles and adults in three colonies of a pantropical seabird, the Red-footed Booby Sula sula. Both adults and juveniles were measured and fitted with GPS loggers in three remote islands: Genovesa (Galapagos, Eastern Pacific Ocean), Europa (Western Indian Ocean) and Surprise (New Caledonia, Western Pacific Ocean). Foraging behaviour was compared between age-classes, sex and colonies by examining trip characteristics, different behaviours at sea, potential associations between individuals and morphological characteristics. Compared with adults, juveniles conducted shorter trips that were restricted to around the colony, especially on Genovesa (max. range: 203.4 ± 125.1 km and 3.6 ± 3.1 km, respectively). Juveniles appeared more constrained by poor flight skills and experience rather than by their morphology. Adults travelled 45% of the time during at-sea trips, whereas juveniles spent a a lower proportion of time travelling but foraged more often using an area-restricted search’ behaviour, potentially training to catch prey. Associations between juveniles were commonly detected in the three colonies and occurred mostly during foraging, suggesting that social learning is an important strategy. Variability of morphometric measurements in both adults and juveniles was high between sites, with larger birds found on Genovesa. These results suggest that adaptations to local environmental conditions are already visible in their early life. Future studies should continue to investigate the behavioural flexibility of juvenile birds to better understand the effect of local environmental conditions during this critical stage of life.  相似文献   

A total of 8772 dive durations were recorded during 117 diving bouts in five Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo and five Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis breeding at the Chausey Islands, France. Diet of the birds was assessed by analysis of 526 pellets containing 13,016 otoliths. Radio-tracking data indicated that Cormorants fed exclusively on pelagic fish during social fishing (5% of the trips) and executed 11% pelagic and 60% benthic dives during the remaining 95% of the trips. In Shags, 44% of all trips were pelagic, and the remaining 56% included 9% pelagic and 67% benthic dives. The proportions of benthic to pelagic dives varied widely between dive sequences of single birds and between individuals and sexes in both species. The prey spectrum of the Cormorants contained both pelagic (29%) and benthic fish (67%) and confirmed considerable flexibility in foraging. In Shags, birds may adjust their diving patterns to accommodate the behaviour of their main prey, sandeels Ammodytidae (87% of all prey). We propose that the wetability of plumage may explain this flexibility.  相似文献   

Oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) have recently been targeted for conservation in the western North Atlantic following severe declines in abundance. Pop-up satellite archival tags were applied to 11 mature oceanic whitetips (10 females, 1 male) near Cat Island in the central Bahamas 1–8 May 2011 to provide information about the horizontal and vertical movements of this species. Another large female was opportunistically tagged in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Data from 1,563 total tracking days and 1,142,598 combined depth and temperature readings were obtained. Sharks tagged at Cat Island stayed within 500 km of the tagging site for ∼30 days before dispersing across 16,422 km2 of the western North Atlantic. Maximum individual displacement from the tagging site ranged from 290–1940 km after times at liberty from 30–245 days, with individuals moving to several different destinations (the northern Lesser Antilles, the northern Bahamas, and north of the Windward Passage). Many sharks returned to The Bahamas after ∼150 days. Estimated residency times within The Bahamas EEZ, where longlining and commercial trade of sharks is illegal, were generally high (mean = 68.2% of time). Sharks spent 99.7% of their time shallower than 200 m and did not exhibit differences in day and night mean depths. There was a positive correlation between daily sea surface temperature and mean depth occupied, suggesting possible behavioral thermoregulation. All individuals made short duration (mean = 13.06 minutes) dives into the mesopelagic zone (down to 1082 m and 7.75°C), which occurred significantly more often at night. Ascent rates during these dives were significantly slower than descent rates, suggesting that these dives are for foraging. The sharks tracked appear to be most vulnerable to pelagic fishing gear deployed from 0–125 m depths, which they may encounter from June to October after leaving the protected waters of The Bahamas EEZ.  相似文献   

We developed an automated method using depth and one axis of body acceleration data recorded by animal-borne data loggers to identify activities of penguins over long-term deployments. Using this technique, we evaluated the activity time budget of emperor penguins (n = 10) both in water and on sea ice during foraging trips in chick-rearing season. During the foraging trips, emperor penguins alternated dive bouts (4.8±4.5 h) and rest periods on sea ice (2.5±2.3 h). After recorder deployment and release near the colony, the birds spent 17.9±8.4% of their time traveling until they reached the ice edge. Once at the ice edge, they stayed there more than 4 hours before the first dive. After the first dive, the mean proportions of time spent on the ice and in water were 30.8±7.4% and 69.2±7.4%, respectively. When in the water, they spent 67.9±3.1% of time making dives deeper than 5 m. Dive activity had no typical diurnal pattern for individual birds. While in the water between dives, the birds had short resting periods (1.2±1.7 min) and periods of swimming at depths shallower than 5 m (0.25±0.38 min). When the birds were on the ice, they primarily used time for resting (90.3±4.1% of time) and spent only 9.7±4.1% of time traveling. Thus, it appears that, during foraging trips at sea, emperor penguins traveled during dives >5 m depth, and that sea ice was primarily used for resting. Sea ice probably provides refuge from natural predators such as leopard seals. We also suggest that 24 hours of sunlight and the cycling of dive bouts with short rest periods on sea ice allow emperor penguins to dive continuously throughout the day during foraging trips to sea.  相似文献   

Age‐related changes in survival and reproduction are common in seabirds; however, the underlying causes remain elusive. A lack of experience for young individuals, and a decline in foraging performance for old birds, could underlie age‐related variation in reproduction because reproductive success is connected closely to provisioning offspring. For seabirds, flapping flight during foraging trips is physiologically costly; inexperience or senescent decline in performance of this demanding activity might cap delivery of food to the nest, providing a proximate explanation for poor breeding success in young and old age, respectively. We evaluated the hypothesis that young and old Nazca boobies (Sula granti), a Galápagos seabird, demonstrate deficits in foraging outcomes and flight performance. We tagged incubating male and female adults across the life span with both accelerometer and GPS loggers during the incubation periods of two breeding seasons (years), during the 2015 El Niño and the following weak La Niña. We tested the ability of age, sex, and environment to explain variation in foraging outcomes (e.g., mass gained) and flight variables (e.g., wingbeat frequency). Consistent with senescence, old birds gained less mass while foraging than middle‐aged individuals, a marginal effect, and achieved a slower airspeed late in a foraging trip. Contrary to expectations, young birds showed no deficit in foraging outcomes or flight performance, except for airspeed (contingent on environment). Young birds flew slower than middle‐aged birds in 2015, but faster than middle‐aged birds in 2016. Wingbeat frequency, flap–glide ratio, and body displacement (approximating wingbeat strength) failed to predict airspeed and were unaffected by age. Sex influenced nearly all aspects of performance. Environment affected flight performance and foraging outcomes. Boobies'' foraging outcomes were better during the extreme 2015 El Niño than during the 2016 weak La Niña, a surprising result given the negative effects tropical seabirds often experience during extreme El Niños.  相似文献   

Understanding seabird habitat preferences is critical to future wildlife conservation and threat mitigation in California. The objective of this study was to investigate drivers of seabird habitat selection within the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries to identify areas for targeted conservation planning. We used seabird abundance data collected by the Applied California Current Ecosystem Studies Program (ACCESS) from 2004–2011. We used zero-inflated negative binomial regression to model species abundance and distribution as a function of near surface ocean water properties, distances to geographic features and oceanographic climate indices to identify patterns in foraging habitat selection. We evaluated seasonal, inter-annual and species-specific variability of at-sea distributions for the five most abundant seabirds nesting on the Farallon Islands: western gull (Larus occidentalis), common murre (Uria aalge), Cassin’s auklet (Ptychorampus aleuticus), rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) and Brandt’s cormorant (Phalacrocorax penicillatus). The waters in the vicinity of Cordell Bank and the continental shelf east of the Farallon Islands emerged as persistent and highly selected foraging areas across all species. Further, we conducted a spatial prioritization exercise to optimize seabird conservation areas with and without considering impacts of current human activities. We explored three conservation scenarios where 10, 30 and 50 percent of highly selected, species-specific foraging areas would be conserved. We compared and contrasted results in relation to existing marine protected areas (MPAs) and the future alternative energy footprint identified by the California Ocean Uses Atlas. Our results show that the majority of highly selected seabird habitat lies outside of state MPAs where threats from shipping, oil spills, and offshore energy development remain. This analysis accentuates the need for innovative marine spatial planning efforts and provides a foundation on which to build more comprehensive zoning and management in California’s National Marine Sanctuaries.  相似文献   

At-sea behavior and effects of hydrographic conditions on the pelagic habitat use of South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) seasonally inhabiting the surrounding waters of shallow rocky reefs off Punta Mogotes (Mar del Plata, Argentina) were analyzed integrating geographic locations of fur seal groups (FSGs) with coastal hydrographic conditions and behavioral data in a Geographic Information System. Punta Mogotes rocky reefs represent a potentially high quality patch foraging area, crucial to a central place foraging species during their pelagic dispersion at sea. Fur seal behavior at-sea was strongly influenced by hydrographic conditions such us bathymetry, Beafourt sea state and sea surface current direction. Fur seals General Use Area (GUA) was associated with the 10 m isobaths, whereas Critical Use Area (CUA) was almost completely enclosed within the 5 m isobaths. A concentration-dispersion dynamic trend according to sea state was evident (GUA Beafourt ≤3 = 3.3 km2 vs. GUA Beafourt >3 = 1.7 km2), with a “use area displacement” according to sea surface current direction. A general prevalence of long, at-sea resting periods (passive floating was the most frequently performed behavior, and usually for long periods) and a differential occurrence of each behavior associated with Beafourt sea states were detected. During calm seas (Beafourt ≤3), fur seals exhibit passive floating, occupying extended areas, and drifting according to sea surface current direction. With increasing sea states (Beafourt sea state >3), fur seals tended to perform shallow prolonged immersion and directional movements, and concentrated in restricted areas weakly affected by currents. The importance of floating periods at-sea, probably associated with resting and digestion, was interpreted as an energy conserving strategy that would allow an increase overall foraging efficiency. Results suggested that the ability of fur seals to perform certain behaviors that will allow completing physiological process and ultimately determine reproduction and survival success, would be conditioned by the hydrographic regime at foraging areas. This last could be extrapolated to other fur seal species spending long times at-sea, both as part of migration movements or during typical long foraging round trips.  相似文献   

As the Antarctic Circumpolar Current crosses the South-West Indian Ocean Ridge, it creates an extensive eddy field characterised by high sea level anomaly variability. We investigated the diving behaviour of female southern elephant seals from Marion Island during their post-moult migrations in relation to this eddy field in order to determine its role in the animals’ at-sea dispersal. Most seals dived within the region significantly more often than predicted by chance, and these dives were generally shallower and shorter than dives outside the eddy field. Mixed effects models estimated reductions of 44.33 ± 3.00 m (maximum depth) and 6.37 ± 0.10 min (dive duration) as a result of diving within the region, along with low between-seal variability (maximum depth: 5.5 % and dive duration: 8.4 %). U-shaped dives increased in frequency inside the eddy field, whereas W-shaped dives with multiple vertical movements decreased. Results suggest that Marion Island’s adult female elephant seals’ dives are characterised by lowered cost-of-transport when they encounter the eddy field during the start and end of their post-moult migrations. This might result from changes in buoyancy associated with varying body condition upon leaving and returning to the island. Our results do not suggest that the eddy field is a vital foraging ground for Marion Island’s southern elephant seals. However, because seals preferentially travel through this area and likely forage opportunistically while minimising transport costs, we hypothesise that climate-mediated changes in the nature or position of this region may alter the seals’ at-sea dispersal patterns.  相似文献   

By using time-depth recorders to measure diving activity and the doubly-labelled water method to determine energy expenditure, the relationship between foraging behaviour and energy expenditure was investigated in nine Antarctic fur seal females rearing pups. At-sea metabolic rate (MR) (mean of 6.34 ± 0.4 W. kg-1; 4.6 times predicted BMR) was positively correlated to foraging trip duration (mean of 4.21 ± 0.54 days; r2= 0.5, P < 0.04). There were no relationships between MR and the total number of dives, the total time spent diving or the total vertical distance travelled during the foraging trip. There was, however, a close negative sigmoidal relationship (r2= 0.93) between at-sea MR and the proportion of time at sea spent diving. This measure of diving behaviour may provide a useful, inexpensive means of estimating foraging energy expenditure in this species and possibly in other otariids. The rate of diving (m.h-1) was also negatively related to at-sea MR (r2= 0.69, P < 0.005). Body mass gain during a foraging trip had a positive relationship to the time spent at sea (r2= 0.58, P < 0.02) and the total amount of energy expended while at sea (r2= 0.72, P < 0.004) such that, while females undertaking long trips have higher metabolic rates, the energetic efficiency with which females gain mass is independent of the time spent at sea. Therefore, within the range of conditions observed, there is no apparent energetic advantage for females in undertaking foraging trips of any particular duration.  相似文献   

The underwater behaviour of 11 belugas or white whales was examined during summer using time-at-depth records relayed by satellite-linked data-loggers. Simultaneous tracking information was obtained for each whale. Eight distinct dive profiles were identified in submergences made to depths of >40 m. Four of these, together comprising 84% of these “deep” dives, were of a square profile. They were characterised by a continuous descent to a particular depth (usually the sea bed), a “bottom phase” at or near that depth, and a direct ascent to the surface. These dives are presumed to be made for benthic foraging. Other, much less common, dive shapes were “V”-shaped, parabolic and trapezoidal. “Shallow” dives (15–40 m depth) were of a variety of shapes, short duration and high average horizontal speeds. Many probably occurred during periods of directed travel. This population of belugas treats most of the water column as dead space separating resources of oxygen and nutrition. Received: 8 January 1998 / Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

Capsule: Foraging behaviour in the Razorbill Alca torda during breeding was similar to that found elsewhere, aside from dive shape.

Aims: To investigate the foraging behaviour of Razorbills during the breeding season at the largest colony in the central Baltic Sea.

Methods: A combination of global positioning system (GPS) and time-depth recorder (TDR) devices were used on Razorbills breeding on the island of Stora Karlsö, Baltic Sea, during the chick-rearing period.

Results: Five GPS tracks and nine TDR logs were retrieved from 12 Razorbills, and 7399 dives were analysed. Razorbills foraged south and southwest of the colony. Maximum and mean (±sd) foraging range from the colony was 72.7?km and 13.1?±?13.5?km, respectively. Mean dive depth (15.3?±?2.4?m) and duration (53.1?±?8.5?s) were similar to those of a more southern Baltic Sea Razorbill colony. Dive depth had a bimodal distribution, with 70% of dives deeper than 10?m and 30% shallower than 10?m. There was a clear diel foraging pattern with 89% of dives occurring during daytime and a higher proportion of shallow dives at night. Unexpectedly, dives were primarily U-shaped. The Razorbills spent 31% of their overall time activity budget flying or diving.

Conclusion: Aside from dive shape, foraging behaviour was consistent with that reported at other colonies of Razorbills. Inconsistency in dive shape may be due to a bimodal foraging strategy, local prey behaviour or competition with the Common Guillemot Uria aalge.  相似文献   

Despite the large biomass of macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus in the Southern Ocean, their feeding ecology is poorly known at some important breeding localities. We investigated the diving behaviour and diet of female macaroni penguins feeding small chicks on Marion Island (46o52′S, 37o5′E), South Africa, one of the species’ most northerly breeding sites, supporting 4% of their global population. We then compared our results with similar studies from other localities. In December 2008, we collected information on 12 foraging trips from 6 individuals using time-depth recorders, as well as diet from 42 individuals. Median trip duration was 22.8 h (5.6–80.8 h). Penguins performed 42.8 ± 15.9 dives per hour at sea, with dive depths averaging 24.6 ± 8.6 m and lasting 40.8 ± 12.1 s, although 74.3% of dives were <10 m. Euphasids dominated their diet (86% by mass), mainly Thysanoessa vicina. A second peak in dive depths at 55–80 m might reflect the 12% of fish in their diet. The substantial proportion of shallow night dives (30% of total dives) suggests some foraging occurs at night. Differences in diving patterns of individual macaroni penguins in this study confirmed the behavioural flexibility of these birds reported from other breeding localities. However, most other studies assumed that dives <3–5 m were commuting dives whereas our study suggests that at least some prey are caught during shallow dives. We highlight how different analytical methods can change the outcome of studies. Despite macaroni penguins’ apparent flexibility in foraging behaviour during the breeding season, their numbers are decreasing globally. Further investigations of their foraging behaviour are needed to assess potential competition with other predators and krill fisheries.  相似文献   

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