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In the ant species Tetramorium caespitum, communication and foraging patterns rely on group-mass recruitment. Scouts having discovered food recruit nestmates and behave as leaders by guiding groups of recruits to the food location. After a while, a mass recruitment takes place in which foragers follow a chemical trail. Since group recruitment is crucial to the whole foraging process, we investigated whether food characteristics induce a tuning of recruiting stimuli by leaders that act upon the dynamics and size of recruited groups. High sucrose concentration triggers the exit of a higher number of groups that contain twice as many ants and reach the food source twice as fast than towards a weakly concentrated one. Similar trends were found depending on food accessibility: for a cut mealworm, accessibility to haemolymph results in a faster formation of larger groups than for an entire mealworm. These data provide the background for developing a stochastic model accounting for exploitation patterns by group-mass recruiting species. This model demonstrates how the modulations performed by leaders drive the colony to select the most profitable food source among several ones. Our results highlight how a minority of individuals can influence collective decisions in societies based on a distributed leadership.  相似文献   

Recruitment via pheromone trails by ants is arguably one of the best-studied examples of self-organization in animal societies. Yet it is still unclear if and how trail recruitment allows a colony to adapt to changes in its foraging environment. We study foraging decisions by colonies of the ant Pheidole megacephala under dynamic conditions. Our experiments show that P. megacephala, unlike many other mass recruiting species, can make a collective decision for the better of two food sources even when the environment changes dynamically. We developed a stochastic differential equation model that explains our data qualitatively and quantitatively. Analysing this model reveals that both deterministic and stochastic effects (noise) work together to allow colonies to efficiently track changes in the environment. Our study thus suggests that a certain level of noise is not a disturbance in self-organized decision-making but rather serves an important functional role.  相似文献   

Individual discrimination capability and collective decision-making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amplification is the main component of many collective phenomena in social and gregarious insects. In a society, individuals face a mixed palette of odours coming from different groups (lines, strains) and individuals present discrimination capabilities. However, often at the collective level, different groups may cooperate and act together. To understand this apparent contradiction, we use a model of food recruitment where each group of foragers have its own blend of pheromone trail that is partly recognized by the others groups. The model shows that a low level of recognition between signals is sufficient to produce a collaborative pattern between groups and that beyond a critical value of recognition, only the aggregation of all the groups around the same food source is observed. The comparison between this model and one describing the site selection by gregarious insects (e.g. cockroach) suggests that such collective response is a generic property of social phenomena governed by amplification processes.  相似文献   

Economic models of animal behaviour assume that decision-makers are rational, meaning that they assess options according to intrinsic fitness value and not by comparison with available alternatives. This expectation is frequently violated, but the significance of irrational behaviour remains controversial. One possibility is that irrationality arises from cognitive constraints that necessitate short cuts like comparative evaluation. If so, the study of whether and when irrationality occurs can illuminate cognitive mechanisms. We applied this logic in a novel setting: the collective decisions of insect societies. We tested for irrationality in colonies of Temnothorax ants choosing between two nest sites that varied in multiple attributes, such that neither site was clearly superior. In similar situations, individual animals show irrational changes in preference when a third relatively unattractive option is introduced. In contrast, we found no such effect in colonies. We suggest that immunity to irrationality in this case may result from the ants’ decentralized decision mechanism. A colony''s choice does not depend on site comparison by individuals, but instead self-organizes from the interactions of multiple ants, most of which are aware of only a single site. This strategy may filter out comparative effects, preventing systematic errors that would otherwise arise from the cognitive limitations of individuals.  相似文献   

We present an agent-based model of the key activities of a troop of chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) based on the data collected at De Hoop Nature Reserve in South Africa. We analyse the predictions of the model in terms of how well it is able to duplicate the observed activity patterns of the animals and the relationship between the parameters that control the agent's decision procedure and the model's predictions. At the current stage of model development, we are able to show that across a wide range of decision parameter values, the baboons are able to achieve their energetic and social time requirements. The simulation results also show that decisions concerning movement (group action selection) have the greatest influence on the outcomes. Those cases where the model's predictions fail to agree with the observed activity patterns have highlighted key elements that were missing from the field data, and that would need to be collected in subsequent fieldwork. Based on our experience, we believe group decision making is a fertile field for future research, and agent-based modelling offers considerable scope for understanding group action selection.  相似文献   

Collective decision-making processes emerge from social feedback networks within a group. Many studies on collective behaviour underestimate the role of individual personality and, as a result, personality is rarely analysed in the context of collective dynamics. Here, we show evidence of sheltering behaviour personality in a gregarious insect (Periplaneta americana), which is characterized by a collective personality at the group level. We also highlight that the individuals within groups exhibited consistent personality traits in their probability of sheltering and total time sheltered during the three trials over one week. Moreover, the group personality, which arises from the synergy between the distribution of behaviour profiles in the group and social amplifications, affected the sheltering dynamics. However, owing to its robustness, personality did not affect the group probability of reaching a consensus. Finally, to prove social interactions, we developed a new statistical method that will be helpful for future research on personality traits and group behaviour. This approach will help to identify the circumstances under which particular group compositions may improve the fitness of individuals in gregarious species.  相似文献   

Social insects are well-known for their ability to achieve robust collective behaviours even when individuals have limited information. It is often assumed that such behaviours rely on very large group sizes, but many insect colonies start out with only a few workers. Here we investigate the influence of colony size on collective decision-making in the house-hunting of the ant Temnothorax albipennis. In experiments where colony size was manipulated by splitting colonies, we show that worker number has an influence on the speed with which colonies discover new nest sites, but not on the time needed to make a decision (achieve a quorum threshold) or total emigration time. This occurred because split colonies adopted a lower quorum threshold, in fact they adopted the same threshold in proportion to their size as full-size colonies. This indicates that ants may be measuring relative quorum, i.e. population in the new nest relative to that of the old nest, rather than the absolute number. Experimentally reduced colonies also seemed to gain more from experience through repeated emigrations, as they could then reduce nest discovery times to those of larger colonies. In colonies of different sizes collected from the field, total emigration time was also not correlated with colony size. However, quorum threshold was not correlated with colony size, meaning that individuals in larger colonies adopted relatively lower quorum thresholds. Since this is a different result to that from size-manipulated colonies, it strongly suggests that the differences between natural small and large colonies were not caused by worker number alone. Individual ants may have adjusted their behaviour to their colony’s size, or other factors may correlate with colony size in the field. Our study thus shows the importance of experimentally manipulating colony size if the effect of worker number on the emergence of collective behaviour is to be studied. Received 13 December 2005; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 15 May 2006.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test whether the integration of past and present foraging experience in web relocation decision enhances foraging efficiency of the spider Cyclosa argenteoalba in its natural environment. We measured daily changes in the prey availability at several fixed sites in a natural environment and constructed a model environment based on these observational data. In the model environment, we simulated the behavior of spiders that foraged and relocated their webs according to several decision rules, which differed in terms of how a spider used its past experience. Results of the simulation revealed that the less past experience is discounted in making web relocation decisions, the more prey the spider is expected to capture. The expected number of web relocations decreased as spiders kept past foraging experience longer. These results suggest that C. argenteoalba enhances foraging efficiency by using past foraging experience for long times in the decision of web relocation in its natural environment.  相似文献   

Gnamptogenys moelleri nests in bromeliads and feeds on an array of food items, including dead and live animals, and nectar. Field data in Brazilian forests indicate that G. moelleri hunts solitarily, while retrieving is performed both by solitary workers for small items, or by a group of recruited workers for large items. This flexible foraging strategy was investigated in the laboratory through a series of experiments to assess the context in which recruitment is elicited. Three types of food were used: 50% honey solution, large insect prey, and cluster of small insects. For all food types the first encounter by a scout resulted in increased numbers of ants leaving the nest and finding the food in the arena. After finding liquid food or large prey, the forager returns to the nest and transmits information to nestmates about food location on the substrate. The successful scout repeatedly taps the sting on the ground, and recruited ants collectively retrieve the large insect to the nest. On the other hand, there is no transmission of information to nestmates about the location of small clumped prey, although the returning scout induces nestmates to leave the nest and hunt. Because foraging in G. moelleri is restricted mostly to the nest bromeliad, and small worker size (0.5 cm) precludes capturing large prey solitarily, recruitment behavior widens the spectrum of food items consumed by this ant species. Although recruitment behavior in ponerines has already been reported to vary with the type and size of a food source, this study also shows that the transmission of information about food location depends on the type of food found (large prey or liquid food versus cluster of small prey).  相似文献   

The collective behaviour of social groups is often strongly influenced by one or few individuals, termed here ‘keystone individuals’. We examined whether the influence of keystone individuals on collective behaviour lingers after their departure and whether these lingering effects scale with their tenure in the group. In the social spider, Stegodyphus dumicola, colonies'' boldest individuals wield a disproportionately large influence over colony behaviour. We experimentally manipulated keystones'' tenure in laboratory-housed colonies and tracked their legacy effects on collective prey capture following their removal. We found that bolder keystones caused more aggressive collective foraging behaviour and catalysed greater inter-individual variation in boldness within their colonies. The longer keystones remained in a colony, the longer both of these effects lingered after their departure. Our data demonstrate that, long after their disappearance, keystones have large and lasting effects on social dynamics at both the individual and colony levels.  相似文献   

The ecosystem service concept has emphasized the role of people within socio-ecological systems (SESs). In this paper, we review and discuss alternative ways of representing people, their behaviour and decision-making processes in SES models using an agent-based modelling (ABM) approach. We also explore how ABM can be empirically grounded using information from social survey. The capacity for ABM to be generalized beyond case studies represents a crucial next step in modelling SESs, although this comes with considerable intellectual challenges. We propose the notion of human functional types, as an analogy of plant functional types, to support the expansion (scaling) of ABM to larger areas. The expansion of scope also implies the need to represent institutional agents in SES models in order to account for alternative governance structures and policy feedbacks. Further development in the coupling of human-environment systems would contribute considerably to better application and use of the ecosystem service concept.  相似文献   

Foraging in honeybees--when does it pay to dance?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Honeybees are unique in that they are the only social insectsthat are known to recruit nest mates using the waggle dance.This waggle dance is used by successful foragers to convey informationabout both the direction and distance to food sources. Nestmates can use this spatial information, increasing their chancesof locating the food source. But how effective is the bees'dance communication? Previous work has shown that dancing doesnot benefit a honeybee colony under all foraging conditionsand that the benefits of dancing are small. We used an individual-basedsimulation model to investigate under which foraging conditionsit pays to dance. We compared the net nectar intake of 3 typesof colonies: 1) colonies that use dance communication; 2) coloniesthat did dance but could not use the dance's spatial information;and 3) colonies that did not dance. Our results show that dancingis beneficial when the probability of independent discoveryof food sources is low. Low independent discovery rates occurwhen patches are very small or very far away. Under these conditions,dancing is beneficial as only a single individual needs to finda patch for the whole colony to benefit. The main benefit ofthe honeybee's dance communication, however, seems to be thatit enables the colony to forage at the most profitable patchesonly, ignoring forage patches that are of low quality. Thus,dancing allows the colony to rapidly exploit high-quality patches,thereby preventing both intra- and interspecific competitorsfrom using that same patch.  相似文献   

Social insect foragers often transmit information about foodsources to nest mates. In bumble bees (Bombus terrestris), forexample, successful foragers use excited motor displays anda pheromone as communication signals. In addition, bees couldmake use of an indirect pathway of information flow, via thehoney stores. We show here that, indeed, bees in the nest continuouslymonitor honeypots and sample their contents, thus obtaininginformation on supply and demand of nectar. When there is aninflux of nectar into the nest, the colony deploys more workersfor foraging. The number of new foragers depends on sugar concentration.Foragers returning with high-quality sugar solution displaymore "excited runs" on the nest structure. The recruits' response,however, does not depend on modulated behavior by foragers:more workers start to forage with high quality of incoming nectar,even when this nectar is brought by a pipette. Moreover, weshow that the readiness of bees to respond to recruitment signalsor incoming nectar also depends on colony demand. When colonynectar stores are full, the response of bees to equal amountsof nectar influx is smaller than when stores are empty. Whencolony nectar stores are depleted, foragers spend more timerunning excitedly and less time probing pots in the nest andrun with higher average speed, possibly to disperse the alertingpheromone more efficiently. However, more bees respond to nectarinflux to empty stores, whether or not this is accompanied byforager signals. Thus, honeypots serve to store informationas well as food.  相似文献   

Honesty plays a crucial role in any situation where organisms exchange information or resources. Dishonesty can thus be expected to have damaging effects on social coherence if agents cannot trust the information or goods they receive. However, a distinction is often drawn between prosocial lies (‘white’ lies) and antisocial lying (i.e. deception for personal gain), with the former being considered much less destructive than the latter. We use an agent-based model to show that antisocial lying causes social networks to become increasingly fragmented. Antisocial dishonesty thus places strong constraints on the size and cohesion of social communities, providing a major hurdle that organisms have to overcome (e.g. by evolving counter-deception strategies) in order to evolve large, socially cohesive communities. In contrast, white lies can prove to be beneficial in smoothing the flow of interactions and facilitating a larger, more integrated network. Our results demonstrate that these group-level effects can arise as emergent properties of interactions at the dyadic level. The balance between prosocial and antisocial lies may set constraints on the structure of social networks, and hence the shape of society as a whole.  相似文献   

F. Ito 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):163-167
Summary Group recruitment during foraging was observed in a primitive ponerine ant,Amblyopone sp. (reclinata group) under laboratory condition. Workers searched for prey singly; however, if a item of prey was stung by a worker, other ants joined the attack. After the prey became immobile, one of the workers laid a trail directly toward the nest. This scout worker recruited additional workers (between 3 and 33). They formed a single file procession to the point of prey capture, and cooperatively transported the prey. A scout worker could stimulate nest workers to leave the nest without direct contact, and the recruited workers could trace the trail without guidance by the scout worker. This is the first report of recruitment behavior during foraging in the primitive antAmblyopone.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that animal groups can maintain coordinated behaviour and make collective decisions based on simple interaction rules. Effective collective action may be further facilitated by individual variation within groups, particularly through leader–follower polymorphisms. Recent studies have suggested that individual-level personality traits influence the degree to which individuals use social information, are attracted to conspecifics, or act as leaders/followers. However, evidence is equivocal and largely limited to laboratory studies. We use an automated data-collection system to conduct an experiment testing the relationship between personality and collective decision-making in the wild. First, we report that foraging flocks of great tits (Parus major) show strikingly synchronous behaviour. A predictive model of collective decision-making replicates patterns well, suggesting simple interaction rules are sufficient to explain the observed social behaviour. Second, within groups, individuals with more reactive personalities behave more collectively, moving to within-flock areas of higher density. By contrast, proactive individuals tend to move to and feed at spatial periphery of flocks. Finally, comparing alternative simulations of flocking with empirical data, we demonstrate that variation in personality promotes within-patch movement while maintaining group cohesion. Our results illustrate the importance of incorporating individual variability in models of social behaviour.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to explore for the first time the relationship between circadian preference and different decision-making styles. In total, 501 young adults (330 females), with a mean age of 21.07 ± 1.99 years, took part in the study. The participants completed the reduced version of the morningness–eveningness questionnaire (rMEQ) and the general decision-making style inventory (GDMS). The rMEQ enabled to assess the circadian preference, with lower rMEQ scores pointing toward eveningness preference. The GDMS measured five decision-making styles: rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant and spontaneous. Higher scores on each GDMS decision-making style reflect a higher prevalence of the corresponding style. A set of multiple regression analyses was performed with rMEQ score, gender and age as predictors together with each GDMS decision-making style as dependent variable. rMEQ score proved to be the only significant (negative) predictor of avoidant and spontaneous decision-making styles, i.e. lower rMEQ score (tendency toward eveningness) significantly predicted higher score at these decision-making styles. The present results suggest that eveningness preference is significantly related to avoidant and spontaneous decision-making styles in young adults. Such results will be discussed with reference to the effects of decision-making styles on decision-making in different types of workers and mental health.  相似文献   

Summary. The ability of worker ants to adapt their behaviour depending on the social environment of the colony is imperative for colony growth and survival. In this study we use the greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica to test for a relationship between colony size and foraging behaviour. We controlled for possible confounding ontogenetic and age effects by splitting large colonies into small and large colony fragments. Large and small colonies differed in worker number but not worker relatedness or worker/brood ratios. Differences in foraging activity were tested in the context of single foraging cycles with and without the opportunity to retrieve food. We found that workers from large colonies foraged for longer distances and spent more time outside the nest than foragers from small colonies. However, foragers from large and small colonies retrieved the first prey item they contacted, irrespective of prey size. Our results show that in R. metallica, foraging decisions made outside the nest by individual workers are related to the size of their colony.Received 23 March 2004; revised 3 June 2004; accepted 4 June 2004.  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns were investigated for the African honey bee in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. The waggle dances of two observation colonies maintained in the field were monitored and used to construct maps of daily recruitment activity. These maps revealed that the African colonies frequently adjusted the allocation of recruits among food patches, recruited for 16–17 different food sites/day over areas of 55–80 km 2 ,and concentrated the majority of recruitment within 1 km of the hives (median foraging distances for the two colonies were 295 and 563 m). In both colonies pollen foragers were more abundant than nectar foragers, and pollen sources indicated by waggle dancers were significantly closer to the hives than nectar sources. Compared to the recruitment patterns of temperate climate colonies, the African colonies had smaller recruitment areas, smaller mean recruitment distances, and a greater emphasis on pollen foraging. These differences may be related to the contrasting survival strategies followed by tropical-versus temperate-climate honey bees.  相似文献   

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