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The expression of all four fgfr genes was extensively examined throughout early embryogenesis of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). fgfr1 alone was expressed maternally throughout the blastoderm, and then zygotically in the anterior neural plate and presomitic mesoderm. fgfr4 expression was first detected in late blastulae and was gradually restricted to the brain. fgfr2 and fgfr3 expression were initiated in early and late gastrulae, respectively; fgfr2 was expressed in the anterior neural plate and somitic mesoderm, whereas fgfr3 was activated in the axial mesoderm and then in the midbrain and somitic mesoderm. During somitogenesis, each of these fgfr genes was expressed in a characteristic manner in the brain. Using an FGF signal inhibitor, dominant-negative FGF receptors and fgf8.1/fgf8a mutants, we found that fgfr expression is directly or indirectly regulated by FGF signaling during epiboly and at the end of somitogenesis, revealing the presence of an autoregulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Several members of the FGF gene family have been shown to intervene from various tissue sources to direct otic placode induction and otic vesicle formation. In this study we define the roles of FGF8, found in different expression domains during this process, in mice and chickens. By conditional inactivation of Fgf8 in distinct tissue compartments we demonstrate that Fgf8 is required in the mesoderm and endoderm during early inner ear development. In the chicken embryo, overexpression of Fgf8 from various tissue sources during otic specification leads to a loss of otic tissue. In contrast ectopic overexpression of Fgf10, a major player during murine otic induction, does not influence otic vesicle formation in chicken embryos but results in the formation of ectopic structures with a non-otic character. This study underlines the crucial role of a defined Fgf8 expression pattern controlling inner ear formation in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Inner ear develops from an induced surface ectoderm placode that invaginates and closes to form the otic vesicle, which then undergoes a complex morphogenetic process to form the membranous labyrinth. Inner ear morphogenesis is severely affected in Gata3 deficient mouse embryos, but the onset and basis of the phenotype has not been known. We show here that Gata3 deficiency leads to severe and unique abnormalities during otic placode invagination. The invagination problems are accompanied often by the formation of a morphological boundary between the dorsal and ventral otic cup and by the precocious appearance of dorsal endolymphatic characteristics. In addition, the endolymphatic domain often detaches from the rest of the otic epithelium during epithelial closure. The expression of several cell adhesion mediating genes is altered in Gata3 deficient ears suggesting that Gata3 controls adhesion and morphogenetic movements in early otic epithelium. Inactivation of Gata3 leads also to a loss of Fgf10 expression in otic epithelium and auditory ganglion demonstrating that Gata3 is an important regulator of Fgf-signalling during otic development.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein D (ApoD) is a secreted protein that belongs to the lipocalin family. We describe the expression pattern of ApoD during mouse embryogenesis by in situ hybridization using RNA probes. ApoD is expressed at E9 in mesenchymal cells in the rombencephalic–mesencephalic region. At E9.5 the cephalic ApoD-positive cells appear in the mesenchyme, and at later stages (starting at E10.5) ApoD expression is seen in meninges. Within the neuroepithelium, ApoD is expressed in pericytes surrounding brain and spinal cord capillaries from E10.5 to birth. Other places of expression of ApoD are the mesenchyme surrounding the olfactory epithelium and semicircular canals, as well as chondroblasts of skull and vertebrae.  相似文献   

Nebulette, a cardiac homologue of nebulin, colocalizes with alpha-actinin in the pre-myofibrils of spreading cardiomyocytes and has been hypothesized to play a critical role in the formation of the thin-filament-Z-line complex early during myofibrillogenesis. Data from mesodermal explants or whole tissue mounts of developing hearts suggest that the pattern of myofibrillogenesis in situ may differ from observations of spreading cardiomyocytes. To evaluate the role of nebulette in myofibrillogenesis, we have analyzed the expression of nebulette in chicken heart rudiments by immunoblots and immunofluorescence. We detect the 110 kDa nebulette in heart rudiments derived from stage 9-10 using the anti-nebulin mAb, N114, or polyclonal anti-nebulette Abs by immunoblotting. Immunofluorescence analysis of explants stained with anti-nebulette and anti-alpha-actinin Abs demonstrates that both proteins localize along actin filaments in punctate to continuous manner at early stages of cardiac development and later give rise to striations. In both cases, the punctate staining had a periodicity of approximately 1.0 microm indicating a pre-myofibrils distribution at the earliest time points examined. We demonstrate that nebulette is indeed associated with premyofibrils in very early stages of myofibrillogenesis and suggest that nebulette may play an important role in the formation of these structures.  相似文献   

Alix is a cytoplasmic protein involved in both programmed cell death and endocytosis (Oncogene 21 (2002) 6801). These activities of Alix may be related to its demonstrated capacity to bind ALG-2 (Apoptosis Linked Gene-2), CIN85/SETA and endophilins (J. Biol. Chem. 275 (2000) 19275; Science 271 (1996) 521; Cell Death Differ. 6 (1999) 124; J. Biol. Chem. 274 (1999) 1533; J. Biol. Chem. 28 (2002) 29108). Here we report for the first time the developmental expression pattern of Alix protein during chick development. We show by immunochemistry that the protein appears first in the ventral part of the rostral neural tube (stage 16 HH) and then in more caudal parts, thereby following the rostro-caudal maturation of the neural tube. Later on, the protein is found in the distal part of axons as well as in the dermomyotome where it becomes restricted to the muscle progenitors. This first demonstration of Alix modulation during development suggests a role for the protein in early phases of motoneuron and muscle growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is required during multiple stages of inner ear development in many different vertebrates, where it is involved in induction of the otic placode, in formation and morphogenesis of the otic vesicle as well as for cellular differentiation within the sensory epithelia. In this study we have looked to define the redundant and conserved roles of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10 during the development of the murine and avian inner ear. In the mouse, hindbrain-derived FGF10 ectopically induces FGF8 and rescues otic vesicle formation in Fgf3 and Fgf10 homozygous double mutants. Conditional inactivation of Fgf8 after induction of the placode does not interfere with otic vesicle formation and morphogenesis but affects cellular differentiation in the inner ear. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf8 during induction of the placode in a homozygous Fgf3 null background leads to a reduced size otic vesicle or the complete absence of otic tissue. This latter phenotype is more severe than the one observed in mutants carrying null mutations for both Fgf3 and Fgf10 that develop microvesicles. However, FGF3 and FGF10 are redundantly required for morphogenesis of the otic vesicle and the formation of semicircular ducts. In the chicken embryo, misexpression of Fgf3 in the hindbrain induces ectopic otic vesicles in vivo. On the other hand, Fgf3 expression in the hindbrain or pharyngeal endoderm is required for formation of the otic vesicle from the otic placode. Together these results provide important insights into how the spatial and temporal expression of various FGFs controls different steps of inner ear formation during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that nephron progenitor cells of the embryonic kidney are arranged in a series of compartments of an increasing state of differentiation. The earliest progenitor compartment, distinguished by expression of CITED1, possesses greater capacity for renewal and differentiation than later compartments. Signaling events governing progression of nephron progenitor cells through stages of increasing differentiation are poorly understood, and their elucidation will provide key insights into normal and dysregulated nephrogenesis, as well as into regenerative processes that follow kidney injury. In this study, we found that the mouse CITED1(+) progenitor compartment is maintained in response to receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) ligands that activate both FGF and EGF receptors. This RTK signaling function is dependent on RAS and PI3K signaling but not ERK. In vivo, RAS inactivation by expression of sprouty 1 (Spry1) in CITED1(+) nephron progenitors results in loss of characteristic molecular marker expression and in increased death of progenitor cells. Lineage tracing shows that surviving Spry1-expressing progenitor cells are impaired in their subsequent epithelial differentiation, infrequently contributing to epithelial structures. These findings demonstrate that the survival and developmental potential of cells in the earliest embryonic nephron progenitor cell compartment are dependent on FGF/EGF signaling through RAS.  相似文献   

ATM, the gene mutated in ataxia telangiectasia, is a protein essential for handling DNA strand breaks. We recently isolated the Xenopus homologue of ATM, X-ATM and we report here the detailed expression pattern of the protein and the mRNA during early Xenopus development. During the cleavage stages, ATM protein was concentrated in and around the nuclei of all cells with low levels of expression also detected in the cytoplasm. Following neurulation, increased protein levels were detected in the nuclei of developing somites and in the central nervous system. Areas of high protein expression correlated with areas of increased mRNA expression which was detected in the nuclei of somites and the developing lens. Received: 2 December 1999 / Accepted: 4 February 2000  相似文献   

Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is an important regulator of stress-induced cell death. ASK1 is activated by oxidative stress, TNF and endoplasmatic reticulum stress and activates the JNK- and p38-dependent intracellular death pathways. A number of studies have suggested that ASK1 may also have other roles in addition to its pro-apoptotic activity. Expression of ASK1 during early embryonic development has so far not been analyzed. We have identified and cloned chick ASK1 in a screen for FGF8 inducible genes in chick facial mesenchyme. Here we report the expression of chick ASK1 from the gastrulation stage (HH4) to day 4 of development, its expression in the developing inner organs and limbs, and we compare its expression to the expression of Ask1 during mouse development. Furthermore, we provide evidence that FGF signaling is required for ASK1 expression in chick nasal mesenchyme. In contrast, expression in the mouse nasal region was restricted to the epithelium and was independent of FGF signaling. Our analysis demonstrates that ASK1 has a spatially restricted and temporally dynamic expression pattern in both chick and mouse embryos, which includes conserved as well as species-specific expression domains.  相似文献   

We report the cloning of full-length cDNAs for a plasminogen-related growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), its tyrosine kinase receptor, c-met, and a close member of the same family, hepatocyte growth factor-like/macrophage stimulating protein (HGFI/MSP), from the chick. We have used these cDNAs to provide the first report of the expression of this family of growth factors and the c-met receptor at early stages of vertebrate development. RNAase protection and wholemount in situ hyb ridization were used on chick embryos between formation of the primitive streak and early organogenesis. We find patterns of expression for HGF/SF and its receptor c-met consistent with their known roles in ep ithelial-mesenchymal transformation and angiogenesis. In addition, these genes and HGFI/MSP are expressed in discrete locations within developing somites, suggesting a role in paraxial mesodermal development. Very strong and early expression of HGF/SF in the elevating limb buds suggests its involvement in limb outgrowth. HGFI/MSP is expressed in the notochord and then in the prospective floor plate region and could play a role in development of the neural tube. Interestingly, c-met is often more closely as sociated with HGFI/MSP than with its known ligand, HGF/SF, raising the possibility that c-met expression may be induced by HGFI/MSP. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Wnt signaling pathway is highly conserved across metazoa and has pleiotropic functions in the development of many animals. Binding of a secreted Wnt ligand to its Frizzled (Fz) receptor activates Dishevelled, which then drives one of three major signaling cascades, canonical (β-catenin), calcium, or planar cell polarity signaling. These pathways have distinct developmental effects and function in different processes in different organisms. Here we report the expression of six wnt and three fz genes during embryogenesis of the sea star, Patiria miniata, as a first step in uncovering the roles of Wnt signaling in the development of this organism. wnt3, wnt4, wnt8, and wnt16 are expressed in nested domains in the endoderm and lateral ectoderm from blastula through late gastrula stages; wnt2 and wnt5 are expressed in the mesoderm and anterior endoderm. Expression of different fz paralogs is detected in the mesoderm; posterior endoderm and ectoderm; and anterior ectoderm. Taken together, this suggests that Wnt signaling can occur throughout most of the embryo and may therefore play multiple roles during sea star development.  相似文献   

The Wnt signaling pathway is highly conserved across metazoa and has pleiotropic functions in the development of many animals. Binding of a secreted Wnt ligand to its Frizzled (Fz) receptor activates Dishevelled, which then drives one of three major signaling cascades, canonical (β-catenin), calcium, or planar cell polarity signaling. These pathways have distinct developmental effects and function in different processes in different organisms. Here we report the expression of six wnt and three fz genes during embryogenesis of the sea star, Patiria miniata, as a first step in uncovering the roles of Wnt signaling in the development of this organism. wnt3, wnt4, wnt8, and wnt16 are expressed in nested domains in the endoderm and lateral ectoderm from blastula through late gastrula stages; wnt2 and wnt5 are expressed in the mesoderm and anterior endoderm. Expression of different fz paralogs is detected in the mesoderm; posterior endoderm and ectoderm; and anterior ectoderm. Taken together, this suggests that Wnt signaling can occur throughout most of the embryo and may therefore play multiple roles during sea star development.  相似文献   

Interaction of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases with their membrane bound ephrin ligands initiates bidirectional signaling events that regulate cell migratory and adhesive behavior. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed overlapping expression of the Epha1 receptor and its high-affinity ligands ephrin A1 (Efna1) and ephrin A3 (Efna3) in the primitive streak and the posterior paraxial mesoderm during early mouse development. These results show complex and dynamic expression for all three genes with expression domains that are successively complementary, overlapping, and divergent.  相似文献   

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