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The rough homeobox gene of D. melanogaster is required for the correct patterning of the developing eye. The locus maps to cytological location 97D2-5, a region which has not been extensively characterised. As part of our genetic and molecular characterization of rough we carried out an EMS mutagenesis to generate mutants that map to the surrounding region, 97D2-9 which is deleted in Df(3R)ro-XB3. We have generated 1 visible and 13 lethal mutations which, together with the previously described Toll and ms(3)K10 loci, and other unpublished lethals, define nine complementation groups — four lethal, three semi-lethal, one visible and one male-sterile. In addition to rough, one other locus within this region, 1(3)97De, was shown to be required for formation of the normal pattern of photoreceptor cells in the compound eye.The first two authors contributed equally to the work described in this paper  相似文献   

Summary Of 13 ecs mutations, which affect female fertility, as revealed by complementation analysis, 7 are chromosome rearrangements involving the br complementation group. The other six show no cytologically detectable rearrangements and behave as completely or partially noncomplementing ecs alleles. All viable combinations of these 13 mutations were characterized by partial or complete female sterility. Viable heterozygotes carrying any of these mutations and the rearrangements Df(1)sta, T(1,3)sta, Df(1)St490, previously localized distal to the ecs locus, were also sterile. Using deletions and an electrophoretic mobility variant from the Staket strain, a minor chorion gene S70 has been mapped. It had been thought this gene was located in the 2B3-5 region, and corresponded to the ecs locus. However, in the present study, this gene was shown to map in the region removed by Df(1)sta (1E1-2-2B3-4) but outside that removed by Df(1)At127 (1E1-2-2A1-2), i.e. within the 2A1-2-2B3-4 region which is distal to the ecs locus. Rearrangements and point mutations at the ecs locus that result in female sterility had no effect on synthesis of the chorion protein s70. It may therefore be suggested that the chorion protein gene is not functionally associated with the ecs locus and that sterility is caused not by disruptions of the chorion protein gene but by lesions in the ecs gene itself. Thus, an ecs product, which controlls cell sensitivity to ecdysterone is also necessary for female fertility. Data on the locations of lesions affecting female fertility indicate that at least two elements at the ecs locus are essential for this function: a cis-acting distal zone with no effect on viability and a sequence within the essential part of the ecs locus. A defect in either of these zones or their separation by chromosomal rearrangement leads to female sterility.  相似文献   

Reversion mutagenesis of three single P elements located in the cytogenetic interval 1E-2A at the tip of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was used to recover new deletions in this chromosomal region. The deletions obtained include small aberrations within region 2A and larger lesions extending from 2A into 1E and 1B. All three screens also yielded terminal deficiencies. The new deficiencies, together with previously characterized rearrangements, were analyzed for their complementation behaviour with the maternal effect locus fs(1)Nasrat and lethal loci in the region. These analyses provide an overall genetic map of the interval 1E-2A. In addition, the smaller deletions were physically mapped within cloned genomic DNA of the 2A region.  相似文献   

Summary Sex-linked behavioral mutants were induced in Drosophila melanogaster with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and isolated by direct visual observation of abnormal phenotypes. The four behavioral phenotypes used were flight-reduction, hyperactivity, hypoactivity and stress-sensitivity, and are easily discernable in either single or small populations of mutant flies. In one screen, forty-two behavioral mutants were recovered from strains derived from 800 mutagen-treated X chromosomes. In a second screen, 139 behavioral mutants were obtained from 2369 X chromosomes. The high rate at which behavioral mutants were recovered in the second screen, when compared to new visibles (28) and new temperature-sensitive lethals (124), suggests that the isolation of behavioral mutations on the autosomes of Drosophila and in the genomes of larger insects should be practical.This research was supported by National Research Council of Canada grant A-1764 to D.T.S.  相似文献   

Summary The RpII215 region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated to identify genetic functions and correlate these with the known molecular organization of the region. Five genetic loci were identified in a subregion that is reported to transcribe nine or more messages. One locus is nod, which causes meiotic abnormalities, and three other loci are recessive lethal mutations whose developmental lesions are unknown. The fifth and most mutable of the loci is RpII215, which encodes the 215,000 dalton subunit of RNA polymerase II. Mutant effects of RpII215 alleles include: temperature-dependent (heat and cold) survival, altered sensitivity to -amanitin, male sterility, maternal effects and epistatic enhancement of mutant effects of other loci.  相似文献   

Summary T(Y;2) translocations were used to cytologically localise the wingless locus of Drosophila melanogaster. We found that an existing T(Y;2), which is an insertion of a segment of 2L into the Y chromosome, has wg + within this insert. This Y chromosome was used to generate an attached XY chromosome containing wg +. The mutation claret-nondisjunctional (ca nd) was used to induce the loss of this XY chromosome and thus generate gynandromorphs with wg 1/wg 1 male tissue and wg +/wg 1/wg 1 female tissue. Analysis of these gynanders demonstrated that a genotypically wingless mutant hemithorax is usually also phenotypically mutant in these half body mosaics; thus wg 1 is discautonomous. This observation is of interest as it is known that wg is not cell autonomous.  相似文献   

The ref(2)P gene of Drosophila melanogaster is implicated in sigma rhabdovirus multiplication. Two common alleles of ref(2)P are known, ref(2)P 0 which permits sigma virus multiplication and ref(2)P pwhich is restrictive for most sigma virus strains. This gene maps to the cytogenetic region 37E3-F3. Using Df(2L)E55 (=Df(2L)37D2-El;37F5-38A1), we have screened for lethal, semi-lethal and visible mutations following diepoxybutane (DEB) or ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. Our data confirm than DEB is mor efficient than EMS at inducing deletions. The mutations obtained in this region define 14 complementation groups. One of them, l(2)37Dh, appears to be a general enhancer of Minute and Minute-like mutations. None of the mutations were allelic to the ref(2)P locus. Loss-of-function alleles of ref(2)P (called null) were selected following DEB mutagenesis. Homozygous or hemizygous ref(2)P nullflies are male sterile. These flies, like homozygous or hemizygous ref(2)P 0flies, are fully permissive for sigma virus replication. We suggest that the ref(2)P products interact with viral products, but that this interaction is not necessary for an efficient viral cycle.  相似文献   

With the aid of a cytological technique (analysis of metaphase chromosomes of larval cerebral ganglia) it was shown that, in experiments on X-chromosome loss induced by X-rays in oocytes of Drosophila melanogaster, one has to distinguish between partial and total chromosome loss. For this purpose a scheme has been devised allowing the detection of aberrant F1 individuals already at the larval stage. After treatment of mature oocytes, X-chromosomal fragments of various sizes were found. On the other hand, most of the X-chromosomal fragments observed after irradiation of immature oocytes had the same size as chromosome IV (“points”). Possibly this finding is, partly at least, simulated by the combined induction of complete X loss and nondisjunction of chromosomes IV. Otherwise preferential breakage close to the X-chromosomal centromere after irradiation of immature oocytes would have to be assumed to account for the observation of “points”.

About 39% (13/33) of the losses induced in mature oocytes by 400 R were shown to be partial ones. Depending on the classification of the “points” observed after treatment of immature oocytes with 3500 R, between 7% (3/43) and 23% (10/43) of the losses were partial ones. No indication was obtained either after irradiation of mature or of immature oocytes that the loss frequencies observed for imagoes and larvae differed from each other, e.g. because of selection.

The two-track component of the dose-effect curve of X-ray-induced (total plus partial) X-chromosome loss seems to be based—completely in the mature, partly in the immature oocyte experiments—on the induction of partial losses requiring two independently produced breaks.  相似文献   

Summary Transformed areas derived from mature imaginal eye discs of the tumorous-head (tuh) mutant of Drosophila melanogaster were transplanted either into larval hosts (metamorphosis test) or into adult females (long-term in vivo culture). These disc fragments showed characteristic morphologic and enzymatic (aldehyde oxidase (aldox) positive) differences in comparison to a similar region in wildtype eye discs.The tissues derived from the central portion of the tuh eye disc which would normally give rise to eye facets transformed predominantly into homoeotic structures of the abdominal region of the fly. Posterior abdominal tergites arose in 88% of the transplants, of which 7% also possessed genital tissue. In addition, 10% showed duplicated vibrissae with no accompanying homoeotic alteration and 2% differentiated into unidentifiable structures.Our preliminary results from long-term cultures have shown the capacity of the tuh transformed area to grow in vivo and to maintain its differentiation potential. This kind of approach therefore provides an opportunity to follow transdetermination properties of a homoeotically altered tissue.In the present study we demonstrate that during larval life, the presumptive region of the tuh transformed area can be removed from the surrounding unaffected eye disc tissue. From the autonomous differentiation of the tuh phenotype we conclude that the homoeotic change is cell-intrinsically expressed and that the aldox positive areas in the tuh eye discs signal an altered state of determination. Leave of absence: Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Technological University, Orlando, Florida 32816, USA  相似文献   

engrailed has been postulated to be the “selector gene” involved in the establishment of the anterior-posterior compartment border in several imaginal discs and in at least the first two abdominal segments of Drosophila melanogaster. Our study of the effects of different mutant engrailed genotypes on genital disc development provided the following major results: All three terminal primordia (female and male genitalia, and analia) were affected. Different heteroallelic combinations showed different expressivities, and the three terminal primordia were differently affected by the same mutant genotype. The engrailed genotypes deleted specific elements of the adult terminalia without causing associated pattern duplications. The reduced morphology of the male engrailed genital disc was analogous to the pattern deletions observed in the adult terminalia. That the engrailed phenotype is stable was demonstrated by culturing in vivo intact and fragmented engrailed genital discs. Cell death was found in a significant number of mature male en2/en3 genital discs. The results are discussed in terms of the segmental organization of the genital disc and in terms of the “selector gene” function postulated for the engrailed locus. The interpretation that each terminal primordium has an anterior and a posterior compartment is presented and it is assumed that in the genital disc engrailed transforms posterior cells into anterior cells that do not develop, thereby causing the deficiency pattern of the engrailed phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary The rudimentary locus of Drosophila melanogaster is shown to be at least bifunctional. Mutants in different regions of the locus have either no CPSase or no ATCase activity; some mutants lack both activities. The results are discussed in correlation with the complementation and genetic map of the locus.Supported by National Research Council of Canada, grant A-1764 and National Cancer Institute of Canada, grant 6051 to D. T. Suzuki.Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France and recipient of European Molecular Biology Organization Fellowship.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the Notch8 deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster affects a number of enzyme activities localized in the mitochondria, such as NADH oxidase (activity of the complete respiratory chain), NADH dehydrogenase (the first step in the respiratory chain before transfer to ubiquinone), Succinate dehydrogenase and -Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. The experiments reported here do not exclude the possibility of involvement of other genes in the deficiency. The effect of duplications of the Notch locus on NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase suggest that this locus determines the enzyme activities.The dosage effects of the Notch locus on activity suggest that this locus contains the structural genes for these enzymes.  相似文献   

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